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Stealth is not OP, you are just bad


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11 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

A thief shouldnt even be looking to take on a 1v1 unless the guy is like 20%.. thats how weak it should be for the mobility power it has.

A player character class that "should" only be capable of attacking the weak and the slow? That is undeniably a clearly-reasoned, data-supported optimization suggestion.

Brilliantly argued, bravo. In fact it's pure genius; you get this year's Snaff Prize!  

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Funny how thief has been nerfed like 5000 times over the games lifespan and its still meta because stealth has never been nerfed.

Seriously? Lmao this clearly shows ur understanding of the game. The class has remained meta due to its mobility and ports, invisibility has little to do with it. It's mobility allows the thief to decap faster than the other classes hence its been its main gig forever, and the combination of its mobility and ports allow it to get to fasts that are happening faster than other classes hense its 2nd job as a +1 class. It's never been a duelist or side noder or atleast a meta one due to it not having sustained damage, although bad players will die to it in 1v1 on classes thwy shouldn't and will run here claiming thiefs a op duelist lmao.

Man I definitely can see why these forums are a meme to any long time or serious pvp'er, the forums are a literal clown show now of biased nonsense.

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2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Yeah but stealth is far easier to stack for longer durations, easier to restealth, gw2 has reveal to, and revealed skins on some classes that shut thiefs stealth down.

U all are a combination of 1. Nad player, 2. Whiny player. 3. u simply dislike the class and want it removed for ur own selfish...kinda narcissistic reasons. Worlds don't revolve are u guys...hate to breaker to ya's lol.

The reveals in gw2 are not sufficiant enough, they are easily worked around. Despite plenty of rangers in the game now, there are also still plenty of thiefs, which evidently proves thieves are not being hard countered to the point the spec isnt even worth playing. Plenty of other specs are collecting dust becuase they are simply not compatible with the game, thief is not one of them.

Ironically for no1, most thiefs are bad players who don't know how to dodge, and make aweful choices that would get any other ''high risk'' spec killed, thieves past a certain point, are saved and carried by crutch stealth mechanics. You can be aweful at pvp, yet be good at escaping/back capping on thief, actively avoid pvp in a PVP MODE which can win games, who on earth would actually defend that? only a very specific kind of person.


2, There is a lot to validly complain about in this game, broken stealth mechanics across all specs that have it, being very high on that list. People complain about ranger/scrapper/chrono targetdrops/stealth alot too, rightly so as it has 0 inherent downsides ZERO.


3, I don't dislike thief and im sure most others don't either, its the constant zero counter target drops.. not the actual stealth itself. If mesmer could spam 6x target drops yet still be visible, it would still be broken AF, its a cheap dodge, and a cheap way of forcing retagets, acting as an instant ''immune button'' until traget is reaquired. In lower level play that takes longer for average player, meaning the target drop spec gets even more reward out of the cheap mechanic, even though the target drop player is just as bad as the other player. Thats why it is a crutch mechanic.. becuase it has deminished effects at higher levels.. and simply creates horrendous game play at avg to lower levels. Narcissism has nothing at all to do with this, what an insult to throw around at people.


Heres an example of why stealth having no universal counter is broken, lets see if you can comprehend. Imagine if 90% of ranged damage could pass through walls, so that line of sight abusing is no longer a universal counter to ranged damage. Well at that point you'd have to lower the damage, sustain or mobility of ranged classes to compensate. I would not want to play a ranged spec where my damage, sustain or mobility takes a massive hit to band aid fix an outright broken mechanic within my toolset. But thats what they did.. so the toxic mechanic of ranged damage passing through walls continues for all others to put up with, and the ranged classes are hamstringed in a particular area on account of it. Do you get it?....


1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Funny how thief has been nerfed like 5000 times over the games lifespan and its still meta because stealth has never been nerfed.


So long as thief can not get caught, and decap faster than all else, I don't see why it would be anything other than usefull. Like at this point, if youre a casual player, thief is the best pick. Easy to escape, and decaps still win games. You don't even have to be good at pvp, its astonoshing when you think about it.

1 hour ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

A player character class that "should" only be capable of attacking the weak and the slow? That is undeniably a clearly-reasoned, data-supported optimization suggestion.

Brilliantly argued, bravo. In fact it's pure genius; you get this year's Snaff Prize!  


Heres the thing about balance, you can pretend having no class roles is a good thing, but ultimately it leads to issues that have to be adressed purely from a balance perspective, in order to keep diversity.


A full support (healer) should not be putting out high dps, you forgo that ability in order to support your team. If supports put out as much dmg as dps, why play dps? they would clearly be inferior.


Bunkers are the exact same as healers, they should not compete with dps, becuase of the exact same conclusion. Bunkers push dps off the point SURE, thats the idea, but that shouold be through soaking dmg. They should never be putting out dmg that rivals dps, or again, why play dps.


High mobility spec falls under the same idea. You gain high power in mobility, which should come at the cost of damage. The ability to get from point A to point C faster than any other spec, then also have the dps/sustain of a duelist?... no point in duelests then is there? Currently, thiefs dps+mobility is astonishingly high, which very much makes up for its lack of sustain.

Let me give  an example of what this looks like from another angle. Imagine I was playing staff tempest support. Its damage is low, nobody  should really be dying to it. However, imagine if staff tempest had the ability to spam you with slows, drastically reducing your ability to use abilities, while also having immobs to keep on you. Now all of a sudden the tempests dps becomes a threat, because you can't mitigate it. Just think about how annoying that would be to fight, you can't use abilitys as much and you can't escape. This is, in its own way, what thief mobility/stealth+dmg is doing, allowing the thief to overcome sustain limitations in an unhealthy way., which is not fun to fight.


If you want such high mobility to get in and out of fights at will, damage has to suffer. It has too.




Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 minute ago, Flowki.7194 said:

you can pretend having no class roles is a good thing

Please indicate where I suggested any such thing, or in fact where I even got anywhere near anything of the sort.

I snarked at you because your quoted kitten sore-loser remarks are so preposterous as to be laughable.

Is stealth in this game problematic? As implemented, it has (and has always had) issues, yes. However, the solution is not to nerf an entire class so hard that it cannot even handle a few Queensdale skritt.

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2 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Please indicate where I suggested any such thing, or in fact where I even got anywhere near anything of the sort.

I snarked at you because your quoted kitten sore-loser remarks are so preposterous as to be laughable.

Is stealth in this game problematic? As implemented, it has (and has always had) issues, yes. However, the solution is not to nerf an entire class so hard that it cannot even handle a few Queensdale skritt.

I was generally speaking, I would have apologised but you are way past that level of courtesy now.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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2 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

The reveals in gw2 are not sufficiant enough, they are easily worked around. Despite plenty of rangers in the game now, there are also still plenty of thiefs, which evidently proves thieves are not being hard countered to the point the spec isnt even worth playing. Plenty of other specs are collecting dust becuase they are simply not compatible with the game, thief is not one of them.

Ironically for no1, most thiefs are bad players who don't know how to dodge, and make aweful choices that would get any other ''high risk'' spec killed, thieves past a certain point, are saved and carried by crutch stealth mechanics. You can be aweful at pvp, yet be good at escaping/back capping on thief, actively avoid pvp in a PVP MODE which can win games, who on earth would actually defend that? only a very specific kind of person.


2, There is a lot to validly complain about in this game, broken stealth mechanics across all specs that have it, being very high on that list. People complain about ranger/scrapper/chrono targetdrops/stealth alot too, rightly so as it has 0 inherent downsides ZERO.


3, I don't dislike thief and im sure most others don't either, its the constant zero counter target drops.. not the actual stealth itself. If mesmer could spam 6x target drops yet still be visible, it would still be broken AF, its a cheap dodge, and a cheap way of forcing retagets, acting as an instant ''immune button'' until traget is reaquired. In lower level play that takes longer for average player, meaning the target drop spec gets even more reward out of the cheap mechanic, even though the target drop player is just as bad as the other player. Thats why it is a crutch mechanic.. becuase it has deminished effects at higher levels.. and simply creates horrendous game play at avg to lower levels. Narcissism has nothing at all to do with this, what an insult to throw around at people.


Heres an example of why stealth having no universal counter is broken, lets see if you can comprehend. Imagine if 90% of ranged damage could pass through walls, so that line of sight abusing is no longer a universal counter to ranged damage. Well at that point you'd have to lower the damage, sustain or mobility of ranged classes to compensate. I would not want to play a ranged spec where my damage, sustain or mobility takes a massive hit to band aid fix an outright broken mechanic within my toolset. But thats what they did.. so the toxic mechanic of ranged damage passing through walls continues for all others to put up with, and the ranged classes are hamstringed in a particular area on account of it. Do you get it?....



So long as thief can not get caught, and decap faster than all else, I don't see why it would be anything other than usefull. Like at this point, if youre a casual player, thief is the best pick. Easy to escape, and decaps still win games. You don't even have to be good at pvp, its astonoshing when you think about it.


Heres the thing about balance, you can pretend having no class roles is a good thing, but ultimately it leads to issues that have to be adressed purely from a balance perspective, in order to keep diversity.


A full support (healer) should not be putting out high dps, you forgo that ability in order to support your team. If supports put out as much dmg as dps, why play dps? they would clearly be inferior.


Bunkers are the exact same as healers, they should not compete with dps, becuase of the exact same conclusion. Bunkers push dps off the point SURE, thats the idea, but that shouold be through soaking dmg. They should never be putting out dmg that rivals dps, or again, why play dps.


High mobility spec falls under the same idea. You gain high power in mobility, which should come at the cost of damage. The ability to get from point A to point C faster than any other spec, then also have the dps/sustain of a duelist?... no point in duelests then is there? Currently, thiefs dps+mobility is astonishingly high, which very much makes up for its lack of sustain.

Let me give  an example of what this looks like from another angle. Imagine I was playing staff tempest support. Its damage is low, nobody  should really be dying to it. However, imagine if staff tempest had the ability to spam you with slows, drastically reducing your ability to use abilities, while also having immobs to keep on you. Now all of a sudden the tempests dps becomes a threat, because you can't mitigate it. Just think about how annoying that would be to fight, you can't use abilitys as much and you can't escape. This is, in its own way, what thief mobility/stealth+dmg is doing, allowing the thief to overcome sustain limitations in an unhealthy way., which is not fun to fight.


If you want such high mobility to get in and out of fights at will, damage has to suffer. It has too.




So if a class is designed not to get in and out of a fight and is designed to stay in the fight via tankyness it should have high damage or no? If a class is meant to be high mobility in and out glassy class it shouldn't have high spike damage? U clearly have 0 clue about balance lmao wtf, a class thats designed to hit and run using the normal high mobility means but when it hits it does nothing hahaha, good class design ud have there.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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💀🥃 *sigh*

Okay. Remove stealth. I think its time.

Anet won't do that without mitigation and damage buffs, and I think I want to put yall in downstate faster now. No matter how hard some of you want a reality where thief is unusable AND people still play it for you to farm, you can't manifest it by being really angry.

Thief will be usable at the end of the day.  Stealth or not. 

On 9/30/2023 at 7:09 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

If you get hit by palm strike the game should uninstall itself from your computer and put 50 gold in the thiefs wallet.


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5 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

A player character class that "should" only be capable of attacking the weak and the slow? That is undeniably a clearly-reasoned, data-supported optimization suggestion.

Brilliantly argued, bravo. In fact it's pure genius; you get this year's Snaff Prize!  

People really go "thief should only punish people about to lose" then get mad when they get punished when they're about to lose.

Please remove stealth anet. Enable thief to take 1v1s, because i sure as heck won't expect to be roleplaying as a vulture if my mechanic is axed due to being annoying. 😫🤌

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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9 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

I can foresee a layoff coming soon in Anet. Anet will continue to defend Bad Design Thief Profession and Toxic Stealth Mechanic and will bring Guild Wars 2 to the ground and will be forced to shut down PvP and WvW.

Imagine encountering a thief that made you so upset that you have fantasies about the game closing because Anet won't take the mechanic away/ change it to what you want. 😶‍🌫️

You right though.  Remove stealth~


3, I don't dislike thief and im sure most others don't either, its the constant zero counter target drops.. not the actual stealth itself

Guy doesnt wanna learn retarget ☠️ hooboy. 

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8 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Thief stopped being a threat? to who? Im getting nothing but elitist vibes here. If you are a plat player then you should understand the importance of average level play, in retaining a playerbase which will ensure you have enough population to feed into plat level games (hows that going right now?.......). In average level play there are a number of specs that are horrednously OP in that environment, and a lack of universal counter to stealth, puts thief right up there on that list of toxic matches. 5 button burst builds, and 5 button bunker/deulist builds are also on that list. The game is at that point now, if you don't enjoy or play one of the degenerate specs, well.. might aswell quit

First, you have to balance around plat+ because any lower is just going to get you skewed because of people that don't understand mechanics.

Second, when is the last time you've won a game with two thieves on your team? I had one with two on my team last night (against an anet bladesworn ironically)--I had to hard carry mid until I couldn't anymore, and it was blowout as the two thieves either perma side node or try to spawn camp.  Absolutely trash at holding or actually winning the game.  


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10 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Second, when is the last time you've won a game with two thieves on your team?

Nobody wants to talk about this or the fact that thief can't play deathmatch currently because its half a class in fair fights. 

They're too busy struggling to retarget and theorizing how to balance their target problems out of the game 💀

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2 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

So if a class is designed not to get in and out of a fight and is designed to stay in the fight via tankyness it should have high damage or no? If a class is meant to be high mobility in and out glassy class it shouldn't have high spike damage? U clearly have 0 clue about balance lmao wtf, a class thats designed to hit and run using the normal high mobility means but when it hits it does nothing hahaha, good class design ud have there.


Bladesworn as this example, should have bad damge and mobility, becuase it often takes 2 people to kill. I have no issue with a bunker spec being able to hold out 2v1 for a little while until help arives, thats kind of the point. But the downside for that powerful holding, should be both low mobility and low dmg. You don't seem to realise that games come down to capping points, and blade can put a stop to that on the choosen point. The risk of playing a bunker is that if you end up in a 2v1 on sides, and no help arives, you simply die, and rightly so. Blade does too much dmg atm, and with its high sustain, it gets a free ride when it enters group fights to do its damage, as it rarely gets primaried. Blades dmg is too high for its current sustain OR its sustain is too high for its current damage, take your pick.


A duelist is in the middle, or should be. Moderate mobility and of course, dueling ability. It should not be able to kill or push a blade off the point unless the blade is bad, and the duelist should be able to ask that question, and then get out if the blade is good. Duelists fighting each other on side would be a case of skill+spec, a closer battle. Duelists should be able to push a single support off the point, with enough time at least, since supports shouldnt fold too easily vs 1 enemy or theres simply no point in playing them. Duelists should be able to push a thief off the point, unless the duelist is bad and the thief is good (under the thiefs current mechanics that is).


With the thiefs current mechanics, such high mobility and stealth, in a game mode where capping points gets wins, the thief should not be pumping out good 1v1 damage, but it currently is. Thieves can escape most if not all 1v1's indefinately, and a decent thief can often enough escape getting +1d even after rotally fking up and getting caught, where most other specs simply can't (thats part of why thief is so crutchy). This allows the thief to constantly run between A and C, (or B during special cap, or ninja kill mobs etc etc). It litterally requires 2 people to try and shut down a thief playing that kind of game, and many thiefs play that kind of game, becuase its a low risk high reward playstyle. Then the best thiefs also know how to +1, and they rarely ever get caught so you can't return the favour.. thats a powerful position to be in, and you completely dismiss it.


Thiefs, in the current sPVP game mode, with the current mobility/stealth mechanics, should have none existant 1v1 potential. A thiefs damage should be low, like supports, where they will simply not have the desire to 1v1. They should be required to +1 for kills under the current thief mechanics, where they dominate the mobility/capping game. Its called tradeoff.







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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

First, you have to balance around plat+ because any lower is just going to get you skewed because of people that don't understand mechanics.

Second, when is the last time you've won a game with two thieves on your team? I had one with two on my team last night (against an anet bladesworn ironically)--I had to hard carry mid until I couldn't anymore, and it was blowout as the two thieves either perma side node or try to spawn camp.  Absolutely trash at holding or actually winning the game.  



I agree, but you can balance around both levels by making sure specs have a high skill floor. Thief in terms of game sense and knowing when to +1 is a high skill floor, thats what seperates good thiefs from bad thiefs in terms of actual effectiveness. HOWEVER, a thief who is not good at that, till have the broken mobility to fall back on, which isnt hard to get good at, and unlocks an unhealthy playstyle where that bad thief can just back cap all game, and have way too much impact for his low pvp skill. Most other specs don't do that, they just get caught and killed, I think you can agree on that? the only exception are these easy af bunker builds that take way too long to kill if the player is just half decent. Thats not good game design either.


Having 2 thieves on one team is bad sure, but thats entirely for what I said above. The avg thief is bad, and is being carried by cheap mobility/stealth to decap, while not being good at actual pvp on that spec. Two of those.. not good, since any compitant duelist will probably slap them both 1v2 on far, or send them running. All the duelist has to do then is defend his home, and the enemy team are at a constant 4v3 on mid, best case. 2 points held /win.


The way to deal with this is quite obious. Raise the skill floor of stealth by adding a universal counter, make it so that bad thiefs get killed, and cannot rely on its current crutchy mechanics. They can offset this at higher level play by slightly increasing the thiefs mechanical or natural sustain, be it more raw toughness, or w/e needs to be the case. Thief would not be half as annoying to fight if you could just punish them for doing stupid things. This would properly punish bad thieves as they can no longer rely on crutch mechanics/backcaps and stop feeling like they had an impact on the game >> play another spec or actually get better at pvp with thief. Bad thieves are held into that state through the crutch, giving them a false sense of usefulness.


Its not just for bad thieves though, the amount of times ive genuinely caught a decent thief in a 1v1 to +1 him, he had no idea I was there.. and bam, soon as he realises he gets out. Thats bs imo, he royally kittened up and got so far into being +1'd he should die.. like nion every other spec would. The main issue however, is that a above avg/good thief can check a 1v1 with any player to see if they are good, if yes > thief can get out, if no > thief gets kill, its so low risk, and imo it just takes away from apretiating the skill of a good thief. A universal check on stealth would mean you can catch out better thiefs more often if they make mistakes or you just play well, and that should be possible a lot more. On the specs I play, the only reliable deterent ive found is to drop AOE at my feet, hope he's stupid enoguh to step in it taking large condi dmg then runs away, or hope he see's my plan, decides im not worth it and leaves withought engaging 1v1. ''Hope''.



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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:


I agree, but you can balance around both levels by making sure specs have a high skill floor. Thief in terms of game sense and knowing when to +1 is a high skill floor, thats what seperates good thiefs from bad thiefs in terms of actual effectiveness. HOWEVER, a thief who is not good at that, till have the broken mobility to fall back on, which isnt hard to get good at, and unlocks an unhealthy playstyle where that bad thief can just back cap all game, and have way too much impact for his low pvp skill. Most other specs don't do that, they just get caught and killed, I think you can agree on that? the only exception are these easy af bunker builds that take way too long to kill if the player is just half decent. Thats not good game design either.


Having 2 thieves on one team is bad sure, but thats entirely for what I said above. The avg thief is bad, and is being carried by cheap mobility/stealth to decap, while not being good at actual pvp on that spec. Two of those.. not good, since any compitant duelist will probably slap them both 1v2 on far, or send them running. All the duelist has to do then is defend his home, and the enemy team are at a constant 4v3 on mid, best case. 2 points held /win.


The way to deal with this is quite obious. Raise the skill floor of stealth by adding a universal counter, make it so that bad thiefs get killed, and cannot rely on its current crutchy mechanics. They can offset this at higher level play by slightly increasing the thiefs mechanical or natural sustain, be it more raw toughness, or w/e needs to be the case. Thief would not be half as annoying to fight if you could just punish them for doing stupid things. This would properly punish bad thieves as they can no longer rely on crutch mechanics/backcaps and stop feeling like they had an impact on the game >> play another spec or actually get better at pvp with thief. Bad thieves are held into that state through the crutch, giving them a false sense of usefulness.


Its not just for bad thieves though, the amount of times ive genuinely caught a decent thief in a 1v1 to +1 him, he had no idea I was there.. and bam, soon as he realises he gets out. Thats bs imo, he royally kittened up and got so far into being +1'd he should die.. like nion every other spec would. The main issue however, is that a above avg/good thief can check a 1v1 with any player to see if they are good, if yes > thief can get out, if no > thief gets kill, its so low risk, and imo it just takes away from apretiating the skill of a good thief. A universal check on stealth would mean you can catch out better thiefs more often if they make mistakes or you just play well, and that should be possible a lot more. On the specs I play, the only reliable deterent ive found is to drop AOE at my feet, hope he's stupid enoguh to step in it taking large condi dmg then runs away, or hope he see's my plan, decides im not worth it and leaves withought engaging 1v1. ''Hope''.



I bet if they could do a statistical of professions I've killed, it would be bad thieves at the top of the list. Maybe it is IQ holding back th8eves from truly dominating, and if only people raised the bell curve in that department, do I believe they would ever be the threat some of yall make them out to be.


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On 10/1/2023 at 4:25 AM, Flowki.7194 said:

Herald and willbender TPing to people, rooting them in place, then doing faceroll dmg, is bad game design.

Truth be told, willbenders and heralds do have a high degree of risks. Willbenders suffer a lot from channeled blocks and no-port abusing, and heralds suffer conditions (which, in a world where everyone and their mother is shitting weakness, is actually a huge problem)

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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15 hours ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

"Thieves are super skilled, even without stealth we just kill everyone that's how good we are".

Interrupts HS through pistol 5. Thief either dies or runs away never to be seen again.

Nobody in this thread can interrupt HS through pistol 5, shh

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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17 hours ago, magickthief.6492 said:

I bet if they could do a statistical of professions I've killed, it would be bad thieves at the top of the list. Maybe it is IQ holding back th8eves from truly dominating, and if only people raised the bell curve in that department, do I believe they would ever be the threat some of yall make them out to be.



I bet youd be flat out wrong.


Throughout my time playing this game I have seen a regular amount of thieves, at least 1 per game on avg. I firmly beleive that the mobility allows them to decap if they are bad, which still makes them feel usefull when they see that flashy little ''most aggressive'' stat at tht end. And ofc, such mobility and ability to escape people, and jump from stealth is also fun. Ultimately however, fun only gets you so far, if you just get slapped every game and have 0 impact, you woldn't play it.


In comparison, specs like scepter power cata (even before nerf) and herald are very rare to see (although herald is a little more in use latelely). They are moderate to difficult specs to play, cata has like 12k hp? and they are both very punishing specs for mistakes. You don't see many of these specs for that reason. its a lot more likely you have 0 impact on the game with such specs. For me, such specs, relitively speaking, would be higher on your kill list by %, becuase its far more likely you can punish an avg herald/power cata over an avg mobility thief. This is what I personally found, 9/10 catas/heralds are basically newbs and die under any kind of pressure. Some other specs are like this, hollow for example, most of them just melt under pressure, so you don't see many hollows at all, and the very few you do, tend to actually be decent.


Esentially, you would be killing more avg thieves becuase there is more avg thieves playing compared to other specs that are simply more punishing, so not being played (past complete newb status).

Edited by Flowki.7194
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