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Since Anet willing to borrow Rifts from Rift, I hope they borrow Dimensions for Player Housing in the future. [Merged]

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In fairness, GW 2's rifts feel like a bad joke in comparison to the rifts in RIFT. I know, that game was named RIFT after all, yeah... still, ANet could've added a minimum of variation to the rift events, even if only cosmetic, but not even that. I for one can't tolerate them anymore, and that goes for Convergence as well. The next expansion needs to be a step up from this, whatever you choose to do - it doesn't have to have several new skin sets with overlapping acquisition systems... just make the maps more lively, more detailed and fleshed out... this production-line type of content made with minimum effort for maximum replayability grind is making me less willing to play. Enough dailies and weeklies as it is - stop coercing players with artificial systems, offer something small but with substance.

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One of the selling features of EoD was fishing, and for SotO was rift hunting. You can hardly compare that with a glider (HoT) or mounts (PoF). ArenaNet needs to step up their game. I don't see housing as a major selling point though.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

One of the selling features of EoD was fishing, and for SotO was rift hunting. You can hardly compare that with a glider (HoT) or mounts (PoF). ArenaNet needs to step up their game. I don't see housing as a major selling point though.

I don't think the GW2 engine can give housing, but you underestimate its attraction, its massive in ESO and great fun.  It also revitalises old content, e.g dungeons drop rare furniture recipes etc.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

One of the selling features of EoD was fishing, and for SotO was rift hunting. You can hardly compare that with a glider (HoT) or mounts (PoF). ArenaNet needs to step up their game. I don't see housing as a major selling point though.

I totally disagree with this. Fishing may be one of the new features in EoD, it is definitely not a selling one. I have many friends and guildlies who dislike the fishing feature. For me I never do any of the achievements and I never bought a single gem store item or skins related to fishing. But I do like the skiff, jade bots, turtle mount and those beautiful new maps.

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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Since this is now the merge thread where housing threads go to die...I mean where all the awesome housing suggestions are gathered for further study and consideration, sry. Here's my two cents on housing:
1) It's just not my cup of tea. To each their own, others my really like that sort of feature and that's fine.
2) "But they did mounts" This is only ever an argument if people aknowledge what the suggestions at the time before HoT were compared to what we got. I never wanted mounts, but that was because the suggested mounts were boring and unnecessary. What people suggested were permanent speedbuffs paired with screenclutter, all in a game with plenty of speed available, waypoints and enough screenclutter. However, ANet really knocked it out of the park and delivered mounts which will probably influence how MMO mounts work for years. I wouldn't want to miss them. So, if I say "nah, housing is boring" then it's probably because the suggestions to its implementation and the examples I know of are boring. If ANet does housing and it's truly awesome in a way no one could ever dream of, I'll be fully on board and build my barbie's dream castle.
3) So far the arguments against it are better for me, I'm biased see point 1), but still.
3.1) In a MMO I want my fellow players out in the open world doing stuff, I want them fighting with or against me in WvW/PvP, I want them to do dungeons/raids/strikes/fractals with me. What I don't want is them locked away in groups of three or four in private instances.
3.2) If a game is released with housing in mind, it is built for it. If it's implemented ten years into a game's life it will feel tacked on.
3.3) I haven't heard of exciting things to do with housing, that couldn't be done with guildhalls or with the home instance that we have. Minigames, hangout spots etc are all there allready or could be done within the systems already in the game. Implementing housing would mean to build a whole new system on top of the spaghetti code and I doubt that the value would justify the costs without ANet heavily monetizing the thing, I'm speaking of 10% things that can be crafted Vs 5% things as ingame rewards Vs 85% things on the gemshop.
3.4) ANet so far hasn't done well with social features. Guilds are mostly abandoned content and while there are RP guilds, as far as I know texts, forums, discords etc, do a lot of heavy lifting in these communities. GW2 is a game with a great community but it's also very much a game that is optimized to "play alone together". For housing to be interesting, at least for me, it would be a heavy social focused feature and I doubt ANet could pull that off or even want to pull that off in GW2.
4) "But maybe that's just like your opinion man, what do you know, do you have the market research to back all that up?" - No I don't, do you have the research to prove me wrong? It's all just opinions and guesswork, some better than others but still. I'm not a dev and neither are the people on the forums in general. I'm also not a shareholder or someone who has published games in the past. These are just my two cents on the matter.
5) Maybe 3 years ago a big feature like this may have been possible. But with GW3 on the far, far horizon, I don't think ANet will take steps this big for GW2. Same goes for a new race or getting a new weapon type. Not that I would ever want these things, I don't think GW2 ever needde those, but those are big changes to a game that will probably go into maintainance mode some time in the next 5 years with more and more dev time shifting from this gameto the next. Maybe I'm wrong and ANet knocks it out of the park again. But the days of HoT/PoF are far behind us. This is no longer the team that gave us these great inventions. In recent years we got what, fishing? A stardew valley rip off minigame. Rifts? Doing the same event ad nauseam if you want the big shiny or having nothing to do if you don't. Even if I wanted housing in this game, even if I thought this to be the be all and end all feature to a MMO. I'm not sure I wanted housing to happen now. Housing done by the HoT/PoF devs? Maybe, could be interesting. Housing done by people that brought us the Gyala Delves Turtle fest? Not so sure.

So much for that. May this thread live to see it to page 100.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/7/2024 at 12:29 AM, Omega.6801 said:

Since this is now the merge thread where housing threads go to die...I mean where all the awesome housing suggestions are gathered for further study and consideration, sry. Here's my two cents on housing:
1) It's just not my cup of tea. To each their own, others my really like that sort of feature and that's fine.
2) "But they did mounts" This is only ever an argument if people aknowledge what the suggestions at the time before HoT were compared to what we got. I never wanted mounts, but that was because the suggested mounts were boring and unnecessary. What people suggested were permanent speedbuffs paired with screenclutter, all in a game with plenty of speed available, waypoints and enough screenclutter. However, ANet really knocked it out of the park and delivered mounts which will probably influence how MMO mounts work for years. I wouldn't want to miss them. So, if I say "nah, housing is boring" then it's probably because the suggestions to its implementation and the examples I know of are boring. If ANet does housing and it's truly awesome in a way no one could ever dream of, I'll be fully on board and build my barbie's dream castle.
3) So far the arguments against it are better for me, I'm biased see point 1), but still.
3.1) In a MMO I want my fellow players out in the open world doing stuff, I want them fighting with or against me in WvW/PvP, I want them to do dungeons/raids/strikes/fractals with me. What I don't want is them locked away in groups of three or four in private instances.
3.2) If a game is released with housing in mind, it is built for it. If it's implemented ten years into a game's life it will feel tacked on.
3.3) I haven't heard of exciting things to do with housing, that couldn't be done with guildhalls or with the home instance that we have. Minigames, hangout spots etc are all there allready or could be done within the systems already in the game. Implementing housing would mean to build a whole new system on top of the spaghetti code and I doubt that the value would justify the costs without ANet heavily monetizing the thing, I'm speaking of 10% things that can be crafted Vs 5% things as ingame rewards Vs 85% things on the gemshop.
3.4) ANet so far hasn't done well with social features. Guilds are mostly abandoned content and while there are RP guilds, as far as I know texts, forums, discords etc, do a lot of heavy lifting in these communities. GW2 is a game with a great community but it's also very much a game that is optimized to "play alone together". For housing to be interesting, at least for me, it would be a heavy social focused feature and I doubt ANet could pull that off or even want to pull that off in GW2.
4) "But maybe that's just like your opinion man, what do you know, do you have the market research to back all that up?" - No I don't, do you have the research to prove me wrong? It's all just opinions and guesswork, some better than others but still. I'm not a dev and neither are the people on the forums in general. I'm also not a shareholder or someone who has published games in the past. These are just my two cents on the matter.
5) Maybe 3 years ago a big feature like this may have been possible. But with GW3 on the far, far horizon, I don't think ANet will take steps this big for GW2. Same goes for a new race or getting a new weapon type. Not that I would ever want these things, I don't think GW2 ever needde those, but those are big changes to a game that will probably go into maintainance mode some time in the next 5 years with more and more dev time shifting from this gameto the next. Maybe I'm wrong and ANet knocks it out of the park again. But the days of HoT/PoF are far behind us. This is no longer the team that gave us these great inventions. In recent years we got what, fishing? A stardew valley rip off minigame. Rifts? Doing the same event ad nauseam if you want the big shiny or having nothing to do if you don't. Even if I wanted housing in this game, even if I thought this to be the be all and end all feature to a MMO. I'm not sure I wanted housing to happen now. Housing done by the HoT/PoF devs? Maybe, could be interesting. Housing done by people that brought us the Gyala Delves Turtle fest? Not so sure.

So much for that. May this thread live to see it to page 100.

Your only really valid point is 3.2 which i totally agree with, this would be a GW3 thing.  The rest either reiterates on 3.2 or  is skewed because you have either not played a game with great housing, or you are not interested in that type of gameplay (which is fine) 

Housing in games like ESO, Wildstar, LOTR, Rift, FF14 among others were and are popular and really enjoyable, and has great synergies with other elements of the game.  For example you may not like housing, but the players who are enjoying housing are out in WVW/PVP/PVE/Open World playing the game alongside you to get gold/rare items to build their houses.  It also offers a huge income stream to ESO which ultimately funds the game for everyone.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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1 hour ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

It also offers a huge income stream

People asking for housing should keep this in mind. Such a system would be (very) heavily monetized. Ask yourself how many mount skins are earnable in game (other than via gold conversion).

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2 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

People asking for housing should keep this in mind. Such a system would be (very) heavily monetized. Ask yourself how many mount skins are earnable in game (other than via gold conversion).

Yup we all know how GW2 works with no Sub (and how to exchange gold for gems)  As ive said ESO is a very successful game with housing and there is lots of stuff you can buy in the shop, all of which is not pay to win and ultimately cosmetic.

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re the fun you can have, check this out : 

  to be clear i'm not pushing for ESO, its games engine is fundamentally broken in PVP and i would never recommend it, but its a great example of a thriving housing economy that supports the game for everyone.

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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

Player housing is fishing 2.0. People on this forum act like it solve all the games problems, but its just a fad for a small vocal playerbase. 

And once again as proven by other current AAA games, if done well its highly popular, and most certainly is not Fishing lol. 

This would be GW3 if anything and to put things into perspective, Anet could drop Raiding (i don't suggest they do, its a nice niche) and replace it with housing and the uptake of players would be much higher than the <=5% raiding with a better purchase gem yield. 

MMORPG classically have had housing because casual players often like it more often than not and its actually been a staple long term content in many AAA MMORPG going back decades, but i emphasis again, it has to be right.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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