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23 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I'm okay with pig maul. And Prelude lash. And Smoke Assault into WI. And the hard hitting sword skills. A well timed dodge and some good kiting and you can avoid all of that. 

The sticky damage from birds on the other hand... If you don't have a channeled block/invuln, you need 2 dodges to mitigate this 1 skill. Just give it the lightning orb treatment. Give it fewer hits but increase the damage. Speed it up so a single well timed dodge will suffice. That's all. 

The rest, you can argue is a L2P issue. 

So far this is the most correct post ive seen on ALL the posts about ranger. Here is an example of a constructive post for changes. I support this 100. That and Sahnes post about PvE Damage Modifiers. You know who else posted about warhorn4? Eurantien. Likely the best ranger in NA in my oppion. Yall ignored his post too. He also gave a very specific way to adjust it. 

23 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I'm okay with pig maul. And Prelude lash. And Smoke Assault into WI. And the hard hitting sword skills. A well timed dodge and some good kiting and you can avoid all of that. 

This right here - @TrollingDemigod.3041@Sahne.6950 Need to understand the rest of it as laid out in this post is a l2p issue. Find common ground or just admit you have an agenda. You tried to close the last thread @Sahne.6950 by stating I am ranger main (im not) along with @Gotejjeken.1267Saying hes a ranger main. If your basing that assumption based on my posts then I am a main of everything in the game that has ever done damage. My only point - LITERALLY EVER on this forum is that people cry over damage on here after getting bodied when they could of just:'

23 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

A well timed dodge and some good kiting and you can avoid all of that. 

@Sahne.6950I also made a handful of posts agreeing with you on some points, and countering your others. You straight up dodged ALL OF MY posts just to try and sidestep with anger, assumptions, and really just a lot of frothy emotional appeal. 

Care to answer any of my posts? I can copy them into here for you if you like. Also - call me a ranger main again and Ill screenshot my games played and youll see 50% of my games are played on one class since launch and its none of the classes you think I play. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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33 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Man, the ranger mains are really out on damage control mode.

Look, Soulbeast can absolutley have the damage, but it can ABSOLUTLEY NOT have the built-in survivability, boon access, utility and STEALTH on top of that.

Right now it has massive upsides with very little downside.

"L2P" issue my kitten.

Average sPvP player moment - Twitch

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8 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Good stuff, a mesmer managed to kill a Soulbeast that played their combo poorly and has unoptimal equipment in open arena pvp.

Now what about other professions that have a quarter of the mobility or general unadulterated kittenery that a mesmer has against a SB that can actually pull a combo off?

Oh right, we dont need to check that. Here is the same clip but with a SB that can line up five button presses correctly against a mesmer.

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19 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Good stuff, a mesmer managed to kill a Soulbeast that played their combo poorly and has unoptimal equipment in open arena pvp.

Now what about other professions that have a quarter of the mobility or general unadulterated kittenery that a mesmer has against a SB that can actually pull a combo off?

Oh right, we dont need to check that. Here is the same clip but with a SB that can line up five button presses correctly against a mesmer.

trashgamegarbagebad - Twitch

This mesmer's Twitch is not the hill you wanna die on for this discussion 😂

EDIT: Proof is here too that mesmer is just as broke in burst dept. and as you admit has 'unadulterated bs' (assuming you wrote bs)--so why you being classist against ranger? 

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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6 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

trashgamegarbagebad - Twitch

This mesmer's Twitch is not the hill you wanna die on for this discussion 😂

EDIT: Proof is here too that mesmer is just as broke in burst dept. and as you admit has 'unadulterated bs' (assuming you wrote bs)--so why you being classist against ranger? 

No one said that Mesmer power burst is okay to any degree, that kitten is still B-tier broken, the thing we are discussing in this topic is the fact that ranger is on A-tier of the broken scale, even A+-tier by some arguments. The Catalyst issue was because it was S+ -tier if you want a comparison.

This thread is named "RANGER REALLY" so by all accounts we are discussing the the issues that Ranger is creating in the game currently. If you want to discuss the Mesmer issue make a thread for it, dont derail other threads.

Im just sick of Ranger mains derailing a legitimate issue, even if its turned to a cryfest.

None of this matter anyway, my faith that the devs have the best interest of the general playerbase in mind is running on empty.

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1 minute ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

No one said that Mesmer power burst is okay to any degree, that kitten is still B-tier broken, the thing we are discussing in this topic is the fact that ranger is on A-tier of the broken scale, even A+-tier by some arguments. The Catalyst issue was because it was S+ -tier if you want a comparison.

This thread is named "RANGER REALLY" so by all accounts we are discussing the the issues that Ranger is creating in the game currently. If you want to discuss the Mesmer issue make a thread for it, dont derail other threads.

Im just sick of Ranger mains derailing a legitimate issue, even if its turned to a cryfest.

None of this matter anyway, my faith that the devs have the best interest of the general playerbase in mind is running on empty.

Here, we'll turn this on its head.

Suppose people get their way and ranger sword, pig, and wh #4 are nerfed (only one of which had major changes and is the only actual overtuned thing)--what does ranger get in return? 

All of our pets are bugged to either delay or straight up not work in the case of the new pet.  Some of our builds 'half work' like Untamed but are completely shut down by killing said buggy pets unless you outplay massively.

After the nerfs you will still have the same soulbeast and the same damage unless you also ask for nerf of sic em and OWP, in which case you will obliterate soulbeasts only role, and that is burst.  

This is what the complainers do not see because ranger isn't nearly enough of a problem for anyone to bandwagon it like almost every other class.  Even in current iteration burst ranger dies to literal mesmer, as I've proved with two clips from the same guy that you posted the original link from.  

Let that sink in, the guy dies in 4 hits to a ranger because he gets pulled has no movement, etc.  A complete fabrication.  Then in the next clip happens to magically outplay the same type of ranger while being caught off guard, and in the third dies to a burst with ONE button from his own class.  

It's no fabrication either that condis completely shut this burst build down and somehow that's not balanced enough.  

tldr; there is no derailing here, sword is probably overtuned because the devs thoughtlessly made it into a power weapon and took all the evades out--the rest of it has been in the game for years and never were issues, so are not issues now.  

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There is no head turning needed, im totally fine with Soulbeast having oneshot burst potential. Other professions have it too. Its great fun to instagib someone.


2 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Look, Soulbeast can absolutley have the damage, but it can ABSOLUTLEY NOT have the built-in survivability, boon access, utility and STEALTH on top of that.

Right now it has massive upsides with very little downside.

Ranger in its current itteration has too many tools to use, not to even mention that a lot of the damage moves are multi hit ones, defensives like aegis and conditions like blindness are far less effective due to this.

Ranger weapons, specificly greatsword might be one of the best PVP weapons in the game for the sheer value it provides in its kit.
The recently rework sword also gave power rangers a lot of front loaded damage as well in combination to its boon and damage acces with warhorn. 

Ranger in its current state does not sacrifice nearly as much as other professions for the safety and damge it provides.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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On 8/28/2023 at 8:17 AM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Coal tier players wisdom I see.
Big damage is fine, big damage with high mobility, kitten load of boons, kitten load of defenses is in fact not fine.
You see, there should be something called "cost of opportunity" within class balance in a game if developers care about healthy playerbase, like "if you have big damage, you've weak defenses". I know, for many of you it's an alien concept since you were carried by powercreep far too long.
If you think that nothing needs fixes then nice, this game is as good as dead.

Not realy as the combat system of guild wars is made so that you have to preform realy well to use any class at 100% efficency and the game where made so that all classes should be able to only rely on them self. (not all build but if built for it)

That is the reason classes have damage, boons and mobilety.

While there is and always have been ballance issues , the spvp ballance we have now is some of the best gw2 have seen ( wvw is a whole other story )

Combat in Guild Wars 2 is skill based, almost like streetfighter or mortal combat.

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

trashgamegarbagebad - Twitch

This mesmer's Twitch is not the hill you wanna die on for this discussion 😂

EDIT: Proof is here too that mesmer is just as broke in burst dept. and as you admit has 'unadulterated bs' (assuming you wrote bs)--so why you being classist against ranger? 

kitten arguing with out of context random clips is just a new level of cope for ranger mains.

Mesmer do burst a lot, but it's a squishy class that relies only on blink and distorsion as actually strong defensive cd

sb on the other hand has:

-5 combo finisher for stealth (lmao)

-3 skill to make distance (GS #3, S #2/3)

-one block (GS #4)

-6 stun/daze/immob (smokescale f1, boar f2 f3, GS #5,  S#3, WH#5)

-2 invulnerabilities (griffon stance, smokescale f2)


All of that on dmg coefficents that makes no sense on pretty much every single spell

Edited by mariugo.4856
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32 minutes ago, mariugo.4856 said:

kitten arguing with out of context random clips is just a new level of cope for ranger mains.

Mesmer do burst a lot, but it's a squishy class that relies only on blink and distorsion as actually strong defensive cd

Right, Mesmer is skillful to play when most of them spam invuln, can burst from stealth, and if all that fails throw out a Moa or blink away to safety of team.   Mesmer has just as many tools as your list...of which you are listing griffon stance as an invulnerability now...😂.  The reach here is insane.

Oh, I forgot your entire post history is complaining about FotM builds lolol.

5 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

There is no head turning needed, im totally fine with Soulbeast having oneshot burst potential. Other professions have it too. Its great fun to instagib someone.

You wouldn't be quoting obviously manufactured videos if this were the case.  Find one where the player doesn't have an agenda and isn't stupidly easy to prove the opposite with two other videos on their same Twitch channel.  

5 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Ranger weapons, specificly greatsword might be one of the best PVP weapons in the game for the sheer value it provides in its kit.
The recently rework sword also gave power rangers a lot of front loaded damage as well in combination to its boon and damage acces with warhorn. 

This talking rhetoric proves none of the complainers actually play ranger.  So far in the past few days I've seen 'that one skill I can't remember the name of but it like rev 3 skill' and 'smoke beast' as well as this talking about gs which his hilarious considering it relies so heavily on Dolyak Stance to work in melee effectively.  If gs was 'one of the best pvp weapons in the game' we wouldn't have salt mines about Sw/Wh.  

The entire ranger class isn't Soulbeast. 

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27 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You wouldn't be quoting obviously manufactured videos if this were the case.  Find one where the player doesn't have an agenda and isn't stupidly easy to prove the opposite with two other videos on their same Twitch channel.    

Im using the video as evidence here because it was, and this is really important, an instagib with INCREDIBLY LITTLE COUNTERPLAY FROM STEALTH. 

If you would have actually read previous posts in the thread you can see that i talk about human reaction time and server latency:
"The human reaction time + server latency makes your average reaction time roughly about 0,4 - 0,5 seconds at best. I've been onetapped from stealth having 24k hp in less then that."

@Sahne.6950 also chimed in with the fact that there is a stealth delay in this game, so if a soulbeast combo is done even close to competently there is precious little that can be done to counter it from a human reaction level, much less a gameplay level. 

As stated, I dont mind professions having a oneshot. I do mind when a profession has a oneshot that you cant play around.

44 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

This talking rhetoric proves none of the complainers actually play ranger.  So far in the past few days I've seen 'that one skill I can't remember the name of but it like rev 3 skill' and 'smoke beast' as well as this talking about gs which his hilarious considering it relies so heavily on Dolyak Stance to work in melee effectively.  If gs was 'one of the best pvp weapons in the game' we wouldn't have salt mines about Sw/Wh.  

Remembering the name of one skill out of the hundreds that exist in the game isnt a sign someone hasnt played or played against a ranger, kitten if i think about it i hardly remember what half the warrior attacks are named, but I know what they do and can refer to them by function. In my eyes that good enough you elitist wankstain.

Sword and warhorn is a new combination on the PVP scene, and with the rework of the sword they are running said scene. No one argues seriously with this.

Im speaking from a warrior gameplay perspective, Rangers GS has the best components of warriors sword, hammer, shield and GS all baked into one kit, kitten is bussin.
You speak about this like you've never played a warrior, funny that.

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3 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Im using the video as evidence here because it was, and this is really important, an instagib with INCREDIBLY LITTLE COUNTERPLAY FROM STEALTH. 

Or you could use the other video of them getting owned by their own class mesmer with exact same one shot mechanic from stealth....? Not seeing how a manufactured video being purposefully baited into a burst then facepalming for the camera provess literally anthing.


3 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Sword and warhorn is a new combination on the PVP scene, and with the rework of the sword they are running said scene. No one argues seriously with this.

It's not new lol.  It's been around forever, only 'new' to you because the rework of Strider's Defense and overzealous dmg coefficient on Pounce.  


3 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Im speaking from a warrior gameplay perspective, Rangers GS has the best components of warriors sword, hammer, shield and GS all baked into one kit, kitten is bussin.
You speak about this like you've never played a warrior, funny that.

Spellbreaker can still perma-cc you with hammer, how exactly can you do that with gs?  Warrior also doesn't have a pet to contend with and just does full damage--also why are you comparing warrior to ranger if I can't compare mesmer to ranger? 😂

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11 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Not realy as the combat system of guild wars is made so that you have to preform realy well to use any class at 100% efficency and the game where made so that all classes should be able to only rely on them self. (not all build but if built for it)

That is the reason classes have damage, boons and mobilety.

While there is and always have been ballance issues , the spvp ballance we have now is some of the best gw2 have seen ( wvw is a whole other story )

Combat in Guild Wars 2 is skill based, almost like streetfighter or mortal combat.

People that actually understand this game finally starting to speak up on the forums. Great post. 

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12 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

There is no head turning needed, im totally fine with Soulbeast having oneshot burst potential. Other professions have it too. Its great fun to instagib someone

A man open to discussion - Lets see how this goes.

Ranger Warhorn 4 - Birds should come out at the end of the cast not in the middle to allow for interrupt counter play. Outside of that I purpose no changes

Sword - I purpose no changes damage is fine

Pig Pet - Has the same damage coefficient as its PvE counterpart. This should be adjusted. So a reduction in damage. 

Great sword - I purpose no changes damage is fine. 

IMO - 2 of the 4 talking points have validity - rest of is an issue of players getting caught off guard and thinking its inappropriate for that mistake to result in their death during an engagement. IMO - that is exactly what it should result in. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Right, Mesmer is skillful to play when most of them spam invuln, can burst from stealth, and if all that fails throw out a Moa or blink away to safety of team.   Mesmer has just as many tools as your list...of which you are listing griffon stance as an invulnerability now...😂.  The reach here is insane.

Oh, I forgot your entire post history is complaining about FotM builds lolol.

You wouldn't be quoting obviously manufactured videos if this were the case.  Find one where the player doesn't have an agenda and isn't stupidly easy to prove the opposite with two other videos on their same Twitch channel.  

This talking rhetoric proves none of the complainers actually play ranger.  So far in the past few days I've seen 'that one skill I can't remember the name of but it like rev 3 skill' and 'smoke beast' as well as this talking about gs which his hilarious considering it relies so heavily on Dolyak Stance to work in melee effectively.  If gs was 'one of the best pvp weapons in the game' we wouldn't have salt mines about Sw/Wh.  

The entire ranger class isn't Soulbeast. 

Just like with the videos you keep resorting to arguments that bring nothing to the topic and has nothing to do with it, like my post history. Yes i complained against prime fa cata, wich was arguably the strongest spec this game has seen.
As for vulture stance brought as an invulnerability, it gives you 1 second of evade and a dodge worth of endurance during that invulnerability timeframw, hence why it's listed as invulnerability, maybe you should learn to play the classes instead of defending an op spec wich is probably the only way you got to get outside gold3.

Anyway you rangers whiteknights don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, anet is actually decent at recognizing and nerfing broken specs, only problem is that they're slow af, so enjoy your boosted elo while it lasts

Edited by mariugo.4856
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1 hour ago, mariugo.4856 said:

Just like with the videos you keep resorting to arguments that bring nothing to the topic and has nothing to do with it, like my post history. Yes i complained against prime fa cata, wich was arguably the strongest spec this game has seen.
As for vulture stance brought as an invulnerability, it gives you 1 second of evade and a dodge worth of endurance during that invulnerability timeframw, hence why it's listed as invulnerability, maybe you should learn to play the classes instead of defending an op spec wich is probably the only way you got to get outside gold3.

Anyway you rangers whiteknights don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, anet is actually decent at recognizing and nerfing broken specs, only problem is that they're slow af, so enjoy your boosted elo while it lasts

100% this. Ranger whiteknights are desperately trying to damage control this and blaming 20k burst in one second just as l2p issue.

Its true that Anet will recognise ranger being overtuned and they will nerf it, but as typical its taking looooong time. Too long.

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2 hours ago, zyra.7860 said:

100% this. Ranger whiteknights are desperately trying to damage control this and blaming 20k burst in one second just as l2p issue.

Its true that Anet will recognise ranger being overtuned and they will nerf it, but as typical its taking looooong time. Too long.

Or people dont agree with you and this echo chamber forum and its unfathomable to you. 

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4 hours ago, mariugo.4856 said:

As for vulture stance brought as an invulnerability, it gives you 1 second of evade and a dodge worth of endurance during that invulnerability timeframw, hence why it's listed as invulnerability, maybe you should learn to play the classes instead of defending an op spec wich is probably the only way you got to get outside gold3.

Griffon Stance.  Vulture stance gives you poison.

Thanks for the lesson tho.  

4 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Ranger Warhorn 4 - Birds should come out at the end of the cast not in the middle to allow for interrupt counter play. Outside of that I purpose no changes

This one is weird as supposedly they come out at like 60% which is just over halfway so kinda interruptible--but I do agree the skill is and always has been super buggy.  I'd prefer they rework it altogether honestly; I hate it much like OH Axe #4.  

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11 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Or you could use the other video of them getting owned by their own class mesmer with exact same one shot mechanic from stealth....? Not seeing how a manufactured video being purposefully baited into a burst then facepalming for the camera provess literally anthing.

It's not new lol.  It's been around forever, only 'new' to you because the rework of Strider's Defense and overzealous dmg coefficient on Pounce.   

Spellbreaker can still perma-cc you with hammer, how exactly can you do that with gs?  Warrior also doesn't have a pet to contend with and just does full damage--also why are you comparing warrior to ranger if I can't compare mesmer to ranger? 😂

Right, so you deliberatly overlook my points im making and moving the goal post so everything fits your argument. Nice to know i tried explaining greivances to someone who refuses to see things from another persons point of view. I hope your elo suffers horrifically when your cruch is removed.

9 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

A man open to discussion - Lets see how this goes.

Ranger Warhorn 4 - Birds should come out at the end of the cast not in the middle to allow for interrupt counter play. Outside of that I purpose no changes

Sword - I purpose no changes damage is fine

Pig Pet - Has the same damage coefficient as its PvE counterpart. This should be adjusted. So a reduction in damage. 

Great sword - I purpose no changes damage is fine. 

IMO - 2 of the 4 talking points have validity - rest of is an issue of players getting caught off guard and thinking its inappropriate for that mistake to result in their death during an engagement. IMO - that is exactly what it should result in. 

Thank you for actually reading what im typing out, its really refreshing

Wasnt aware warhorn 4 did that, that needs to be patched. Should allow the chance to interrupt and provide a semblance of counterplay.

Sword really needs no changes from what ive seen. Fully agree to this.

Pig Pet - Coeffs are a little high, a small reduction should be more then enough. Could even consider keeping this if ranger survivability is nerfed instead.

GS - The damage is fine, its the utility with said damage im not a fan of. Being able to block with GS for example is too much utility in a weapon kit that allows for cc, distance engage and great damage. Also find the auto chain giving endurance is too much when you can already block, its a double survivability enhancer.

15 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Im speaking from a warrior gameplay perspective, Rangers GS has the best components of warriors sword, hammer, shield and GS all baked into one kit, kitten is bussin.

The main problem here is that ranger has this damage while providing little counterplay, untargetable damage via smokescale assault which leads into an instant engage that cant really be countered.

I will keep reiterating my point here.

On 8/31/2023 at 8:33 AM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Look, Soulbeast can absolutley have the damage, but it can ABSOLUTLEY NOT have the built-in survivability, boon access, utility and STEALTH on top of that.

Right now it has massive upsides with very little downside.

"L2P" issue my kitten.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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