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Ranger damage is ridiculous high - when its getting toned down? [Merged]


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I have to agree; Ranger Profession is broken and out of control. I am talking about melee ranger attack: Anet need to hard nerfed the damage severely. Ranger Profession is not a melee role and should not be treated as such. It should be balanced out between power, condition damages, healing and support roles.  

It should not excel in neither except in long range damages. 

As a former Ranger Profession player and carefully examining the Community concern; the Truth can not be sugar-coated as it stand: Ranger Profession melee damage need to be hard-nerfed without exception.

Mesmer Profession, Thief Profession-Daredevil and Elementalist Profession need an Emergency hard nerf patch; they are overly severely exceedingly overperforming at ease. 

-Not only excluding Ranger Profession nor to make an example out of it: Anet must enforce and take a strong stand- with healthy positive changes concerning,- Profession Roles and their Identity. 

-After having a Toxic Stealth Mechanic with Bad Design; Profession Roles and Identity is the main problem that has dampened Guild Wars 2 from being a healthy fun competitive game-

Just as business, leadership, competition, organizations having Identity and Roles; Guild Wars 2 is no exception. 

"You know that chaotic feeling of managing a project where roles and responsibilities are unclear? As one team member moves forward with the design, another moves forward with content. Both team members write the copy included in the images, assuming this is part of their role. Because of the miscommunication and duplicated work, the copy takes longer to deliver and you must delay the project.

It’s challenging to stick to a project plan without clear roles and responsibilities. When you define team roles, you can help teammates collaborate and work through projects more efficiently. As a manager, it’s important to clarify specific tasks for each team member early on in a project if you hope to improve team productivity."

As long Anet continues to deny the Truth and continue to refuse to surrender to the realization that; Profession Roles and their Identity must be enforced for a healthy competitive fun long-lasting experience....Guild Wars 2 will forever continue to downward spiral as a memory

so there


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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7 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I do not care about your tiers and meta bs. There are more than a handfull of toxic specs that are massively over represented in ranked, and all have low skill floors in either dealing 20k+ damage, or tanking 20k+ damage. Soulbeast is one of them. 

I think you completely missed my point. Again, we are all agreeing some things should be changed. What I am saying is that some of the comments are clearly overreaction.

For example you said slb is op. Did any of the previous slb builds (poisonbeast or sicem) improve? Are they a problem? The answer is no to both.

Did any of the previous build played on ranger improve? No.

This is why some of the “suggestions” in those threads are just bad. Once you look at the difference between this build and others you find the changes that make sense (and we agree on).

Are the issues something most players overlooked (like pig maul)?  If so do you just nerf it (coeff nerf + maybe animation) or rebalance it (heavier coeff nerf + increase condi)

Are the issues something not optimal elsewhere (like prelude lash)? If so do you just nerf it (animation) or rework it?

Maybe multiple changes did not go as expected as it happens after any rework (like sword)? Then you have a lot of room to work with. 

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3 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

I think you completely missed my point. Again, we are all agreeing some things should be changed. What I am saying is that some of the comments are clearly overreaction.

For example you said slb is op. Did any of the previous slb builds (poisonbeast or sicem) improve? Are they a problem? The answer is no to both.

Did any of the previous build played on ranger improve? No.

This is why some of the “suggestions” in those threads are just bad. Once you look at the difference between this build and others you find the changes that make sense (and we agree on).

Are the issues something most players overlooked (like pig maul)?  If so do you just nerf it (coeff nerf + maybe animation) or rebalance it (heavier coeff nerf + increase condi)

Are the issues something not optimal elsewhere (like prelude lash)? If so do you just nerf it (animation) or rework it?

Maybe multiple changes did not go as expected as it happens after any rework (like sword)? Then you have a lot of room to work with. 

It isn't just about soulbeast, upper effectiveness or meta, its the amount of specs (like souldbest) that can walk upto antoher player, essentially press 5 buttons while not dodging or contiously mitigating, and kill the other player in under 3 seconds unless they conciously react with XYZ. The other player, on a spec that does not achieve that redicoulos level of damage in under 3 seconds, can never return that favour, meaning you are on the back foot unless you jump them with the suprise. On the flip side, are specs that can facetank 20k damage with no concious effort (power necro does both.. 20kdmg+20kfacetnk). Soulbeast is just 1 spec of around 5, that are now highly represented in ranked, if you play any spec that does not attain that damage/tank so easily, you are surrounded by specs that do. If you can't see why that is a horrednous position for a game to be in then fair enough. But if the in-game representations are anything to go off.. I guess most of the people around here main one of those specs, so will just get on the defensive about it.


Ive played these specs and they are not hard enough to justify the reward with low/moderate effort. Go play something like herald or vindi, you will quickly understand why they are so underrepresented.


3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

That dude is the epitome of overreaction.

Usually I am confused as to if a person is trolling or being serious, but I am 100% convinced he is actually being serious.


Any of us who play ranked know the massive amount of gaurdian, necro, warrior and soulbeast representation. Is anybody going to argue the skill floor in the majority of games is not rock bottom now? so much facetanking, yet so much easy dmg being thrown around at the same time.


I would also add that chrono gets away with a lot of heat ''becuase it is hard''. Yes, its hard, but it dictates the jump, and will kill in under 5 seconds if you do not react, while you will not return that favour unless the chrono is afk. DD thief, in its own way is also broken, high skill floor to play fully to its potential I agree, but it does not take a high amount of skill to get use to the mobility in order to escape enemy, and just back cap all game, while a good DD thief has the lowest risk highest reward ratio in the game. Any avg DD thief can backcap, while all good DD thiefs back cap and can +1 you at will, while you will rarely return the favour, creating yet more obnoxious matches. These specs just add in to the mix of an overall unenjoyable spvp experiance, unless you play one of them.



I played a lot of support, so got to watch people fight. The amount of times I seen a power necro run into an enemy group of 3 people, spam his aoe, get down to 5% hp, pop reap.. CC everybody, kill a person, then actually get out with wurm.. its insane. Soulbeast is not as bad as that I do agree, but it can and often runs into groups and kills something before it dies due to burst time. Running into a group of people (unless you are an actual tank and actually with support) should be rewarded with nothing but a empty handed quick death for any dps. Surely we can agree on that. Nerf all those specs to that point.

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@Flowki.7194 @Trevor Boyer.6524 

while its true that soulbeast could snap away necros. Its just like this since Release. Every profession got their Counter Part Builds. For Necro its just Ranger or specialy everything that is ranged attacking. 

Saying this. Ranger also somewhat counter to Warr the only difference between necr and warr in this Match up is ..... warr got ccs and reflection to Counter Play Rangers. But the trueth  is that Ranger is actually ridicolously tanky in melee fights means it get not rly punished for going into a melee fight instead of a Ranged one and that is the reason why its "too strong" right now^^. (While im not gonna lie that at least Warriors Meta Builds are also incredible strong when it comes to full Defence line use and been tanky in terms of this but still other classes could snap you to the ground once you are doing a mistake) or to say it in short... warr rn is only good cause PvP is balanced around point holding^^.

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33 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 @Trevor Boyer.6524 

while its true that soulbeast could snap away necros. Its just like this since Release. Every profession got their Counter Part Builds. For Necro its just Ranger or specialy everything that is ranged attacking. 

Saying this. Ranger also somewhat counter to Warr the only difference between necr and warr in this Match up is ..... warr got ccs and reflection to Counter Play Rangers. But the trueth  is that Ranger is actually ridicolously tanky in melee fights means it get not rly punished for going into a melee fight instead of a Ranged one and that is the reason why its "too strong" right now^^. (While im not gonna lie that at least Warriors Meta Builds are also incredible strong when it comes to full Defence line use and been tanky in terms of this but still other classes could snap you to the ground once you are doing a mistake) or to say it in short... warr rn is only good cause PvP is balanced around point holding^^.

I was more talking about the general ethos of easy damage and/or mitigation on the mentioned specs. I don't mind class counters per say, so long as the skill floors are actually high and complicated enough so that you need to earn that counter. Thats not gw2 obviously.. just have to look at tempest and century counter to projectiles, or easy stealth/target drops on multiple burst specs, which are a cheap counters to other burst specs. 


Untamed I can see the point, but they could have just made projectile denial more skill based.. rather than letting ranger become a pseudo warrior

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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

Ranger also somewhat counter to Warr the only difference between necr and warr in this Match up is ..... warr got ccs and reflection to Counter Play Rangers. But the trueth  is that Ranger is actually ridicolously tanky in melee fights


What's probably happening, since I don't recognize your name, is you are probably newer to the scene and performing at average or worse levels, and you're coming across 10 year veteran Ranger mains who are beating you as a Warrior. That is not because Ranger is stronger than Warrior in melee, it's because the Rangers are outskilling you.

100% guarantee you at the upper skill caps of the game, a good Ranger CANNOT stand on a node vs. a good Warrior running Condiserk or Bladesworn and win. In fact, it has nothing to do with nodes. If the Ranger sticks around too long to fight these particular Warrior specs it will lose because the Warrior will greatly out-sustain it.

Ranger isn't even in the same field of sustain as a Warrior to be able to compare.

This isn't biased defense my dude. I'm speaking the truth to you.

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20 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

good Ranger CANNOT stand on a node vs. a good Warrior running Condiserk or Bladesworn and win. In fact, it has nothing to do with nodes. If the Ranger sticks around too long to fight these particular Warrior specs it will lose because the Warrior will greatly out-sustain it.

Ranger isn't even in the same field of sustain as a Warrior to be able to compare.

This isn't biased defense my dude. I'm speaking the truth to you.

Okay, now that warrior and ranger are both being compared, let's be clear here:

I don't know much about this condiserk build since it's a """"new"""" build.

But come on, Bladesworn? everyone knows that this spec has a questionable design and is CLEARLY carried by its absurd sustain, and clearly needs a nerf/overhaul.

Going back to the original topic now that we're comparing ranger to warrior.

Berserker is the closest thing, it's the "high damage dude" spec just like soulbeast, but soulbeast is clearly just better with this role, berserker needs to sacrifice more than soulbeast to get that damage, as melee AND ranged, while a warrior needs to run a meme build to get any close to that burst, ranger still has good evade frames, block, etc.

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12 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

I have to agree; Ranger Profession is broken and out of control. I am talking about melee ranger attack: Anet need to hard nerfed the damage severely. Ranger Profession is not a melee role and should not be treated as such. It should be balanced out between power, condition damages, healing and support roles.  

It should not excel in neither except in long range damages. 

As a former Ranger Profession player and carefully examining the Community concern; the Truth can not be sugar-coated as it stand: Ranger Profession melee damage need to be hard-nerfed without exception.

Mesmer Profession, Thief Profession-Daredevil and Elementalist Profession need an Emergency hard nerf patch; they are overly severely exceedingly overperforming at ease. 

-Not only excluding Ranger Profession nor to make an example out of it: Anet must enforce and take a strong stand- with healthy positive changes concerning,- Profession Roles and their Identity. 

-After having a Toxic Stealth Mechanic with Bad Design; Profession Roles and Identity is the main problem that has dampened Guild Wars 2 from being a healthy fun competitive game-

Just as business, leadership, competition, organizations having Identity and Roles; Guild Wars 2 is no exception. 

"You know that chaotic feeling of managing a project where roles and responsibilities are unclear? As one team member moves forward with the design, another moves forward with content. Both team members write the copy included in the images, assuming this is part of their role. Because of the miscommunication and duplicated work, the copy takes longer to deliver and you must delay the project.

It’s challenging to stick to a project plan without clear roles and responsibilities. When you define team roles, you can help teammates collaborate and work through projects more efficiently. As a manager, it’s important to clarify specific tasks for each team member early on in a project if you hope to improve team productivity."

As long Anet continues to deny the Truth and continue to refuse to surrender to the realization that; Profession Roles and their Identity must be enforced for a healthy competitive fun long-lasting experience....Guild Wars 2 will forever continue to downward spiral as a memory

so there


Haha ranger not a melee role?  Rangers are just as much a melee role as ranged. Ranger stands for ranges the land not ranges his enemy haha,  bows are just one of many common weapons the ranger archetype typically uses along with swords, daggers, spears, axes and yes even shields, mooshie one of the most famous rangers in dnd had his crest on his favored sword and shield. Aragon was a melee ranger as were characters such as John snow and the other rangers of the nights watch. Let's not forget about drizzt. Hopefully one day the ranger archetype looses this ridiculous "the simple archer" tag.

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3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

It isn't just about soulbeast, upper effectiveness or meta, its the amount of specs (like souldbest) that can walk upto antoher player, essentially press 5 buttons while not dodging or contiously mitigating, and kill the other player in under 3 seconds unless they conciously react with XYZ. The other player, on a spec that does not achieve that redicoulos level of damage in under 3 seconds, can never return that favour, meaning you are on the back foot unless you jump them with the suprise. On the flip side, are specs that can facetank 20k damage with no concious effort (power necro does both.. 20kdmg+20kfacetnk). Soulbeast is just 1 spec of around 5, that are now highly represented in ranked, if you play any spec that does not attain that damage/tank so easily, you are surrounded by specs that do. If you can't see why that is a horrednous position for a game to be in then fair enough. But if the in-game representations are anything to go off.. I guess most of the people around here main one of those specs, so will just get on the defensive about it.


Ive played these specs and they are not hard enough to justify the reward with low/moderate effort. Go play something like herald or vindi, you will quickly understand why they are so underrepresented.


Any of us who play ranked know the massive amount of gaurdian, necro, warrior and soulbeast representation. Is anybody going to argue the skill floor in the majority of games is not rock bottom now? so much facetanking, yet so much easy dmg being thrown around at the same time.


I would also add that chrono gets away with a lot of heat ''becuase it is hard''. Yes, its hard, but it dictates the jump, and will kill in under 5 seconds if you do not react, while you will not return that favour unless the chrono is afk. DD thief, in its own way is also broken, high skill floor to play fully to its potential I agree, but it does not take a high amount of skill to get use to the mobility in order to escape enemy, and just back cap all game, while a good DD thief has the lowest risk highest reward ratio in the game. Any avg DD thief can backcap, while all good DD thiefs back cap and can +1 you at will, while you will rarely return the favour, creating yet more obnoxious matches. These specs just add in to the mix of an overall unenjoyable spvp experiance, unless you play one of them.



I played a lot of support, so got to watch people fight. The amount of times I seen a power necro run into an enemy group of 3 people, spam his aoe, get down to 5% hp, pop reap.. CC everybody, kill a person, then actually get out with wurm.. its insane. Soulbeast is not as bad as that I do agree, but it can and often runs into groups and kills something before it dies due to burst time. Running into a group of people (unless you are an actual tank and actually with support) should be rewarded with nothing but a empty handed quick death for any dps. Surely we can agree on that. Nerf all those specs to that point.

This is saying that some professions should not be represented or be able to compete because they are seen as easier. Ranked is mostly solo queue which favors different builds. Also despite the “higher skill ceiling” I see more people on ele than guard precisely because it is strong and more adaptable.

I think I see your stance but I do not mind that an espec moves toward a more damaging style or tanky style. I like when an espec build moves in a different direction / offers a new possibility when playing AND fighting it (usually the thing they struggled the most with because you have to balance values and design). This was highlighted by the espec utilities / weapon but next expansion is throwing some of that away which is a bit concerning. For example I have a different opinion of what is acceptable or not for some of the specs you mentioned.

I like power reaper design because it clearly works as a teamfighter with a support but there are still ways to make it weak in teamfights or to get rewarded if you play it in 1V1.

I do not find vindi design fun. You have to avoid dodges, blinks, the different burst skills all while trying to find a window of opportunity through the dodges, blocks and sustain.


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56 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

This is saying that some professions should not be represented or be able to compete because they are seen as easier. Ranked is mostly solo queue which favors different builds. Also despite the “higher skill ceiling” I see more people on ele than guard precisely because it is strong and more adaptable.

I think I see your stance but I do not mind that an espec moves toward a more damaging style or tanky style. I like when an espec build moves in a different direction / offers a new possibility when playing AND fighting it (usually the thing they struggled the most with because you have to balance values and design). This was highlighted by the espec utilities / weapon but next expansion is throwing some of that away which is a bit concerning. For example I have a different opinion of what is acceptable or not for some of the specs you mentioned.

I like power reaper design because it clearly works as a teamfighter with a support but there are still ways to make it weak in teamfights or to get rewarded if you play it in 1V1.

I do not find vindi design fun. You have to avoid dodges, blinks, the different burst skills all while trying to find a window of opportunity through the dodges, blocks and sustain.


No, its saying that the skill floors across muliple classes needs to be made higher, but that would require the revamp of core mechanics of the game, which is highly unlikely. This locks the game in a horrible place, you can't buff necro and warrior, becuase they are too easy and would dominate. You also can't buff thief becuase it would dominate.. but they won't adress the core mechanics of stealth.. so another example of the game being locked into toxicity. You can't buff gaurdian too much.. becuase it can already face tank a silly amount of damage on support/dps while being easy to pump out damage with, and DH would just get more toxic, Etc.


You don't see more people on ele than gaurd, its just not true (eu at least). When condi cata was here, sure.. but after the huge nerf to scepter which destroyed a lot of other ele builds on various specs, there are now less eles than I have personally ever seen, I always look at class representation, I just do. Power cata has always been rare to see, despite it being good, becuase its not easy to be good on. I have seen far more core gaurd recently than tempests, who now essentially have to play with dagger main, or staff (not great options in RNG ranked). I see the occasional ele main on dagger tempest or hammer cata, but other than that, its newbs who are essentailly a free kill in the current general low skill floor of the game. The same with herland, I see more of these, and you see them typing in chat that herald is just too hard ''they die too easy''.. which they do, because they don't get carried by low skill floor face tanking. Those players are likely to just convert to the thing that keeps killing them, or quit.. both of which explain the higher representation of warrior, necro and now soulbeast.


Thief will always have good representation, becuase even a useless thief who knows how to escape and backcap, still gets a rewarding feeling that he is helping+thrill of escaping 2 people, in reality mostly thieves are useless.. but that little offensive stat gives them the motivation to play on, im sure.. even though the game was miserably lost on account of his team being outnumbered in every group fight, becuase of him. They could sort thief out to allow it to offer more to group fighting, but they wont, so its just a useless team mate to have 90% of the time, or is obnoxious af for others to face 10% of the time if good.


Btw vindi damage is pretty heavily broadcasted, but I do agree the dodge damage is just too much, toxic even. Its enough to dodge damage, never mind doing it at the same time. But then, the game is riddled with class abilitys that do 2, 3 or 4 things with 1 press.



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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

No, its saying that the skill floors across muliple classes needs to be made higher, but that would require the revamp of core mechanics of the game, which is highly unlikely. This locks the game in a horrible place, you can't buff necro and warrior, becuase they are too easy and would dominate. You also can't buff thief becuase it would dominate.. but they won't adress the core mechanics of stealth.. so another example of the game being locked into toxicity. You can't buff gaurdian too much.. becuase it can already face tank a silly amount of damage on support/dps while being easy to pump out damage with, and DH would just get more toxic, Etc.


You don't see more people on ele than gaurd, its just not true (eu at least). When condi cata was here, sure.. but after the huge nerf to scepter which destroyed a lot of other ele builds on various specs, there are now less eles than I have personally ever seen, I always look at class representation, I just do. Power cata has always been rare to see, despite it being good, becuase its not easy to be good on. I have seen far more core gaurd recently than tempests, who now essentially have to play with dagger main, or staff (not great options in RNG ranked). I see the occasional ele main on dagger tempest or hammer cata, but other than that, its newbs who are essentailly a free kill in the current general low skill floor of the game. The same with herland, I see more of these, and you see them typing in chat that herald is just too hard ''they die too easy''.. which they do, because they don't get carried by low skill floor face tanking. Those players are likely to just convert to the thing that keeps killing them, or quit.. both of which explain the higher representation of warrior, necro and now soulbeast.


Thief will always have good representation, becuase even a useless thief who knows how to escape and backcap, still gets a rewarding feeling that he is helping+thrill of escaping 2 people, in reality mostly thieves are useless.. but that little offensive stat gives them the motivation to play on, im sure.. even though the game was miserably lost on account of his team being outnumbered in every group fight, becuase of him. They could sort thief out to allow it to offer more to group fighting, but they wont, so its just a useless team mate to have 90% of the time, or is obnoxious af for others to face 10% of the time if good.


Btw vindi damage is pretty heavily broadcasted, but I do agree the dodge damage is just too much, toxic even. Its enough to dodge damage, never mind doing it at the same time. But then, the game is riddled with class abilitys that do 2, 3 or 4 things with 1 press.



That would require an immense amount of work. I find necro fine but more depth to core ranger, guard, war would be nice. They should just be careful not to overcomplicate things, easier builds are also fine if they are viable but niche.

For example I find untamed one of the best changes in PvP for ranger because it added depth. Yet the old sicem was also fine because, while easier to pick up,  it had to face reflect / tanky builds. Same in PvE I would still go for slb because swapping and spamming more keys is not what I look for most of the time.

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On 8/11/2023 at 5:39 PM, zyra.7860 said:

Rangers been broken for month now and nothing being done. When you take look at ranger's damage? Its getting ridiculous high bursts with pig pet's maul (10k) combined with CC + immob after that which prevents counterplay. Also warhorn #4 eats 80% of your hp when ranger just uses sic em and one wolf pack same time. Recent sword buffs seem to be also little too much since skills #2 and #3 both hit 4-5k and u can cast them in row.

So when this new FotM class is getting balanced? I know certain guy does his everything to "damage control" this situation to avoid nerfs but ranger needs to be checked.

Lol try dagger and warhorn ...WOW

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5 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Haha ranger not a melee role?  Rangers are just as much a melee role as ranged. Ranger stands for ranges the land not ranges his enemy haha,  bows are just one of many common weapons the ranger archetype typically uses along with swords, daggers, spears, axes and yes even shields, mooshie one of the most famous rangers in dnd had his crest on his favored sword and shield. Aragon was a melee ranger as were characters such as John snow and the other rangers of the nights watch. Let's not forget about drizzt. Hopefully one day the ranger archetype looses this ridiculous "the simple archer" tag.






-This is Ranger Profession true Identity and Role in Guild Wars- a survivalist hunter with a bow

you speak of archetype? Guild Wars 2 Ranger Profession archetype does not even come close to its true name

side note:

When Anet release Untaimed specialization for the Ranger Profession...I shook my head in disbelief. I ask myself...does Anet not know what a animal companion is? Once Ranger Profession charm a pet, it becomes a companion with it forever. 


-Anet rather give a support-healer role-Guardian Profession access to traps that has absolutely nothing to do with its Identity and Role...rather than honoring Ranger Profession Identity and Role by expanding its access to traps

Another Joke is...Anet giving Guardian Profession access to bows...WOW!!

So much for a Ranger Profession archetype with having a support/healer/tank/condition/melee and rogue roles LOL

can you imagine Necromancer Profession using a bow? don't be surprised if it is already happening

-What A Complete Mess-

Enjoy your day my friend.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 you might not mentioned me cause i sweaped ACC Name ^^. Im indeed a top 100 warr. This been said. I never said a warr on Meta build would loose to a ranger on Meta build on the Point. I only said a warr could only just hold the point cause it very obviously Play in a Full defence mode to keep himself alife. So yes the builds are incredible tanky but they also do omegalow dmg cause of how it (aside of condi zerker cause it got a 300 condi dmg boost per Berserk and since condi only need this Stat to Deal dmg.. well you see it). For real outside of its self sustain a warr got for real nothing it would be straight up useless if this gamemode would not be all about points holding.

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4 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

That would require an immense amount of work. I find necro fine but more depth to core ranger, guard, war would be nice. They should just be careful not to overcomplicate things, easier builds are also fine if they are viable but niche.

For example I find untamed one of the best changes in PvP for ranger because it added depth. Yet the old sicem was also fine because, while easier to pick up,  it had to face reflect / tanky builds. Same in PvE I would still go for slb because swapping and spamming more keys is not what I look for most of the time.

Yes, it would, and it won't happen.. the weapons are also landing, which is 100% going to break the game for one or multiple specs. Necro, well, you know what I think so we can disagree.


Untamed for me goes against the ethos of class roles, which bring true diversity. If you want to play melee, play a melee class, if you want to play with a bow, play ranger, if you want to stealth, play theif. Now untamed/soulbeast could be given some melee based disengage/mitigation skills, im not against that, but they shouldnt be pumping out significant melee damage to the point they intentially put themselves in melee range. Kiting has a skill floor which opens up counter plays for other classes, untamed/soulbeast have reduced that skill floor.. and I can say that with 100% confidence from playing WOW hunter to a high level some years back. Again, it is class roles that bring true diversity to counter play, nothing else.

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39 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Yes, it would, and it won't happen.. the weapons are also landing, which is 100% going to break the game for one or multiple specs. Necro, well, you know what I think so we can disagree.


Untamed for me goes against the ethos of class roles, which bring true diversity. If you want to play melee, play a melee class, if you want to play with a bow, play ranger, if you want to stealth, play theif. Now untamed/soulbeast could be given some melee based disengage/mitigation skills, im not against that, but they shouldnt be pumping out significant melee damage to the point they intentially put themselves in melee range. Kiting has a skill floor which opens up counter plays for other classes, untamed/soulbeast have reduced that skill floor.. and I can say that with 100% confidence from playing WOW hunter to a high level some years back. Again, it is class roles that bring true diversity to counter play, nothing else.

Maybe I missed something trying to translate. Are you suggesting that one profession should be one playstyle? If so this is the wrong game. Even at release it never was the case. Plus especs are literally meant to shift the gameplay like druid vs core ranger or reaper vs core necro.

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18 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

Maybe I missed something trying to translate. Are you suggesting that one profession should be one playstyle? If so this is the wrong game. Even at release it never was the case. Plus especs are literally meant to shift the gameplay like druid vs core ranger or reaper vs core necro.

if I may



here's another read 



It's not playstyle, it's identity-roles and responsibility of each Professions.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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23 minutes ago, aymnad.9023 said:

Maybe I missed something trying to translate. Are you suggesting that one profession should be one playstyle? If so this is the wrong game. Even at release it never was the case. Plus especs are literally meant to shift the gameplay like druid vs core ranger or reaper vs core necro.

I realise Gw2 tried to be different, nothing wrong with that. But what you need to also understand is I have played games were all ''classess'' could do everything. All that led to was mirror matches, and a complete lack of diversity.


So run with that, why is ranger special? give it all, but lets also give spellbreaker more access to swiftness, superspeed, stealth, and significant ranged damage. Lets do this with all classes, until you have no need to specs or then classes, as they will all be much the same thing only with different names. Take revenent, there was no reason at all to make renegade, other than a lack of ideas and direction, since ranger was already in the game, and ren did nothing particularly unique/different. Revenent has some unique things that could have been expanded on, like mind control (if you know the lore) but were not.. and instead you got just another generic ranged spec. Ele suffered the same, conjured weapons, hammer for cata, sword for weaver, dagger meta, all just copy and paste things from other specs with a slight of magic, aka applies fire and bleed (nothing unique there either). When I think of ele, I think more of something like a combination of WOW shaman+mage, a lot of unique oppertunitys were lost with ele.


Ranger could have had 3 specs that specialised at different ranges. For example, a spec at 1200, that does less damage, but has superior kiting. A spec limited to shortbow range, slightly more damage, less kiting ability. A crossbow spec limited to 600 range, alot more damage, more melee based mitigation, but the highest risk of dying. You see how that could play out?



Edited by Flowki.7194
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