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For people that think World Restructuring is different from Alliances, can you explain how they are different?


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While I've only been playing a few years I think the WR system has a lot of potential and while it is probably impossible to know how things will turn out I think it should be given a chance, even if it is just a learning experience.  It seems to me that there is a lot of potential for guild organization to develop in interesting ways and that there is a large amount of room for community guilds to develop and grow into the role that "servers" play now.  I suspect the frequent recreation of teams will play an essential role in limiting stacking of teams, by limiting stacking to guilds, which in turn are limited by being a fraction of a team.  If you don't know what team a guild will be in in the next matchup, and won't be able to join them until the next matchup, there is much less motivation to transfer for selfish reasons.  As we learn how the dynamics work there is enough room for tweaking the team making algorithm to encourage good dynamics and discourage bad dynamics.  I also think that the team making algorithm is likely to be a sufficiently independent bit of software that a single developer could tweak it as necessary, and that as long as the algorithm isn't deliberately designed to do unfair things it will be better than the current system of having potentially biased manual server linking.  There is less room to get upset and complain when the process is automated, more room to identify flaws in the algorithm and see them fixed.

Of course it is also possible that guild organization will be the source of endless drama, but there will always be another guild to move to when you have had enough.

TLDR: let's give it a try, get busy organizing your "server guild" if that's important to you.

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2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I also just don't see the reasoning. I keep hearing over and over: I enjoy playing on my server. Do you? Is your server the primarily responsible for a good WvW experience? Or is it the guilds, players, the enemy servers, the moment to moment game play?

The reasoning is to still have a team / seasonal server, to allow players to be able to compare themselves with all the other players, in a long-term perspective. My reference today is gw2stats.com if I go there I can see that my server earned a bronze medal the week the week 24-31 March  ( so he was third in the overall standings ) then I see that he earned a silver medal the week 17-24 March ( so he was second in the overall standings. etc etc I can go to the medal table and see all 27 servers in the EU and I can see that my server has a total of 271 medals earned from day 1 to date.

I know that this is the story of my team / server and since I have always been there, I identify myself in my team, aware of being a very small part, but still I can identify myself in my server, because I feel it is mine. I bled, I suffered, and I enjoyed my server.

Of course, you do all this in the company of your friends and/or your guild, but these are only the tool, not the purpose. There is no historical record of players or guilds of how many points they contributed to winning or losing a weekly game. Not one. Because they're tools you can't compare. My guild has 50 players and your guild has 100 players. The only competitive reference that our game mode has, is the container that we all know as a server.

This could help to understand my discomfort when we talk about WR. because it is undoubtedly the best way to make the construction of the teams automatic, able to self-balance, avoid stacking etc etc. too bad that at the same time plans to delete each server every 8 weeks. So what's your long-term vision? How do you want to build and stimulate competition in a large-scale PvP game in the near future? After 12 months that you moved me to 6 different teams (in the name of an infallible balance) what will be my reference? How can I compare myself to other players? What is my team? And where is it in the overall standings? Who are the '' best '' I need to refer to to improve my style of play? etc. etc.

I hope this helps you understand the reasons for finding a compromise that makes sense, and getting a new WVW, but still on a server basis. Don't limit your view to ''My Server'' we're going to delete them all without exception. The discussion we are having is not about my server. It's about the references we have to play this game mode. to what you can compare and what you can't compare. preserve why players play and propose their content, rather than depriving them of a broader and longer-lasting purpose.

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11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

It’s only magical for the people that don’t want it or don’t understand it, for some reason. The rest knows what it is. 

Without volumes, your statement is meaningless.

But, you are right, the rest "know what it is" - they've had years of witnessing that and experiencing it.

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2 hours ago, Illustratr.9054 said:

As a life long wvw player. Most of what all of you talk is straight nonsense.


I won't deny it's Saturday night/Sunday and this is Forum Wars 2 since it's time to call it a night in Guild Wars 2 else there will be no sleep available. Not saying the point isn't fair, but do you mind narrowing it down some? This is page three so if you want to provide more details you might get more on what you refer to you. Else not sure since there is a varied amount of replies included.

To give you a fair ball at nonsense reply. Easy one being late, who likes Green Eggs and Ham? Sam, you are eating moldy Eggs and Ham!? WTW are you thinking! That is really not a good idea!

Though joking aside, what issues or points do you refer to?

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