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They ruined the game

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12 minutes ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Oh no, things change, what horror.

Having a blast with the expansion so far. The rewards for the daily/weekly currency look really good. And the relics feel like a breath of fresh air to the long stale gearing part of the game.

But guess I'm one of the few with positive views that still visits the forums 😄

Does really feel like a lot of people only come here to complain and spread doom and gloom.

I'm one of the positive people who finds it frustrating when people assume the worst about everything and complain, complain, complain. I disagree with many of the OPs views.

But, they have seriously messed up with the Wizard's Vault because it's far worse for encouraging players to play and to play together.

We need more choice, we need to be able to do dailies with friends and families, and we need to be able to do dailies without going to expansion maps which we own but haven't reached in the story (I'm only in Heart of Thorns in the story, so I'm never going to visit a PoF, EoD or SOTO map!).

It's possible that none of these issues affect you, but they do affect thousands of other players.

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Nobody should be surprised by anything given the recent history of the game. Just look at the abomination that was the June balance patch or the second half of Gyala Delve, to name two. Why would anyone think the same people that were behind that stuff wouldn't keep doubling down on bad decisions making the game worse and alienating even more of their player base?

I'm actually sort of happy to read about this stuff since I effectively quit playing after that balance patch since I saw the writing on the wall. Seeing this makes me not feel like I need to start playing again and confirms I made the correct decision.

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I'll first say that I do love Anet and often cite them as one of the reasons I have supported the franchise. I critique their decisions because I do care. I am a fan of the story, many gameplay elements and other things. No monthly fee, no level cap raise, no unearthly grind to get into exotics, etc. There have historically been many things I like.

That said?

It truthfully is bizarre. They basically griefed their own game. Like... Why?

I've noticed a theme with many of the balance and build craft changes and it is that Arenanet seem to want to make Arenanets game for Arenanet and not a game for the players. Deleting builds entirely when they could have been salvaged, not offering an alternative playstyle, many things such as this. They take a build system - something designed to be able to have some complexity and gut it on the regular. Its ok to bevel the edges out - make it approachable, etc. I don't even think relics are a bad idea at the core, but the way they implemented it was rude, and for no reason. It would not have been significant effort to give you what you had, but also more in this case. People didn't have to log in today and feel like anet stole every 6th rune they had and then "all I got was this t shirt" with the miniscule 3 relics. People spent significant time, effort, and even money to set those builds up and often found builds that made them happy with various classes, they might have even 3d printed their characters. 

As a company, and as an entertainer, you have a -responsibility- to your patrons to do everything in your power -not- to be too destructive to the foundations they have built upon unless no other option comes up.

I feel like they need to do some soul searching and get out of their CEO hugbox room because they are going to damage their community and iron out the wrinkles on the brain of their franchise. Some people like those wrinkles. They built character. They were endearing. Maybe some polish was necessary but you cannot do stuff like this rune change without taking every effort to appease peoples playstyles and make them feel like the time and effort they spent was not just wasted by some percent. 

It isn't an exaggeration. You shouldn't include build craft, advertise giving lots of player freedom for playstyles (no trinity, etc) then get surprised when people who enjoy theory-crafting get fussy about frankly rushed changes stomping on their sand castles.


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28 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

We should never invalidate player opinions. There's a lot of things I'm liking in the expac. There's a lot of things they just got wrong in my opinion. We should absolutely encourage people to speak out on both sides, but we should never be telling them their opinion is worthless either (outside of the small number of toxic postive and negative outliers)

If you are enjoying it, that's great. Clearly people are upset. That's absolutely fine too

I don't mean to invalidate the other opinions, just trying to show that there's the opposite too.

Like the expansion is out for barely a few hours. People have barely spent time playing it and already go saying the game is ruined before there's been any time for the changes to really settle in. I'm sure not everything is great about what has been done, but I'm also certain it isn't as bad as many make it out to be without even giving it a chance. Things are changed, builds will adjust, gameplay routines may change a bit. But in my opinion it's not fair towards the effort the devs put in to be treating it like the game is ruined without really giving it a chance.

Edited by Chyro.1462
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No one said you you have to do all dailes the rewards still add up from what I can tell. And we still get a 6th bonus on runes, yes its not as specical but still there, with the extra relic bonus as well, so tthat seems better to me,. There is more relecs to follow as well, but I've not looked through all the different options yet, so not sure how it will effect builds going forwards so will wait and see. 

Just worried so much to do with the weekly rewards now as well!

Edited by Rose.2593
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1 minute ago, Rose.2593 said:

No said you you have to do all dailes the rewards still at up. And we still get a 6th bonus on runes, yes its not as specical but still there, with the extra relic bonus as well, so tthat seems better to me,. There is more relecs to follow as well. 

I think you were trying to say "No one said you have to do dailies."  

My response is: ALL I DO ARE DAILIES. That's all I have time for. So Anet is deciding to chase us away with this approach.

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42 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

I feel the same, so far I am really enjoying the expansion. 
But yeah, people who want to have fun play the game, people who want to cry visit the forum 🤣

 I've played and enjoyed this game for 2 years so it's not like I come here to complain for nothing! Let me have fun! Let me have back my golem companion!

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3 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

I don't mean to invalidate the other opinions, just trying to show that there's the opposite too.

Like the expansion is out for barely a few hours. People have barely spent time playing it and already go saying the game is ruined before there's been any time for the changes to really settle in. I'm sure not everything is great about what has been done, but I'm also certain it isn't as bad as many make it out to be without even giving it a chance. Things are changed, builds will adjust, gameplay routines may change a bit. But in my opinion it's not fair towards the effort the devs put in to be treating it like the game is ruined without really giving it a chance.

If you are trying to show that there are opposite opinions, it can be done by focussing on those and not dismissing others as just "crying". Focus on what your feedback is and owrry less what others are saying if you are opposed to it. If you are positive about changes, then feed those back. But, not at the expense of dismissing other. The same goes for anyone on the flip side. It's all very well the devs putting in effort, but effort to reinvent several working systems instead of focusing on new content entirely is always going to be a controversial subject. If they wanted to reinvent systems, there are broken ones that should be priorirtised (build templates for one).

It's also not our responsibility to be fair to the devs if the feeling that fairness towards us is not reciprocated. It works both ways

Whilst I do agree things should always been given a chance, we do need to be aware some things can seem obviously a problem off the bat and much of these have been concerns raised leading up to SoTo's launch. . Lets not forget the devs actually forgot legendary runes existed and had to design a whole new system for legendary relics - hence why it will be + 6 months before arriving when it should have been today. This was spotted by the community and has exapserated the worry that other things aren't being carefully thought out. That's a valid concern because of precedent

Edited by Randulf.7614
missing words
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1 hour ago, Kaibamon.7206 said:

They removed daily login rewards which was a reason for many to login and surprisingly play a bit after only to replace it with a FOMO Battlepass! They removed much of the rune effects that were ok for a poor relic set. And they removed the reason for specializations since now everyone can use spec weapons.Not to mention the expansion itself is not even complete!. I have huuuge buyers remorse with this expansion. I loved my golemancy rune with my additional golem, why did they have to remove it? I regret buying this expansion and these new changes. anyone else feel the same?

Every single thing you mention they were up front about exactly what would be happening. There's no way you could have possibly bought this mini-expansion without knowing exactly what you would be getting.

This is basically the best work Anet has done since HoT release.

They have shaken up the meta for now and forced to make some very slight adaptions to very minor changes that have been implemented.

They've listened to the players and got rid of the daily reward system something people have been demanding for a few years now, replaced it with something that makes sense, has ZERO fomo and is fair (I recognize it's a relative term) to pretty much everyone.

They were clear up front that this expansion would take place over 4 quarters and successive releases would build on this initial release

They made the rune system so it has more options you can play around and you can make the combinations make sense.

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While I don't think the game is ruined, I do feel this update was quite disappointing. The new daily and relic systems were advertised as exciting new features, but they feel more like  downgrades or nerfs of existing systems that were working fine in the first place.

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4 minutes ago, Finse.8526 said:

While I don't think the game is ruined, I do feel this update was quite disappointing. The new daily and relic systems were advertised as exciting new features, but they feel more like  downgrades or nerfs of existing systems that were working fine in the first place.

I can't really disagree with you here.

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

I feel the same, so far I am really enjoying the expansion. 
But yeah, people who want to have fun play the game, people who want to cry visit the forum 🤣

That's wrong. People who want to have fun playing the game get upset when poor development decisions are made, especially if effects the playerbase. 

If you're parents aren't buying your games still, you might have something to say when poor decisions are made for something you've spent money on.

Also if that's true, you would be playing the game and not hanging out the forums being cringe with emojies, unless you're actively trying to not have fun for some reason. 

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1 hour ago, Naxos.2503 said:

Here's a thought for ANET : Remove the scuffed relics we have now, bring back to rune 6 effect, and dont replace them till they're All properly replaced. This is a severe downgrade to many builds that are not adequately compensated for, this is Punishing.


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25 minutes ago, Rose.2593 said:

There are still more relics to follow including legendary ones I think too, in the third update so perhaps that will fix things people are missing. 

The problem with that is that the third update means within 3 quarters. That's mid 2024. 

*Edit : Since someone is confused by what I mean by that, I'll refer you to This Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure Launches Today – GuildWars2.com And quote :

"The story that launches today will continue over the next three major releases (roughly one major release per quarter), joined by system updates, additional rewards, new weapon proficiencies, new instanced combat encounters, and more. " then direct you to the board-like roadmap under the statement. If we assume that we get update 1 by the end of this year, which is still 4 months away, update 2 by the end of march/april, then we get update 3 by roughly june/july next year. This is going to be a long time. If they plan on adding a few relics with every major update, it'll take 1 year before players have access to everything they used to have. What they should have done was to first replace all existing effects of rune 6 and in future updates, if they wanted, add new effects which -would- have been great. But right now it's just an all around nerf to everyone with promises of improvement over time. 

They're lucky this isn't technically part of the expansion and freely "given" to all, because otherwise people would have paid to be downgraded

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RUNES. WTF. (Specifically speaking of removing all the rune bonus functions not covered by relics, obviously)  My favorite part of GW2 is buildcrafting with fun runes and finding fun equipment combos. Anet sure stablled that in the heart.  

I have NEVER complained about any of the changes or releases these past 4 years. Dont think i ever even posted a complaint before.... I love anet and GW2.... Happily bought gems along the way...

But this launch.... dang.  I'll be playing the SOTO story... but BG3 is starting to look good... sad.

Edited by Snafu.4930
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2 hours ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Oh no, things change, what horror.

Having a blast with the expansion so far. The rewards for the daily/weekly currency look really good. And the relics feel like a breath of fresh air to the long stale gearing part of the game.

But guess I'm one of the few with positive views that still visits the forums 😄

Does really feel like a lot of people only come here to complain and spread doom and gloom.

As you enjoy it so much how about I send you the 7 builds that I have spent hundreds of game hours creating and testing in WvW that no longer work as a result of this "upgrade" relic system and you can spend months redesigning them for me? I can either sit down and totally redesign my roaming style or kitten off to Baldurs Gate 3, at least ANet made that an easy decision for me.

Edit: The refund request is in, half the price toward BG3 at least, let's see if Anet honours it without issue.

Edited by MoonT.6845
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