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Suggestion: Caladbolg-style skins for the weapons that don't have one

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I dearly love the Caladbolg skins you can get from repeating the Knight of the Thorn questline, and they look fantastic when combined with Sylvari cultural armour or Nightmare Court armour from Twilight Arbor. The only downside is that there isn't a complete set!

To that end, I would love to see the remaining weapons done in the same style:

Axe, Mace, Pistol, Focus, Torch, Warhorn, Hammer, Longbow, Rifle, Shortbow, Staff, Harpoon Gun, Spear & Trident.

Preferably earnable in game, but I would also be prepared to buy them from the trading post as skins.

At the moment, I often pair Verdant or Dreamthistle weapons with the Caladbolg variants (and Kudzu for longbow), but they're not quite right.

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10+ years and there's still not a full roster of phantasm weapons, either...nor do they have a Collection. There's not even a usable item for each weapon a phantasm can use (staff), plus Mesmers can't use all of the existing weapons and never could. The super-obvious completion reward for that one would be a "Phantasm" title for your character.

There are several partial-set armor styles, too. It seems like a simple thing to just add a particle effect to a few pieces of existing gear to make a complete armory, whip up a quickie Collection achievement out of them and call it a day, but maybe it isn't that simple.

Or maybe it's just inattentive and lazy.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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I've been begging for a Caladbolg staff for years now. I just use Bramblethorne as a substitute (and now have the actual Caladbolg scepter, now that I'm getting into Specter gameplay instead of Daredevil)...but the rest of the weapons being released would be wonderful. (By the random way, the new Sun-grown weapons from the Festival of the Four Winds are also plant/sylvari themed, and amazingly beautiful. Just thought I'd throw that out there, in case anyone's looking for more plant-themed weapons.)

Might be a long shot, but @Rubi Bayer.8493...could you perhaps pass this request of ours on to the design/dev teams, please? I know it's a fairly unimportant (and resource-consuming) request in light of everything else going on at the studio right now - gearing up for another expansion, for one - but it would be greatly appreciated.

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17 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I dearly love the Caladbolg skins you can get from repeating the Knight of the Thorn questline, and they look fantastic when combined with Sylvari cultural armour or Nightmare Court armour from Twilight Arbor. The only downside is that there isn't a complete set!

To that end, I would love to see the remaining weapons done in the same style:

Axe, Mace, Pistol, Focus, Torch, Warhorn, Hammer, Longbow, Rifle, Shortbow, Staff, Harpoon Gun, Spear & Trident.

Preferably earnable in game, but I would also be prepared to buy them from the trading post as skins.

At the moment, I often pair Verdant or Dreamthistle weapons with the Caladbolg variants (and Kudzu for longbow), but they're not quite right.

Nothing wrong with new Caladbolg skins, although I might not personally be a fan I totally understand where you're coming from, got my own skin types I wish we had more of. 

But unfortunately Anet does tend to leave stuff like this hanging for a while, if they even actually ever plan to make them. 

And btw, you don't need to replay the story to get the other versions, there's an npc (I forget the name) in your home instance that you can trade Caladbolg back and forth in exchange for unbound magic and you can get all the skins that way, at least if it still works that way, I know that's how I did it. 

Regardless, hope you and everyone get your weapon skins eventually. 

Edited by jason.1083
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4 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

And btw, you don't need to replay the story to get the other versions, there's an npc (I forget the name) in your home instance that you can trade Caladbolg back and forth in exchange for unbound magic and you can get all the skins that way, at least if it still works that way, I know that's how I did it. 

Oh, I know.

I did it that way to get the actual weapons instead of just the skins.

It was also quite fun playing the final Mordremoth battle with multiple professions and discovering which ones handled it best. At the time, my Weaver had a surprisingly easy run!

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I'm joining the crew !
I have been wishing for a complete roaster of Caladbolg weapons since we got the restauration of said weapon.

More so, lore wise it would be logical to have the full set, hell, the weapon addapt to its wielder so yeah...
To me, that weapon deserve to be Legendary tier instead of just ascended. But it would be way too broken I suppose. But if there is one weapon in the game that is Legendary, its Caladbolg. But I digress...


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  • 11 months later...

Now that the upcoming Janthir Wild expansion is making Spears more prominent, I think it is a good time to bring back this conversion.

Even if making a Caladbolg version of every weapon would not be feasible, considering how the dagger, sword, greatsword, and scepter all share a basic plan of "stick with a pointy bit", I believe that at least making a Spear would be viable, and a great idea. 
Flip the spear skin upside-down, and with some tweaking you also get a staff, and a trident. 

It also adds synergy between expansions, as those who buy Janthir would likely be interested in getting that Spear skin for their Sylvari.

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2 hours ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

Now that the upcoming Janthir Wild expansion is making Spears more prominent, I think it is a good time to bring back this conversion.

Even if making a Caladbolg version of every weapon would not be feasible, considering how the dagger, sword, greatsword, and scepter all share a basic plan of "stick with a pointy bit", I believe that at least making a Spear would be viable, and a great idea. 
Flip the spear skin upside-down, and with some tweaking you also get a staff, and a trident. 

It also adds synergy between expansions, as those who buy Janthir would likely be interested in getting that Spear skin for their Sylvari.

what does Caladbolg have to do with Janthir?

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7 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

what does Caladbolg have to do with Janthir?

The "Reforging Caldbolg" 'questless' quest (GW2 could use a side-story journal, by the way) allows you to select various shapes for the sword when you reforge it after it broke when defeating Mordremoth. 

The OP of this thread wants ANet to complete the weapon set to a full 19 weapon set.  I don't think they'll ever do that, but I'd argue that the spear is similar enough to daggers, swords and greatswords in its basic shape that it should take considerably less time than making something like a bow, an axe, or a rifle. And now that Janthir Wilds will introduce land spears, it would be a waste not to make at least the Spear Caladbold. 

The spear skin could be called something like "Caladbolg Aspara" after asparagus spears for the funsies. It's all there. Come on. It'd got to be done.

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