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How to be a degenerate as a scrapper


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Simple build:


Hit and run


Dual pistols

Balthazar rune

smoldering sigil

purging sigil


Firearms 1/1/3

tools 2/2/3

scrapper 2/1/1




Rocket Boots

Elixir S

Purge Gyro

Sneak Gyro


This being the most effective engineer build embodies everything that is wrong with gw2 pvp.


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You also have one disable that has a huge cast time and requires you to be in melee range, so why take System shocker?

Well, I guess two, if someone decides to cleave you through AED. Assuming you get to press it.



Or Gunflamed...

It's fine he'll dodge it I believe in him

what I want to know is, how much of it is my fault if I decide to put you in a stunlock blender the moment Elixir S expres, given you cannot cast skills until it does? We talking like a 40/60 split or 50/50 or- 🥤 💀

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Yeah, probably troll post, but just in case..

  • Engi doesn't have enough condi output to apply pressure vs the abundant cleanse everyone is packing. You'll blow your pistol load. They'll cleanse within a second. Then what are you gonna do for 15s while you wait for blowtorch to come back?
  • Even if you get a couple condi to stick, you're not killing your opponent very fast, and they have lots of time to kill you. Anyone with a modicum of self-control will just pop you once AED expires
  • Even if your opponents aren't running good builds, forgot where their cleanse buttons are, or w/e, it still takes you too long to kill people. If it takes you 30s to get your target down and they're sitting on the point the whole time while you run in circles, you kinda lose the game
  • Scrapper doesn't synergize with condi engi at all. In fact, almost none of Engi's traits synergize with condi. Only Firearms and a bit of Holo, really

I wish it were different, but .. yeah. This is why I don't play condi engi in pvp any more

Edited by coro.3176
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If you want a funny degen condi build here you go. 

I doubt it'll work in higher ranks (I don't touch ranked anymore), but it gives me hilariously good results in unranked. Plenty of hate whispers too, that's how you know you're doing something right. 


Juggernaut Variant - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lxycZdMYWMOsLaxaA-zZoOj8lABsAk2AA


A trained monkey can play this build.

Pressure - Just pistol Auto. Lol. You will hover between 13-21 stacks of might just by pistol autoing. Doing so will fire Aim assisted rocket at the target. If your Mecha is away, you will also periodically fire orbitals at the target. The damage this does is deceptively high. About as high as the old rifle mech build in fact, but with a lot more bulk. 

For burst, you fling your Mech at the target with F1. Then burst F2 and Super conducting signet. If this lands, they will quickly drop dead. Best time to fire this off is when someone goes down and you cleave someone greeding for the kill. Or when you're being focused by a melee. Your Mech will quickly burn down anyone tunneling for the kill. You can kite and stall with shield skills while they greed for you. 

You can also do a mini burst with Pistol 2 > Pistol 3 > FT 2. 

You get countered by projectile destruction and LoS. That's where FT comes in. Is someone being annoying and hiding behind a pillar? FT them through the pillar. Lol. Ele staneding in their swirling winds? Pull out your FT and burn them to death lol. You can also fling your mech at the target in both scenarios. They will inherit the perma stab you get from Juggernaut, so they can't easily CC it. They'll also have 15-20 or so might stacks on them so the Mech will hurt if they try to tank it. 


Sustain - Litreally exist and you'll heal passively from  Rectifier Signet and Big boomer. You can pop the signet for a burst heal, and you won't lose the passive. 

Defense - Use your shield skills as needed. If you get stunned with no stunbreaks up, pull out your FT and fart out some blind. FT5 is instant cast so it works while in CC. That'll reduce the spike damage you take and the next stack of Stab will prevent the CC chain. Your Mech can counter pressure for you while you're stunned. 

If your Mecha is dead. You can bait people by using Super Conductor signet and then channeling shield 5. If they're dumb enough to attack into it, they'll get stunned in your condi field. Very funny to do against Revs when they Unrelenting Assault into yu. 


Role - You are a teamfight DPS. Stick near your support and pump out damage in teamfights. Keep your trusty FT handy for any projectile destruction. The threat of your Mech's pressure prevents anyone from standing on node. Its very difficult to survive a  Superconductor Signet + Discharge Array + Angry Mech on your face coming off of 20 stacks of might. You caaaan try to duel, but expect to do a LOT of kiting. 



Weaknesses - Condis, Immobilize/Chill (prevents kiting), Being focused. 


Aristocracy Variant - http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lxycZeMYWMOsLaxaA-zZoOj8lABsAc3AA


This version isn't as good, but it's a lot funnier. Instead of pistol autoing, just Elixir gun auto the target to death. Watch them get periodically chunked by aim assisted rockets. You sit on 25 might at all times, so you can dish out some good damage with your Mecha skills and your pistol skills. 

You're a lot more vulnerable to getting stunlocked because you can't pull out FT to start generating stab. And you have no way of dealing with projectile destruction outside of your Mech. 

But like. Elixir Gun autoing someone to death is preeeety funny. 



Edited by Kuma.1503
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5 hours ago, coro.3176 said:

Yeah, probably troll post, but just in case..

  • Engi doesn't have enough condi output to apply pressure vs the abundant cleanse everyone is packing. You'll blow your pistol load. They'll cleanse within a second. Then what are you gonna do for 15s while you wait for blowtorch to come back?
  • Even if you get a couple condi to stick, you're not killing your opponent very fast, and they have lots of time to kill you. Anyone with a modicum of self-control will just pop you once AED expires
  • Even if your opponents aren't running good builds, forgot where their cleanse buttons are, or w/e, it still takes you too long to kill people. If it takes you 30s to get your target down and they're sitting on the point the whole time while you run in circles, you kinda lose the game
  • Scrapper doesn't synergize with condi engi at all. In fact, almost none of Engi's traits synergize with condi. Only Firearms and a bit of Holo, really

I wish it were different, but .. yeah. This is why I don't play condi engi in pvp any more

heres the problem, you are assuming the build is designed to actually fight people, it is not, you can deplete alot of health just doing nothing if your opponent sits there waiting to cleanse an ability you decide to save till later.

The build is mobile enough that if an enemy is too resistant you can just go to another enemy and test them instead.

It is a build that is actually designed specifically to not play the game.

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1 hour ago, Stalima.5490 said:

heres the problem, you are assuming the build is designed to actually fight people, it is not, you can deplete alot of health just doing nothing if your opponent sits there waiting to cleanse an ability you decide to save till later.

The build is mobile enough that if an enemy is too resistant you can just go to another enemy and test them instead.

It is a build that is actually designed specifically to not play the game.

So you sneaky gyro into a fight, unload your pistols skills, and if nobody dies (they wont), you double rocket boots away?

just play nade scrapper man

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9 minutes ago, lotus.5672 said:

So you sneaky gyro into a fight, unload your pistols skills, and if nobody dies (they wont), you double rocket boots away?

just play nade scrapper man

not exactly, you just slowly cycle abilities to annoy people and then run away if they try to make it an actual fight, it operates like literally every top build.

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On 7/19/2023 at 1:56 AM, Stalima.5490 said:

Simple build:


Hit and run


Dual pistols

Balthazar rune

smoldering sigil

purging sigil


Firearms 1/1/3

tools 2/2/3

scrapper 2/1/1




Rocket Boots

Elixir S

Purge Gyro

Sneak Gyro


This being the most effective engineer build embodies everything that is wrong with gw2 pvp.


I have played it yet, but this build might be pretty decent and fun

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