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F to end Duo Q

Last Crab.6054

F to end Duo Q  

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  1. 1. F to end Duo Q

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

DuoQ is fine... abusing DuoQ together with the other methods to gain topspots is not fine.

DuoQ should be removed if you are above plat1.

Below it doesnt matter all that much. Afterall its fun to play with friends.

it does, you can still duo q and q snipe whoever is in the top knowing that now this person will be solo, and that's just one example of how you could abuse it.

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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

DuoQ is fine... abusing DuoQ together with the other methods to gain topspots is not fine.

DuoQ should be removed if you are above plat1.

Below it doesnt matter all that much. Afterall its fun to play with friends.

Okay but could this potentially just move the rating? Like more people getting in bronze/silver who were once in gold. And because of matchmaking the new plat (gold) duos will face/match up with these ratings still. 

So in the end the brackets just moved down a bit because it was prevented to duo further above p1. And you would still get matchmaking not according to your level

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Duo should be fine if matchmaking weighted it more, i.e. at least two duos in a match and on opposite teams. So yes you would have to queue longer if you duo.

Otherwise premade of any size should all only play together in a separate ladder to solo. Being able to communicate directly on voice and have complimentary builds and a strategy in advance of the match is such a huge advantage. It accounts for far more than just the average of your elo.

Given the low population the most sensible action would be to remove it from ranked and just have premade in unranked.

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Being able to premade/soloque should stay the same in unranked. Unranked is the one for fun with friends

But for ranked queues, it should be gone ye.


Small suggestion strongholds: Make them 10 vs 10.

Also add even a few other different strongholds and let them have different mechanics too

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You guys still don't get it. It will not change anything if you remove duo queue. The same people will still go into discords and synch queue together. They will still smurf the alts that synch, and it will quite seriously change anything. The end season rankings will look exactly the same as they do now.

There is a large misconception going on here with these guys who come in here vouching against duo queue. Duo queue is not giving anyone any advantage. In fact, if you READ the algorithm notes, you'd notice that duo queue automatically inflates the duo's average rating by 50. Normal legit duo queue players "which you rarely see anymore" will all claim that "I seem to do better when I solo". This is because the stern +50 average rating is a weighty handicap when you aren't synching or smurfing. You don't see many duo queue legits nowadays because it actually isn't helpful. It really isn't. Anyone playing to plat+ legitimately just solo queues man.

The people who you run into that are actually duos as supposed top ranked players, IT'S AN ILLUSION guys. You look at this and "think" it's the duo that's somehow granting them this large advantage, but it is not. They synch queue and pull bull**** and it makes it look like the duo is the advantage but it is not. It's the synch queues that are giving advantage. If you run into the same guys in Unranked, which does happen from time to time, you'll notice that when they aren't synch queueing in a bunch of smurf alts, Unranked gives them very difficult matches that they often lose. <- This is true. You can see the difference in match quality between Ranked and Unranked because in Unranked they don't care enough to organize groups of synch queues, and they play normally. When they are playing normally, you can feel the difference and it occurs to you that duo queue is not the problem, it's the goddamn synch queueing they do in ranked. Removing duo queue is not going to change any of that. It may take them longer to boost the accounts they want to boost because they have to do it with one account at a time instead of two, but they will still do it and will not change match quality. In fact, it will only elongate the win trade phases due to this, which in hindsight, is going to make match quality even worse than it already is.

Keep in mind I solo queue 90% of the time. I could give a **** less if we have solo or duo. I'm just pointing out that it's ignorant to keep the bandwagon going on this suggestion when it has nothing to do with where the actual problems are that contribute to deliberately bad & unfair match making.

I have to ask a few questions to the people who keep advocating for this:

  1. When is the last time you even played Ranked as a duo queue?
  2. When is the last time you even played Ranked in general?
  3. When is the last time you even logged in to play Guild Wars 2 at all?

I mean if some of you are so disconnected from what's going on lately to where you aren't playing enough Ranked/Unranked/ATs to be able to identify obvious things about what's really happening in this community and why, you need to back up and understand one thing.

There are only two ways that match quality would ever get better in GW2 Ranked:

  1. A very aggressive campaign to identify the mains & alts of match manipulators and hard ban all of them, OR
  2. Give us a new game mode that has a format that intrinsically prevents manipulations due to its inherent design. The easy example to give would be a 1v1 mini-season.  In a 1v1 situation, if they queue into you, they actually have to win the 1v1. So they could get cheap rating from synch queues together and while dodging you or other good players, but they can't actually force you to lose games like they can in 5v5 where they can land throws on your teams. I'm not saying 1v1 is the answer, I'm simply using this an example of a type of game mode that's inherent design doesn't present such easy ways to manipulate.

This is the way.


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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You guys still don't get it. It will not change anything if you remove duo queue. The same people will still go into discords and synch queue together. They will still smurf the alts that synch, and it will quite seriously change anything. The end season rankings will look exactly the same as they do now.

There is a large misconception going on here with these guys who come in here vouching against duo queue. Duo queue is not giving anyone any advantage. In fact, if you READ the algorithm notes, you'd notice that duo queue automatically inflates the duo's average rating by 50. Normal legit duo queue players "which you rarely see anymore" will all claim that "I seem to do better when I solo". This is because the stern +50 average rating is a weighty handicap when you aren't synching or smurfing. You don't see many duo queue legits nowadays because it actually isn't helpful. It really isn't. Anyone playing to plat+ legitimately just solo queues man.

The people who you run into that are actually duos as supposed top ranked players, IT'S AN ILLUSION guys. You look at this and "think" it's the duo that's somehow granting them this large advantage, but it is not. They synch queue and pull bull**** and it makes it look like the duo is the advantage but it is not. It's the synch queues that are giving advantage. If you run into the same guys in Unranked, which does happen from time to time, you'll notice that when they aren't synch queueing in a bunch of smurf alts, Unranked gives them very difficult matches that they often lose. <- This is true. You can see the difference in match quality between Ranked and Unranked because in Unranked they don't care enough to organize groups of synch queues, and they play normally. When they are playing normally, you can feel the difference and it occurs to you that duo queue is not the problem, it's the goddamn synch queueing they do in ranked. Removing duo queue is not going to change any of that. It may take them longer to boost the accounts they want to boost because they have to do it with one account at a time instead of two, but they will still do it and will not change match quality. In fact, it will only elongate the win trade phases due to this, which in hindsight, is going to make match quality even worse than it already is.

Keep in mind I solo queue 90% of the time. I could give a **** less if we have solo or duo. I'm just pointing out that it's ignorant to keep the bandwagon going on this suggestion when it has nothing to do with where the actual problems are that contribute to deliberately bad & unfair match making.

I have to ask a few questions to the people who keep advocating for this:

  1. When is the last time you even played Ranked as a duo queue?
  2. When is the last time you even played Ranked in general?
  3. When is the last time you even logged in to play Guild Wars 2 at all?

I mean if some of you are so disconnected from what's going on lately to where you aren't playing enough Ranked/Unranked/ATs to be able to identify obvious things about what's really happening in this community and why, you need to back up and understand one thing.

There are only two ways that match quality would ever get better in GW2 Ranked:

  1. A very aggressive campaign to identify the mains & alts of match manipulators and hard ban all of them, OR
  2. Give us a new game mode that has a format that intrinsically prevents manipulations due to its inherent design. The easy example to give would be a 1v1 mini-season.  In a 1v1 situation, if they queue into you, they actually have to win the 1v1. So they could get cheap rating from synch queues together and while dodging you or other good players, but they can't actually force you to lose games like they can in 5v5 where they can land throws on your teams. I'm not saying 1v1 is the answer, I'm simply using this an example of a type of game mode that's inherent design doesn't present such easy ways to manipulate.

This is the way.


When we had solo queue, the leaderboards looked different with none of the same players on the board for NA.

I'm pretty certain the LB would change again. 

Duo Q is not healthy, there is only one reason to advocate for it, and that is an advantage.

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You guys still don't get it. It will not change anything if you remove duo queue. The same people will still go into discords and synch queue together. They will still smurf the alts that synch, and it will quite seriously change anything. The end season rankings will look exactly the same as they do now.

While I agree with the ranking being the same, the match quality should get better, no more duo on one side and 5 pugs, also those 2 top ten will likely never play in the same team again, so they likely to be placed with 4 silver 2 players and being unable to carry against g3, g2, g2, g1, g1. His best bet is to actually play against ppl of his rating instead of avoiding them if he wants to climb.

Edited by Khalisto.5780
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1 hour ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

While I agree with the ranking being the same, the match quality should get better

But it won't. I swear you guys don't read the things I explain.

The only people who constantly duo queue are the ones who match manipulate. The match manipulation makes it look like duos are strong and winning games, but they are not. The match manipulation is winning those games. When actual legit players duo queue, they say the games are harder lately than when they solo queue. This is because the static +50 to average rating is actually quite a hefty handicap. In other words, the duo queue is not helping efforts of match manipulation. It's that they can afford to duo queue when they are match manipulating, because they are good enough to get away with it in conjunction with the throws planted on the other team, which saves them time running matches when they can boost two accounts at the same time. In all seriousness, the matches would be easier for them to win if they were solo queue.

1 hour ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

those 2 top ten will likely never play in the same team again, so they likely to be placed with 4 silver 2 players and being unable to carry against g3, g2, g2, g1, g1. His best bet is to actually play against ppl of his rating instead of avoiding them if he wants to climb.

This would never pan out this way, because they match manipulate. What's going to happen is those 4 silver that land on his team will have a high likelihood of being smurfed alts with low ELO that are ready to play hard for a win, as well as there being a high likelihood of the gold team being half comprised of other synch alts ready to throw the game for him.

It's like you guy really really don't understand what's going on here. This is not going to change anything. They will do the same exact bull****  that they do now and it won't change anything. If anything it will ELONGATE their phases of when they are logged on to do what they do, because they'll have to take turns boosting one account at a time, instead of being able to boost two at a time in a duo. So we're talking 20 games played to boost two accounts or 40 games played to boost those same two accounts. This is literally DOUBLING the amount of bads games being manipulated that we all have to run into.

No one is ever savy enough to understand/see things like this ^ Aside from hooga booga fears about a 5man premade ranked, aside from the usually discussed concerns assuming that everyone was playing fairly, concerning win trades & throws, a 5man system would likely greatly eliminate the uptime of bad games being seeded. Because now we're talking these guys can boost 5 accounts at the same time, get it done a couple hours and just log off for the rest of the day and leave the rest of us alone for that time. But when they have to take turns running duo or god forbid solo, they have run a lot more games to complete what they are trying to do. Regardless of if we are in a synch rigged throw match that is solo or duo or 5man, it is still an unwinnable synch rigged throw match.

You guys gotta get this through your head and stop barking up trees that have no squirrels in them.

If people want to rally & advocate something meaningful with this energy, they should be hard complaining about the lack of Arenanet effort to straight eliminate cheaters, and maybe be stirring more buzz about what in the hell is going on that allows these dudes to have a magic pass to do what they want to begin with. Because if you want a better cleaner game, that is the only thing that will matter to accomplish it.

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38 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

But it won't. I swear you guys don't read the things I explain.

I do, I just don't agree with your explanations, hardly understand them, and see them as...

wait for it...


wrong 🤯

38 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You guys gotta get this through your head and stop barking up trees that have no squirrels in them.

If people want to rally & advocate something meaningful with this energy, they should be hard complaining about the lack of Arenanet effort to straight eliminate cheaters, and maybe be stirring more buzz about what in the hell is going on that allows these dudes to have a magic pass to do what they want to begin with. Because if you want a better cleaner game, that is the only thing that will matter to accomplish it.

Yes, let's all scream into the void and wait another decade for Arenanet to take the action that they've never once taken without going back on in ranked's entire history

Then in 10 more years we might be able to come back to 2v1. 2 against 1; good clean fun.

What a crock. Enjoy your game, or their game rather.

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6 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

When we had solo queue, the leaderboards looked different with none of the same players on the board for NA.

I'm pretty certain the LB would change again. 

Duo Q is not healthy, there is only one reason to advocate for it, and that is an advantage.

I feel like that's just wrong. I remember seeing the same people when it was solo queue. Just play for fun and nothing else matters.

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1 hour ago, ButterPeanut.9746 said:

I feel like that's just wrong. I remember seeing the same people when it was solo queue. Just play for fun and nothing else matters.

Horse 💩

LB were different in that there were more people on it and less alts belonging to the same person, everyone was plat1 at minimum, and there were 0 people in legend and very few in plat3. There was no observable jump in rating (like 50-100 difference) between who duoqs and who doesn't like there is now. Everyone was closer together, even the people at the very top because that's the sign of a healthy, fair, and fun competition.

Fairness matters too because there is no fun without it. Fun for the duoqs maybe, not so fun for the soloqs that are forced to compete with them at a disadvantage. God matters; Jesus Christ matters, and the Holy Spirit matters. All Three hate the concept of duoq. Remove it or give soloqs their own ranked arena to have fun in.

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I mean if the person in question is multibox queuing on alts they can sneak an alt in and if that alts the same or near same rating it will be on the opposing team. Honestly anet should be able to detect this when someone has two clients logged on one network, both in a game and instaban, but I can't imagine they give two shits or we'll ever see solos again. 

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4 hours ago, ButterPeanut.9746 said:

I feel like that's just wrong. I remember seeing the same people when it was solo queue. Just play for fun and nothing else matters.

Who do you remember?

Because Luck Slayer, Vallun, Sikewolf, and Lido were consistently in the top 30 for those seasons. Everyone else int he last 25 seasons top 10 didnt make that list.

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6 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

Who do you remember?

Because Luck Slayer, Vallun, Sikewolf, and Lido were consistently in the top 30 for those seasons. Everyone else int he last 25 seasons top 10 didnt make that list.

I mean he's not entirely wrong on that. You had people that duoq now and get top spots that played then and got top spots like Naru, Gwimjack, Vaanss, Helios, Eura. etc. I'm pretty sure the Nut was up there a few times himself. He's one of the better warrior players imo will concede.

But back then; since it was soloq only after plat2, their ratings were all neck and neck and there were other ppl that only soloq who got up there as well. Real competition.

But that all went out the window as soon as s13 rolled around and duoq was added back in. Top soloq players were forced to take a backseat and the difference between those who soloq and those who duoq was and still is staggering because duoq is an advantage. And it was all so players like that could "play and have fun with friends" but that's obv baloney. They're greedy and they just want to stomp randoms with their premades. Not slick. Their "fun" is at others expense and they have every intention to keep it going, never even allowing soloqs to have their own separate soloq arena completely removed from what they're doing.

Duoq would be absolutely fine if it was duoqs vs other duoqs only but its not. It can't be in 5v5.

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7 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

CMC you need to separate friends and business. 

Duo Q is toxic for the game.

i recommend all players who want duo q gone to contact NC Soft directly for you own case.

if enough contact, they will force ANet.

As to that, its a good idea with good intentions but beware I did the same thing before and they called me a racist 🤨

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2 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I mean he's not entirely wrong on that. You had people that duoq now and get top spots that played then and got top spots like Naru, Gwimjack, Vaanss, Helios, Eura. etc. I'm pretty sure the Nut was up there a few times himself. He's one of the better warrior players imo will concede.

But back then; since it was soloq only after plat2, their ratings were all neck and neck and there were other ppl that only soloq who got up there as well. Real competition.

But that all went out the window as soon as s13 rolled around and duoq was added back in. Top soloq players were forced to take a backseat and the difference between those who soloq and those who duoq was and still is staggering because duoq is an advantage. And it was all so players like that could "play and have fun with friends" but that's obv baloney. They're greedy and they just want to stomp randoms with their premades. Not slick. Their "fun" is at others expense and they have every intention to keep it going, never even allowing soloqs to have their own separate soloq arena completely removed from what they're doing.

Duoq would be absolutely fine if it was duoqs vs other duoqs only but its not. It can't be in 5v5.

Sometime later I will post the top seats screenshots for those solo q seasons, most of the people you mentioned were not on them.

It may already be posted from back then.

Edited by Last Crab.6054
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