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Bladesworn - Shield Master trait


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11 hours ago, Dirame.8521 said:

Isn't that the name of the game? Win the 1v1 or stall it? For me, this is a non-issue. 

Stalling the 1v1 is fine, but I would rather that be more from skill expression than (because of my build set up I reflect almost all projectiles, but also outheal melee damage).

I mean, it is the name of the game, but it feels like it was granted by a cursed monkey paw if you get my drift. It's an implementation of what warrior needs that grants it in the most obnoxious way. Warrior needed sustain and projectile hate, sure, but...

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 @Leo G.4501yes, aegis spam is very healthy for warrior with shield master trait. I'm not taking about 3 sec of evade that's ridiculous. I mean u're standing still w/o ability to dodge and all you have is protect/aegis, Aegis is only one block but for 3 sec, which is why even good bladesworn won't be using it as some major tactical reactive defense to charge ur DT . Aegis spam is toxic due to shield master trait. However, if they decide that aegis shouldn't reflect incoming damage you'd nerf other things such as sundering leap. 

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7 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

 @Leo G.4501yes, aegis spam is very healthy for warrior with shield master trait. I'm not taking about 3 sec of evade that's ridiculous. I mean u're standing still w/o ability to dodge and all you have is protect/aegis, Aegis is only one block but for 3 sec, which is why even good bladesworn won't be using it as some major tactical reactive defense to charge ur DT . Aegis spam is toxic due to shield master trait. However, if they decide that aegis shouldn't reflect incoming damage you'd nerf other things such as sundering leap. 

Sure, pick your poison. I said it before.

You don't need 3 sec of evade on triggerguard for it to be strong. 1-3/4sec has already been deemed exceptionally powerful in other instances. Just admit you're trading one powerful interaction for another powerful effect that may potentially be stronger. You can then prove it isn't stronger with numbers. That's all.

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12 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Leo G.4501I'd trade something that might be the cause of core warrior nerf for a safe option that would be separated for balance purpose on bsw. 

And this is what I hate with having discussions with people in forums. Rather than just state what they want so we can try and draft a kitten solution, they try to win debates by talking around everything so they can't be pinned or proven wrong or something. What you're telling me is you'd rather win some non-existent debate against someone you don't know rather than fix the problem.

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On 9/9/2023 at 8:28 AM, Lucentfir.7430 said:

The easy fix here if aegis reflecting is really that big of an issue, is to re-tooltip and adjust Shield Master to only affect weapon ability blocks, instead of trying to gut the old interaction with offhand sword block and mace block as collateral.

yea but then warrior mains would have to learn how to play the game and not exploit broken and unintended mechanics. hence why you are seeing push back from a select few forum posters... lollll

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13 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It can be either depending on how you build it.

So the options seem to be "be squishy" or "Use this one trick that ranged players hate!". Or just running shield on your backbar in every build? Cuz even when focusing on healing aspects of warrior, it's a tough run.

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4 hours ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

So the options seem to be "be squishy" or "Use this one trick that ranged players hate!". Or just running shield on your backbar in every build? Cuz even when focusing on healing aspects of warrior, it's a tough run.

Depending on the game mode things like celestial, rabid, cavalier, knight, soldier, or sentinel stats can be taken. In WvW Sentinel builds are extremely durable for instance and use Arms to make up for the crit chance loss and still hit decently hard. In PvE Lord Hizen's bladesworn build uses cavalier and immortal dragon, again with Arms for 100% crit chance on burst, to be functionally immortal since the toughness allows it to tank damage while the bloated burst heals you back to full. In WvW again, if you do Eternal Champion Berserker with Endure/Defy Pain with Headbutt and Savage Instinct you can wade through a zerg spamming weapon skills and not die even with full glass gear. Over in PvP cZerker is doing something similar while using Rabid amulet for extra tankiness.

Shield Mastery is a part of it, but it isn't the sole reason why such builds are tanky. The Defense line in general has made warrior very tanky. Bladesworn's Dragon Slash is bloated so that the warrior espec that CMC designed because it would look cool is kept afloat, so Immortal Dragon will almost always lead to a full heal every ~10s or so in PvE. Digging deeper into Bladesworn in competitive play, the barrier trait itself ends up blocking a bunch of damage. The amount of aegis in the spec now, even without the trait, will block a great deal of damage in the long run. This one trait isn't carrying things sustain wise. If it got nerfed, people would use Electric Fence if they really needed the projectile hate.

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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Depending on the game mode things like celestial, rabid, cavalier, knight, soldier, or sentinel stats can be taken. In WvW Sentinel builds are extremely durable for instance and use Arms to make up for the crit chance loss and still hit decently hard. In PvE Lord Hizen's bladesworn build uses cavalier and immortal dragon, again with Arms for 100% crit chance on burst, to be functionally immortal since the toughness allows it to tank damage while the bloated burst heals you back to full. In WvW again, if you do Eternal Champion Berserker with Endure/Defy Pain with Headbutt and Savage Instinct you can wade through a zerg spamming weapon skills and not die even with full glass gear. Over in PvP cZerker is doing something similar while using Rabid amulet for extra tankiness.

Shield Mastery is a part of it, but it isn't the sole reason why such builds are tanky. The Defense line in general has made warrior very tanky. Bladesworn's Dragon Slash is bloated so that the warrior espec that CMC designed because it would look cool is kept afloat, so Immortal Dragon will almost always lead to a full heal every ~10s or so in PvE. Digging deeper into Bladesworn in competitive play, the barrier trait itself ends up blocking a bunch of damage. The amount of aegis in the spec now, even without the trait, will block a great deal of damage in the long run. This one trait isn't carrying things sustain wise. If it got nerfed, people would use Electric Fence if they really needed the projectile hate.

Ah, okay. So it's distinct interactions where the Warrior's survivability comes from. I also forgot that endure pain existed, won't lie. Most utility skills on Warrior are so forgetable.

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16 minutes ago, Kalthea.4326 said:

Ah, okay. So it's distinct interactions where the Warrior's survivability comes from. I also forgot that endure pain existed, won't lie. Most utility skills on Warrior are so forgetable.

EP by itself is forgettable, but when paired with Defy Pain, Headbutt, Savage Instinct, Eternal Champion, Defiant Stance, and Last Stand... Yeah, it becomes very difficult to die.

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To Zebulon:

The only Universe I which "fixing" shield master makes any sense at all is one where warrior either has more mobility, (think a teleport,) where any of the weapons have been updated after 2012, or War had an actual, real, ranged option, or an alternative viable way to force melee engagements. Rifle blows and Cal has said long is is a melee weapon. Good luck with that.

It's a melee class where half of the melee weapons either suck or are redundant. Be thankful your class isn't this pigeonholed.


To Everyone Else: Stop Feeding This Troll.


Zebulon, your posts are all over the place. You have a bunch complaining about the rune changes. Even a few before we knew what they were / they even went through. 2 With misinformation claiming they "deleted" 10% health bonuses / antitoxin rune bonuses. Then several praising the changes and saying how OP relics are... Then a couple posts demanding that they return WvW potions. Followed by 3 praising how amazing the new vial of xp system that replaced it is.

If I had to guess I'd say you're a younger WvW player, who all you do is roam. WvW is not balanced around roaming engagements, as Roy has said many, many times. That's why stats like Concentration and Expertise are allowed there to begin with. Regardless you seem to have a very tremulous grasp on not only the game's systems and how they work but what your own opinions are. And I'd urge you, in the future, to attempt to form one consistent, coherent view of a thing before you go "demanding" that something be changed because you can't deal with it at the moment. You are not the main character of existence. Stop acting like it.

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On 10/3/2023 at 4:05 AM, DownDrisis.4826 said:

To Zebulon:

The only Universe I which "fixing" shield master makes any sense at all is one where warrior either has more mobility, (think a teleport,) where any of the weapons have been updated after 2012, or War had an actual, real, ranged option, or an alternative viable way to force melee engagements. Rifle blows and Cal has said long is is a melee weapon. Good luck with that.

It's a melee class where half of the melee weapons either suck or are redundant. Be thankful your class isn't this pigeonholed.


To Everyone Else: Stop Feeding This Troll.


Zebulon, your posts are all over the place. You have a bunch complaining about the rune changes. Even a few before we knew what they were / they even went through. 2 With misinformation claiming they "deleted" 10% health bonuses / antitoxin rune bonuses. Then several praising the changes and saying how OP relics are... Then a couple posts demanding that they return WvW potions. Followed by 3 praising how amazing the new vial of xp system that replaced it is.

If I had to guess I'd say you're a younger WvW player, who all you do is roam. WvW is not balanced around roaming engagements, as Roy has said many, many times. That's why stats like Concentration and Expertise are allowed there to begin with. Regardless you seem to have a very tremulous grasp on not only the game's systems and how they work but what your own opinions are. And I'd urge you, in the future, to attempt to form one consistent, coherent view of a thing before you go "demanding" that something be changed because you can't deal with it at the moment. You are not the main character of existence. Stop acting like it.

Red herring here, red herring there, you have no justification for a game breaking mechanic and your logic is very weak. Anet *clearly does* balance for wvw as evidenced by the... oh.. I don't know.. patch notes for world v world? Just because they are slow to get around to patching game breaking mechanics doesn't mean it justifies their existence. Stop trying to needlessly justify an obviously broken mechanic. Just because warrior is weak doesn't mean this shouldn't be fixed. You can have it both ways. Fix the kitten broken trait and buff warrior.

No one has addressed this perfectly valid point: If there were a trait that allowed blind to work on unlimited attacks, it would be absolutely *game breaking.*

Edited by The Game Slayer.7632
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On 10/2/2023 at 7:58 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Depending on the game mode things like celestial, rabid, cavalier, knight, soldier, or sentinel stats can be taken. In WvW Sentinel builds are extremely durable for instance and use Arms to make up for the crit chance loss and still hit decently hard. In PvE Lord Hizen's bladesworn build uses cavalier and immortal dragon, again with Arms for 100% crit chance on burst, to be functionally immortal since the toughness allows it to tank damage while the bloated burst heals you back to full. In WvW again, if you do Eternal Champion Berserker with Endure/Defy Pain with Headbutt and Savage Instinct you can wade through a zerg spamming weapon skills and not die even with full glass gear. Over in PvP cZerker is doing something similar while using Rabid amulet for extra tankiness.

Shield Mastery is a part of it, but it isn't the sole reason why such builds are tanky. The Defense line in general has made warrior very tanky. Bladesworn's Dragon Slash is bloated so that the warrior espec that CMC designed because it would look cool is kept afloat, so Immortal Dragon will almost always lead to a full heal every ~10s or so in PvE. Digging deeper into Bladesworn in competitive play, the barrier trait itself ends up blocking a bunch of damage. The amount of aegis in the spec now, even without the trait, will block a great deal of damage in the long run. This one trait isn't carrying things sustain wise. If it got nerfed, people would use Electric Fence if they really needed the projectile hate.

Also objectively speaking the issues aren't even necessarily any of those individual things. Bladesworn isn't the only class with on demand Aegis as a defensive tool, or on demand anything as defensive tools. There are plenty of classes with either on demand Aegis, on demand Blind, or on demand Evade (or both in the case of Guardian with Aegis and Blind), so that within itself isn't really the issue...I think people just dislike that its on Warrior now, which I completely understand being someone that has to fight all of that on demand stuff that completely cuts off the Warrior profession mechanic.

Honestly its the fact that with many people they are always, always going to gravitate to the "annoying to kill and will kill you easily" builds, which is precisely what the Str/Def/BSW build is. It is Adrenal Health + Combat Stim + MMR + Relic of the Defender + Barrier + Aegis + Immortal Dragon (if using it but most people will use Unyielding). And there are plenty of those builds around lately, it isn't just Bladesworn. We have perma dazing Mesmers, perma immob spam from Rangers, Harbingers just vomiting out all kinds of "burst" condi damage, Condi Zerker becoming hyper viable and annoying because of the introduction of a single Relic, Scrappers are still capable of perma Super Speed in WvW, Thieves perma stealthing, and so on and so on. It is to a point that ANet needs to start considering another layer of "splits" for skills and traits, not just the game mode kind but the kind that identifies if you have a certain Elite Spec equipped and changes a skill/trait accordingly. Like, for instance, if you have Bladesworn equipped Adrenal Health changes to do less healing but only if they have Bladesworn equipped.

I'm currently using Bladesworn but without Defense, and its still perfectly viable to use albeit more difficult because I'm not leaning so hard on the crutch that is stacking all of those things together with Defense, and yes it is a crutch...an immense crutch, I know because I felt it while using it. I don't even use MMR because truthfully its not absolutely necessary to run these things. Granted Bladesworn still feels a janky to play (mostly the not being able to kittening stow the gunsaber) but I much prefer not being propped up by Defense being paired with everything else.

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7 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Also objectively speaking the issues aren't even necessarily any of those individual things. Bladesworn isn't the only class with on demand Aegis as a defensive tool, or on demand anything as defensive tools. There are plenty of classes with either on demand Aegis, on demand Blind, or on demand Evade (or both in the case of Guardian with Aegis and Blind), so that within itself isn't really the issue...I think people just dislike that its on Warrior now, which I completely understand being someone that has to fight all of that on demand stuff that completely cuts off the Warrior profession mechanic.

Honestly its the fact that with many people they are always, always going to gravitate to the "annoying to kill and will kill you easily" builds, which is precisely what the Str/Def/BSW build is. It is Adrenal Health + Combat Stim + MMR + Relic of the Defender + Barrier + Aegis + Immortal Dragon (if using it but most people will use Unyielding). And there are plenty of those builds around lately, it isn't just Bladesworn. We have perma dazing Mesmers, perma immob spam from Rangers, Harbingers just vomiting out all kinds of "burst" condi damage, Condi Zerker becoming hyper viable and annoying because of the introduction of a single Relic, Scrappers are still capable of perma Super Speed in WvW, Thieves perma stealthing, and so on and so on. It is to a point that ANet needs to start considering another layer of "splits" for skills and traits, not just the game mode kind but the kind that identifies if you have a certain Elite Spec equipped and changes a skill/trait accordingly. Like, for instance, if you have Bladesworn equipped Adrenal Health changes to do less healing but only if they have Bladesworn equipped.

I'm currently using Bladesworn but without Defense, and its still perfectly viable to use albeit more difficult because I'm not leaning so hard on the crutch that is stacking all of those things together with Defense, and yes it is a crutch...an immense crutch, I know because I felt it while using it. I don't even use MMR because truthfully its not absolutely necessary to run these things. Granted Bladesworn still feels a janky to play (mostly the not being able to kittening stow the gunsaber) but I much prefer not being propped up by Defense being paired with everything else.

Personally, I think further splitting will just cause a balance headache for Anet. CMC and Roy alone would not be able to handle that. Can they do it in extreme outlier cases? Sure, but I do not think that BSW with AH is one of those, because as you said, it's a combination of a multitude of traits, not any one trait.

There are two things that they've been stripping from Competitive play that if they reversed course would alleviate some of the issues:

  1. Return more Hard CC damage
  2. Return more of the Boon Rips/Corrupts, and more unblockable ones

Boons are a problem and yet they've been reducing the amount of boon corrupts and rips in the game modes where they are most needed. Hard CCs getting more damage back would help counter pressure annoying builds.

The perma immob Rangers, perma daze mesmers can be addressed with CD increases. Perma stealth can be addressed by changing it's stacking rules. Scrappers having perma superspeed is also a CD issue.

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10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Personally, I think further splitting will just cause a balance headache for Anet. CMC and Roy alone would not be able to handle that. Can they do it in extreme outlier cases? Sure, but I do not think that BSW with AH is one of those, because as you said, it's a combination of a multitude of traits, not any one trait.

There are two things that they've been stripping from Competitive play that if they reversed course would alleviate some of the issues:

  1. Return more Hard CC damage
  2. Return more of the Boon Rips/Corrupts, and more unblockable ones

Boons are a problem and yet they've been reducing the amount of boon corrupts and rips in the game modes where they are most needed. Hard CCs getting more damage back would help counter pressure annoying builds.

The perma immob Rangers, perma daze mesmers can be addressed with CD increases. Perma stealth can be addressed by changing it's stacking rules. Scrappers having perma superspeed is also a CD issue.

I was suggesting more splits due to the fact that typically even CD adjustments to address those things would impact the builds that these issues are not occurring on. The problems come into play when an Elite Spec enters the equation. For instance we're not likely to see Core Warrior get any substantial improvements because its going to indirectly buff any one of the other Elite Specs., well that and because ANet wants people to buy expansions.

Also CMC and Roy seem fine with adding weight onto their already existing headaches because they just split Runes into Runes and Relics, and gave every Specialization access to all currently available weapons on a class regardless of Elite Spec equipped with yet another series of weapons coming soon. The already complicated balance headache was just made more complicated with the addition of those things. Look at how Akeem just changed the dynamic where Condi's are effectively bursting people again (remember when this happened before many years ago? t'was a problem) where they may as well be hitting you with power damage or have a "detonate conditions" button.

At least with another tier of splits like that it would allow them to reign in things that become issues with any given Elite Spec added to the equation that essentially creates the problem and then they wouldn't need to indirectly gut other Specializations because of it. Which is exactly the things that happened to Core Warrior and Berserker (which led to its infamous "rework" eventually) because they were trying to address issues with Spellbreaker having the obscene sustain it had in the early days of PoF. Imagine if they had that extra layer of splits on traits or skills? Berserker wouldn't have been gutted like it was, Core wouldn't have needed to struggle as much as it did, and so on and so on. You can apply that to any of the other classes as well.

This is the hole they dug with how things were designed, now they gotta sit in it and find ways out.

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it isn't really unusual for them. look at how they balanced gw1. even there newer expansions gave the option for more skills and thus you ended up with a balance in pvp that hasn't shifted in a long time. I doubt they gonna "fix" it, but rather use bandaid options. in pvp some skills or pretty much most skills are useless. you need short recharge and low mana costs with relatively big gains for them to be considered of use. if skills with longer recharge are used players usually rely on other skills to bypass them. think with gw2 there is hardly a difference to that. we got sigil of stamina and frenzy for dodge attacks and skill recharge.

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On 10/3/2023 at 4:05 AM, DownDrisis.4826 said:

To Zebulon:

The only Universe I which "fixing" shield master makes any sense at all is one where warrior either has more mobility, (think a teleport,) where any of the weapons have been updated after 2012, or War had an actual, real, ranged option, or an alternative viable way to force melee engagements. Rifle blows and Cal has said long is is a melee weapon. Good luck with that.

It's a melee class where half of the melee weapons either suck or are redundant. Be thankful your class isn't this pigeonholed.


To Everyone Else: Stop Feeding This Troll.



Exactly this ^.

 * Ele has 1/3 uptime on Magnetic Aura alone just by equipping an earth shield (Which is Broken AF itself.) 4s duration - 12s cd.

 * That's before you even factor in alacrity. Which Temepest is more than capable of over-capping on, since unlike Warrior, it has it's PvE alac durations here. That chunks it up to 50%!?

 * Plenty of other classes have similar "uptime" on reflects if you spec into it. (Which warrior has to do in this case by giving up the very powerful [Cull the Weak]. -- See Rev Tablet, Firebrand Tomes, Engi Turrets, etc.


>>> This Zebulon dude hasn't even logged in since they posted this. Clearly just a dude stirring the pot and watching you morons fight about this. <<<


Instead of complaining about how a thing that's pretty much accepted as part of how the trait works at this point, suggest other things that ArenaNet could do to keep the class functional that are less bugged/more "fun." e.g. Better gap closers, Possible Magnetic Aura (less duration on block or aegis application, straight reworks to block skills to just make them also reflect projectiles, etc.

If you want to "balance/fix SM" give Warrior better gap closers or other reflects. End of discussion. Stop talking nonsense in circles and getting this thread more attention where ANet's not gonna read it, read the title, and just dumpster Warrior even further.


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39 minutes ago, pninak.1069 said:

it isn't really unusual for them. look at how they balanced gw1. even there newer expansions gave the option for more skills and thus you ended up with a balance in pvp that hasn't shifted in a long time. I doubt they gonna "fix" it, but rather use bandaid options. in pvp some skills or pretty much most skills are useless. you need short recharge and low mana costs with relatively big gains for them to be considered of use. if skills with longer recharge are used players usually rely on other skills to bypass them. think with gw2 there is hardly a difference to that. we got sigil of stamina and frenzy for dodge attacks and skill recharge.

Fair enough, but at the same time there were at least options either based on team composition or what you wanted your role to be. It wasn't just all War/Mo or Mes/A. There were at least more viable builds with more skills being utilized. Also Warrior had viable ranged, usually because of Paragon.

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On 10/8/2023 at 2:52 PM, FellFalls.3750 said:

Exactly this ^.

 * Ele has 1/3 uptime on Magnetic Aura alone just by equipping an earth shield (Which is Broken AF itself.) 4s duration - 12s cd.

 * That's before you even factor in alacrity. Which Temepest is more than capable of over-capping on, since unlike Warrior, it has it's PvE alac durations here. That chunks it up to 50%!?

 * Plenty of other classes have similar "uptime" on reflects if you spec into it. (Which warrior has to do in this case by giving up the very powerful [Cull the Weak]. -- See Rev Tablet, Firebrand Tomes, Engi Turrets, etc.

Something you need to understand is Aegis with Shield Master is more than just perma reflect, the skills that apply it are also attacks, and Aegis itself is a block so unlike Mag Aura you cannot simply swap to melee and start dpsing. I've played a considerable amount of Bladesworn and you can effortlessly weave your Aegis into your damage rotation, it's not like you have to go out of your way to use a special skill or stand in some aoe. Also, you do not get to point to another busted spec like Catalyst and use that as an excuse for why Shield Master is ok, hammer Cata could use some adjustments too.

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On 10/3/2023 at 3:05 AM, DownDrisis.4826 said:

To Zebulon:

The only Universe I which "fixing" shield master makes any sense at all is one where warrior either has more mobility, (think a teleport,) where any of the weapons have been updated after 2012, or War had an actual, real, ranged option, or an alternative viable way to force melee engagements. Rifle blows and Cal has said long is is a melee weapon. Good luck with that.

It's a melee class where half of the melee weapons either suck or are redundant. Be thankful your class isn't this pigeonholed.


To Everyone Else: Stop Feeding This Troll.


Zebulon, your posts are all over the place. You have a bunch complaining about the rune changes. Even a few before we knew what they were / they even went through. 2 With misinformation claiming they "deleted" 10% health bonuses / antitoxin rune bonuses. Then several praising the changes and saying how OP relics are... Then a couple posts demanding that they return WvW potions. Followed by 3 praising how amazing the new vial of xp system that replaced it is.

If I had to guess I'd say you're a younger WvW player, who all you do is roam. WvW is not balanced around roaming engagements, as Roy has said many, many times. That's why stats like Concentration and Expertise are allowed there to begin with. Regardless you seem to have a very tremulous grasp on not only the game's systems and how they work but what your own opinions are. And I'd urge you, in the future, to attempt to form one consistent, coherent view of a thing before you go "demanding" that something be changed because you can't deal with it at the moment. You are not the main character of existence. Stop acting like it.

This is probably one of the most unhinged responses I've read on these forums. Pretty much everything you said in here is the opposite of reality. That's why I spend my time playing GW2 or other things, instead of interacting with forum warriors.

Nice to see some other people having a real discussion in here, though.

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