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What count activity

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8 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

aren't those totally different? As far as I'm aware those are "Adventures" not "Activities".

You are right. Forgot those were different dailies. Although i kind of seem to remember that there were more things than just one specific activity from rotation that counted. Although i might be thinking about some cases of holiday activities.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 hours ago, TheNurgle.4825 said:

They need add "guidance" to some daily task. Like most ppl do not even know where is NPC for activity. Would be nice to have "guide" icon on daily task and it show you NPC in Lion!s Arch.

Definitely one improvement to make. Old dailies let you at least click the compass and it would try to point you in the right direction. It wasn't always great either, but it had something.

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2 minutes ago, Wheezy.2846 said:

Definitely one improvement to make. Old dailies let you at least click the compass and it would try to point you in the right direction. It wasn't always great either, but it had something.

It does that...if you click the location icon on the daily it shows you the nearest POI and says it's near there.  In LA

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The description ingame

"Activities are fun minigames that allow you to participate in things you can't normally do in the game. You can find them throughout Tyria, especially during festivals and events' 

Fun - debatable, most just AFK when it is a daily until it's finally over.
All throughout Tyria - incorrect
Specially during festival - Incorrect (only SOME during SOME festivals) 

Also: Too often it is Southsun Survival. Which is a PvP minigame. 

I picked PvE dailies. Not PvP

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