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How badly do we hate sPvP: Arenanet:


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I'm coming into making peace with this game and viewing it as a Trash Can that should be avoided at all cost. There are Healthy Competitive MMO games in the market with 11 more coming; early next year... with one releasing end year....that does not encorperate Toxic Game Design.

In other word; view the game mode and the game as Anet view the game; Toxic Waste That Is Forgotten

Once we see the state of the game mode and the game through Anet eyes, we will see clearity that, this Toxic Game Design is not worth it

For 11 years, Anet treated the concern Community who want a  Healthy Competitive game like Toxic Waste, Should We Not Pay It Forward, By Accepting Their Game As Toxic Trash Can?

May Guild Wars 2 Community Awakening Begin


"You Can't Save People Who Won't Save Themselves. Don’t Be A Savior, You Can’t Save Them" 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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6 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

We have decided to launch a 2v2 mode between seasons and not disable duo premades. We think that we dont think at all and thats fine. 
Death to sPvP : Anet thought processing for sure 

Why are you complaining about duo? better than 5vs5 in which I can't carry 4 noobs, at least now I can carry one.

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11 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

@zonias.1083 @chaoslordlol.3165 3v3 and 2v2 are for teams. Its working as intended. PvP is not a solo queue activity. 

What about solo players? I do not mind people have the ability to duo, but i do not wanna face duos in my games. So are you saying that solo player satisfaction should not matter? 

If it is one or two that is okey, but i faced 20 yesterday, 20 matches that where unwinnable. 

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Nothing exposes how badly balanced the core mechanics of this game are like 2v2 duos. The worse duo I had was SPB+Blade+banner+rally. But then scourge+X or mesmer+X is also high skill high risk who else rates this 10/10 gameplay?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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4 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

Condi scourge + condi rev w/ centaur is pain to fight.

I mostly play rev support now, core demon/cent atm, it is strong sure, but its not easy to play. It took me months to get comfortable on it. There are lots of wrong choices to make which gets you or somebody else killed, but thats how it should be. Most other specs ive been trying just face roll dmg or free tank for minimal effort. Rev is beggining to feel like ele was, decent all rounder soon to be nerfed into the ground.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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9 hours ago, zonias.1083 said:

What about solo players? I do not mind people have the ability to duo, but i do not wanna face duos in my games. So are you saying that solo player satisfaction should not matter? 

If it is one or two that is okey, but i faced 20 yesterday, 20 matches that where unwinnable. 

2v2 is the most toxic experience in spvp from my experience. Why is this? It’s because it highlights everything wrong with the balance of the game mode AND matchmaking. In 5v5, you’re up against at least mostly pugs and nothing is as personal in comparison. 2v2 is bad because it reveals all of the balance issues in the game, and its glaringly bad.

This just sounds like really bad luck though, I pugged against a guilded duo and won. I recommend you pug until you find someone you work well with and then try to duo with that person. I did that yesterday and we ended up winning more than we lost.

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On 10/21/2023 at 3:57 AM, zonias.1083 said:

What about solo players? I do not mind people have the ability to duo, but i do not wanna face duos in my games. So are you saying that solo player satisfaction should not matter? 

If it is one or two that is okey, but i faced 20 yesterday, 20 matches that where unwinnable. 

They need to leave twos and 3s year round team only q and let the solo quers have 5 mans. Merge the rewards. It wont save 5mans from win trading but at least in 2s and 3s we wont get throwers. 

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On 10/20/2023 at 4:44 PM, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

We have decided to launch a 2v2 mode between seasons and not disable duo premades. We think that we dont think at all and thats fine. 
Death to sPvP : Anet thought processing for sure 

If making one friend to get along with and queue with is this much of a struggle, perhaps a social game isn't for you

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6 hours ago, chaoslordlol.3165 said:

sounds like something a PvEer would tell to a PvPer. 
Have you ever been in PvP? If yes you know what kind of people play it :x 

Indeed, it's a desolate, toxic place with garbage maintenance and terribly unfun balancing. But it's far more bearable with someone you actually enjoy playing with rather than trudging through that swamp alone.

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On 10/20/2023 at 6:33 PM, zonias.1083 said:

I agree, today i faced 20 duos, i lost all of them, without any chance, simply because my random teammate and i where not using the meta, and not familiar with each other. 

It was honestly, pretty annoying. 

Make some friends. More time spent on forums than trying to get a duo partner lol

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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On 10/27/2023 at 10:46 AM, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

Make some friends. More time spent on forums than trying to get a duo partner lol

and they are even in a thread with other frustrated solo players and none of them are partying up. I think the underlying issue might be an inability to take responsibility for ones own actions and to learn from them. I think they call it, self reflection

this is what it looks like in action.

On 10/22/2023 at 9:28 AM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

This just sounds like really bad luck though, I pugged against a guilded duo and won. I recommend you pug until you find someone you work well with and then try to duo with that person. I did that yesterday and we ended up winning more than we lost.

highly recommend this approach if you want to enjoy yourself. you might find yourself having fun and becoming a more skilled player who is better at teamwork too. wild idea I know, but sometimes a little effort leads to a lot of fun.

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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