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Anet, why do you guys HATE warrior? It's obvious to those few of us that play it.


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6 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

To attempt a serious answer to what was probably a rhetorical question:

Been thinking on this a little lately. Like @TyrantPuppy.1893 said, it's probably more about apathy than active distaste. But why would they be apathetic about warrior:

Answer: Because core warrior is pretty boring from a graphics perspective.

The trident-wielding professions all have magic that can lead to crazy graphics. Ranger and thief are a bit more down-to-earth but still have room for some fancy effects and plenty of fancy animations as they flip and roll around the place. Engineer has fancy gadgets, some of which move into Clarke's Third Law territory.

Warrior, meanwhile... while they do have magic, it's mostly focused inwards. If magic was comic book radiation, warriors would be the superheroes who get super-strength and toughness while the others get crazy powers. They might still be among the most important simply due to being strong and tough, but they're not where the majority of the effects budget is going.

The effect of this? When a lot of effort has gone into making a skill effect or animation, that creates incentive to make sure it's worth using that you just don't get with a skill where the graphics is basically "you swing a sword, you swing a sword again, and that's... okay, I guess". Now, when you build that up to the whole profession... warrior has a few of those visually impressive skills, mostly in the elite specialisations, but it just doesn't match up to what some of the other professions have, so that incentive is going to be pushing more towards other professions.

On top of this, I think there are a few factors that just make warrior harder to design for in general. Lower magic constrains the design space for special utility skills that might enhance overall versatility (although this on its own doesn't mean warrior can't be good at the things it does do). I think there's also a degree to which the GW2 implementation of adrenaline might be holding it back a bit.

There is absolutely nothing stopping them from introducing an animation overhaul to core. There is nothing stopping them from giving warrior flashy animations. Nothing that is stopping warrior's use of magic (and they do have magic in this game) in such a way that is super flashy. Let us imbue our warrior's with such strength that they cleave the air so fast that it causes thunderclaps.

Let us have Kaio-ken. Let us pierce the heavens with our sheer might.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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2 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

To attempt a serious answer to what was probably a rhetorical question:

Been thinking on this a little lately. Like @TyrantPuppy.1893 said, it's probably more about apathy than active distaste. But why would they be apathetic about warrior:

Answer: Because core warrior is pretty boring from a graphics perspective.

The trident-wielding professions all have magic that can lead to crazy graphics. Ranger and thief are a bit more down-to-earth but still have room for some fancy effects and plenty of fancy animations as they flip and roll around the place. Engineer has fancy gadgets, some of which move into Clarke's Third Law territory.

Warrior, meanwhile... while they do have magic, it's mostly focused inwards. If magic was comic book radiation, warriors would be the superheroes who get super-strength and toughness while the others get crazy powers. They might still be among the most important simply due to being strong and tough, but they're not where the majority of the effects budget is going.

The effect of this? When a lot of effort has gone into making a skill effect or animation, that creates incentive to make sure it's worth using that you just don't get with a skill where the graphics is basically "you swing a sword, you swing a sword again, and that's... okay, I guess". Now, when you build that up to the whole profession... warrior has a few of those visually impressive skills, mostly in the elite specialisations, but it just doesn't match up to what some of the other professions have, so that incentive is going to be pushing more towards other professions.

On top of this, I think there are a few factors that just make warrior harder to design for in general. Lower magic constrains the design space for special utility skills that might enhance overall versatility (although this on its own doesn't mean warrior can't be good at the things it does do). I think there's also a degree to which the GW2 implementation of adrenaline might be holding it back a bit.

In short, anet lacks passion for Warrior. it's fairly obvious.

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7 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There is absolutely nothing stopping them from introducing an animation overhaul to core. There is nothing stopping them from giving warrior flashy animations. Nothing that is stopping warrior's use of magic (and they do have magic in this game) in such a way that is super flashy. Let us imbue our warrior's with such strength that they cleave the air so fast that it causes thunderclaps.

Let us have Kaio-ken. Let us pierce the heavens with our sheer might.

Yeah, none of what I said was intended to be an excuse, merely a possible explanation. Part of the thought process was that I was recently playing barbarian in D3 (not touching D4 in the foreseeable future) and that sparked the thought of 'what is different here'? And part of what was different was that D3 barb wasn't afraid to go ham with that sort of thing. Berserker has similar themes, but a handful of utilities and a burst skill per weapon can only go so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so used to get nerfs every single patch that I don't see the sense to ask anymore ... I swear i will have a day when i will ditch for good the warrior side and go nuts asking for a "butterfly" class ... just like that ... if i will stil be around.

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gw2 hates warrior because we win. It's that simple.

Warriors cannot have good things. The good things we DO have just get taken away as soon as we have "too much" success that makes the community and the dev teams nervous.

(pulls up a chair)....see folks...back in the old days of 2020, when I used to play this game, warrior was likely at its worst it has ever been in the game's history. It's been piecemeal after piecemeal effort since then. Even then, with piecemeal efforts, warriors find a way...and people still complain...

And thus, warrior is sacrificed on the altar of a bootleg samurai with a gun duct-taped to his waist.

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I mean its very clear anet got no clue what they want Warrior to be. Before in core days warrior was a semi tanky class with hard hitting burst skills and some good dmging CCs. Nowdays its just a tank/selfhealing class that relies on Holding 1vX but you do no dmg so If they simply left ya on side they will win anyways kekw xd

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9 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

I mean its very clear anet got no clue what they want Warrior to be.

To me, it's quite obvious that what they want from Warrior is to be played less.

5 hours ago, Rongaron.9213 said:

and we got arc nerf again on wvw.

Berserker already was just too many hoops to jump through for too little result.

Reducing the result even further is just unnecessary.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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I mean... I'm disappointed, again, but I'll still play my warrior. Maybe that's the problem. No matter how much they make it annoying for us, the class is still going to "feel" fun. It's bones are just good. Maybe we have to jump through hoops, and maybe we can't be the best at anything, but warrior is still the third or fourth most played class in the game according to GW2efficiency.

The nerfs tho have become a literal meme now. The most niche of patches are now a doorway to throw another warrior nerf in.

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  • Savage Instinct: Reduced the duration from 2 seconds to 1 second in PvP only.
  • Blood Reaction: Reduced the precision-to-ferocity conversion from 10% to 5% in WvW only.
  • Fatal Frenzy: Reduced the power bonus from 300 to 150 in WvW only.
  • Eternal Champion: Reduced the stability duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.
  • Sundering Leap: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP only

Less stability, less damage and less survivability for Power Berserker due to Condi Berserker applying too many stacks from a relic.  At least I can somewhat stick to my Memeflame build.
It feels like something is missing though...

  • Arc Divider: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.8 to 1.5 in WvW only.

Aaaah, there is the spit in our faces. Was this even overperforming that much, its a good amount of work required to do damage with it?

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53 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Savage Instinct: Reduced the duration from 2 seconds to 1 second in PvP only.
  • Blood Reaction: Reduced the precision-to-ferocity conversion from 10% to 5% in WvW only.
  • Fatal Frenzy: Reduced the power bonus from 300 to 150 in WvW only.
  • Eternal Champion: Reduced the stability duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.
  • Sundering Leap: Increased the cooldown from 15 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP only

Less stability, less damage and less survivability for Power Berserker due to Condi Berserker applying too many stacks from a relic.  At least I can somewhat stick to my Memeflame build.
It feels like something is missing though...

All they had to do was to remove 1 stack of confusion from Skullgrinder to reign in Condi Berserker. Watch them do that anyway next patch...

53 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:
  • Arc Divider: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.8 to 1.5 in WvW only.

Aaaah, there is the spit in our faces. Was this even overperforming that much, its a good amount of work required to do damage with it?

And there is this load of 🐎💩... IN A BUG SECTION NO LESS!!!!!!

Bug: Warriors are warrioring too hard so now they do less warrior.

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On 10/7/2023 at 7:23 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There is absolutely nothing stopping them from introducing an animation overhaul to core. There is nothing stopping them from giving warrior flashy animations. Nothing that is stopping warrior's use of magic (and they do have magic in this game) in such a way that is super flashy. Let us imbue our warrior's with such strength that they cleave the air so fast that it causes thunderclaps.

Let us have Kaio-ken. Let us pierce the heavens with our sheer might.

I feel like dragon trigger is pretty flashy which is probably why my warrior is still spec'd into bladesworn. Silly to me that they gave bladesworn alac instead of spellbreaker though. 

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It isn't that they hate warrior, it is just that they love their stab bot (Guardian) profession. Think about it, guards have an auto block, AUTO BLOCK and poop out stability. Arguably the two of the most powerful boons. It all keeps circling back around to boons, who provides them, who shares them and who supports them. As soon as any class starts wrecking the stab bots, it is a guaranteed nerf coming. Just that simple. Anet balances around the boon ball and they are too lazy to change the order of things. They should be publicly shamed for what they have done to the warrior class.

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