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No one should start at 1200 rating. Everyone should start from the bottom, and prove it. Every Season

Last Crab.6054

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Get rid of the (1200+Last Season Rating)/2

Everyone should prestige every single season.

This will fix the match maker.

Because this isn't truly a team game, nor truly an individual game, it should go back to 600 rating or 700 rating for all each season and no farming a good rating in mini seasons to manipulate the starting rating.

We all should be in the suck together, and those that can climb out will.

Day 1 pvp being gold is crazy, insane, and a terrible design.

That is all.


Edited by Last Crab.6054
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This would cause people who dont log in day 1 to end up stuck with bronzes? Even if they were a plat player the prior season lol

Theres nothing wrong with gold on day.1 lol sticking pwople in bronze however will lock them in with afters, terribly designed bots l and huge skill disparities. 

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So you want the lower skilled players to suffer immeasurably at the start of the season while they are the same rank as top rated players?

Great way to alienate a good portion of players and cause them to leave an already low population game mode.

The whole purpose of allowing players to start higher ranked is to give an approximate "initial spread" at the start of the season. The idea being players can move up and down accordingly afterwards. It prevents newer and more casual players from ever having to play against a top 100 player (unless they get that good).

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8 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

This would cause people who dont log in day 1 to end up stuck with bronzes? Even if they were a plat player the prior season lol

Theres nothing wrong with gold on day.1 lol sticking pwople in bronze however will lock them in with afters, terribly designed bots l and huge skill disparities. 

and a plat will soon rise out of bronze games too, should be easy caryable if they join afterwards season already began

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6 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

So you want the lower skilled players to suffer immeasurably at the start of the season while they are the same rank as top rated players?

Great way to alienate a good portion of players and cause them to leave an already low population game mode.

The whole purpose of allowing players to start higher ranked is to give an approximate "initial spread" at the start of the season. The idea being players can move up and down accordingly afterwards. It prevents newer and more casual players from ever having to play against a top 100 player (unless they get that good).

The first 10 placements shouldn't be a thing according to this if everyone starts at 0 rating. Because of this there is a faster rating separation between players who are better.

Atm you have to do 10 placements with all kind of ratings untill you get your rating which places and gives more "balanced matchmaking".


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I think new players should start way lower silver/bronze , but the already rated players should start around their rank - x points or whatever . 
If you put everyone at same start you get the same result as now since new people will still have to play vs top 250 on their first ranked game.

There is also one other issue with the behind the scenes MMR old accounts get smacked with hidden MMR and you get treated X points higher then you actually are, while fresh account get boosted up for some reason .

Edited by Vancho.8750
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3 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

and a plat will soon rise out of bronze games too, should be easy caryable if they join afterwards season already began

Not very fun for bronze players who repeatively get absolutely wrecked every game til they get out the rank tho. 

Brand new players being pitted against Boyce. Wont help pvps popularity. 

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1 hour ago, Puck.3697 said:

Not very fun for bronze players who repeatively get absolutely wrecked every game til they get out the rank tho. 

Brand new players being pitted against Boyce. Wont help pvps popularity. 

and putting bronze instantly high-silver/gold tier " won't " make them get wrecked until they reach their lower ranking many games after placements

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12 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

This would cause people who dont log in day 1 to end up stuck with bronzes? Even if they were a plat player the prior season lol

Theres nothing wrong with gold on day.1 lol sticking pwople in bronze however will lock them in with afters, terribly designed bots l and huge skill disparities. 

You almost understand.

If you bring up all the bots, potatoes, ect, into gold, doesn't that effectively do the same thing?

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I'd keep the current system but not skew towards 1200 but 800 maybe. Carrying over some rating from the previous season does make a lot of sense in my opinion, but starting in the middle of the skill rating, not so much.. I'd think having some rating stay prevents a complete clusterkitten at the beginning of a new season as having legit bronze/silvers get rekt by plat3 players is not a great experience for either side of players.

My biggest issue with current numbers is that first time pvp players also start at 1200 and are immediately matched with/against gold and maybe even plat players (if they win the first match they probably will then) and I think having a really good player (smurf or whatever) in a bronze/silver game is a much better compromise for all parties involved, than having a total noob in a gold/plat game.
With this change I'd also lower the starting volatility and lower the decay a bit as losing/Gaining like 250 rating in your first 3 matches can really mess with your actual rating, especially if you get the typical MM experience and just have an afk'er in your group or something like that.
I'd set the volatility to half the currently initial value at most (more like a third or so) and keep that for all 10 placement matches, so that the overall "rating range" for the placements is approximately the same as now but is spread over the full 10 matches instead of the first match being like x10 rating multiplier (or whatever it is now but I think I already had over 100 rating change in the first match) and dropping off fast. This way being unlucky/lucky with the matchmaker early on doesn't have such a big impact, which benefits both outliers imo. The ones who get extremely lucky don't get matched against way higher rated players and if you were unlucky you don't have to waste so much time on stomp-matches to get up to your appropriate skill rating.

Edited by DoomNexus.5324
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On 11/22/2023 at 11:36 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

The whole purpose of allowing players to start higher ranked is to give an approximate "initial spread" at the start of the season. The idea being players can move up and down accordingly afterwards. It prevents newer and more casual players from ever having to play against a top 100 player (unless they get that good).

yea idea is good on paper and maybe it could work with more players, but right now even if you are 1,2k rating you will end up same matches with 1800 ppl so in the end rating means nothing

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Someone clearly did not unterstand the system. This is how most rating systems work though. When you don't have info yet (no patches played) you assume something in the middle. 1200 is reasonable. More like the soft reset is the problem - people going back to a wrong rating again making imbalanced matches in the first 1-2 weeks of the season. (Even if you play a lot ... there still might be a lot of others that join only later during the season - having to balance their rating again. Playing a few matches first.)

Letting everyone start at the bottom (full reset, not soft reset + then with some weird option to start pretty low instead of the 1200 exactly) would make it more imbalanced. Would cause even less players to play. (More inclined to leave cause of imbalancing.)

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On 11/22/2023 at 7:28 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

and putting bronze instantly high-silver/gold tier " won't " make them get wrecked until they reach their lower ranking many games after placements

A new player could likely manage something among a silver team, lol. You rly under estimate new players

And no where near to the same level lol. 

Fighting a silver player. 

And fighting Boyce. And leagues apart. 

Silver players lack fundamental understanding litterally someone climbed through it without ever hitting a player. Just decap on thief. Lol

Edited by Puck.3697
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The highest I ever got was gold 3, and even there, every game was full of <silver on both teams. I was playing support at the time, horrible game play..  both teams feed mid and far, while some high gold/plat roamer back capped all game >90% of matches. I genuinely think the game mode is half the problem, it favours roamers, which doesnt really foster a neccesity of devloping teamwork to win. I don't think MMR fix will adress that issue, but it would at least stop gold being a fking hell hole of blatent newb feeders, or being farmed by plats.


Brand new accounts (never played a season) should start in bronze, thats just obvious. From there, your last season rating should instantly place you in that elo, and elos should be hard locked, bronze play bronze, silver play silver, no exceptions. There is no justification in pitting two seperate elos against each other.. if the playerbase is not big enough to support a plat elo then GET OFF YOUR FKING kitten AND MAKE SPVP BALANCED FUN AND COMPETITIVE TO ATTRACT PLAYERS 101 FKING MARKETING


You know the thing is, I would probably be plat level on full support by now (I don't play it at all anymore), if the MMR system was not so broken, because thats what im best at. But that playstyle is simply not tolerable in this current system. If it was, plat would have more players than current, becuase you have now opened up a viable option to climb through the ranks as a solo que support. You can't support silver/bronze against plat dps.. can barely even support a gold dps vs plat, the skill gap is large, and kill times are small.


Any new maps/modes on the way?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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