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I’m Happy With The Announcement


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Restructuring, as explained to me, means server vs server is dead. Instead, an algorithm will examine your guild and match you up with a similar guild when you enter a WvW map. Exactly like the beta.

Sounds freakin awesome!! As long as this actually happens I’m happy! Can’t get here soon enough!


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3 minutes ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

Restructuring, as explained to me, means server vs server is dead. Instead, an algorithm will examine your guild and match you up with a similar guild when you enter a WvW map. Exactly like the beta.

Sounds freakin awesome!! As long as this actually happens I’m happy! Can’t get here soon enough!


Not to nitpick, but then you are happy with the project, not the announcement. As the announcement basically says that they have spent the past 6 months or so not working towards this end 🙂 .

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17 minutes ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

Restructuring, as explained to me, means server vs server is dead. Instead, an algorithm will examine your guild and match you up with a similar guild when you enter a WvW map. Exactly like the beta.

Sounds freakin awesome!! As long as this actually happens I’m happy! Can’t get here soon enough!

That's not how it works...

You select a guild as your wvw guild.

The worlds get created, your guild and everyone who picked it also get placed in the same world, those in your guild who didn't, get randomly thrown elsewhere, but still a chance on your own too.

You are on that world for 2 months, vs other worlds created the same way, the same WvWvW matchup system as it is now... it's not much different than if your guild manually moved before relinks to another world...

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30 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

That's not how it works...

You select a guild as your wvw guild.

The worlds get created, your guild and everyone who picked it also get placed in the same world, those in your guild who didn't, get randomly thrown elsewhere, but still a chance on your own too.

You are on that world for 2 months, vs other worlds created the same way, the same WvWvW matchup system as it is now... it's not much different than if your guild manually moved before relinks to another world...

That's no how it should work either, guild can't select alliance, currently my NA guild is ally with my OCX guild, if there is no alliance I have to ditch one of them. If I keep doing that, I may lost one of them, I rather they don't do that until they can properly introduce alliance and not take away my guildie because I want to run twice a day with my guilds.

Edited by babana.7521
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5 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

That's no how it should work either, guild can't select alliance, currently my NA guild is ally with my OCX guild, if there is no alliance I have to ditch one of them. If I keep doing that, I may lost one of them, I rather they don't do that until they can properly introduce alliance and not take away my guildie because I want to run twice a day with my guilds.

I don't think many large guilds will worry about this but sadly the smaller guilds, groups, and roamers just took a huge hit. Many are thinking the dissolved servers are good but in actuality many who jumped to other servers did so to play with specific groups of players or specific guilds they enjoyed to sidecar or havoc for. Anet is going to cause many of these guilds to lose their identity further by making them join umbrella guilds (larger guilds) so they can continue to play with their allies/friends. Some just don't have the room for an extra guild to join so they'll be lost in the tide of placement and then stuck wherever they land. I expect many will end up where they don't want to be with no choice but to be there. It will hurt morale for sure.

I really don't know how that's going to help the data collection or motivate players to play for that data collection. I want to know how they think the Alliance UI wasn't as important as the data collection. Or did they really forget not everyone has a guild with 50 man roster for their raid nights or another guild slot to make up a pseudo alliance guild for the lack of UI and current server placement. I'm sorta lost on why this is happening at all until we can have both the Alliance UI and a working World Restructure.

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1 hour ago, babana.7521 said:

That's no how it should work either, guild can't select alliance, currently my NA guild is ally with my OCX guild, if there is no alliance I have to ditch one of them. If I keep doing that, I may lost one of them, I rather they don't do that until they can properly introduce alliance and not take away my guildie because I want to run twice a day with my guilds.

Where in my post did I say anything about alliances?

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59 minutes ago, Zorric.5704 said:

I don't think many large guilds will worry about this but sadly the smaller guilds, groups, and roamers just took a huge hit. Many are thinking the dissolved servers are good but in actuality many who jumped to other servers did so to play with specific groups of players or specific guilds they enjoyed to sidecar or havoc for. Anet is going to cause many of these guilds to lose their identity further by making them join umbrella guilds (larger guilds) so they can continue to play with their allies/friends. Some just don't have the room for an extra guild to join so they'll be lost in the tide of placement and then stuck wherever they land. I expect many will end up where they don't want to be with no choice but to be there. It will hurt morale for sure.

I really don't know how that's going to help the data collection or motivate players to play for that data collection. I want to know how they think the Alliance UI wasn't as important as the data collection. Or did they really forget not everyone has a guild with 50 man roster for their raid nights or another guild slot to make up a pseudo alliance guild for the lack of UI and current server placement. I'm sorta lost on why this is happening at all until we can have both the Alliance UI and a working World Restructure.

Yeah, this is my concern. I play WvW with a few different guilds and with my friends and family (who are also in our own little 10 person guild). We're all on the same World so it works well right now, but it seems inevitable that world restructuring is going to make things straight up worse for me.

I honestly don't know how I would choose between the guilds, I would probably have to pick my friend and family guild because, hey, they are my friends and family (!), but I actually play WvW with them more rarely than the other guilds I am a member of.

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Hi there,

I'm absolutely on board with this announcement. As an intro, I run a fight guild in OCX (one of the more dead TZ in the game).

In NA, small guilds will stick together, big guilds will most likeley stick together and the content/match-ups for population every week will be much healthier and competitive. WvW is a competitive game mode where Guilds fight eachother - not groups of guilds banking on sidecarring to get carried.

Roamers can still roam, zergs can still zerg and havocs can still havoc. This is nothing but good for population saturation.

All we need now is EoTM to be made playable with rewards to catch the queue time overflow and the game mode will be in its healthiest state ever.

Appreciate all the work Anet and don't let the forum piggies bring you down. Keep it up! More WVW - best thing to happen in an MMO for a decade.

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While removing the alliance part of world restructuring is an important piece of info, in practice I don't think it will change much at all.

The thing is, people will most likely end up doing what they did for the betas already. Here is a quick summary for people that may not know: during the beta, players ended up creating "flagship" guilds which were basically the grouping of a few guilds plus some pick up. The GMs are given officer rank and they ask their mates to select this new guild as their WvW guild of choice. It was supposed to be a placeholder but quite frankly it kinda works... Well more or less, as people have already pointed out in the past it has its own set of issues.

It is speculation but the general vibe I got from the blog post was : "Hey, you seem to have found a makeshift solution for the 'alliance part' so we will use our development time on other part of the project instead."

Edited by Guybrush.4762
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I find it awfully funny that when there is an announcement saying "Alliances is going to be paused for the time being", people are writing posts saying how good that new system will be, how it will change their life and how impatient they are to see Anet finish the work...


Look at the history of the thing: they announced it, saying it was their big shake up for WvW and that it would change our life.... then sat on it for 4 years while doing something else entirely.
Then a dev said that they were putting it back to the top of the stack because "WvW was a cornerstone of the game" (cue the laughter) and 2 years later on produced a few half-assed betas with barely any perceptible advancement between them.

So 6 years and no real progress made AND THAT'S WHEN THEY SAY IT'S A PRIORITY! 🤣
Now they are officially saying that they are shelving the whole thing and some people still think that it'll be released one day?
That's some good copium right there 😄

Edited by Zepoolpe.9217
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10 hours ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

how it will change their life

Yeah last WR beta played exactly the same as regular week to week wvw for me. Boon blob alliances running over zones, lopsided coverage, strongest side dominating, all WR really does is spread the pugs out a little more, maybe a commander or two to round them up and send them into the boon ball grinders, still doesn't even sort by time zones. End of the day WR isn't going to change "how" we all currently play wvw, just mostly change who we're randomly playing with. I guess the only people who are really happy with the system are those taking advantage to stack with "friends" for free. Oh and like 8 betas and still haven't fixed the  queue bug. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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21 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

Restructuring, as explained to me, means server vs server is dead. Instead, an algorithm will examine your guild and match you up with a similar guild when you enter a WvW map. Exactly like the beta.

Sounds freakin awesome!! As long as this actually happens I’m happy! Can’t get here soon enough!


Yeah, note Xen's post, don't want you to have the impression it's each time you enter. Every period (2 months like normal is the impression) when restructuring triggers it removes your old server and creates a new one. By similar guild that is based on number of average hours and may not mean player count and/or coverage times and other factors. Glad you are happy, but wanted to make you weren't seeing this as daily balancing in case you were.

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On 9/14/2023 at 5:48 PM, Alsandar.7420 said:

Restructuring, as explained to me, means server vs server is dead. Instead, an algorithm will examine your guild and match you up with a similar guild when you enter a WvW map. Exactly like the beta.

Sounds freakin awesome!! As long as this actually happens I’m happy! Can’t get here soon enough!



As long as this actually happens I’m happy!

Give it a couple of years with no restructuring in place and let's have this conversation again.

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