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This game has a serious accessibility problem.

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Just now, kharmin.7683 said:

Ok, so what is the point exactly because your wall of text kinda obscures it.

The point, as clearly stated, is that the game's community is so insular that you are cooking constantly in your own juices.  you view everything from the lens of said bubble, relentlessly attack all outsiders, provide advice that is only applicable to people willing to spend absurd amount of time in this game grinding content without merit just so you can grind some more.  you are incapable of seeing things from the perspective of an outsider, you resist any idea that would improve the game and make people want to run towards it instead of away.

As I said:

2 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

My point about adding ascended to the wardrobe like legendaries (if adding ascended add just the single affix, legendaries add all possible affixes) has its biggest boon in allowing you to instantly gear up alts without needing to interact with the community.  I think even the games numerous flaws would be negligible if the community was better and not so utterly bitter and hostile.  Even 5 years ago when I finally decided to come back I received nothing but hostility on here and on reddit AND in game.  Every guild is a cult of personality or catty cliques.  Every player in the world is uncooperative and aloof or cutthroat to the point of actively sabotaging you.  Any exceptions to this just make the hateful majority stand out more.  you, my not-friend (you aren't important enough to me to be my enemy), are not a part of that exception.

I could put up with all of this game's problems, but not that (NEVER that).  That this smugness filters down even to what would be considered new player guides is EXACTLY what this thread is about.

you can read any of the many posts on this game over the years on why people left or never gave it a chance.  the reasons why this game is frankly despised.  the community is to blame for that just as much as anet is.  I know why anet breeds such an environment (because it means they will never have to fix their mistakes as long as yes-men exist to silent all dissent), but at this point if this game dies it won't be an act of murder against an innocent but an execution of a criminal.  That's the end of it.

I wanted to give you another chance.  I simply cannot, because you just are not and never will be worthy.

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14 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I think heroic dungeons get more than that now.  Start groups for your own keys and you will have more than that in a day.  Level up a character from nothing in one sitting with timewalking.

Again, this thread is not about wow, you are criticizing the finger pointing at the real topic.  you are partially doing so because of simple foolishness but deceitfully because the finger is pointed at you.

Again, you're complaining about gearing being difficult for new players in GW2, but bring up Mythic+ for gearing in WoW. As others have said in this topic already, you can get stat selectable exotic for almost nothing. Exotic should actually be in the ballpark of 420-425.

Don't bring up WoW if the topic is not about it. When people point things out in WoW - one being how you complain people talk about leveling and gearing in GW2 with experience instead of from the point of view of new players while you do the exact same in regards to WoW to paint it like it's so much easier to gear - you immediately go on about how this thread isn't about WoW.

If you want to compare it to WoW and say it's easier and quicker look at it from a new player's perspective, something you've been going on about in GW2. A new player won't hit level cap in a day then jump into M+ to gear. 

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28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Vast majority of people in wow don't do much of anything besides alts and quests.  Same thing here, but even more leave because of those like you.

"People leave because others point out their BS". You babyrage a lot for someone who doesn't know what it means. 

28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I, like millions of others, am not playing this game.  I was considering it.  Was.

Best news today so far.

28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I don't even care about wow, the point of this thread has always been the community; but you don't want to have that conversation because it would be about things you would rather hide from about yourself.

The point of this thread was this game being inaccessible, not the community, read your own post please. You made up this random number of people who apparently claimed you should farm legendary instead of exotic or ascended, which proved to be false seeing how you admitted to not playing the game. Noone in their right mind makes such suggestions.

28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Continuing my point you keep dodging, the opaqueness of this game is to drag an inch deep puddle a mile wide.  That inch deep puddle would be much more forgivable if the community didn't do everything they can to poison the well.

Said the guy trying to stir up stuff in a game he doesn't even play or understand. 

28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Continuing my point you keep dodging, the opaqueness of this game is to drag an inch deep puddle a mile wide

I haven't dodged anything, already told you that you can easily get both exotic or ascended gear, the latter of which is the highest level of stats attainable, your failure in reading comprehension is not my problem.

28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I don't even care about wow

Calling BS on that one as every single point you make keeps getting tied to how wow does things, which leads me to believe you're one of those people whose understanding of what an MMO is has been shaped and corrupted by WoW so much so that you fail to grasp that there are other ways of doing things. The moment you are faced with one such method, you violently reject it, to the point of making bad comparisons like I can get gear easy in wow by doing instanced content that the vast majority of players don't even engage, then call gw2 inaccessible because you don't have ascended or legendary gear before even starting the game. So far, every comparison you made between GW2 assumed gw2 player was new, but WoW player somehow had years of experience and was prepared to successfully complete raids and mythic+.

28 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Second time in one day that someone has gone through and given their "disapproval" to every single one of my posts.  Thank you for making my point for me, you are dismissed.

Start making some sense and you'll be surprised how fast you start getting approval instead of people just confuse bombing you.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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8 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

you posted right after it happened.  Is "kitten" some kind of insult?

I could relate to your original post, but then you started getting paranoid and accuse someone who isn't known for such behavior.

If you want to find the culprit, check who else has visited your profile. But even then, you are not the only person getting trolled this way -- just accept that each online platform has a handful of sad trolls who have nothing better to do with their time than attempting to make others feel bad. I suggest you just ignore the reactions if they are really getting to you; they shouldn't affect you personally in any way.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

The point, as clearly stated, is that the game's community is so insular that you are cooking constantly in your own juices.  you view everything from the lens of said bubble, relentlessly attack all outsiders, provide advice that is only applicable to people willing to spend absurd amount of time in this game grinding content without merit just so you can grind some more.  you are incapable of seeing things from the perspective of an outsider, you resist any idea that would improve the game and make people want to run towards it instead of away.

As I said:

you can read any of the many posts on this game over the years on why people left or never gave it a chance.  the reasons why this game is frankly despised.  the community is to blame for that just as much as anet is.  I know why anet breeds such an environment (because it means they will never have to fix their mistakes as long as yes-men exist to silent all dissent), but at this point if this game dies it won't be an act of murder against an innocent but an execution of a criminal.  That's the end of it.

I wanted to give you another chance.  I simply cannot, because you just are not and never will be worthy.

You blame the community and then toss about insults like this?   Whatever.

As for GW2 being despised, I'd wager the thousands of players who are online each and every day would counter that opinion.

I don't find that your suggestion would improve the game.  It would seem that players who want to have instant end-game content and equipment are the ones with the misguided expectations.  It is simply unrealistic, in my opinion, for a new player to come into the game and immediately have everything that the game can offer from the start.

You say that I resist any idea that would improve the game.  Please support that statement with proof.  You likewise state that I "relentlessly attack all outsiders." Again, please cite examples.

As for not being worthy in your eyes, well I'll not lose any sleep over your inflated opinion.

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The game is hugh and it's vertical progression doesn't enforce a strict order in which you play it.

While this gives you a lot of freedom choosing your goals, it also let you alone choosing your goals and makes it very easy to choose unreasonable goals:

  • it's not a reasonable goal to build legendaries in the 1st year
  • it's a demanding goal, to do Strkes, Raids or T4 Fraktals in the 1st year.
  • ....

But there is a lot of beautiful and rewarding content to play. "Just" choose the right goals 🙂

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Just now, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Again, you're complaining about gearing being difficult for new players in GW2, but bring up Mythic+ for gearing in WoW. As others have said in this topic already, you can get stat selectable exotic for almost nothing. Exotic should actually be in the ballpark of 420-425.

Don't bring up WoW if the topic is not about it. When people point things out in WoW - one being how you complain people talk about leveling and gearing in GW2 with experience instead of from the point of view of new players while you do the exact same in regards to WoW to paint it like it's so much easier to gear - you immediately go on about how this thread isn't about WoW.

If you want to compare it to WoW and say it's easier and quicker look at it from a new player's perspective, something you've been going on about in GW2. A new player won't hit level cap in a day then jump into M+ to gear. 

Wow was simply brought up to make the single point I was making by bringing up wow: someone said gearing and preparing in this game is easy.  I accurately pointed out that I can do in 3 days in wow what it takes 3+ months to do here.  everything else was just a bad faith attack to dissociate from the real point that you simply do not want talked about.

425 in wow is lower than the current catch-up gear, but it certainly feels weaker than that in practice here.  exotics would be closer to 380 gear in terms of its strength, guild wars 2 simply doesn't treat player power like wow does and so even endgame gear here leaves you feeling cold.  As for your last comment, yes you would as that's what the designed gameplay loop is.  all gear there is given with only 5 possible stats and tailored to your class and spec.  gear is received from content and not vendors, and player power is directly ingrained into the design rather than oblique to it.  I think the term "mythic" in "mythic plus" is frightening you here, mythic plus is basically fractals.  This is like you saying you could not join a t1 fractal within an hour of hitting max level.

As for your attempted checkmate, it's hard to make a point about a game you know nothing about.  I don't even like wow, but I know more than you at least.  I know enough about this game to be both repulsed and burned by it.

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5 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

The point of this thread was this game being inaccessible, not the community, read your own post please. You made up this random number of people who apparently claimed you should farm legendary instead of exotic or ascended, which proved to be false seeing how you admitted to not playing the game. Noone in their right mind makes such suggestions.

I know my own post: I wrote it.  The game is inaccessible BECAUSE of the community, anet just likes the community this way because they won't demand much.

For the umpteenth time:

2 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Pointing out that you or people like you are going back through EVERY SINGLE POST IN MY ACCOUNT to "dislike" my posts (including the people in the thread agreeing with me no matter how rock-solid their arguments are) is not "baby rage" (whatever that is), dogpiling me IS though but projection dovetails with your other qualities.

My point about adding ascended to the wardrobe like legendaries (if adding ascended add just the single affix, legendaries add all possible affixes) has its biggest boon in allowing you to instantly gear up alts without needing to interact with the community.  I think even the games numerous flaws would be negligible if the community was better and not so utterly bitter and hostile.  Even 5 years ago when I finally decided to come back I received nothing but hostility on here and on reddit AND in game.  Every guild is a cult of personality or catty cliques.  Every player in the world is uncooperative and aloof or cutthroat to the point of actively sabotaging you.  Any exceptions to this just make the hateful majority stand out more.  you, my not-friend (you aren't important enough to me to be my enemy), are not a part of that exception.

I could put up with all of this game's problems, but not that (NEVER that).  That this smugness filters down even to what would be considered new player guides is EXACTLY what this thread is about.


5 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

You blame the community and then toss about insults like this?   Whatever.

As for GW2 being despised, I'd wager the thousands of players who are online each and every day would counter that opinion.

I don't find that your suggestion would improve the game.  It would seem that players who want to have instant end-game content and equipment are the ones with the misguided expectations.  It is simply unrealistic, in my opinion, for a new player to come into the game and immediately have everything that the game can offer from the start.

You say that I resist any idea that would improve the game.  Please support that statement with proof.  You likewise state that I "relentlessly attack all outsiders." Again, please cite examples.

As for not being worthy in your eyes, well I'll not lose any sleep over your inflated opinion.

The first thing that happened to me in this thread was someone went through my entire post history to mass downvote my posts, then was personally insulted.  Nothing has changed since then.

My suggestion was to make gearing alts easier to cut down on the grind.  If the game was even the slightest bit less opaque or flowing, it would be a start.  Wouldn't do anything to fix the insufferable marvel quipping and bathos, wouldn't fix the community, but it would make the game accessible.

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6 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Wow was simply brought up to make the single point I was making by bringing up wow: someone said gearing and preparing in this game is easy.  I accurately pointed out that I can do in 3 days in wow what it takes 3+ months to do here.  everything else was just a bad faith attack to dissociate from the real point that you simply do not want talked about.

I can start a character from scratch and get all ascended gear in 5 minutes. I can start a character, level it and then get all ascended in 3 days without using any pooled resource as well.
You keep bringing up wow every single point you try to make not one point.

8 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

425 in wow is lower than the current catch-up gear, but it certainly feels weaker than that in practice here.  exotics would be closer to 380 gear in terms of its strength, guild wars 2 simply doesn't treat player power like wow does and so even endgame gear here leaves you feeling cold

You haven't played the game and are therefore not qualified to make such a comparison, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

9 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

As for your attempted checkmate, it's hard to make a point about a game you know nothing about.  I don't even like wow, but I know more than you at least.  I know enough about this game to be both repulsed and burned by it.

Which is why you don't post random BS with absolutely 0 understanding, you're dismissed.

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1 minute ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

The first thing that happened to me in this thread was someone went through my entire post history to mass downvote my posts, then was personally insulted.  Nothing has changed since then.


If you were personally insulted, then report the post and the moderators will take care of it.  Personal attacks are against the forums CoC.

But just because of that, doesn't really give you the right to then turn around and accuse me of things I've never done. 

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Just now, kharmin.7683 said:

If you were personally insulted, then report the post and the moderators will take care of it.  Personal attacks are against the forums CoC.

But just because of that, doesn't really give you the right to then turn around and accuse me of things I've never done. 

Unless you are admitting you have an alt account, you are clearly confused.  As far as the first comment, that's laughable as that's all this community is known for.

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2 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I know my own post: I wrote it.  The game is inaccessible BECAUSE of the community, anet just likes the community this way because they won't demand much.

For the umpteenth time:

I got my first set of ascended entirely solo, did not need the community, you clearly can't read your own post, go back and read it, then read it again.

3 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

The first thing that happened to me in this thread was someone went through my entire post history to mass downvote my posts, then was personally insulted.  Nothing has changed since then.

My suggestion was to make gearing alts easier to cut down on the grind.  If the game was even the slightest bit less opaque or flowing, it would be a start.  Wouldn't do anything to fix the insufferable marvel quipping and bathos, wouldn't fix the community, but it would make the game accessible.

If you say things that are questionable at best, people will react adversely and you are likely not going to get congratulated for being objectively wrong. Idk what kind of consolation prize you were after but here you go, I grant you +3 internet points, don't spend it all in one place.

The gearing is already kitten easy in this game, there is almost no grind involved other than just doing what content you enjoy. 

Your criticisms of the community read out more like the meme "Am I out of touch?" "No, it's literally everyone else that's wrong".

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1 minute ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Unless you are admitting you have an alt account, you are clearly confused.  As far as the first comment, that's laughable as that's all this community is known for.

I do not have an alternative account and I am not confused at all.   You specifically said that I "relentlessly attack all outsiders".   You should retract or at least apologize for making such a statement about me (or any other player) without citing proof.

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4 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Wow was simply brought up to make the single point I was making by bringing up wow: someone said gearing and preparing in this game is easy.  I accurately pointed out that I can do in 3 days in wow what it takes 3+ months to do here.  everything else was just a bad faith attack to dissociate from the real point that you simply do not want talked about.

425 in wow is lower than the current catch-up gear, but it certainly feels weaker than that in practice here.  exotics would be closer to 380 gear in terms of its strength, guild wars 2 simply doesn't treat player power like wow does and so even endgame gear here leaves you feeling cold.  As for your last comment, yes you would as that's what the designed gameplay loop is.  all gear there is given with only 5 possible stats and tailored to your class and spec.  gear is received from content and not vendors, and player power is directly ingrained into the design rather than oblique to it.  I think the term "mythic" in "mythic plus" is frightening you here, mythic plus is basically fractals.  This is like you saying you could not join a t1 fractal within an hour of hitting max level.

As for your attempted checkmate, it's hard to make a point about a game you know nothing about.  I don't even like wow, but I know more than you at least.  I know enough about this game to be both repulsed and burned by it.

As I said, if the thread isn't about WoW you shouldn't have brought it up, it's that simple. Don't complain people talk about WoW when you bring it up.

5 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

 it's hard to make a point about a game you know nothing about.  I don't even like wow, but I know more than you at least.  I know enough about this game to be both repulsed and burned by it.

I want to highlight this, you don't know how to power level in a few hours, you go on about Exotic gear being weak and comparing it to 380.. while Exotic gear is what many people Raid in even on CMs due to being easily accessible and ~90% of what Ascended is.
You're straight up calling yourself out, because you don't know enough of the game to determine what gear is good and what gear isn't. You act like you're some experienced player, but then say kitten like half a year of 20 hours per week grind for Legendaries or how Exotic is weak.

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But isnt every community like this self defending? Ofc you could point out many objective things and there would be swarms of white knights jumping in to dismiss every argument?

This game is not whatever game. Those who like it, really like it. Im a sorta one of them but not fully because sometimes I write some critique here and get downvotes 🙂

About your new player expierence: I was sorta forced to make new account and started a journey once again few week ago. And yes I have a knowleadge of game and thats because of 100 of hours of youtube video guides. And I agree, not much is explained ingame. Grind is timegated and so on.

But for me its a gameplay it self that makes it worth it. 

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7 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I do not have an alternative account and I am not confused at all.   You specifically said that I "relentlessly attack all outsiders".   You should retract or at least apologize for making such a statement about me (or any other player) without citing proof.

you have been attacking me.  this goes back to my second point.  If you want to understand my points, you could do the impossible and actually read my posts.  I even simplified it for you.  Repeatedly.  Might be too big a task.

7 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

As I said, if the thread isn't about WoW you shouldn't have brought it up, it's that simple. Don't complain people talk about WoW when you bring it up.

I want to highlight this, you don't know how to power level in a few hours, you go on about Exotic gear being weak and comparing it to 380.. while Exotic gear is what many people Raid in even on CMs due to being easily accessible and ~90% of what Ascended is.
You're straight up calling yourself out, because you don't know enough of the game to determine what gear is good and what gear isn't. You act like you're some experienced player, but then say kitten like half a year of 20 hours per week grind for Legendaries or how Exotic is weak.

I brought up wow to make a comparison, you brought it up repeatedly to dodge the comparison.  you feel stronger in 380 in wow than you do in exotics here.

20 hours per week is an extreme example of what it can take to do some of the weekly grind, like reward tracks.

7 minutes ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

But isnt every community like this self defending? Ofc you could point out many objective things and there would be swarms of white knights jumping in to dismiss every argument?

This game is not whatever game. Those who like it, really like it. Im a sorta one of them but not fully because sometimes I write some critique here and get downvotes 🙂

About your new player expierence: I was sorta forced to make new account and started a journey once again few week ago. And yes I have a knowleadge of game and thats because of 100 of hours of youtube video guides. And I agree, not much is explained ingame. Grind is timegated and so on.

But for me its a gameplay it self that makes it worth it. 

What's the part of the game you like so much?

Edited by MisterMagician.8614
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1 minute ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

you have been attacking me.  this goes back to my second point.


Where?  I challenge you to go back into this thread and prove where I have been attacking you or anyone else.  Please stop making these statements about me or I will report you for attacking me.

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2 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I brought up wow to make a comparison, you brought it up repeatedly to dodge the comparison.  you feel stronger in 380 in wow than you do in exotics here.

20 hours per week is an extreme example of what it can take to do some of the weekly grind, like reward tracks.

Mate, you have 2800AP and you're here acting like you know the game. Imagine if some guy tried the free trial of WoW and then said that 400 gear takes half a year of grinding to get. That's pretty much what you're doing.

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11 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Mate, you have 2800AP and you're here acting like you know the game. Imagine if some guy tried the free trial of WoW and then said that 400 gear takes half a year of grinding to get. That's pretty much what you're doing.

Lmao, yeah not worth wasting time arguing any further after this. My brother who started 2-3 days ago, hasn't even finished story has about 500.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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3 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

[...] Every guild is a cult of personality or catty cliques.  Every player in the world is uncooperative and aloof or cutthroat to the point of actively sabotaging you.  Any exceptions to this just make the hateful majority stand out more.  you, my not-friend (you aren't important enough to me to be my enemy), are not a part of that exception. . [...]



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