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Elementalist Getting Main Hand Pistol in Expansion 4! Whats your ideas for how it could work?


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Here are some ideas for weaver skill 3:

Fire/Earth: Explosive round, Breaks defiance, applies bleeding

Fire/Water: Vent Steam: Releases superheated steam from the pistol in an AOE around the player, causing blindness and dealing damage.

Fire/Air: Dragon's Breath: Conal AOE shot, applies burning

Earth/Water: Mud shot: Fire at the target to cause slowness

Earth/Air: Bean bag shot: Purely CC, causes knockdown, large defiance break, and a long cooldown

I couldn't think of anything for water/air sadly.

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1 hour ago, sumpwa.1849 said:

Here are some ideas for weaver skill 3:

Fire/Earth: Explosive round, Breaks defiance, applies bleeding

Fire/Water: Vent Steam: Releases superheated steam from the pistol in an AOE around the player, causing blindness and dealing damage.

Fire/Air: Dragon's Breath: Conal AOE shot, applies burning

Earth/Water: Mud shot: Fire at the target to cause slowness

Earth/Air: Bean bag shot: Purely CC, causes knockdown, large defiance break, and a long cooldown

I couldn't think of anything for water/air sadly.

Water/air could be a mist that increases the conductivity of the air for an electric discharge.

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On 8/4/2023 at 5:06 PM, sumpwa.1849 said:

Here are some ideas for weaver skill 3:

Fire/Earth: Explosive round, Breaks defiance, applies bleeding

Fire/Water: Vent Steam: Releases superheated steam from the pistol in an AOE around the player, causing blindness and dealing damage.

Fire/Air: Dragon's Breath: Conal AOE shot, applies burning

Earth/Water: Mud shot: Fire at the target to cause slowness

Earth/Air: Bean bag shot: Purely CC, causes knockdown, large defiance break, and a long cooldown

I couldn't think of anything for water/air sadly.

These are nice.  So sick of having rubbish anti-break bar abilities.

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22 hours ago, Albadaran.1283 said:

No matter what it means for fighting, I dislike 'modern' weapons used by a fantasy character like elementalist. Not a fan of pistol or guns in fantasy games anyway.

     Meanwhile I am always the type that loves modern weapons in Fantasy games because Fantasy can mean literally anything if you twist the world enough. So, I will always be asking for Guns in Fantasy worlds because I think they just fit better with magic and what you can do with it.

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I don't expect too much. It will probably be something like

- Skill 1 :  "Pew" - 

- skill 2 :  "Pew [0.5 s silence]  Pew" -  - CD 5 s

- skill 3 : "Pew [0.5 s silence] Pew [0.5 s silence] Pew" 3 s channeling (skill cancelled if you moved) - if the skill is cancelled, 50% chance to hit yourself on the foot - CD 15 s


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On 6/28/2023 at 7:38 PM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Fire Attunement:
- Fire PewPew - pewpew enemy for 0,5 damage, apply -0.5s burn.
- Fire PewPew on 6s cd - apply 10 burn stacks on yourself.
- Fire PewPew on 15s cd - your hdd burned from embarrassment.
Water Attunement:
- Water PewPew - pewpew enemy for 0,0001 damage, apply 1 vulnerability every 10minutes.
- Water PewPew on 20,75s cd - pewpew enemy and apply chill for -3s and don't deal damage.
- Water PewPew on 21s cd - your freezer stopped working.
Air Attunement:
- Air PewPew - bounce bullets between yourself and enemy, the last one to get hit will get confused (you'll always get last hit).
- Air PewPew on 10s cd - pewpew yourself in the head, get stunned for eternity.
- Air PewPew on 15s cd - your electricity bill costs 2k $ each day.
Earth Attunement:
- Earth PewPew - throw unpeeled potatoes at enemies, deal emotional damage.
- Earth PewPew on 12s cd - quickly pewpew 10 peanuts at enemy, all misses the target.
- Earth PewPew on 30s cd - your shoes get dirt on them without going outside.
Something like that I guess? Cooldowns ofc may be wrong, but I'm confident that rest is correct.

Can you do the weaver combinations skills too plz ❤️ ?

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