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Does this call for an Uninstall?


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Honestly,  couldn't be more disappointed in seeing this patch go live today. It's a bad balance patch that should never have gone live but to top it all off, the whole "we hear you" sounds more like a "we hear you but don't care." The lack of any transparency on this has me really bummed out and honestly, my desire to play anymore has reached its falling off point.

As someone who's been playing since two weeks after launch, I just can't in good faith support this game and Anet until I see some major changes in the way they conduct themselves and how they treat us. It really sucks but I finally have to hit that Uninstall button.

My only hope with this post is enough others also commit to an uninstall that Anet has no choice but to listen. I didn't want it to come to this but if they start seeing player counts dropping off due to this, maybe they will revert these changes or at the very least start listening instead of acting in our presumed best interest.

Good luck to those who will remain and stand strong whoever joins me.

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Personally, I've made a firm decision for myself - no in-game purchases or buying new DLCs, especially pre-orders. After such a spit in the face of the players, they dare to ask for more money with "new DLC" in same day? This isn't even audacity... I don't know what to call it.

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1 hour ago, Antrix.4512 said:

Personally, I've made a firm decision for myself - no in-game purchases or buying new DLCs, especially pre-orders. After such a spit in the face of the players, they dare to ask for more money with "new DLC" in same day? This isn't even audacity... I don't know what to call it.

"Look at this mess we made! Want more?~"

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7 minutes ago, Luvi.2581 said:

"Look at this mess we made! Want more?~"

You know, you've pretty much described my feelings when this abomination they call a balance patch was released yesterday. It's as if you read my mind.

Edited by Antrix.4512
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2 hours ago, Otter.3841 said:

Honestly,  couldn't be more disappointed in seeing this patch go live today. It's a bad balance patch that should never have gone live but to top it all off, the whole "we hear you" sounds more like a "we hear you but don't care." The lack of any transparency on this has me really bummed out and honestly, my desire to play anymore has reached its falling off point.

As someone who's been playing since two weeks after launch, I just can't in good faith support this game and Anet until I see some major changes in the way they conduct themselves and how they treat us. It really sucks but I finally have to hit that Uninstall button.

My only hope with this post is enough others also commit to an uninstall that Anet has no choice but to listen. I didn't want it to come to this but if they start seeing player counts dropping off due to this, maybe they will revert these changes or at the very least start listening instead of acting in our presumed best interest.

Good luck to those who will remain and stand strong whoever joins me.

I uninstalled a few weeks ago myself, but I still plan on checking the forums in case there are some changes that make me want to return. I'm just so sick of the way they approach profession design and balance, and if my preferred class isn't enjoyable, then I simply do not want to play the game and be a metric they can point to and say, "they're still playing, so let's push on ahead on our current path!"

Just as an example - how long have ele players been begging for a play style that fulfills the traditional mage archetype so many people are looking for? And how many people on the forums have been dying for ele to get a longbow as a new weapon? 

Despite all the feedback on the forums, what did we get in EoD? A hammer wielding core ele with an F5 skill that they still tried to sell as a "traditional mage." What are we getting after this mini-expansion releases? Mainhand pistol. 

With core/HoT/PoF, playing GW2 was like going to a restaurant where whatever dish you ordered, Anet was going to put their own distinct spin on it that was unique to Anet. It wasn't exactly what you wanted, but the fundamental ingredients are still there, and it's still good, so you keep coming back. These past 2-3 years though? It's like I'm getting my hopes up for a dish that I know will probably have some unique Anet spin on it, but they're serving this weird deconstructed "different for the sake of being different" amalgamation of ideas that gets served out of a lightbulb. 

It's not just that it doesn't even remotely resemble what I'd asked or hoped for, but it doesn't even make sense. With that being the case for so long now, why should we keep coming back to the game? 

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2 hours ago, Antrix.4512 said:

After such a spit in the face of the players, they dare to ask for more money with "new DLC" in same day? This isn't even audacity... I don't know what to call it.

Disdain for their player base with a sprinkle of hubris thrown in. 

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23 minutes ago, loregnum.3619 said:

Disdain for their player base with a sprinkle of hubris thrown in. 

Kind of like Blizzard during their "do you guys even have phones?" BFA + Shadowlands era with WoW. Or when players were still requesting official classic servers and their response was basically "you think you want it, but you really don't."

But then the classic servers turned out to be a huge hit, and now that they've been incorporating lots of player feedback in their latest expac, WoW has also turned around. Crazy how that happens when you simply give the players what they are asking for and focus on making it fun before worrying about anything else. 

Just as a sidenote, I don't think it's fair for players to be calling developers out by name and asking for them to be replaced like they did with this patch + the one last year, but it's 100% fair and justified for the players, as consumers, to be critical of Anet as a developer for not delivering on their promises. I think it's fine for developers to have their own vision and wishes from a game that they probably also enjoy playing, but it's on Anet and their managers to do a better job of making sure the whims of individual developers don't compromise the gameplay experience for the players who actually fund the game with our time and money. 

As it stands, I think Anet has shown that even though their words and promises and trailers are all very pretty and exciting, the players cannot trust Anet to follow through on their promises with their actions. It is perfectly acceptable to be critical of the producer of a product of that product does not live up to what they advertised, but I don't think it's okay for the players to attack the individual workers when really it's on Anet as a whole to manage those practices from within. 

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Uninstall? Nah, but I certainly have been uninspired since EoD to log in regularly... maybe at all...

"We hear you (but don't care)" sums it up perfectly.

I'll probably come back to finish my Gen 1 legendary weapons, but buying the new stuff? Nah.

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As a thief main who has been buying gems on monthly basis ever since the last time devs listened to the overwhelming number of negative feedbacks from players in our profession, I also think I should stop doing that and reassess the favoritism in their balance patches for now.

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I've been playing since 2014 and last summer (2022) i made the decision of leaving this game. I regret my purchase of eod and this account that was gifted to a friend that left for the same reasons. The thing they call balance is going crazy since eod and they didnt stop messing with their game lately just to name some excuse.

It was good till it lasted, ofcourse i wont spend a cent on this game never ever again nor any new product they pretend to realase.

Goodbye Anet

Edited by Ruisenior.6342
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13 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I stopped buying gems long ago, even though i want to, and i'm on the fence about buying the expansion.

I just can't understand how this is allowed to go on. I've lost all trust in Anet.

I know we don't have the best relationship but 100% agree. I mean they even had to disable 2 traits after update went live, i guess no QA testing.

I mostly farm Bitterfrost and net about 200 gold per week which fuels my Gem expenditures, last gems I got were for my Wife's account.

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3 hours ago, Helgaley.3619 said:

...my preferred class....

I see things differently.  I play for WvW mainly, and have builds for all classes.  I like being able to switch styles depending upon my mood.

But the current patches are making all classes more and more similar,  at least for blob warfare.  Sure, we hit different buttons in different orders, but the one true style of blobbing is the end state. No counterplay, no asymmetry,  just practice your button presses and optimize your group comp.

Remember when we had front and back lines, and you manuevered for advantage around these,with skirmishers picking off the edges? Wish we could go back. 😞

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My will to play has gone out the window too with the Druid changes.

I already hated the Scourge changes. The community was loud in their disdain for Scourge changes and it didn't really make a difference. More terrible changes in the name of universal alacrity and quickness options are to come, so I don't see myself investing time into another class/elite spec when it's been disrespected to this extent, and I'm not going to become a Guardian main, so what's the point?

Druid was my last hope, and I was skeptical of the changes, but truly I didn't think it could be as bad as what happened with my Scourge and it actually is. The Druid changes are a slap in the face after I was still reeling from the Scourge slap. There's just nothing I can say that is positive.

I think they need to stop playing fast and loose with specs they clearly do not play and instead listen to feedback or get some actual playtesters who have experience with the specs they're looking to overhaul because this is just the worst.

I've been playing for almost 8 years and I can't remember a time where I've felt worse about this game than I do right now.

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