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Ele is trash


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weekly reminder that Ele is trash.


Edit: i need to be more precise, cuz apparently people are still traumatized and think i want to buff hammercata.

the CORE WEAPONS are very bad right now.

Sceptre needs some of its damage back. and MH Dagger also hits like a wet noodle.       

The whole of ele is shoehorned into this one specific HammerCata build, and thats a bad thing.

instead of nerfing Cata, they dumpstered all the core weapons, making them completly unuseable for anything thats not fuelled by Catas Boonspam.

If they give Sceptre back a bit of its Damage and you can mayyyybe with alot of MountainDew and sweat make FAWeaver work.... 

Edited by Sahne.6950
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This is what I have warned you about....I warned you in all those nerf threads of yours that ele on contrary to all other professions has literally no base concept. Everything it's just stack as much defense as you can and hope to kill something fast at melee range, there is no counter pressure idea or range swap to change strategy, no...it's all about rushing in and combo as fast as you can in the hope of killing something. The majority of times you will be there on ele in the middle of all aoe spamming from ez/braindead mode of condi builds.....and that's what ele has been since launch, only now other professions have literally no weaknesses and can easily facetank ele dmg on average.

They gutted scepter damage...when professions like necro can range passive you for 6k dmg with no animation, mesmers can 2 shot you from, 1200/while distorted , revenants with that shortbow 3 do 3x more dmg than dragon's tooth ever did.....yeah it truly sucks to be an ele, it was fun to play again for few months after scepter/ cata buffs, but now we're back to square 1 where the only thing worth playing is Tempest for the jokes, the reason why I shelved ele once again and this time forever, because this time I won't be here for the next "oh look ele is good again" phase in 4-5 years from now.

Back on ranger for the time being, for that little time I will spend on this joke

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5 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

You're Ele, I'm projectile goo, whatever I do bounces off you.

Yes nerf ele...while monkey builds like grenade spam are allowed to exist, something that GW2 would definitely do, even funnier when gw2 players talk about skill level, while they play monkey builds like shortbow renegade/vindicator....virtuoso/chronobunker.....bladesworn...all necro builds.....deadeye....what a kittening joke

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13 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

This is what I have warned you about....I warned you in all those nerf threads of yours

Cata was beyond busted. Someone had to step up and point out the problems. The people suggesting things had no clue what made cata OP in the first place.

However... they decided to target the Core weapons instead of cata.... and then after that also shot Cata in the knee..... leaving ele with.... yeah... nothing kind of.....

core weapons are hot garbage.....      i mean...Hammer is good..... but only on Cata... and cata is trash....     so you are stuck with a weapon that is theoretically good... but doesnt synergize with anything.....


Build diversity has flourished ever since Cata is gone... so thats good.....    but it succs that you are literally unable to play ele right now.     

Heck give Sceptre back a bit of its Damage and you can mayyyybe with alot of MountainDew and sweat make FAWeaver work.... 

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Daily reminder that projectile hate is the hardest counter in the game, ele has damage on stuns (removed for every other class), and Cata was 4/5 team optimal for over a year, perhaps the most dominant OP build in the last 5 years.

And sure, nerf grenades, I don't even play them. No engi build has been meta without them in the past 3+ years though. And Scrapper was already heavy nerfed for them (quickness completely removed, halved superspeed, +15 sec cd and -50% duration on a stealth elite).

Grass is always greener 🙂

Edited by bethekey.8314
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4 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Daily reminder that projectile hate is the hardest counter in the game, ele has damage on stuns (removed for every other class), and Cata was 4/5 team optimal for over a year, perhaps the most dominant OP build in the last 5 years.

And sure, nerf grenades, I don't even play them. No engi build has been meta without them in the past 3+ years though. And Scrapper was already heavy nerfed for them (no quickness, halved superspeed, +15 sec and -50% duration on a stealth elite).

Grass is always greener 🙂

Name 1 popular ele build that has damage on stun.... 

Oh wait... there are None cuz they nerfed that trait into the dumpster half a decade ago.

Nice try sir.

Still traumatized from cata... i see...

Edited by Sahne.6950
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2 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Feel free to point out the logical gap or where I said something false haha.

You are saying that its degen, when there is literally not a single build running lightningrod since ~2019 because the trait is godawful.

U really dying to lightningrod builds? 

Be honest.

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2 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

You are saying that its degen, when there is literally not a single build running lightningrod since ~2019 because the trait is godawful.

Killing with stuns alone is degenerate, yes. I don't care if it isn't popular or not 🙂 Ele's the only class that can do that.

No major beef against Eles, it's just funny how you're so "woe is me" so soon after peak Ele dominance. The nerfs weren't even that bad.

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2 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Killing with stuns alone is degenerate, yes. I don't care if it isn't popular or not 🙂 Ele's the only class that can do that.

Ok grandpa. 

Lets get you to bed.

Ele can do that on paper... but try it in a real Match and you will have a rough awakening .

Edited by Sahne.6950
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37 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

revenants with that shortbow 3 do 3x more dmg than dragon's tooth ever did

why are you getting hit by projectiles in a post-EoD world where the scales have tipped massively in favor of projectile hate and both cata and tempest are the worst offenders
it's not even a weapon that can effectively use unblockable

anyways in what world is hammer cata trash
sure it got nerfed but what kinda scale are you workin with here lol

Edited by Shagie.7612
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18 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

anyways in what world is hammer cata trash
sure it got nerfed but what kinda scale are you workin with here lol

Go ahead and play it. ^_^ 

We all know renegade is even more trash, and furthermore cata is one HECK of a countermarchup for you. So i kind of understand that statement... 

But simply go ahead and test it. Play it for a few hours and tell me that its in a good spot right now.  

Most ele mains completly shelved ele. And for a good reason.  Other things net double the results for half the effort. 

But if you are Putting renegade as your balancerefference.... cata might not appear that bad

This thread is not mainly aimed at hammer cata tho. Its about the core weapons that got murdered because of catas sins. The whole of ele is shoehorned into hammer cata...  

Core weapons need help.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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36 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

I wanna know what you are comparing it to, though.

Like, you think cata is bad because it's not as strong as what, specifically?

i have been playing nothing but ele for the last 6 years. i was reaching p3 EVERY. SINGLE. SEASON.   even WAYYY before Cata existed.

nowadays i am happy to tip into p1 when playing ele.       ->  swapped to thief.... back to high plat within 1 day.    

i have NOT touched thief for half a decade, but the second i swap onto it, i straight up eat every Ele in the FFA and reach my old rank.....    weeeiiiiird....    

Then i started to play Shatterchrono, altho i NEVER played ANY mesmer before..... same result! good for 1v1 in the FFA and i can keep myself at p2 .... 

Spellbreaker.... the same..... good 1v1 in FFA, and i keep at p2.   swapped to Condizerker.....  BACK TO P3 within 3 hours!

then i thought... cant be too bad.... and swapped Back to ele.... and i get clapped down to p1, borderline gold, within the same day. 


Either i have lost all my skill over night..... or the nerfs to cata have trickled over to my 2 ele builds (which were never cata to begin with) and made them complelty unuseable.

Hammercata can work... yes...     but the nerfs to FACata have caused INSANE collateral damage to the other ele builds.

The whole of Ele is shoehorned into this one specific hammer build.      You know.. i like classes that actually give you a bit of variety....   ele no longer does that.

i never liked Hammercata... but its the only thing thats workeable on ele currently... and that SUCCS.

Ele as a whole is ALOT worse (speaking solely about damagecoeffs/trait values), than it was before Cata was introduced and sceptre reworked.... and ele was not very good before that XD

The fact that Rune of Forging is gone, was also a big hit for condi ele..... but noone talks about that...


Those are my points of reference.   its a bit selfcentric.. i see that..... 


but imagine yourself in this situation for a second..... imagine that Shortbow vindi would actually be good.....      Anet then nerfs the shortbow.....    and you are just standing there on your Shortbow renegade like......   BRUH💀    <-   THAT is me right now.       

Edited by Sahne.6950
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36 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

why are you getting hit by projectiles in a post-EoD world where the scales have tipped massively in favor of projectile hate and both cata and tempest are the worst offenders
it's not even a weapon that can effectively use unblockable

anyways in what world is hammer cata trash
sure it got nerfed but what kinda scale are you workin with here lol

In a world where the concept of effort=reward is considered, playing a hammer cata is way harder than pressing 5-3 from 900 range while kiting around and a pulsing stability utility waiting ....oh and dmg reduction elite, and traits? Yes...in a world where effort is actually considered and we don't watch solely on the pro who succeed with something after weeks worth of practice and defeats....anybody can pick up the shortbow and press 5-3 while kiting with staff

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