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ANET hates Mesmers - Show your dissatisfaction


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8 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

ye and all of them are kitten, like sure you technically HAVE them but in practice they are trash.
its as if I said that warrior can use rifle so warrior is a good range class.
in theory you can hit someone from range but in practice warrior kittening sucks at it.

Thanks for admitting to provide the definition of a strawman argument I guess.


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I have honestly no words to get into specifics anymore, you can check my history on this and the archived forums. Been saying this same kitten since 2013, getting a lot of "confused faces" by cowards not willing to even refute claims. I only came back to keep my promise that I would try things if Mirage got it's 2nd evade back in competitive modes.

But I wanna say I'm super glad I never bought end of dragons and decided long ago they don't care enough about being fair in any objective way for me to support them or the game. For me no amount of positives PvE could ever make up for the harm they did in PvP and WvW; those were the reasons I got hyped and started playing here in the first place. Other games do PvE just as good if not better, or offer better social experiences. The last thing I remember caring about is the legitimately good mount system, but that is hardly enough to make a game worth playing, and still irrelevant to my reasons for starting in the first place.

Devs have been biased since 2013. There was only 2 or 3 good patches I can think of where fights for mesmer and almost every other class, as a whole was reasonably fair while allowing solid counter matchups that were not one sided auto wins. But the game is rife with double standards: I could get into every little specific skill, and standards of what we allow vs what we don't allow, resource expenditure vs safety, reengaging options,  etc, etc, etc. But my personal favorite that still sickens me was PoF as a perfect allegory for the place of mesmer since 2013: Where untrue arguments against Condi Mirage was that the Mirage had to make mistakes to lose; and that was unfair. A-net silently agreed, and a year later it was considered perfectly fine for the vast majority of Mirage's matchups in reverse against it. And that was long before CMC came in with a wrecking ball. This was just one of many instances across the history of mesmer since 2012.

I said it in another thread and I'm going to say it here (with a few amendments). Each and every person in charge of balance, including the discord, community outreach, and just for the sentiment of it- Anyone who ever complained about mesmer when it was objectively fully out-playable: Should be made (deserves) to ride to the titanic in a sub, with the equivalent quality of development and design as Mirage between 2018 - till now... If you object or wouldn't want to ride that; then the class shouldn't be the way it is now.

A-net you failed. You're just lucky you have a bunch of sheep to keep your lights on.

Edited by Daishi.6027
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You guys have taken to fixing PvP since Mirage was broken,With gw2 I was kept practically only by PvP and playing with mirage,it's time to say goodbye to the game and it's a shame because I've been playing since gw1

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Man, not being able to mirage cloak in CC really feels bad. We can't even use our ambush attack if we get immobilized, that's terrible. Cloaking in hard CCs also meant that we'd sacrifice our ambush attack to avoid damage, mirage is the only spec that needs to use their dodges offensively like that, and it's like every other PvP spec has plenty of invulnerability now and are more tanky than squishy mirage. It's like ANET has no idea what they're doing.

Edited by Argonil.6970
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8 hours ago, Argonil.6970 said:

Man, not being able to mirage cloak in CC really feels bad. We can't even use our ambush attack if we get immobilized, that's terrible. Cloaking in hard CCs also meant that we'd sacrifice our ambush attack to avoid damage, mirage is the only spec that needs to use their dodges offensively like that, and it's like every other PvP spec has plenty of invulnerability now and are more tanky than squishy mirage. It's like ANET has no idea what they're doing.

The reality is It was very broken back when it had this feature and the 2nd dodge.

It was also a commonly suggested fix for bringing back the second dodge by lots of players. This game is not only played by Mesmers so it makes sense to nerfs something that had no counter play. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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3 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The reality is I was very broken back when it had this feature and 2nd dodge.

It was also a common suggested fix for bringing back the second dodge by lots of players. This game is not only played by Mesmers so it makes sense to nerfs something that had no counter play. 

I love the contradiction here 🤣

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3 hours ago, Varis.5467 said:

I love the contradiction here 🤣

The only contradictuon is Mesmers expectation that they should be left alone while the rest of the players base suffer.

Even if some of the nerfs are unjustified and the balance team had a discord that vilified Mesmers players. Doesn't stop the fact that people did not like playing against Mesmer, even the fact that the recent Virtuoso nerfs were pulled directly from the Invulnerability complaints on the PvP forum.

Some suggestions were much harsher nerfs so be thankful we don't have a repeat with the second dodge nerf on Virtuoso. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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2 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The only contradictuon is Mesmers expectation that they should be left alone while the rest of the players base suffer.

Even if some of the nerfs are unjustified and the balance team had a discord that vilified Mesmers players. Doesn't stop the fact that people did not like playing against Mesmer, even the fact that the recent Virtuoso nerfs were pulled directly from the Invulnerability complaints from PvP forums.

Some suggestions were much harsher nerfs so be thankful we don't have a repeat with the second dodge nerf on Virtuoso. 

Being able to dodge in CC was basically their whole elite spec mechanic. Without it you're forced to use dodges to deal damage without there being any upside, and immobilization now prevents us from using our abilities as if it wasn't dangerous enough already. It's no longer an improved dodge, it's "dodges are now an offensive resource" and we don't get anything in return for that handicap. Our dodge is actually worse at moving us out of danger than a normal dodge is. Other specs can kill a mirage 10 times faster than a mirage can kill them and they don't have to spend a dodge to deal that damage. Why is mirage both undertuned and the only one with an elite spec mechanic that makes them worse?

The PvP scene has changed a lot since mirage were overpowered, and they've received heavy damage nerfs on top of that. At this point they're greatly underpowered, there's nothing else to say.

Edited by Argonil.6970
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14 minutes ago, Argonil.6970 said:

Being able to dodge in CC was basically their whole elite spec mechanic. Without it you're forced to use dodges to deal damage without there being any upside, and immobilization now prevents us from using our abilities as if it wasn't dangerous enough already. It's no longer an improved dodge, it's "dodges are now an offensive resource" and we don't get anything in return for that handicap. Our dodge is actually worse at moving us out of danger than a normal dodge is. Other specs can kill a mirage 10 times faster than a mirage can kill them and they don't have to spend a dodge to deal that damage. Why is mirage both undertuned and the only one with an elite spec mechanic that makes them worse?

The PvP scene has changed a lot since mirage were overpowered, and they've received heavy damage nerfs on top of that. At this point they're greatly underpowered, there's nothing else to say.

Okay return dodging while immobilized or stuns but now you have dodge frame like every other class (even Vindicator). No using skills while dodging or moving/attacking.
Would that be a better alternative?

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6 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Okay return dodging while immobilized or stuns but now you have dodge frame like every other class (even Vindicator). No using skills while dodging or moving/attacking.
Would that be a better alternative?

How do you expect that to work with ambush attacks? Why do you insist on trading one nerf for another when they're already underpowered? Go back to your own profession's forum.

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8 minutes ago, Argonil.6970 said:

How do you expect that to work with ambush attacks? Why do you insist on trading one nerf for another when they're already underpowered? Go back to your own profession's forum.

I will stop here since I don't want posts to be removed but I have been here for so long and well known to sticking up for Mesmer.
Mesmer has the broadest use and application than any other profession in game. You can bring it to end-game PvE as a viable DPS, Support, Tank and now Healer. You can bring Chronomancer to most WvW Zergs, you can Roam with either Mirage (even before the nerf with chaining sword ambush). It might not be winning any tournaments, but any Elite can be brought to Conquest PvP.

Edited by Mell.4873
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I will say this again, ANYONE who knows how Mesmer work will never lose to one even with Mirage having 2nd dodge back in the days. I played necro and ele and I never had issues fighting condi mirage back when our 2 dodges functioned the way they did back before all the nerfs. Again it's because I main Mesmer. It is seriously a L2P issue rather than the class being OP. You can ask 99% of the people who are asking for Mesmer nerfs if they even play Mesmer for more than 20 hours and I can say that they would not have even touched Mesmer. 

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2 minutes ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

I will say this again, ANYONE who knows how Mesmer work will never lose to one even with Mirage having 2nd dodge back in the days. I played necro and ele and I never had issues fighting condi mirage back when our 2 dodges functioned the way they did back before all the nerfs. Again it's because I main Mesmer. It is seriously a L2P issue rather than the class being OP. You can ask 99% of the people who are asking for Mesmer nerfs if they even play Mesmer for more than 20 hours and I can say that they would not have even touched Mesmer. 

100% agree, I had the same argument for Virtuoso before they nerfed it. You can watch for the invulnerability animations, and they are extremely easy to see.

But the reality can't be changed, maybe one day all of the Mesmer missing mechanics can be returned.

Edited by Mell.4873
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Just now, Mell.4873 said:

I will stop here since I don't want posts to be removed but I have been here for so long and well known to sticking up for Mesmer.
Mesmer has the broadest use and application than any other profession in game. You can bring it to end-game PvE as a viable DPS, Support, Tank and now Healer. You can bring Chronomancer to most WvW Zergs, you can Roam with either Mirage (even before the nerf with chaining sword ambush). It might not be winning any tournaments, but any Elite can be brought to Conquest PvP.

I see Salt typing; I will stop here since again I have history here and would rather not have stuff removed (normally not my posts)

Chrono you only need one in a zerg because gyros before the nerf offered more than what Chronos can. Wells are always kitten because you needed to be in it for the 2nd half of the effect to proc. If you want to talk about a class that can reach all modes that would be the Firebrand. If you want to talk about superior roaming capabilities thieves are much better at that sector. If you want to talk about healing, support tempest druids are better than what Mesmers can offer. 

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20 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The reality is It was very broken back when it had this feature and the 2nd dodge.

It was also a commonly suggested fix for bringing back the second dodge by lots of players. This game is not only played by Mesmers so it makes sense to nerfs something that had no counter play. 

mirage wasnt broken in the last 4 years. at its peak ( durning my time since 2019 ) at best you could play 1 mirage on sidelane and have 1 bad and 2 good matchups while being hard countered by the only viable roamer ( thief )

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I'm primarily an Open World player, I find great joy in taking down champions solo. SEVERAL specs can do that, so it's not like I'm asking for anything OP/crazy.

That said, this latest patch has made my Mesmer so freaking useless in solo Open World against champs. I have significantly less practice with my Holosmith and Spellbreaker characters, and they're wiping the floor with OW. My Mesmer, regardless of spec, is struggling HARD.


ANet has completely ruined this entire class for me. So much so, I identified that every time I play my Mesmer, I'm simply not having fun AT ALL and it just pisses me off. This game has turned from "fun" to "rage inducing."


As-of this morning, I have DELETED my Mesmer character entirely. F it. I don't care anymore. Time to start checking out some other classes. Currently keeping an eye on Necromancer and Guardian.

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On 7/7/2023 at 5:16 PM, Kiro Kobra.6478 said:

Mesmer so freaking useless in solo Open World against champs. I have significantly less practice with my Holosmith and Spellbreaker characters, and they're wiping the floor with OW. My Mesmer, regardless of spec, is struggling HARD.

I realize your dissatisfaction with patch's changes and share your feelings, but even with it there are no solo contents in the game that can be done with H or S but not with M.

Edited by taara.3217
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On 7/7/2023 at 4:16 PM, Kiro Kobra.6478 said:

I'm primarily an Open World player, I find great joy in taking down champions solo. SEVERAL specs can do that, so it's not like I'm asking for anything OP/crazy.

That said, this latest patch has made my Mesmer so freaking useless in solo Open World against champs. I have significantly less practice with my Holosmith and Spellbreaker characters, and they're wiping the floor with OW. My Mesmer, regardless of spec, is struggling HARD.


ANet has completely ruined this entire class for me. So much so, I identified that every time I play my Mesmer, I'm simply not having fun AT ALL and it just pisses me off. This game has turned from "fun" to "rage inducing."


As-of this morning, I have DELETED my Mesmer character entirely. F it. I don't care anymore. Time to start checking out some other classes. Currently keeping an eye on Necromancer and Guardian.

In the recent 3-4 months I finished Aurora and Vision

Most of the events/champs/achies were all done on mesmer

The fact that you can't dodge while CCd or anything like that does not matter, if you know what you are doing most of the time the aggro is on your clones

And even if you play full DPS power mirage and trying to kill champs with that, you have jaunt to get away from attacks, you can use the stab mantra to have stab or get strunbreak when CCd, you have F4

But then we get back to the fact of why playing a build that was not made for soloing? I mean I could say the same about not being able to kill champs on the raid build of holo/spb but I can on Chrono

I mean I believe some players have struggles surviving things on some builds, but please, don't tell me you can't kill/survive stuff on mesmer, this class is atleast still good in that respect

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4 hours ago, Nepster.4275 said:

In the recent 3-4 months I finished Aurora and Vision

Most of the events/champs/achies were all done on mesmer

The fact that you can't dodge while CCd or anything like that does not matter, if you know what you are doing most of the time the aggro is on your clones

And even if you play full DPS power mirage and trying to kill champs with that, you have jaunt to get away from attacks, you can use the stab mantra to have stab or get strunbreak when CCd, you have F4

But then we get back to the fact of why playing a build that was not made for soloing? I mean I could say the same about not being able to kill champs on the raid build of holo/spb but I can on Chrono

I mean I believe some players have struggles surviving things on some builds, but please, don't tell me you can't kill/survive stuff on mesmer, this class is atleast still good in that respect

No real point in even telling people this since no one here on the Mesmer forum likes playing Mesmer. Maybe they are all secret egging the nerfs on so they can play a victim when to do get nerfed. 

The reality is Mesmer is still amazing solo. I bring it up time and time again but Phantasmal Defender is a great asset for any Mesmer being able to CC bosses quickly or take aggro from normal enemies. Soon we will be able to add Shield 4 since post rework it's amazing at creating phantasms for Virtuoso or Mirage. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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54 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Literally nobody is saying that it's not. Everything works solo in open world, Mesmer is no different.

Spinning again herr doctor? :classic_rolleyes:

The posts he was responding to was saying he can't solo champions after the nerfs Mesmer suffered. 

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10 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The posts he was responding to was saying he can't solo champions after the nerfs Mesmer suffered. 

But you did use the chance to dunk on everyone here who has been active over the years trying to get our issues fixed by saying everyone here enjoys to be a victim.

When in reality, those people have been giving a lot of their free time trying to get Anet to fix the class they LOVE not hate. But you just had to use the opportunity to spin things around. At least you're consistent i guess...

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15 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

No real point in even telling people this since no one here on the Mesmer forum likes playing Mesmer. Maybe they are all secret egging the nerfs on so they can play a victim when to do get nerfed. 


I certainly don't like to play mesmer, or better, gw2.
What do you want? People saying that mesmer is good and fun when it isn't not one nor the other?
I've made a list twice with the entire mesmer forum community at the time, of stuff that needed to get buffed, nerfed or simply QoL. Wanna know how many of suggestions got actually on the game? 1 and it was later deleted (not nerfed, deleted).
Jazz made a list with the mesmer community aswell and mailed it directly to 🤡M🤡. Wanna know how many suggestions got actually on the game? 0.
Bugs that are on game since the beginning of times got reported here multiple times, none got fixed. Heck a simple tooltip error got like 4 years to get fixed.

Mesmer community isn't listened. The clown already stated that mesmer is to stay at the bottom. So all that's left is to meme the forums.


Edited by Lincolnbeard.1735
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