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Will we ever see a downstate rebalancing?

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14 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

The only time Ranger resurrect is OP is if no one finishes the stomp.

 okey... diffrent try:

when a ranger goes down, the chances of him rezzing himself are very high, which forces you to either instantly cleave, or stomp him.

Name 1 other downstate that forces you to take immediate actions otherwise the player will be right back up.

you simply cant let a ranger bleed out....   all the other professions... you can.      

Rangers downstate has the highest chance of a selfrezz, while also dealing most dps, while also having the most CC´s accessible to prevent the stomp.

Ball is in your court.

(no offense, but i just love when mains dont even realize how blessed they are in certain areas, compared to other profession 😄 )

Edited by Sahne.6950
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On 10/10/2023 at 11:17 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

 okey... diffrent try:

when a ranger goes down, the chances of him rezzing himself are very high, which forces you to either instantly cleave, or stomp him.

Name 1 other downstate that forces you to take immediate actions otherwise the player will be right back up.

you simply cant let a ranger bleed out....   all the other professions... you can.      

Rangers downstate has the highest chance of a selfrezz, while also dealing most dps, while also having the most CC´s accessible to prevent the stomp.

Ball is in your court.

(no offense, but i just love when mains dont even realize how blessed they are in certain areas, compared to other profession 😄 )

All true, so people priorities stomping Rangers and also Warriors. Other professions they either leave them and just cleave from time to time. 

It can be hit or miss whether it plays out in your favour. It is much easier to rez someone who can mist form off point and out of line of sight. Other times professions like Engineer with its two CCs can be better to go down on point.

You play to your strengths. Generally when playing Ranger i leave point when I'm low. Back to my spawn so people can be CCed while my Pet resurrects me. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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On 10/7/2023 at 12:01 AM, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

I was wondering if we will see something like that in the future.

I didnt play many classes but if I compare some downstates to others im like eh for real?

I think biggest winners by far are Rangers with their pets, Power mesmers if they can get their phantasm off, Warriors if they can get to their revive and necros ofc :x 

Middle ground feels like belongs to guardians. 

For me personally the L goes to thiefs, elementalists, revenants, engineers. 

What do you think of it besides the occasional kitten that will storm this topic? ❤️ 

will never be balanced. i talk about this for years got laughed it by many rangers who want keep their power ups

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11 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

It is much easier to rez someone who can mist form off point and out of line of sight

okey.... yet another try. 🙄


which downstate would you rather have.

Rangers or Elementalists?


just keep in mind, that people are not mentally challenged and will actually follow the downed ele if he mistforms.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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7 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

okey.... yet another try. 🙄


which downstate would you rather have.

Rangers or Elementalists?


just keep in mind, that people are not mentally challenged and will actually follow the downed ele if he mistforms.

Ele anytime there are allies around : Avoiding  cleave + not getting stomped by someone with stab / blind / aegis + being able to apply immob to help getting a kill

Ranger whenever there are none : cc and heal to stabilize + damage to push someone off a node

As I said earlier in this thread they all have different strength and only 2 really feel behind. Most of the common complains about downstate can be avoided by taking 3s to go back if you are low so it does not matter that much.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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On 10/13/2023 at 11:36 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

okey.... yet another try. 🙄


which downstate would you rather have.

Rangers or Elementalists?


just keep in mind, that people are not mentally challenged and will actually follow the downed ele if he mistforms.

They all have there own strengths and weaknesses. 

I would rather have a mist form on Ranger over the ability to have my pet resurrect me. Maybe letting us choose the down state abilities is the best alternative to all this. 

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