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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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13 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

We dont have a Gold-Fed Salvagomatic so why did you add that?

Even if we had one wouldent platinum, mithril or orichalcum be better then diamond?



As for your naginata we got something similar already.



Diamond, Gold, Wood, Sand paper... the name is the least.


Thanks for pointing it, but I know that staff, and I really dislike it so much. So ugly colors, too bright and with the everyday, obsessive little ribbon on it. Not a naginata for sure.

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Shadow of the Mad King will be upon us in a couple of months! I suggest a new wave of grim, spooky and memetastic items for the store/collection!


Chief amongst them should be a Plague Doctor headgear for all armour classes! The infamous gnarled beak mask worn under a tattered hood, topped with a spiffing wide-brimmed hat!


Nice, spooky, and well overdue!

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On 8/13/2021 at 6:52 PM, Hydra Namooth.5301 said:

Other items or things I'd love to see added to the game:


1. Permanent Guild Bank Contract

2. Permanent Total Makeover Contract

3. Permanent Ascended Salvage Kit

4. At least 7 more Shared Inventory Slots Purchasable

6. MASTER TOME: That holds all scrolls and instances similar to the season portal tomes but for cash shop scrolls such as: Airship, Mistlock, Lily of Elon, Royal Terrace, etc

7. (Novelties) Please make it so Novelties can be used in combat again while in PVE, Dungeon, Raid areas.

8. MASTER CONVERTER: That houses all items like- Herta, Mawdrey II, Princess, Zhaitaffy Gobbler, Snowflake Gobbler, Candy Corn Gobbler and so on

9. Increase Materials Storage purchasable items up to 10k. As 2k is not enough anymore once PoF Gen Legendries need insane amounts of say Mithril Ingots, that can't possibly fit all in your inventory.

10. Increase Personal Bank Tabs to include at least 10 more tabs

11. Please modify Permanent Gem Store Gaithering Tools to function like legendaries or finishers, in that once you own 1 for say wood gathering, you have a drop down menu to select the same tool across all characters and modify which gathering tool glyph you use.

12. Change Permanent Gathering Tools to possess 2 slots instead of one. Lets say you want the Industry Glyph and the Reaping Glyph, to gather faster and all at once.

13. Make Glyphs for Gathering Tools an account wide unlock, in that, once you own one copy of it, you may duplicate it as many times as you need across all tools or characters. (it's a little unreasonable you need to spend 1,000 Gems multiple times just to get the 1 glyph you like 3x across all your tools on even just 1 character. I personally have like 6 copies of a dragon tool simply because it came with Industry, which are now sitting in my bank useless.

14. Permanent Merchant & Trading Post Merchant Contracts: Please either make the permanent versions not physical where they spawn in game or change them back to anyone can use them. I'd prefer them being sharable, as that was the original purpose I bought them, but if not... At least make them a popup window instead of a physical NPC, similar to how the permanent banker works.

I hope these thoughtful suggestions make an appearance in the game soon, esp the first 4 items ❤️

Edited by Hydra Namooth.5301
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Jungle Explorer Outfit. It's been a month since I last asked, but with the anniversary sales coming, some way to buy this would be marvellous. Many other items have come and gone multiple times since it was last on sale or even available at all outside of the miniscule chance of a wardrobe drop from BL chest.


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On 5/13/2021 at 4:53 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

You keep the same race and same armor range, say you change from Human Warrior to Human Guardian, it is technically possible, no pay to win, no powercreep or anything , it would be purely a personal change and nobody would be affected . The game is 9 years old almost, things change and not everybody enjoy the same amount of free time as before, not enough time to repeat whole living story+exp from scratch on another class.


Limit it at once per account, charge thousand of gems for it..doesn't matter, it should be an option, same armor range and same race, there would be no issues with the personal story or anything, I pray one day we see this option in the store.

"2,619 posts" ... "Not enough time to level to 80" 




You spend your time not in the game, you spend it on the forums, of course you won't get 80 doing that. 

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While I'd ideally like it in-game, not as purchasable gear, I just want to ask for a heavy (and medium) armor version of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Triumphant_Hero's_Masque which has a cool plume stick out the back of the helm...


I need a helm like this so I can realise my Sir Alonne (etc.) cosplays etc, and generally just because heavy armor helmets with sleek, long plumes are awesome!

The Warlord Armor Heavy Helm is great, with options for both open/closed visor, but I really wish there was a version with a long plume out the back too... would never need another helm again 😉


Pictures for inspiration from both BDO and Dark Souls:




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A recycle/trade in option for old BLTC purchases that we no longer use or regret buying in the first place.  It doesn't even have to be 100% or original price store credit - charge a restocking fee similar to the 15% BLTC tax, but let us get some kind of return on the initial investment.


What if you had the copper fed salvage tool and you upgraded to the silver fed tool?  Being able to sell the copper tool back to the BLTC would be great (even better if other players could buy "used" equipment at a dicount)

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I'd love to see Ritualist, Paragon, and Dervish make an appearance in Cantha as new elite specs.


Dervish: Warrior, Weapon: Staff (scythe)

Ritualist: Elementalist/Revenant, Weapon: Orb (new weapon main-hand) or Focus as a main-hand

Paragon: Ranger, Weapon: Spear (land based)



Carnie: Engineer, Weapon: Shield (main-hand)


I'd also love to see a new class that can dual-wield shields. Similar to like yo-yos.


I feel Engineer's off-hand compliments the idea best with the shield throws.

The class would be called like Carnie (carnival) and have more mobility (jumps, flips, movement), a utility with perm 25% movement, and the obvious ability to dual-wield shields and throw them like boomerangs or yo-yos

Edited by Hydra Namooth.5301
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How about boots from Braham's Wolfblood outfit, the Lunatic Guard or Nature's Oath set as their own separate piece. I've been hoping for something like this for a while now as a charr player and they still look good on people who play human/sylvari/norn (haven't checked on asura). I'd be more than willing to drop gems on this if you just made a boot skin version of them.

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Still hoping for an Exo-Suit Skyscale !

Just bought the Requisition supply drop 9th anniversary. So will surely pick Exo-Suit Roller-Beetle.

But really hoping for Exo Skyscale in the new mount licence to continue my exo mount skins set! 😄

Edited by hugo.4705
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