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Uptick in double duo?


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5 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

You guys should get a duo aswell. If everyone is queueing in duo-s, the matchmaker will have to solve the problem on the quantum level to produce 5 man teams... I'm excitedly looking forward for that incredible breakthrough. 

They should just add soloQ games.

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At this point i kinda gave up waiting for solo-only Q. (Tho i'll keep requesting/supporting it.)
If they don't/till they add solo-Q tho, can we at least have detailed statistics (dmg, heal, deaths etc) of each player at the end of the match at least?
I think the stats of some pre-mades will be, interesting, to say the least. :classic_rolleyes:

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10 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

Yep. They have yet another system to abuse that's made easier now that the pvp population has shrunk. 

I also suspect there are a few google sheets floating around with names to target/avoid and what classes they usually play. 

Yeah something is wrong with it. Was it you or Bethekey that we were discussing this before?

I'm not just saying this off a few bad days of gaming. I've been watching this for quite a few seasons, and now that population is so low it is plainly obvious to see. There is definitely something going on where some accounts are much much more frequently being granted strong stacks vs. much easier stacks. It isn't dumb luck. Some people are just nearly always benefitting that match where it's a plat+ duo with a couple stray plats vs. a solo plat who is being made to carry 4x low golds or worse.

I have no idea how it's being done but a few things come to mind:

  1. Possibly someone has access to custom arena like options to swap players before a match starts. A lot of these matches do look like a skew of players that could have and should have been evenly split, but for whatever reason the algorithm tossed all the lows on one team? OK. It just seems to be happening too often lately, and the people who are stacked on the high side are always the same names. It's never those people being put on the low side being forced to carry 4x low golds or worse. Am I the only one who pays attention to notice this stuff?
  2. Aside from classic win trading, there is something else strange going on to support the above ^ I notice and increased rate of weird requeues where I only get like 25 seconds to hit accept and if I don't hit accept it immediately requeues a game. But apparently other people in those queues are getting like 2 or 3 minutes to hit accept? Anyone else ever see this? Where there is one box left unchecked and for some reason the queue timer seriously allows that one person like 2 to 3 minutes to choose to hit accept or decline before it requeues. I've seen it sit for upwards of 2 minutes and then finally someone hits accept, which should be impossible to happen for normal players like myself who only get 25 seconds to push accept. That box is supposed to immediately reenter queue if people don't hit accept within 25 seconds, not sit and linger for 2+ minutes before something happens. I also notice when this fishy stuff happens with the queue box, is when you'll get these strangely ridiculously lopsided matches where a super stack against some shuffled low tier comp.
  3. Super frequent emptying of maps that forces everyone to constantly load into new map instance. YES, seems like maybe I'm the only one noticing this, but whenever there is a really bad day of repeat ridiculously rigged matches and I can see every organic plat player dropping into gold all the same time to a bunch of alts no one has ever seen before, the maps are constantly emptying and forcing people to load new map. You'll load a map, stand there for 10 minutes near the FFA and then it'll empty again, and tell you to load the new map again, and it'll keep doing this for like the entire time ultra bad games are going around. I have no idea what this has to do with matchmaking other than maybe it can dictate seeding somehow, but this definitely seems to be correlated with strings of severely bad match making.
  4. There is also the possibility that someone is able to go into the algorithm directly and mess with numbers & settings.

Whatever is going on, it's no longer classic win trading. These matches lately are being directly fudged with and as much is obvious.

And you're right, some people are being directly targeted to prevent rating gains. Again, as much is obvious when there are guys up around 1600 all season who good AT teams won't touch because their performance is low, but then you have guys who take 3rd in MATs right under Team USA who are in the leaderboards perma stuck in high G3 bottom Plat.

It would just be nice if for one season they'd leave it alone. Let some of these trodden harassed players actually play to the ratings they deserve for once. They owe the community so much more than that. The least they could do is leave it alone for just one season.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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59 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Yeah something is wrong with it. Was it you or Bethekey that we were discussing this before?

I'm not just saying this off a few bad days of gaming. I've been watching this for quite a few seasons, and now that population is so low it is plainly obvious to see. There is definitely something going on where some accounts are much much more frequently being granted strong stacks vs. much easier stacks. It isn't dumb luck. Some people are just nearly always benefitting that match where it's a plat+ duo with a couple stray plats vs. a solo plat who is being made to carry 4x low golds or worse.

I have no idea how it's being done but a few things come to mind:

  1. Possibly someone has access to custom arena like options to swap players before a match starts. A lot of these matches do look like a skew of players that could have and should have been evenly split, but for whatever reason the algorithm tossed all the lows on one team? OK. It just seems to be happening too often lately, and the people who are stacked on the high side are always the same names. It's never those people being put on the low side being forced to carry 4x low golds or worse. Am I the only one who pays attention to notice this stuff?
  2. Aside from classic win trading, there is something else strange going on to support the above ^ I notice and increased rate of weird requeues where I only get like 25 seconds to hit accept and if I don't hit accept it immediately requeues a game. But apparently other people in those queues are getting like 2 or 3 minutes to hit accept? Anyone else ever see this? Where there is one box left unchecked and for some reason the queue timer seriously allows that one person like 2 to 3 minutes to choose to hit accept or decline before it requeues. I've seen it sit for upwards of 2 minutes and then finally someone hits accept, which should be impossible to happen for normal players like myself who only get 25 seconds to push accept. That box is supposed to immediately reenter queue if people don't hit accept within 25 seconds, not sit and linger for 2+ minutes before something happens. I also notice when this fishy stuff happens with the queue box, is when you'll get these strangely ridiculously lopsided matches where a super stack against some shuffled low tier comp.
  3. Super frequent emptying of maps that forces everyone to constantly load into new map instance. YES, seems like maybe I'm the only one noticing this, but whenever there is a really bad day of repeat ridiculously rigged matches and I can see every organic plat player dropping into gold all the same time to a bunch of alts no one has ever seen before, the maps are constantly emptying and forcing people to load new map. You'll load a map, stand there for 10 minutes near the FFA and then it'll empty again, and tell you to load the new map again, and it'll keep doing this for like the entire time ultra bad games are going around. I have no idea what this has to do with matchmaking other than maybe it can dictate seeding somehow, but this definitely seems to be correlated with strings of severely bad match making.
  4. There is also the possibility that someone is able to go into the algorithm directly and mess with numbers & settings.

Whatever is going on, it's no longer classic win trading. These matches lately are being directly fudged with and as much is obvious.

And you're right, some people are being directly targeted to prevent rating gains. Again, as much is obvious when there are guys up around 1600 all season who good AT teams won't touch because their performance is low, but then you have guys who take 3rd in MATs right under Team USA who are in the leaderboards perma stuck in high G3 bottom Plat.

It would just be nice if for one season they'd leave it alone. Let some of these trodden harassed players actually play to the ratings they deserve for once. They owe the community so much more than that. The least they could do is leave it alone for just one season.

I'm always going off about it so probably. Maybe both though. 

At this point I just assume it's a multi-tiered system. Lock alts or people in on the system at certain rating brackets - say the switch between gold 1 - gold 2 or gold 2 - gold 3, and throw matches if you want an easy farmable person to move up so the upper echelon can farm them. If you don't want someone to move up, be sure to get on their team and throw. Record what time they queue, what they usually play, and with the low population you can pretty much guarantee you'll be in a match with them or against them. Since getting back into this crap again I've noticed the same 10-15 names over and over again every night, same time of night. I also noticed that when I reach certain thresholds like - just getting slightly above gold 1/2/3 again - I'm facing the SAME PEOPLE I ALWAYS FACE AT THIS RATING. This could be a symptom of when I play as well as I usually, due to having a life outside of gw2 pvp, wind up queuing anywhere from 8-12. 

That could entirely just be coincidence and low rating but think of how easy it would be to sell a gizmo if you control more variables - like deciding who moves up the ladder. What do the others get in return? A spot on the leaderboard, a title, "clout". Who knows. I see people I used to play against rating far lower than I would expect them to and a few others constantly running around with plat badges that go from stomping everyone on the team to suddenly being beat by Joe Newb whose name I don't recognize. A lot of people during these crossover thresholds that go up against each other consistently too. Again, low population only or low population + "hey let's sync queues as professions likely to get matched up against each other so we control the match." 


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Its been this way since DuoQs conception. When you mix teams and solo players into the same queue the game very much becomes DuoQ to win.

The separation between solos and teams that can be observed in so many other games is made to safeguard and establish competitive integrity in both demographics. Two very different ways to play the same game, essentially two distinct ranked gamemodes.

Combined into 1 it's just garbage because the advantage will always lie with the duoq, especially when two somehow wind up on the same team.

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