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Make Legendary SotO Armor Sellable! [Merged]


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5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

What would be the point tying them to soto then?

If its on the tp even free to play can buy them.

No they can’t unless they already p2w ed their way in to full access.

and at the same time already got used to playing 10 different builds in order to THINK  legendary armor would be worth to buy instead of grinding it.

and have tons of gold for it.

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27 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

No they can’t unless they already p2w ed their way in to full access.

and at the same time already got used to playing 10 different builds in order to THINK  legendary armor would be worth to buy instead of grinding it.

and have tons of gold for it.

You are right lets switch that to core only account.

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10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

What would be the point tying them to soto then?

If its on the tp even free to play can buy them.

How is it possible that Gen 3 Aurene legendary weapons are tied to EoD ?

but at the same time these same exact gen 3 Aurene legendary weapons ever since EoD introduced them,

Can be bought on the tp?



Edited by kenzil.5983
My phone added a word i didnt wanted
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On 9/21/2023 at 2:32 PM, Mungrul.9358 said:

I want to play games to have fun, not as a second job. The whole mentality of having to work for rewards in games has been blown so far out of proportion, it's gotten ridiculously toxic.

It's not helped by Stockholm Syndrome communities that jealously gate-keep access to this stuff and mewl like spoiled children at the slightest mention of reducing the grind to make things more enjoyable and flexible for everyone.

this man from a another topic has describing what’s going on here better then i ever could!


@Mungrul.9358 i wish there were more honest people like you on this forum that could guide the game and it’s future plans in the right way wich would for the first time not just want to benefit a minority in this game and instead help literally every one enjoy this game more with doing so.


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19 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

In case you haven’t read it here for you once more:

I want to play games to have fun, not as a second job. The whole mentality of having to work for rewards in games has been blown so far out of proportion, it's gotten ridiculously toxic.

It's not helped by Stockholm Syndrome communities that jealously gate-keep access to this stuff and mewl like spoiled children at the slightest mention of reducing the grind to make things more enjoyable and flexible for everyone.


this is something that @Mungrul.9358 said and i can totally relate to his opinion based on people like you @Ashantara.8731 that want to just gatekeep important QoL features for the sake of your own benefits in this game!

Different players enjoy games in different ways, in short: fun is subjective. Belittling opinions you disagree with is neither a healthy way to discuss nor does it paint a picture of someone who is interested in serious discourse.

MMORPGs in general have always been more grindy than other genres. That's for some players the appeal of the genre. Guild Wars 2 has broken with some aspects and introduced others. Most importantly made endgame stats not tied to most expensive gear, while charging for convenience.

There are other genres and games in the market which cater to the crowd which wants to pay for power or progression and often do this in a better way to supply the dopamine kick. Asking for changes to an existing title, especially in regards to issues which are often disliked like pay to win or pay to progress, will automatically ruffle feather given players might have chosen said game because of the current implementation (or lack thereof) these aspects.

As such this is a discourse between diverging opinions on how the game is to be enjoyed. It has nothing to do with wanting to "work" for rewards, given this "work" is perceived as game play or fun to some. From a status quo perspective it makes far more sense to tell players which want to spend more money on gear and progression to find another outlet instead of demanding change here.

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10 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

players which want to spend more money on gear and progression to find another outlet instead of demanding change here.


14 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

what makes you think that after all these years that it is still possible to buy legendary weapons  an introduction of armor would hurt the game?


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4 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:



This discussion is about armor, is it not? Armor which we have more sets for than weapon generations, or did I miss something?

The status quo for legendary gear has been, so far:

- weapons in part both given gen2 is not sell able while gen1 and 3 are (and there are diverging opinions on how this should be dealt with)

- every single other slot has not been sell able so far

So again, you want to argue for change to the status quo: make good arguments. I want more pay to progress has not been a convincing one so far, nor has the one about the studio making more money, given they can do so without making the final product sell able.

To answer your question: changing the status quo without sound reason might hurt the game simply because humans are creatures of habit and change is usually faced with distrust and skepticism. It would mesh with reasons why some are enjoying the game.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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18 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I want more pay to progress has not been a convincing one so far, nor has the one about the studio making more money, given they can do so without making the final product sell able.


On 9/24/2023 at 9:51 AM, kenzil.5983 said:

Tradable legendary armor

coexisting with the already prestigious legendary armor sets that are account bound.

in the same way that 

Tradable legendary Weapons coexist with Prestigious Gen 2 Legendarys in the game already.

wich has proved in the past and in the present that accessibility and grindability can coexist in this games ecosystem with no harm or influence on either sides prefered choices of obtain methods at any given time now or in the future.


time to make QoL items equally accessible to both Grinders with alot of time and casuals with limited time again!



This is clearly not convincing?

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16 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:


This is clearly not convincing?

No, it's not. For the same reason that gen2 being account bound was a huge discussion and issue in the past: a change from status quo. If it where, everyone would be on board with how legendary weapons are implemented: yet this causes constant discussion to this day (last before EoD released and how gen3 should be dealt with). Notice also this was a change AWAY from pay to progress with gen2, the initial break with status quo.

Now if Arenanet decides to make the next legendary armor sell able, players will be forced to accept their decision. That's not the same as agreeing with it.

Just the same as if they decide to not make it sell able everyone who wants it traded on the TP will have to accept the design decision, even if they might disagree with it.

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13 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Now if Arenanet decides to make the next legendary armor sell able, players will be forced to accept their decision. That's not the same as agreeing with it.

Just the same as if they decide to not make it sell able everyone who wants it traded on the TP will have to accept the design decision, even if they might disagree with it.

Im suggestig something here based on common sense favorable for both anets perspective and future success and the player bases perspective and accessibility to QoL in the future at the same time.


and all your reply basically says nothing more then:


we dont know whats gonna happen 

but when it happens 

it is how it is…


wich is true, it will be how it is at that point in time.


I don’t know how this will help us on this particular topic or to improve the game tho?

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4 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

Im suggestig something here based on common sense favorable for both anets perspective and future success and the player bases perspective and accessibility to QoL in the future at the same time.

I've already rebuked your claim that this is in the best financial interest of the studio. We are seeing this live implemented right now: motivations being trade able.



and all your reply basically says nothing more then:

we dont know whats gonna happen 

but when it happens 

it is how it is…


wich is true, it will be how it is at that point in time.


I don’t know how this will help us on this particular topic or to improve the game tho?


Things which are working fine don't need changing. You have yet to show how implementing MORE pay to progress/win is improving the game. You;ve been failing to show this for 8 pages by now with your common response being either belittling others or simply ignoring what they said both in regards to understanding the opposing side as well as actually reasoning or engaging with it.

After 8 pages of you saying the same thing over and over though, this seems more a matter of wanting to "win" the internet instead of actually giving constructive feedback which might improve the game.

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2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Turns out: making qol accessible to everyone comes at a cost. I've described that cost in the past, don't feel the need to repeat myself.

wich cost?

the same cost that made legendary gen 3 weapons tradable for the sake of keeping that legendary gen2 weapon cost/investment valuable right?


the same cost that made anet to introduce a legendary gen 1 weapon starter kit right?


the same cost that lead them to reintroduce the best mount in the game (skyscale) and make it more accessible and easier to get for everyone right?


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15 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:


i know its hard for people like to relate to it but:


 by simply making QoL accessible to everyone.



By your logic, we should also make rest of the legendaries tradeable and since some stuff like Old Lion's Arch lobby are tied behind really annoying achievement but is QoL, that stuff should also be purchasable, right?
At least this is all what your suggestions seem to be about.

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2 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

In case you haven’t read it here for you once more:

I want to play games to have fun, not as a second job.

I have read it before, you keep repeating yourself, and I am not going to dive into this discussion with you. You cannot force others to share your opnion. If you want to relax without investing any time and effort, don't play an MMO -- as simple as that.

Besides, how many more times do people have to explain to you that you are not losing out on anything by sticking to ascended gear? No one if forcing you to acquire legendary gear.

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1 minute ago, LadyKitty.6120 said:

By your logic, we should also make rest of the legendaries tradeable and since some stuff like Old Lion's Arch lobby are tied behind really annoying achievement but is QoL, that stuff should also be purchasable, right?
At least this is all what your suggestions seem to be about.

You can go back a few Pages and read what my opinion on that is and i can tell you now, no it’s completely different.

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2 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

you are not losing out on anything by sticking to ascended gear? No one is forcing you to acquire legendary gear.

Is an one loosing out on something if the QoL from legendary armor would be accessible to any one with limited time to buy from the tp whenever you felt like you didnt want to do the same old repetitive grind any more and instead would want to continue enjoying the game with the QoL features it gives you after having purchased that the amor even more?



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Can we stop randomly using terms like "toxic" and "accessible" in an attempt to claim moral high ground? At no point does someone read these and think, holy kitten, this person is right, I've totally changed my opinion now!
Try to make your points in a candid manner and even if people disagree, you'll likely receive better responses. That being said, the problem here is that you don't even have a leg to stand on.
If you actually play the game, it throws enough resources and ascended pieces to have multiple gearsets and builds across all your characters, making legendary armor mostly redundant for efficiency, as many have stated before me, legendary armor is merely a convenience. The reason you want tradeable legendary armor is sheer envy, one not even backed by logic.

In so many games, people keep asking for instant gratification, and every now and then, the game company caves in, which is then followed by a big loss in playerbase, especially in games like gw2 with no treadmill, because once you are done getting everything you need, there is little drive to keep playing. This is especially true for people asking for instant gratification.

Legendaries, as they stand, are the single biggest time and resource sink in the game available to veteran players, they are meant to be a journey. There is a reason why they made ascended gear provide the same stats as legendaries, I'm not sure how many more people need to reiterate that they are in no way a requirement for any endgame, nor do they provide any advantage over someone with multiple ascended gearsets at the ready.

Btw, I cringe every time I see someone write something like "I play for fun, not as a second job", that is literally the case for almost all of us, barring people who actually play games as a job. The difference is that, the majority of us don't ask for an entire system to be changed because we feel extra entitled that day. I shouldn't have to do kaineng overlook for turtle! I should still get rewards for failing end of dragon's meta! Skyscale is still too grindy, make it 20 gold like jackal! I shouldn't have to do raids or PvP of any form for legendary armor, make it available in OW, I'll farm it even if it is grindier to compensate, I swear! (this one being exceptionally funny because people area already crying and moaning about the grind being too much while the entire thing isn't even out yet). 

Most non-p2w MMOs, including GW2, are meant to be journeys, not credit card simulators.
You'd think at some point people would realize that they just don't want to play the game anymore, they solely want the satisfaction of having things, but I guess it isn't this day.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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4 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Most non-p2w MMOs, including GW2, are meant to be journeys, not credit card simulators.

what makes you think that after all these years that it is still possible to buy legendary weapons  an introduction of armor would hurt the game?

is buying gems in order to exchange it in to gold considered a credit card simulation?

is it a credit card simulation if somone has the option to buy a gen 1 weapon with it and at the same time if he wants to just grind it isntead?

now is it a credit card simulation if somone has the option to grind an old legendary armor set and if my suggestion were to come true… in addition to that had the option to buy it?

all you do is pretend as if we didn’t have these mechanics in this game already and as if somehow now all of a sudden im comparing apples to oranges when i suggest to extend on the accessibility of these QoL items.


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2 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

what makes you think that after all these years that it is still possible to buy legendary weapons  an introduction of armor would hurt the game?

The same reason why powercreep makes endgame content feel like less of an accomplishment. If you take away the requirement of actually doing content to access legendary gear and simply allow purchases with gold, it loses its value for people who have grinded for it. Currently, if someone has raid armor, you know they did raids for it and put in effort, it is a form of achievement that display at least dedication, if nothing else. You keep arguing that, people can still farm it, ignoring the fact that making them available for gold will be akin to spitting in the face of everyone who put in the time and effort to obtain them. 
You keep giving legendary weapons as example, we currently have way more legendary items that can't be sold than can, if things are to sway in one direction, I'd have it the other way.

The only reason the gemstore and gem to gold conversion don't feel like a credit card simulator in this game is that shop items are merely convenience items, there is no, buy this and hit harder item, and everything else you can purchase with gold are reasonably attainable, especially considering this is not a gear treadmill game. Now if we had endless progression, that would 100% be pay to win and only p2w enjoyers would be playing the game.


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