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Hand Revive Hack/Mod w/e it is

Trevor Boyer.6524

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I'll just say it once. This hand revive hack/mod/bug whatever this is, is getting massively out of hand and it is making way too big of a difference in matches to where legitimate players can't outplay the people who are using it.

There was a sudden nearly complete disappearance of traditional hack mods like speed/tele hack, and at the same time that happened, a bunch of new weird stuff started showing up, most of it not being so obvious to spot unless you know the game well enough, which I won't get all into right now.

The one that IS easy to see however, is this new hand revive boost. I'm not even going to worry about initially posting footage of this yet as I'm sure everyone has already seen this as it is wide-spread lately. And no, I'm not talking situations where someone is mistaken and doesn't see a revive sig used or didn't notice that a guardian cast a symbol under himself when someone started a revive or didn't understand a series of small increases to revive speed such as a blood necro stopping bleed damage while reviving with the well enhancement assist. <- These are marginally small boosts to revive speed. What I'm talking about, is when a player is hand reviving people at roughly 4x to 5x faster than what is even possible. IE: You're 1v1 on a side node and you put a Warrior into downstate, and then a DP Daredevil shows up, bends down and hand revives the War back up in quite seriously 1s to 1.5s when the War was already at 40% downstate health AND you're applying cleave while the guy is reviving and he still can hand revive in 1s - 1.5s.  This kind of revive speed is the equivalent of what it would look like if 4 or 5 team mates kneeled down at the same time to hand revive someone. There is no way in the game to enhance hand revive speed this much, not even close. This is a glaringly gross problem happening in the community and Arenanet really needs to take action on this one. 

I'd love to see Arenanet take action against ALL of the bull**** in general, but at this point the hand revive hack/mod/bug whatever the hell it is, is definitely the largest problem and it needs to go. It's really *****ing all over the dynamic of the game.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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Stop the gaslight song & dance.

Yesterday someone who's name I won't mention, was caught hacking during the MAT, couldn't accept the final match because he was banned mid-AT, and the runner up team won due to it. This stuff IS happening at high and low levels in all modes, it's rampant lately, and it is seriously ruining what's left of this game.


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27 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

healing taken/healing done modifiers?

I have absolutely no idea how it's being done, but it is easily demonstratable that the hand revive factor on some of these players lately is very seriously 4x + stronger than what is actually possible. And I'm talking even if you took the strongest class at hand reviving and stacked it with maximum effects, these players using this hack/mod/bug whatever it is, are hand reviving like triple to quadruple that speed on meta builds that you can obviously see do not have any revive options on them.

Whatever it is, it seems to work like speed hack, where you can turn the % up or down, and some people just turn it up way too high and it is very visibly obvious that the hand revive is greatly boosted beyond what is normal. I mean some of these guys bend down and rub and it revives faster than a guard sig revive. It's ridiculous.

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9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I have absolutely no idea how it's being done, but it is easily demonstratable that the hand revive factor on some of these players lately is very seriously 4x + stronger than what is actually possible. And I'm talking even if you took the strongest class at hand reviving and stacked it with maximum effects, these players using this hack/mod/bug whatever it is, are hand reviving like triple to quadruple that speed on meta builds that you can obviously see do not have any revive options on them.

Whatever it is, it seems to work like speed hack, where you can turn the % up or down, and some people just turn it up way too high and it is very visibly obvious that the hand revive is greatly boosted beyond what is normal. I mean some of these guys bend down and rub and it revives faster than a guard sig revive. It's ridiculous.

No one is gaslighting, so far. Can you please capture the evidence, and don't be the player who says they have 45% health when they only have 13% and then make a whole kitten thread wondering how a warrior banner instant finished them?

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11 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

No one is gaslighting, so far. Can you please capture the evidence, and don't be the player who says they have 45% health when they only have 13% and then make a whole kitten thread wondering how a warrior banner instant finished them?

I'll be honest with you, I'm getting tired of being the guy who has to do this.

So far over 11 years, I'm the guy who points out all the things that don't make sense. I eventually see it enough to where I become nearly 100% certain that some kind of bull**** is going on so I call it out very directly to get others to pay attention to it. Then I am met with an avalanche of: "That's conspiracy" "Trev is a meme" "You're a tin foil hat" and a large amount of very direct focused harassment from some individuals who don't want me pointing out the things that I point out, in attempts to make me so uncomfortable that I leave the game. This group of players has very successfully played a campaign game of peer pressure where they tell other players: "If you play with Trev, then we won't play with you" and because the vast majority of players only care about winning no matter how it happens, they choose to ostracize & blacklist me, so that they can gain the favor of the players who will win no matter what and by whatever means are necessary.

Over the course of 11 years, every single thing I have pointed out and warned this community about, eventually proves itself to be true. But even so, even in light of public exposure moments like this recent new Team USA MAT controversy "yes another one", do I hear any apologies or "thank you for standing up for this community" or any form of shame or humbling from the guilty? No, not even once. The memes & harassment just continue. It's as if the truth is that, people really don't care what happens or how they are treated.

In other words, I'm tired of putting forth extraordinary levels of effort into documenting this stuff. People just don't care. Do you realize how many times I have posted evidence of things happening that need attention only to be memed for it? It's amazing. I've learned from all of this that nothing you do matters, unless Arenanet cares. So I'll get around to posting evidence of this whenever it is convenient, whenever I am next streaming or recording and happen to catch it. It'll happen when it happens.

For now, players should keep their eyes open and pay attention for themselves, because I can tell you this: I am not suddenly confused 11 years in, as of the difference between a hand revive and a warrior banner.

Please don't take offense to anything I've written here. I'm just sincerely tired of all of this. The point of this thread was primarily to point it out to Arenanet, in the even that maybe they care to investigate what's happening here.


Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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23 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I'll be honest with you, I'm getting tired of being the guy who has to do this.

So far over 11 years, I'm the guy who points out all the things that don't make sense. I eventually see it enough to where I become nearly 100% certain that some kind of bull**** is going on so I call it out very directly to get others to pay attention to it. Then I am met with an avalanche of: "That's conspiracy" "Trev is a meme" "You're a tin foil hat" and a large amount of very direct focused harassment from some individuals who don't want me pointing out the things that I point out, in attempts to make me so uncomfortable that I leave the game. This group of players has very successfully played a campaign game of peer pressure where they tell other players: "If you play with Trev, then we won't play with you" and because the vast majority of players only care about winning no matter how it happens, they choose to ostracize & blacklist me, so that they can gain the favor of the players who will win no matter what and by whatever means are necessary.

Over the course of 11 years, every single thing I have pointed out and warned this community about, eventually proves itself to be true. But even so, even in light of public exposure moments like this recent new Team USA MAT controversy "yes another one", do I hear any apologies or "thank you for standing up for this community" or any form of shame or humbling from the guilty? No, not even once. The memes & harassment just continue. It's as if the truth is that, people really don't care what happens or how they are treated.

In other words, I'm tired of putting forth extraordinary levels of effort into documenting this stuff. People just don't care. Do you realize how many times I have posted evidence of things happening that need attention only to be memed for it? It's amazing. I've learned from all of this that nothing you do matters, unless Arenanet cares. So I'll get around to posting evidence of this whenever it is convenient, whenever I am next streaming or recording and happen to catch it. It'll happen when it happens.

For now, players should keep their eyes open and pay attention for themselves, because I can tell you this: I am not suddenly confused 11 years in, as of the difference between a hand revive and a warrior banner.

Please don't take offense to anything I've written here. I'm just sincerely tired of all of this. The point of this thread was primarily to point it out to Arenanet, in the even that maybe they care to investigate what's happening here.


Tldr : remove downstate to fix

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2 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

a large amount of very direct focused harassment from some individuals who don't want me pointing out the things that I point out, in attempts to make me so uncomfortable that I leave the game.

When I was a high gold 3 nearing plat and played with you and other people in that rank range, it was the most toxic experience I've ever seen in pvp by a mile. The harassment was insane, and I didn't feel any regret leaving that rank range at all. I remember people claiming that I didn't know how to play chrono or should switch to something else, even though I used chrono exclusively to get into that rank.

Maybe you should stop harassing other people if you don't want to be harassed yourself.

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14 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

No one is gaslighting, so far. Can you please capture the evidence, and don't be the player who says they have 45% health when they only have 13% and then make a whole kitten thread wondering how a warrior banner instant finished them?

I think he's saying its the hack that the MAT guy was banned for.

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1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

When I was a high gold 3 nearing plat and played with you and other people in that rank range, it was the most toxic experience I've ever seen in pvp

That's not the kind of harassment I'm talking about. You're talking general in-game trash talk. I'm talking about extra special efforts.

1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Maybe you should stop harassing other people if you don't want to be harassed yourself.

  1. I've never seen you before.
  2. I don't harass people in-game. That's why I'm one of the few players around with an 11 year old account that is still here that has never been suspended or banned.
  3. Would you say that people in a neighborhood are harassing a thief when they report to the police that things are being stole out of their cars at night and they know who it is who is doing it? There is a BIG difference between harassment and pointing out things that someone is doing that has been labeled by some law or administration to be illegal.

Get off me.


14 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

No one is gaslighting

You see this? This is what I'm talking about.

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5 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

That's not the kind of harassment I'm talking about. You're talking general in-game trash talk. I'm talking about extra special efforts.

Lmao ok. This guy just creates rules for everything so that he can compartmentalize things to fit his agenda.

7 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

There is a BIG difference between harassment and pointing out things that someone is doing that has been labeled by some law or administration to be illegal.

Nah it went waaay beyond helpful criticism.

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14 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

The only people who seem to care about me pointing out illegitimate actions within this community, are the cheaters themselves and the alts they hide behind.

That's because anet does not care about tournament mode as a whole so people don't care about it too, the lack of spectating system (wich they didn't even bother to update with relics in the ui) is a big part of the reason about the alienation of many players from high end pvp content

Yesterday Mat wasn't even streamed by teapot, wich was the only reliable source of seeing it, people were spamming in every pvper twitch chat where to find the EU mat.

TLDR: anet does not give a kitten about tournament and high end pvp so no one does too

Edited by mariugo.4856
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On 10/30/2023 at 3:00 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

The only people who seem to care about me pointing out illegitimate actions within this community, are the cheaters themselves and the alts they hide behind.

if you do some basic googling, it is not a specific hack. but, imagine if there was such a thing as a custom client.

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On 10/29/2023 at 9:49 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Stop the gaslight song & dance.

Yesterday someone who's name I won't mention, was caught hacking during the MAT, couldn't accept the final match because he was banned mid-AT, and the runner up team won due to it. This stuff IS happening at high and low levels in all modes, it's rampant lately, and it is seriously ruining what's left of this game.


So the, "my mom grieved and pulled the internet cord because I didn't want to spend family time with them" wasn't the real reason? Shocker.

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Just now, magickthief.6492 said:

i wonder how true this is, and how the casiano guy was able to dupe items and gold.

Two mutually exclusive items.  If abilities were client side, then you could easily modify GW2 memory locations to do a million damage, no cooldown(s), and infinite range.  Player movement is done through the client syncing back to the server.  It's why teleport 'hacks' will always be prevalent because the client tells the server that I need to be at xyz position and the server updates your position.

I thought Casiano did the dupe through gambling which had some weird interaction to revert the gold/ectos from a toy.

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Just now, phokus.8934 said:

Two mutually exclusive items.  If abilities were client side, then you could easily modify GW2 memory locations to do a million damage, no cooldown(s), and infinite range.  Player movement is done through the client syncing back to the server.  It's why teleport 'hacks' will always be prevalent because the client tells the server that I need to be at xyz position and the server updates your position.

I thought Casiano did the dupe through gambling which had some weird interaction to revert the gold/ectos from a toy.

"some weird interaction" that is a way to put it. there are several weird interactions in the game that can achieve those kind of results, maybe not to the extreme, but double amulets stats are possible through "weird" interactions, despite you doubting it.

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2 hours ago, magickthief.6492 said:

"some weird interaction" that is a way to put it. there are several weird interactions in the game that can achieve those kind of results, maybe not to the extreme, but double amulets stats are possible through "weird" interactions, despite you doubting it.

Bugs are not hacks.

Edit:  You are also not understanding the distinction between the two.  What I said is how this game works, whether you believe it or not.

Edited by phokus.8934
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