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I ask my fellow Guild Wars 2 PvPers to not listen to the propaganda screaming ele is broken. In reality it is in a less than decent state as of this current moment

Two changes I can propose off the top of my head are

Make scepter 1200 range on all skills

Make The Trident skill Unblockable just like Phoenix

Edited by Hellz.3058
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  • Hellz.3058 changed the title to DONT LISTEN TO THIS ANTI-CMC PROPAGANDA
12 minutes ago, Hellz.3058 said:

I ask my fellow Guild Wars 2 PvPers to not listen to the propaganda screaming ele is broken. In reality it is in a less than decent state as of this current moment

Two changes I can propose off the top of my head are

Make scepter 1200 range on all skills

Make The Trident skill Unblockable just like Phoenix

Also give back the unlimited range on earth dagger autos. The class is unplayable without it.

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52 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

Main thing that cracks me up is that peeps were praising 🤡 M 🤡 like he was send by god to save pvp.
took a while for lads to realize eh ?

he's not bad at balancing the game, the only problem is the baias for ele when he balance making him look like a 🤡

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I also like how they insta fix mesmer bugs which are good for mesmer and leave every bug that is a pain for the class. As if bias towards ele/ warrior is all to see here. You can also see bias against classes. Mesmer has spot 1 here. 

Imagine deleting the block from virtuoso f5 instead reducing the braindead aegis spam. And don't come with "no ressouces for good balance, we only can do low effort nonsense" when they can take the time to rework core ele weapons including massive qol improvements and buffs. While Mantra of Distraction still has a los hit-angle around 1 degree.

And with Roy we get narrowed biased WvW focused nonsense changes in addition to the PvE focused balance.

Stop making ex player devs and get some professionals with clue about balance and the game/classes and an objective mindset. 

Edited by ano nimo.3948
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18 minutes ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

I also like how they insta fix mesmer bugs which are good for mesmer and leave every bug that is a pain for the class. As if bias towards ele/ warrior is all to see here. You can also see bias against classes. Mesmer has spot 1 here. 

And with Roy we get narrowed biased WvW focused nonsense changes in addition to the PvE focused balance. Stop making ex player devs and get some professionals with clue about balance and the game/classes and an objective mindset. 

Mesmer is as common as necro and warrior.. if anything why not complain the necro, warrior, and a majority of mesmer specs are not difficult enough to play, because then they might warrent actual buffs due to the reduction of toxic specs that become viable becuse of the simple mechanics. There is a reason you don't see many cata in mid/low elo.. becuase the good ones get into high gold/plat, while the ones who think its ''easy'' get destroyed, and then go running tail tucked to something like the above. Sorry but 9/10 ele players are free kills in ranked,  due to the multitude of active defensees that need to be used, unnlike 9/10 necro/mesmer/warriors who get a amajority of their sustain from 3 instantly accessible buttons.



Edited by Flowki.7194
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8 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Mesmer is as common as necro and warrior.. if anything why not complain the necro, warrior, and a majority of mesmer specs are not difficult enough to play, because then they might warrent actual buffs due to the reduction of toxic specs that become viable becuse of the simple mechanics. There is a reason you don't see many cata in mid/low elo.. becuase the good ones get into high gold/plat, while the ones who think its ''easy'' get destroyed, and then go running tail tucked to something like the above. Sorry but 9/10 ele players are free kills in ranked,  due to the multitude of active defensees that need to be used, unnlike 9/10 necro/mesmer/warriors who get a amajority of their sustain from 3 buttons.



Necro is on the against bias list  just lately, duo to stuff i just mentioned. I guess Roy and CmC having a blast with removing most of boon corrupt. It helps Ele, so CmC is happy and Roy wanted it for WvW. 

Rofl for thinking Ele is hard to play. Bit of skill floor due to some more buttons but the moment you got the rotations its just the most braindead spam and facetank class in the game. For the other classes: Yes they all  have some braindead builds. CmC balances for noobs, they announced they want average player to be able to compete and that high skill ceiling builds will be obsolete at some point. Don't blame the classes, blame the balance.

Edited by ano nimo.3948
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11 minutes ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

Necro just lately, duo to stuff i just mentioned. I guess Roy and CmC having a blast with removing most of boon corrupt. It helps Ele, so CmC is happy and Roy wanted it for WvW. 

Warrior? Nah not anymore

Bone rips are shockingly casual, an aoe for necro, and a side product bonus for the warrior just doing what he was doing anyway (just like vindi 3k+ crits for dodging). I know that cata is very strong, and I won't deny that, but removing boons that easily is unheathy for every class, not just ele. Imagine if you play condi necro, and I can remove conditions with every leap (which also does dmg). It simply encourages a mindless playstyle where ''just spam attacks'' becomes all you need to do, and thats essentially what warrior is, while necro/some mesmer specs were not far behind, spam attacks then block/reap repeat. 


Revenent has a trait where stability can be removed after swapping weapons. That is actually very well balanced, since its targets a specific boon, and a weapon swap has to be used at the right time to do so. Regardless of rev status overall, that is an example of a skilled counter play ability.

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29 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Revenent has a trait where stability can be removed after swapping weapons. That is actually very well balanced, since its targets a specific boon, and a weapon swap has to be used at the right time to do so. Regardless of rev status overall, that is an example of a skilled counter play ability.

I would agree to that part if not everyone and his mother (in particular Ele) would be able to perma spam  boons with an ridic amount. Ofc something removing stabi with prio is better than random boon remove you cannot reliable work with. But as long as classes can rando spam boons by simple skill rotation you don't delete boon corrupt from the game where even massive boon remove speced builds can't handle the boon spam.  It is just as braindead to spam boons as spamming boon corrupt or remove. So reduce boon uptime to an amount where player need to time them for specific moments (not perma 25 stacks might/ quickness but short might/ quickness  applycation before you wanna burst, not perma swiftness/ superspeed but short applications for one escape move every 20- 30 secs instead perma high-speed map rotation on steroids for example). Ele is far away from that. Then you can develop a balanced amount of boon remove that is not random but priorise specific boons so ppl can counterplay timed boon application. Voila both sides of the medal are less spammy now. 

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34 minutes ago, ano nimo.3948 said:

I would agree to that part if not everyone and his mother (in particular Ele) would be able to perma spam  boons with an ridic amount. Ofc something removing stabi with prio is better than random boon remove you cannot reliable work with. But as long as classes can rando spam boons by simple skill rotation you don't delete boon corrupt from the game where even massive boon remove speced builds can't handle the boon spam.  It is just as braindead to spam boons as spamming boon corrupt or remove. So reduce boon uptime to an amount where player need to time them for specific moments (not perma 25 stacks might/ quickness but short might/ quickness  applycation before you wanna burst, not perma swiftness/ superspeed but short applications for one escape move every 20- 30 secs instead perma high-speed map rotation on steroids for example). Ele is far away from that. Then you can develop a balanced amount of boon remove that is not random but priorise specific boons so ppl can counterplay timed boon application. Voila both sides of the medal are less spammy now. 

Personally I think the cata jade mechanics giving 1 stability stack is balanced (the instants from trait/aura are not), however, even 2 stack could easily be negated by 2 quick stability specific attacks followed by a stun, but this option is not available to most, and was/is way to easy to boonrip for those who can.

Stability on instant demand is only justifiable against SB, becuase the amount of stuns it can do is just toxic. For most other classes, who may only have 1 or 2 CC options, I think instant stability is just a cheap counter that can be used in toxic burst openers. However, the burst 1 class can do in this game also makes 1 or 2 stuns toxic, dmg also needs to be tuned right down (along with support having many abilities changed to single target application).


I agree with how easy it is to gain might, quickness and fury etc. Cata gets a lot of heat, but I think people need to bench their bias hate and look at the raw mechanics of it. The jades don't do much dmg at all, they are specifically used (and require combo for stability) to gain boons. The instant boons from Jades also require some effort to place in the correct place, since people don't just stand still. This means they are a seperate mechanic, a seperate ''game'' from just doing damage, you have to conciously do two seperate things (3 including the combo) at the same time. I don't think losts of boons are bad if they actually take some concious effort to attain.




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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Mesmer is as common as necro and warrior.. if anything why not complain the necro, warrior, and a majority of mesmer specs are not difficult enough to play, because then they might warrent actual buffs due to the reduction of toxic specs that become viable becuse of the simple mechanics. There is a reason you don't see many cata in mid/low elo.. becuase the good ones get into high gold/plat, while the ones who think its ''easy'' get destroyed, and then go running tail tucked to something like the above. Sorry but 9/10 ele players are free kills in ranked,  due to the multitude of active defensees that need to be used, unnlike 9/10 necro/mesmer/warriors who get a amajority of their sustain from 3 instantly accessible buttons.

Not sure if you play mesmer after saying this because most of it's defences are active and it's been a long time since they had perma or even high prot uptime. Also here's a news flash for you and everyone else, all meta builds are low risk, high rewards, they have nearly always been like this for the last 9+ years I've played.
The major issue for most people was/is that mesmer has too much access to chainable defences and a lot of those had very little counterplay like invuln and evades. Here's 2 examples.

Mirage when it had 2 dodges had OK vigor uptime, could get to permanent if you were good but also had invulnerability through distortion. Then they take a trait so that clones shattered by distortion creates mirrors that grant mirage cloak (evade by any other name). Oh and there's a signet to refresh distortion, so slap that on and you doubled the distortion and evade time. With OK vigor access you can use your 2 dodges, then hit F4, use your mirrors and have both dodges back again to use while casting the signet.
But wait, there's more. Distortion gives access to ambush skills so you can constantly fire those off the whole time and there's a trait for signets giving distortion which can then be weaved into all this for more distortion.

Virtuoso on release didn't have distortion so unblockable would counter it pretty well and they had to take a channelled utility for distortion. When they added distortion we got bunker virtuoso as you could use shatters to get aegis, then hit blade song requiem, that would give you full blades, hit distortion, use signet at the end which also gives distortion, then repeat the whole thing AND you can still have your channelled skill in all this but most just ran signets now.

The root cause for mirage is adding more defence to distortion and then allowing it to be reset which also grants distortion itself
The root cause for Virtuoso was adding distortion to a spec that already had a good amount of blocks and allowing it all to be reset.

However the nerfs to mesmer is borderline fetishistic at this point. Not only have they gutted vigor uptime on mesmer, they did it once more in the last patch to bountiful disillusionment AND nerfed all the ambush skills to the point where it's debatable if some are even worth using over an auto attack due to the low damage, targets and drawbacks inherent in the ambush skill.

I stopped playing mesmer months ago, I go play other classes because I don't even have to know what the enemy is doing half the time, I can just do my "skill rotation" and rotate in and out of fights and I'm all good. Maybe interrupt a heal if I want to feel skilful, and this is everything wrong with the game since PoF.

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3 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

Not sure if you play mesmer after saying this because most of it's defences are active and it's been a long time since they had perma or even high prot uptime. Also here's a news flash for you and everyone else, all meta builds are low risk, high rewards, they have nearly always been like this for the last 9+ years I've played.
The major issue for most people was/is that mesmer has too much access to chainable defences and a lot of those had very little counterplay like invuln and evades. Here's 2 examples.

Mirage when it had 2 dodges had OK vigor uptime, could get to permanent if you were good but also had invulnerability through distortion. Then they take a trait so that clones shattered by distortion creates mirrors that grant mirage cloak (evade by any other name). Oh and there's a signet to refresh distortion, so slap that on and you doubled the distortion and evade time. With OK vigor access you can use your 2 dodges, then hit F4, use your mirrors and have both dodges back again to use while casting the signet.
But wait, there's more. Distortion gives access to ambush skills so you can constantly fire those off the whole time and there's a trait for signets giving distortion which can then be weaved into all this for more distortion.

Virtuoso on release didn't have distortion so unblockable would counter it pretty well and they had to take a channelled utility for distortion. When they added distortion we got bunker virtuoso as you could use shatters to get aegis, then hit blade song requiem, that would give you full blades, hit distortion, use signet at the end which also gives distortion, then repeat the whole thing AND you can still have your channelled skill in all this but most just ran signets now.

The root cause for mirage is adding more defence to distortion and then allowing it to be reset which also grants distortion itself
The root cause for Virtuoso was adding distortion to a spec that already had a good amount of blocks and allowing it all to be reset.

However the nerfs to mesmer is borderline fetishistic at this point. Not only have they gutted vigor uptime on mesmer, they did it once more in the last patch to bountiful disillusionment AND nerfed all the ambush skills to the point where it's debatable if some are even worth using over an auto attack due to the low damage, targets and drawbacks inherent in the ambush skill.

I stopped playing mesmer months ago, I go play other classes because I don't even have to know what the enemy is doing half the time, I can just do my "skill rotation" and rotate in and out of fights and I'm all good. Maybe interrupt a heal if I want to feel skilful, and this is everything wrong with the game since PoF.


I did not specifically say mesmer does not have active sustain, I am talking about how ele sustain is spread acorss its stance mechanics, which is 4 more buttons for the stances alone, and then the stance cool downs to consider. Dodges don't count, because every class has them, so the mesmer is achieving a lot of sustain there for so few buttons.





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59 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Personally I think the cata jade mechanics giving 1 stability stack is balanced (the instants from trait/aura are not), however, even 2 stack could easily be negated by 2 quick stability specific attacks followed by a stun, but this option is not available to most, and was/is way to easy to boonrip for those who can.

Stability on instant demand is only justifiable against SB, becuase the amount of stuns it can do is just toxic. For most other classes, who may only have 1 or 2 CC options, I think instant stability is just a cheap counter that can be used in toxic burst openers. However, the burst 1 class can do in this game also makes 1 or 2 stuns toxic, dmg also needs to be tuned right down (along with support having many abilities changed to single target application).


I agree with how easy it is to gain might, quickness and fury etc. Cata gets a lot of heat, but I think people need to bench their bias hate and look at the raw mechanics of it. The jades don't do much dmg at all, they are specifically used (and require combo for stability) to gain boons. The instant boons from Jades also require some effort to place in the correct place, since people don't just stand still. This means they are a seperate mechanic, a seperate ''game'' from just doing damage, you have to conciously do two seperate things (3 including the combo) at the same time. I don't think losts of boons are bad if they actually take some concious effort to attain.




What kind of zaza are you on to have these takes.
Stab, resist, prot, dodges and multiple key boons are broken on cata on top of it having high mobiilty, high power and condi dmg and weakness application and constant aoe cleave. You are extremely biased when u are trying to justify this spec.
Also the specs are not balanced based on how hard it is to play them. why cant ele mains learn this since the beginning of the game.

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45 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:


I did not specifically say mesmer does not have active sustain, I am talking about how ele sustain is spread acorss its stance mechanics, which is 4 more buttons for the stances alone, and then the stance cool downs to consider. Dodges don't count, because every class has them, so the mesmer is achieving a lot of sustain there for so few buttons.





Only demonstrating a lack of knowledge.

I mentioned evade not dodges, the only part I referenced dodges was when I said you get both of them back while chaining distortion and evades from mirrors. Also dodges are different for mirage so no, you're also wrong to say dodges don't count in the way I mentioned.
I also didn't say sustain, I said defences, the subtle difference is sustain I tend to also bundle health regeneration into this while defence I consider once it's gone you take a hit that you will find it difficult to come back from. Mesmer notoriously has awful healing while ele has good active and passive defences as well as good active and passive healing. I consider easy access to regen and heals that happen through normal play to be passive just so we're all clear.

Ele having more buttons to press does not equate to it being more active, especially when the cool down management is actually a lot easier when you learn how things will be up by rotation. Example being for non weaver builds your number 2 skill will always be ready next time you jump into that attunement (not stance btw) and skill 3 will usually be ready every 2nd attunement. Skill 4 and 5 is usually 3rd or 4th depending on how much CMC buffs and reduces the cool downs the best players are playing ele and winning.

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12 hours ago, Brokensunday.4098 said:

he's not bad at balancing the game, the only problem is the baias for ele when he balance making him look like a 🤡

im sorry but if there is 9 classes, you love 1 of them, absolutely despise 2 and give 0 kittens about other 6 and it shows, then you are in fact bad at balancing.

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