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Nerfing Condition Berserker?


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Well, I just bought the game a couple days ago and was thinking a lot about what character to play. I ended up enjoying leveling a warrior, so that's what I'm playing now. Charr are awesome by the way XD

Reading all your comments, I get the impression someone at Anet decided to automate class balancing using some kind of soulless metric/statistics in order to save manpower. Maybe they should switch to an AI and add the option "should be fun playing". I'll keep playing for now, since I love the class fantasy and it's combat feel the most.

Edited by Nestro.6582
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Slept on it and wanted to clarify my concern.

I'm fine with the nerf - DPS creep has been insane and it seems like this patch has corrected the outrageous DPS from last patch and brought everything down into the 38~42k range. 

What I'm not fine with is the nerf relative to it's competing builds. Berserker is a build with an insane amount of playability issues due to zerk extension with almost no QOL. If it doesn't "do more damage" than other builds like cZerk vs Condi Druid (heals and cleanses allies as part of its rotation) or qZerk vs qHerald (everyone should know how busted this build is) then where does the power budget for Berserker go?

For what it's worth, preliminary benchmarks seem to put qZerk and qHerald at about the same DPS, ~33.6k.

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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I was pretty hyped when i came back after a break of a few month to discover that they doubled flaming flurry's burning duration. Not gonna lie, these numbers were sick but now just after a few days of joy they halved it again. ;(  Can't we find some healthy middle ground here? Also it is now (again) much harder to combo with the scorched earth burning field. It's still possible to proc area might two times with enough burning duration but it is extremely tight. Well i guess whenever I want to relax I can play my deadeye and do the same damage with 3 buttons and a dodge roll. From range obviously...

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20 hours ago, Nestro.6582 said:

Well, I just bought the game a couple days ago and was thinking a lot about what character to play. I ended up enjoying leveling a warrior, so that's what I'm playing now. Charr are awesome by the way XD

Reading all your comments, I get the impression someone at Anet decided to automate class balancing using some kind of soulless metric/statistics in order to save manpower. Maybe they should switch to an AI and add the option "should be fun playing". I'll keep playing for now, since I love the class fantasy and it's combat feel the most.

Just reroll a revenant and go herald if you want a condi build. Don't listen to all the delusional people and anet simps, play a real spec instead of a gimmick one. Yes herald also got its share of nerfs no it does not matter its infinitely more playable and 10 times more popular than berserk in its entirety for a reason.

If you're gonna insist on Warrior then look into power builds. The power builds are pretty ok all things considered. You can play a spellbreaker or powerzerk and you don't even need to know rotations to do 30k+ on these specs they are just that easy to get into.

Edited by rainhelm.3827
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On 9/26/2023 at 8:02 PM, Nestro.6582 said:

Well, I just bought the game a couple days ago and was thinking a lot about what character to play. I ended up enjoying leveling a warrior, so that's what I'm playing now. Charr are awesome by the way XD

Reading all your comments, I get the impression someone at Anet decided to automate class balancing using some kind of soulless metric/statistics in order to save manpower. Maybe they should switch to an AI and add the option "should be fun playing". I'll keep playing for now, since I love the class fantasy and it's combat feel the most.

Just stick to what you find fun.

This goes for the forums as a whole, not just the warrior section, but you have to keep in mind that the regular posters here tend to be jaded veterans who have been playing the game for the better part of a decade (myself included).

Anet's balance approach (or lack there of, depending on how you look at it) has been highlighted as a major point of criticism and concern in the community for the past couple years. And the handling of Warriors' balance has been consistently among the worst during this period. Last June being a particular low-point.

Even with that being the case, warrior still has many good builds across different game modes, even at the higher end of play. And regardless of the state of balance in competitive play/high-end content, it'll probably be a while before a new player such as yourself reaches the point where that's relevant to you anyways.

And you're probably not far off about them balancing around some sort of soulless metric. If we're going purely by the numbers... balance has actually gotten "better" in recent years. There's a very wide selection of builds across the game that are "good" if you look purely at specific metrics, such as DPS, or raw boon up-time (buffs) for key support roles. But these often don't translate into well balanced and useable builds in actual play.

Edited by Arewn.2368
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16 hours ago, Arewn.2368 said:

Just stick to what you find fun.

This goes for the forums as a whole, not just the warrior section, but you have to keep in mind that the regular posters here tend to be jaded veterans who have been playing the game for the better part of a decade (myself included).

Anet's balance approach (or lack there of, depending on how you look at it) has been highlighted as a major point of criticism and concern in the community for the past couple years. And the handling of Warriors' balance has been consistently among the worst during this period. Last June being a particular low-point.

Even with that being the case, warrior still has many good builds across different game modes, even at the higher end of play. And regardless of the state of balance in competitive play/high-end content, it'll probably be a while before a new player such as yourself reaches the point where that's relevant to you anyways.

And you're probably not far off about them balancing around some sort of soulless metric. If we're going purely by the numbers... balance has actually gotten "better" in recent years. There's a very wide selection of builds across the game that are "good" if you look purely at specific metrics, such as DPS, or raw boon up-time (buffs) for key support roles. But these often don't translate into well balanced and useable builds in actual play.

The balance is better than say 10 years ago for sure, objectively and subjectively speaking. Expectations have gone up too.

It's like playing monopoly and you keep throwing 12s. The game isn't the same as when you first rolled a 12. People nitpick the rules to stir kitten and make the game more dimensional than it actually is.

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On 9/28/2023 at 2:24 PM, WingSwipe.3084 said:

This is a pretty good summary on why the nerfs didnt hit me quite right.

The captain always has such an elequant way with words.

Ty , for sharing and the laugh , that was what i thought needing a spamming fire aura ele for this build to work , what a niche gameplay ... and they nerfed it .

Also didn't know about the shield being so efficient for a condi build just because it's a combo  (show off how poor longbow and torch are for warrior) ... thats laughable , i guess anet just looked the bench and assumed it was a basic sword/torch and longbow build , what next ? they gonna nerf the ratio of shield bash ? lol

That problem showed up with a lot of classes , catalyst , previously warrior , you have no trait to take for condis in 2nd selectable berserker trait , so ofc you take the quickness , and having 6 berserker well pretty much does it for quickness without any boon duration , and is that really a problem ? you have enough with 1 hand to count the number of guilds who are gonna try that out , same as the 8 bladesworn doing adina who was a beautifull gameplay to watch btw. 

We should ask snowcrow , hardstuck etc to stop showing off their performance , if they run without any armor and white rarity weapons and kill a boss , you pretty much sure anet wil nerf all damage off white rarity weapons ... maybe we should ask them to do underperforming benchmarks , apply revert psychology on anet ? it should work.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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