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Yeap Guys it's me again..... the all loved New Arc Divider Lover ;P!

Okay okay haha urm this thread is going to be again one of this "what does warr need in my and your eyes" so keep it up and letz see what we get! Also write just to say if something is omegastupid or not! 

Overall in my case the warr itself seem to be not that bad actually in PvP. Only minus factor is just that Power Builds are struggle to Deal actually good dmg so you can kill enemys. In this case I am open to buff its Burst skills to a Power lvl so it does feel rewarding If it does hit.

Core Warrior:


Eviscerate: Power Scaling increases with adrenaline lvl. Gain 5 stacks of might for 5 Seconds if this Attack hits.

Level 1 Damage: from 1.33 to 1.5 Power scaling

Level 2 Damage: from 1.66 to 2.0 Power scaling

Level 3 Damage: from 2.0 to 2.5 Power scaling 

(PvP/WvW only)



Breaching Strike: Increase it's Power scaling from 1.32 to 1.5


Break Enchantments: Increase it's based Power scaling from 0.5 (WvW) and 0.1 (PvP) to 1.0 (WvW/PvP) Decrase it's bonus dmg to 25% (WvW/PvP)



Decapitate: Increase it's Power scaling from 2.0 to 2.5. Gain 5 Stacks of might for 5 Seconds if this Attack hits.


Arc Divider: Eather let us gain the old Version Back or...... gain 16 Seconds Fury if this Attack hits. (all gamemodes) Increase it's Power Scaling from 2.5 to 2.75 (PvE)


Daring Dragon: This trait is reworked to its old Version.

Lush Forest: This trait is reworked. It now gain 15 Seconds of Alacrity in a 600 Radius while a Dragon-Slash skill is used

Triggerguard: this Skill now gain 1 stability instead of Aegis for 4 Seconds. (Every Game mode)

Combat Stimulant: This Skill uses no longer the ammo mechanic. It will heal yourself and enter Stim State. When Stim States expertise your healed again. Using this skills new Flip over skill will brake up the Stim state and grant quickness (3 sec), Fury (5sec)  and Vigor (5sec). (Every Gamemode)

Edited by Myror.7521
Rewatching feedback and in this case removing some things Out off the list
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Yeap Guys it's me again..... the all loved New Arc Divider Lover ;P!

*hand on shoulder* 😔

1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

Yeap Guys it's me again..... the all loved New Arc Divider Lover ;P!

Okay okay haha urm this thread is going to be again one of this "what does warr need in my and your eyes" so keep it up and letz see what we get! Also write just to say if something is omegastupid or not! 

Overall in my case the warr itself seem to be not that bad actually in PvP. Only minus factor is just that Power Builds are struggle to Deal actually good dmg so you can kill enemys. In this case I am open to buff its Burst skills to a Power lvl so it does feel rewarding If it does hit.

Core Warrior:


Eviscerate: Power Scaling increases with adrenaline lvl. Gain 5 stacks of might for 5 Seconds if this Attack hits.

Level 1 Damage: 1.5 Power scaling

Level 2 Damage: 2.0 Power scaling

Level 3 Damage: 2.5 Power scaling 

(PvP/WvW only)



Breaching Strike: Increase it's Power scaling from 1.32 to 1.5


Break Enchantments: Increase it's based Power scaling from 0.5 (WvW) and 0.1 (PvP) to 1.0 (WvW/PvP) Decrase it's bonus dmg to 25% (WvW/PvP)



Decapitate: Increase it's Power scaling from 2.0 to 2.5. Gain 5 Stacks of might for 5 Seconds if this Attack hits.


Arc Divider: Eather let us gain the old Version Back or...... gain 16 Seconds Fury if this Attack hits. Increase it's Power Scaling from 2.5 to 2.75 (PvE)


Daring Dragon: This trait is reworked to its old Version.

Lush Forest: This trait is reworked. It now gain 15 Seconds of Alacrity in a 600 Radius while a Dragon-Slash skill is used

This is reasonable and frankly there's no reason hitting with evisc should be giving a single stack of might. 

I can only be obsessively mad with one thing at a time though. 

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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

Arc Divider: Eather let us gain the old Version Back

Yes, exactly.

Only cause the new "Balancing Teamleader" is playing ele, we are in this kitten.
He is just bad and thinks with these changes he dies less.

I like your change suggestions, but to Arc Divider I don't compromise. The old one was perfect and not OP, not useless, just perfect.

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For break enchantment, it shouldn’t even be a damage skill at this point imo. Just give it fat boon rip and remove all damage. 5 boons, unblockable, no damage. The fact it removes 1 boon is nothing short of pathetic, and I don’t say that lightly.
I tend to be more reserved in my criticism because there’s always differing opinions, but this one is just ridiculous. Either give it real damage or give it real boon rip, and remove the other. 

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29 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

For break enchantment, it shouldn’t even be a damage skill at this point imo. Just give it fat boon rip and remove all damage. 5 boons, unblockable, no damage. The fact it removes 1 boon is nothing short of pathetic, and I don’t say that lightly.
I tend to be more reserved in my criticism because there’s always differing opinions, but this one is just ridiculous. Either give it real damage or give it real boon rip, and remove the other. 

Damage + 5s of the pre-nerf disenchantment.

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i wish players would stop suggesting lush forest be reworked to provide alacrity. i've seen this several times now, and it will be the nail in the coffin for the last warrior healing build which is already barely functioning as it is after the tactical reload nerf earlier this year.


warrior shouldn't have to give up halfway decent healing for alacrity. its also why alacrity shouldn't be on spellbreaker.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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1 hour ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i wish players would stop suggesting lush forest be reworked to provide alacrity. i've seen this several times now, and it will be the nail in the coffin for the last warrior healing build which is already barely functioning as it is after the tactical reload nerf earlier this year.


warrior shouldn't have to give up halfway decent healing for alacrity. its also why alacrity shouldn't be on spellbreaker.

Personally I'd sacrifice the disgustingly clunky mechanic of micromanaging your ammo counts (which no other healer in the game has to do) in a heartbeat. Just because something "works" now (work used extremely loosely) doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed.

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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21 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

Personally I'd sacrifice the disgustingly clunky mechanic of micromanaging your ammo counts (which no other healer in the game has to do) in a heartbeat. Just because something "works" now (work used extremely loosely) doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed.

if it was going to be replaced with something better, maybe, but that's not whats being suggested. gutting things just to make something else better is exactly what was wrong with the patch and going further in that direction isn't going to fix it, only make it worse.

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@SoftFootpaws.9134 now the question is .... in what decision would this rework be a Nerf? This trait allready reduce cooldown of you own skills. Gain it alacrity would litterly do the same what it does before. The only difference would be: maybe slightly reduce the amount of your own skills reduced cooldowns and will be instead a shared cooldown reduction for your whole team^^. It will even buff its supportish side and not just Nerf it 

Edited by Myror.7521
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1 hour ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

if it was going to be replaced with something better, maybe, but that's not whats being suggested. gutting things just to make something else better is exactly what was wrong with the patch and going further in that direction isn't going to fix it, only make it worse.

Perfection is the enemy of good. Removing a bad play pattern is in itself a positive change. Let's be real, Bladesworn heal is actual garbage tier looking at it objectively relative to it's counterparts. Nobody will mourn the loss of it's shambling corpse after having been killed in the Tactical Reload patch before it even properly drew breath.

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3 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

if it was going to be replaced with something better, maybe, but that's not whats being suggested. gutting things just to make something else better is exactly what was wrong with the patch and going further in that direction isn't going to fix it, only make it worse.

Why not make Lush Forest be something like:

"Provide alacrity (1.5s) to nearby allies (600 range aoe) when you use an ammo skill".

You've got a billion ammo skills (including the shouts you're using for healing), so you should be able to more or less passively upkeep alacrity doing the things you normally would.

Imo, this would make a lot more sense than what they did with daring dragon.

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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

@NeverLoseGuy.3894 Well Mace is allready not too Bad. Only thing i would maybe change is its Burst Skill also only maybe. Make it a leap with Higher range less cc but more dmg. But again im pretty sure if you let it stay with 3 Seconds cc it would be a bit too good ^^

have you played mace on bladesworn?

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On 7/5/2023 at 11:05 PM, Myror.7521 said:

@oscuro.9720 Well in PvP it does remove 4 boons. And still it does see No Play simply cause boon remove is not enough. Cause targed will get all boons instantly again ...... Well at least in PvP/WvW

5 boons removed + 1s disenchantment per boon removed, and restore disenchantment to its original effect. 

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@oscuro.9720 so this would end up in break Enchantments doing 5 boon removes and If you remove 5 it will make a boons 5 Seconds reduced boon durarion to enemys right? Idk how to think about it. Still thinking break Enchantments should Deal dmg (to make it useable for PvP instead of lets say Bullscharge). How ever i could see Bring the disenchantment Effekt Back somewhere else. Maybe on sight beyond sight and imminent threat just to make this 2 skills acutually useable.


Edited by Myror.7521
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@Aaron.1294 hmm a Like 80% Nerf might be a bit too hard. Als reduce the ammo for its heal would entirely remove its uniqueness. 

However I agree that Bladesworn is just too sustain as it acutually is. However I might overthing how to make it more enjoyable to Play and Nerf it without killing it entirely.

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@Aaron.1294 i just updated the entire list with this ideas:

Triggerguard: this Skill now gain 1 stability instead of Aegis for 2 Seconds. (Every Game mode)


Unshakeable Mountain: this traitline now heals yourself for 200 life every time you use the last ammo count instead on gain barrier. (PvP/WvW)


River's Flow: This skills increased incoming healing is reduced to 5% instead of 10% (PvP/WvW)


Combat Stimulant: The initial (First Pulse)  healing of this Skill is reduced to 1.500 (PvP/WvW)


Check them out and give me some Feedback 🙂

Edited by Myror.7521
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