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22 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Warrior doesn't get an extra CC. Necro doesn't get an extra free CC. They both only have 4 abilities in downstate. Ranger inexplicably has 5 abilities. This isn't a hard concept for anyone who isn't being willfully stupid.

Lol. Honestly my bad. I don't know why I even bother with Ranger mains on this forum; yall are just a special, unique breed of straight up delusional. You inexplicably get a free 5th downstate ability, a CC no less, and just handwave it away; like I know you play the class because you're so stupid and lacking in integrity that you couldn't pull anything else off, but I at least thought you would be able to acknowledge that 5 is a greater number than 4. I have literally no doubt in my mind that they could  give the class a 20000 range, unblockable, instant-killing, downstate finishing, nuclear bomb ult on a 15 second cooldown and we'd have multiple Ranger mains in here, without a shred of irony, trying to defend it by comparing it to Warrior banner.

All this crying for what?

I routinely get stealth stomped by thieves, or stab stomped by other rangers that just pop dolyak stance, or guards / mes / ele that puke out blocks and inuvlns like nothing--or necros, who just fear the pet, or straight up just get nuked by nade engi before any downstate skill comes off CD lol.  That leaves what, revs? Pretty sure they can just swap to a legend for stab....

Getting a stomp off is not a problem unless you are low skill, regardless of your class.  If this is not true, tell me a class that can't circumvent two CC's to secure a stomp?

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54 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Guerreiro não recebe CC extra. Necro não recebe um CC extra grátis. Ambos têm apenas 4 habilidades no interior do estado. Ranger inexplicavelmente tem 5 habilidades. Este não é um conceito difícil para quem não está sendo deliberadamente estúpido.

Lol. Honestamente, foi mal. Não sei por que me preocupo com a rede do Ranger neste fórum; vocês são apenas uma raça especial e única de delirantes. Você inexplicavelmente obtém uma 5ª habilidade gratuita no estado, nada menos que um CC, e simplesmente acena com a mão; tipo, eu sei que você participa kitten aula porque é tão estúpido e sem integridade que não consegue fazer mais nada, mas pelo menos pensei que você seria capaz de reconhecer que 5 é um número maior que 4. Eu literalmente não tenho dúvidas de que eles poderiam dar à classe um alcance de 20.000, desbloqueável, morte instantânea, finalização no interior do estado, bomba nuclear com cooldown de 15 segundos e teríamos vários Rangers aqui, sem um pingo de ironia, tentando defendê-lo comparando-o ao estandarte do Guerreiro.

I think you're wrong, the only attack that gives stun in the downstate is the lightning attack, the rest don't give stun, I can see your lack of knowledge there, the warrior's rifle attacks from far away like the ranger, the necro applies fear in the downstate and warrior knocks the opponent down by throwing a hammer when they are in the downstate...so I recommend checking the ranger wikipedia in guild wars 2....

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48 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

All this crying for what?

I routinely get stealth stomped by thieves, or stab stomped by other rangers that just pop dolyak stance, or guards / mes / ele that puke out blocks and inuvlns like nothing--or necros, who just fear the pet, or straight up just get nuked by nade engi before any downstate skill comes off CD lol.  That leaves what, revs? Pretty sure they can just swap to a legend for stab....

Getting a stomp off is not a problem unless you are low skill, regardless of your class.  If this is not true, tell me a class that can't circumvent two CC's to secure a stomp?

Ooh fun, I can do this too! Why are you so low skill that you need a 5th downstate ability? I mean everyone else does it with 4, but you seem to desperately need 5 for some reason. Seems like a pretty huge learn to play issue that you need your class's entire design and balance handled with preferential kids gloves 24/7. Maybe you should just learn2play?

You know what actually you're right, Rangers aren't faceroll enough yet, because clearly by your own admission it's just SOOO HAARRD with just 1 extra down state ability, so let's give them 2, no wait, 3! more downstate abilities. Nobody else will get them, but hey stealth stomping exists so clearly it makes sense for Ranger to be given preferential treatment because... reasons (that totally aren't just "I'm a Ranger main and therefor will tribally defend every aspect of it to the death, logic and rational thought be damned.").

It truly is sad how much of a handicap you need. 😭

Edited by Sweetbread.3678
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36 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Ooh fun, I can do this too! Why are you so low skill that you need a 5th downstate ability? I mean everyone else does it with 4, but you seem to desperately need 5 for some reason. Seems like a pretty huge learn to play issue that you need your class's entire design and balance handled with preferential kids gloves 24/7. Maybe you should just learn2play?

You know what actually you're right, Rangers aren't faceroll enough yet, because clearly by your own admission it's just SOOO HAARRD with just 1 extra down state ability, so let's give them 2, no wait, 3! more downstate abilities. Nobody else will get them, but hey stealth stomping exists so clearly it makes sense for Ranger to be given preferential treatment because... reasons (that totally aren't just "I'm a Ranger main and therefor will tribally defend every aspect of it to the death, logic and rational thought be damned.").

It truly is sad how much of a handicap you need. 😭

Wait, what?

I see you feel super strongly about downstate, but I rarely go in it myself to really care.  

You will get your smokescale nerf and then that's one less CC a lot of rangers have access to when you are getting wrecked by them in downstate, but somehow, I still feel a rage paragraph will result....😂

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3 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Wait, what?

I see you feel super strongly about downstate, but I rarely go in it myself to really care.  

You will get your smokescale nerf and then that's one less CC a lot of rangers have access to when you are getting wrecked by them in downstate, but somehow, I still feel a rage paragraph will result....😂

I love that you post about how you rarely go into down state immediately after posting that you "routinely get stealth stomped by thieves, or stab stomped by other rangers that just pop dolyak stance, or guards / mes / ele that puke out blocks and inuvlns like nothing--or necros, who just fear the pet, or straight up just get nuked by nade engi before any downstate skill comes off CD lol."

It's just so... you.

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5 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

I love that you post about how you rarely go into down state immediately after posting that you "routinely get stealth stomped by thieves, or stab stomped by other rangers that just pop dolyak stance, or guards / mes / ele that puke out blocks and inuvlns like nothing--or necros, who just fear the pet, or straight up just get nuked by nade engi before any downstate skill comes off CD lol."

It's just so... you.

Rarely and routinely aren't mutually exclusive--when I do go into downstate, I routinely have those things happen; I can see why you rage so much if these basic concepts are eluding you.

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8 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Rarely and routinely aren't mutually exclusive--when I do go into downstate, I routinely have those things happen; I can see why you rage so much if these basic concepts are eluding you.

Well I mean they're literally antonyms, but sure. Makes about as much sense as extra CCs somehow being completely worthless and unnecessary, yet you being here defending their inclusion, while simultaneously claiming that you actually don't even care about their inclusion because you're so skilled that you barely even go into downstate, but then when you do go into downstate you then, despite having at least double the cc capacity of every other class (and so much skill), routinely fail to stop stomps because of CC eating mechanics, even though that would mean that these worthless extra CCs are actually more important than ever because being able to burn through multiple layers of CC resistance would be a huge advantage in such a situation, a situation which to be clear you're rarely in and thus don't actually care about or need help with (because of how skilled you are), except for when you are in that situation and routinely fail to outplay your opponent even though you have a massive handicap (and so much more skill) compared to every other class, in which case you'll defend the inclusion of extra CCs, but not really because you don't actually care about and rarely need them, except for when you routinely do (despite all of the skill).

Yup, must just be a reading comprehension issue.

Anyway, while there is something fascinating in watching you fold yourself into whatever shape is most mentally convenient at any particular moment (advantages of not having a spine I suppose), and I'd say I can't wait to see where the goalposts shift next, I really should just take my own advice and stop wasting time on pathologically dishonest people with 0 integrity.

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5 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Anyway, while there is something fascinating in watching you fold yourself into whatever shape is most mentally convenient at any particular moment (advantages of not having a spine I suppose)

Says the person posting super ranty paragraphs because they can't disprove a point lol.  

Ranger downstate is fine--once you improve your gameplay as others have said you'll have less trouble with it.  

I await your next TED talk 🧂😂

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I love when the ranger pet is dead so I can't cc or dmg them but they can still res the ranger.

my go to counterplay is to call the mob and order a hit on the ranger. then a middle aged Italian man strangles them at their desk with their computer's power cable, but maybe that's a bit extreme, does anyone have any other suggestions?

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3 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I love when the ranger pet is dead so I can't cc or dmg them but they can still res the ranger.

That's a bug that I think has been fixed?

It doesn't work for me here (~2:48 if it doesn't go there):

If it's still happening, then they need to look into it, as it's same as underwater bug in WvW--while fun for us Rangers to tank 3-4 people with dead armorfish, it was definitely broken lol. 

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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Guards perspective:

- Valor got nerfed for a new trait that isn't going to entice dps players to run.  Lesser Litany attached to F3 vs AoE prot...this was a significant nerf

- WB Doesn't take Conceited Curate nor Roiling light; these buffs do nothing

- DH are just number buffs, DH isn't going to see play in a serious setting.  Mechanics are just rough

- Hammer changes are nice but not enough.  Zealot's Embrace still has tracking issues, Banish is still too difficult to land.

- FB changes aren't bad, it's just bugged for its pages.  The biggest problem is that the abilities cast-times are kinda long.  Fix the cast-times and bugginess and it'll be solid.

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2 hours ago, Arken.3725 said:

Guards perspective:

- Valor got nerfed for a new trait that isn't going to entice dps players to run.  Lesser Litany attached to F3 vs AoE prot...this was a significant nerf.

All traits with random interval boon application should be reworked IMO. It's too random in timing to mean anything. Support guards take Stalwart Defender 100% of the time and Strength in Numbers is essentially a dead trait with 0 player interaction. It's good they reworked it. Traits should be transformative to playstyle, not some ransom boon generation with 30% uptime. 

I'd call it a buff to a dead trait. 100% not a huge nerf. 

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4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

That's a bug that I think has been fixed?

It doesn't work for me here (~2:48 if it doesn't go there):

If it's still happening, then they need to look into it, as it's same as underwater bug in WvW--while fun for us Rangers to tank 3-4 people with dead armorfish, it was definitely broken lol. 

I've had it in WvW recently, maybe they did a partial fix or something. either way, it needs another look by the devs.

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17 hours ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Well I mean they're literally antonyms, but sure. Makes about as much sense as extra CCs somehow being completely worthless and unnecessary, yet you being here defending their inclusion, while simultaneously claiming that you actually don't even care about their inclusion because you're so skilled that you barely even go into downstate, but then when you do go into downstate you then, despite having at least double the cc capacity of every other class (and so much skill), routinely fail to stop stomps because of CC eating mechanics, even though that would mean that these worthless extra CCs are actually more important than ever because being able to burn through multiple layers of CC resistance would be a huge advantage in such a situation, a situation which to be clear you're rarely in and thus don't actually care about or need help with (because of how skilled you are), except for when you are in that situation and routinely fail to outplay your opponent even though you have a massive handicap (and so much more skill) compared to every other class, in which case you'll defend the inclusion of extra CCs, but not really because you don't actually care about and rarely need them, except for when you routinely do (despite all of the skill).

Yup, must just be a reading comprehension issue.

Anyway, while there is something fascinating in watching you fold yourself into whatever shape is most mentally convenient at any particular moment (advantages of not having a spine I suppose), and I'd say I can't wait to see where the goalposts shift next, I really should just take my own advice and stop wasting time on pathologically dishonest people with 0 integrity.

Dude, stop crying, use stability skill, or stealth, or ranged attack on the pet, what five skills do you say the ranger has in the downstate that causes cc five times? YOU ARE TALKING BS

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11 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I love when the ranger pet is dead so I can't cc or dmg them but they can still res the ranger.

my go to counterplay is to call the mob and order a hit on the ranger. then a middle aged Italian man strangles them at their desk with their computer's power cable, but maybe that's a bit extreme, does anyone have any other suggestions?

this bug has already been fixed, do you mean that the pet respawns again because the ranger has the ability to change pets to respawn it again...

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8 minutes ago, Rap Tiger.1257 said:

Dude, stop crying, use stability skill, or stealth, or ranged attack on the pet, what five skills do you say the ranger has in the downstate that causes cc five times? YOU ARE TALKING BS

Are you actually unaware that Ranger F1-4 pet skills still work in down state, effectively giving them up to 2 extra CCs? It's so hard to tell with Ranger mains whether it's just straight up ignorance or desperate willful stupidity.

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45 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Are you actually unaware that Ranger F1-4 pet skills still work in down state, effectively giving them up to 2 extra CCs? It's so hard to tell with Ranger mains whether it's just straight up ignorance or desperate willful stupidity.

It's only F1-F3...F4 is pet swap lol.  Then F5 is merge/unleash/CA, and F6/F7 are attack / return to me (some of those can change ordering depending on spec, but F4 is definitely pet swap no matter what).  The point is yes, you can still swap but 'attack my target' and 'return to me' still function too but...no one cares lol.  

Anyway, to get 5 you'd have to have two pets with two CC's and those aren't commonly run (gazelle being the most common); so, a vast majority of the time you'd have 3 CC's (thunderclap + pet 1 + pet 2)--buuut if pet 1 is dead and 2 is on swap you get no CC's (see video above).  

What we're saying in this topic that has been lovingly derailed into downstate somehow, is that the ranger CC's on downstate is overblown.  The real 'issue' is lick wounds functioning when pet was dead, but that mostly seems to have been patched (again see video above).

So, if somehow, we could get this back on topic to like literally every other profession, that'd be great.    

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21 hours ago, Rap Tiger.1257 said:

I think you're wrong, the only attack that gives stun in the downstate is the lightning attack, the rest don't give stun, I can see your lack of knowledge there, the warrior's rifle attacks from far away like the ranger, the necro applies fear in the downstate and warrior knocks the opponent down by throwing a hammer when they are in the downstate...so I recommend checking the ranger wikipedia in guild wars 2....

My guy is actively pretending he can't cc with both of his pets, or is unaware he can. 

I. love it. here.

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On 11/4/2023 at 12:21 PM, Rap Tiger.1257 said:

I think you're wrong, the only attack that gives stun in the downstate is the lightning attack, the rest don't give stun, I can see your lack of knowledge there, the warrior's rifle attacks from far away like the ranger, the necro applies fear in the downstate and warrior knocks the opponent down by throwing a hammer when they are in the downstate...so I recommend checking the ranger wikipedia in guild wars 2....

wow the nerv calling someone to have a lack of knowledgw while being blatant wrong just wow

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20 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Lol this thread really went off the rails, eh?

Don't see what the big deal is. Anyone who thinks Ranger downstate is equivalent to others is objectively a moron. It's not even a complicated question.

Why even argue?

Anyone who thinks this is stronger than usual has to be stupid, I can kill rangers while in the downstate, why can't you and the guy named Sweetbread? Simple, it must be people focused on PVE trying to go PVP... if you want a lesson on how to finish rangers in downstate, I'm willing to teach, I'm Raplion in PvP.

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20 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

Lol this thread really went off the rails, eh?

Don't see what the big deal is. Anyone who thinks Ranger downstate is equivalent to others is objectively a moron. It's not even a complicated question.

Why even argue?

What PvP class do you play?

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