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This game has a serious accessibility problem.

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7 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Yes, I also have 10+ years of level skips just rotting in my bank.  Not what I mean.  I mean actually playing the game.  There are time gates here to increase metrics, no other reasons; or more accurately because there is no other content.

There is also absolutely nothing stopping you from doing what I said on a new account.  Just level and do dungeons, that's it.  It's what everyone does as is, I can do it faster than most because I am efficient; requires no game knowledge at all.  A new player could do it on the second day of starting the game as just about nothing carries over between patches besides cosmetics.  So while gear is easily invalidated it's also easy to get.  this game has to make gear an arcane process with purposely useless sets just to extend busywork into "content."  Even with that in mind, it would be palatable if not for something far worse than arenanets lipstick on pigs obsessions.

As for the final comment, in this game, most people seem to sell all their mats just to afford the most basic things, so it isn't as passive as you want to assist.  That just goes back into my point that you either have lost perspective of what it means to be a truly new player, or you are just spitefully sneering in bad faith (your previous posts indicate it's the latter).

Pointing out that you or people like you are going back through EVERY SINGLE POST IN MY ACCOUNT to "dislike" my posts (including the people in the thread agreeing with me no matter how rock-solid their arguments are) is not "baby rage" (whatever that is), dogpiling me IS though but projection dovetails with your other qualities.

My point about adding ascended to the wardrobe like legendaries (if adding ascended add just the single affix, legendaries add all possible affixes) has its biggest boon in allowing you to instantly gear up alts without needing to interact with the community.  I think even the games numerous flaws would be negligible if the community was better and not so utterly bitter and hostile.  Even 5 years ago when I finally decided to come back I received nothing but hostility on here and on reddit AND in game.  Every guild is a cult of personality or catty cliques.  Every player in the world is uncooperative and aloof or cutthroat to the point of actively sabotaging you.  Any exceptions to this just make the hateful majority stand out more.  you, my not-friend (you aren't important enough to me to be my enemy), are not a part of that exception.

I could put up with all of this game's problems, but not that (NEVER that).  That this smugness filters down even to what would be considered new player guides is EXACTLY what this thread is about.

This is possibly the single most opaque mmo I have ever played or seen.  This is not an uncommon view, it's just that you are in a bubble.  Those who voice their frustrations are dwarfed by those who show their frustrations by just leaving and never coming back.

Let's get something cleared up here: you say you find the game inaccessible, opaque, the community is hostile, smug, hateful.    I could spend a lot of time ripping down why and how all of this is actually far from the case, but I don't think it worthwhile spending further time feeding your obvious sour grapes and anger, and resentment of the community in this game. 

You clearly seem to have decided that instead of playing, it would be far more entertaining for you to come here and insult Anet, all the players on the forum, and the intelligence of any new player at that who doesn't even post here. 

There is a name for what you are doing; it's quite a rude word so I won't label you with it, but it fits nonetheless. 

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OP, I'd suggest taking the L, and welcoming yourself to the Guild Wars 2 grind, if not, stick to WoW. 

In my personal opinion. Guild Wars 2 is legit the most casual game in the MMO realm.

I have played Black Desert, WoW, Lineage 2, Runescape Classic,  Archeage, Starwars: TOL, Aion, Ultima Online, and FFXIV

Everything you ever need to grind for Guild Wars 2 and the ways to get it is in the wiki, or YouTube videos by some of the GW2's dedicated community.

Edited by MoonRaiden.7423
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5 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

relentlessly attack all outsiders,

7 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I think even the games numerous flaws would be negligible if the community was better and not so utterly bitter and hostile.  Even 5 years ago when I finally decided to come back I received nothing but hostility on here and on reddit AND in game.  Every guild is a cult of personality or catty cliques.  Every player in the world is uncooperative and aloof or cutthroat to the point of actively sabotaging you.  Any exceptions to this just make the hateful majority stand out more.  you, my not-friend (you aren't important enough to me to be my enemy), are not a part of that exception

Yeah, this just isn't accurate to reality, and I don't even believe that it's been your experience. Quite honestly, I think you're either extremely sensitive or making it up.

5 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Thank you for making my point for me, you are dismissed.


5 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

the reasons why this game is frankly despised.  the community is to blame for that just as much as anet is


4 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

As far as the first comment, that's laughable as that's all this community is known for.


4 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

you have been attacking me.  this goes back to my second point.  If you want to understand my points, you could do the impossible and actually read my posts.  I even simplified it for you.  Repeatedly.  Might be too big a task.

Did you ever consider the fact that your attitude might be the problem? There's a phrase about a pot and kettle that might be appropriate here.

5 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I wanted to give you another chance.  I simply cannot, because you just are not and never will be worthy

I refuse to believe that anyone acts and speaks like this, and therefore this might all be bait, and I have fallen for it - Good one OP

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I would also have mentioned the temples in Orr - that's where my first character got her first exotics all those many years ago - except I came half a day too late to the topic.

But the thing that struck me the most was "Kitten Christ".  Can we really not say the name of Jesus, or only when it is used as an expletive?  I'll guess I'll discover this, after I hit "Submit"...

Edited by Baddxian.3851
not enough coffee, or maybe too much...
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1 minute ago, Baddxian.3851 said:

I would also have mentioned the temples in Orr - that's where my first character got her first exotics all those many years ago - except I came half a day too late to the topic.

But the thing that struck me the most was "Kitten Christ".  Can we really not say the name of Jesus, or only when it is used as an expletive?  I'll guess I'll discover this, after I hit "Submit"...

You're good.

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14 hours ago, Sindust.7059 said:

The vendor that he needs to spend multiple days grinding masteries without a flying mount to unlock? In HoT of all places?

Well, just buy the zerker exotics from TP for like 20-25s per piece. And supplement it with ascended weapons/armor from Wizard's Vault rewards. You will have a full set well before you reach level 80.

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2 hours ago, Surelia.2651 said:

Let's get something cleared up here: you say you find the game inaccessible, opaque, the community is hostile, smug, hateful.    I could spend a lot of time ripping down why and how all of this is actually far from the case, but I don't think it worthwhile spending further time feeding your obvious sour grapes and anger, and resentment of the community in this game. 

You clearly seem to have decided that instead of playing, it would be far more entertaining for you to come here and insult Anet, all the players on the forum, and the intelligence of any new player at that who doesn't even post here. 

There is a name for what you are doing; it's quite a rude word so I won't label you with it, but it fits nonetheless. 

Very well written. 

End thread.

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On 12/2/2023 at 4:47 PM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Tell them that they have to go through hardcore, miserable grinds just so they can go through more lighthearted grinds, which only then rewards the ability to just sit back and casually play the game (which means just more grinding but slower), and they might punch you before leaving.

Pray tell me... Outside of legendries, non-essential mounts, and some titles, what in this game requires a hardcore grind? This game was and still based on horizontal progression with 99% of the content can be cleared with rare-tier gear which is dirt-cheap. It's even cheaper if you know someone kind enough to craft some exotics for free. If they wanna fast-track their skills and knowabouts, be their trainer because just like any other game, a brand new player shouldn't expect to just jump straight into the deep-end of things and expect it to go well.

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20 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I'm ignorant here, never have played WoW or FF14. They just hand you all the gear you'll ever need? No need to work for anything? Including end game raids | dungeons | whatever they call it in that particular game?

Just sneaking in to answer this because I'm trying out GW2 coming from XIV Savage raiding. In short, yes. In long, no, but you have easy and ready access to every bit of gear you could want. You can start gearing up for $currentTier by buying $previousTier quality gear with ungated, earned currency or buying crafted sets off the player marketboard. The endgame is about 90% just getting the rush of completing the challenge (minimum item level / no echo buff, extreme trials, savage raids, ultimate trials), and about 9% fashion. That last 1% is getting a head start on the next tier before it's out. You can also buy BiS $currentTier equipment with a weekly time gated currency; my current build's BiS is about 50/50 raid gear and upgraded vender gear.

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2 hours ago, cyberzombie.7348 said:

Pray tell me... Outside of legendries, non-essential mounts, and some titles, what in this game requires a hardcore grind? This game was and still based on horizontal progression with 99% of the content can be cleared with rare-tier gear which is dirt-cheap. It's even cheaper if you know someone kind enough to craft some exotics for free. If they wanna fast-track their skills and knowabouts, be their trainer because just like any other game, a brand new player shouldn't expect to just jump straight into the deep-end of things and expect it to go well.

All the content in this game requires you to repeat the same metas over and over again for currency or grind the same nodes over and over again for gear.  In no other game have I seen things where gathering and timed events are key for character power and progression, whereas doing actual content gives nothing.  This is not even mentioning how every achievement (which also give key character progression) is "do this meta 100 times" or "gather this node 100 times" or "do this one turn-in every day for 100 days."

I have seen the deaths of countless mmos (I probably could count, but who cares), and THIS is the old argument I hear every time: "you don't have to do it!"  That's like saying "you don't have to eat," ignoring the consequences of not eating.

These bad faith attacks are bordering on gaslighting and emotional abuse just so you don't have to address the actual issue: you and how you treat others.

10 hours ago, Surelia.2651 said:

Let's get something cleared up here: you say you find the game inaccessible, opaque, the community is hostile, smug, hateful.    I could spend a lot of time ripping down why and how all of this is actually far from the case, but I don't think it worthwhile spending further time feeding your obvious sour grapes and anger, and resentment of the community in this game. 

You clearly seem to have decided that instead of playing, it would be far more entertaining for you to come here and insult Anet, all the players on the forum, and the intelligence of any new player at that who doesn't even post here. 

There is a name for what you are doing; it's quite a rude word so I won't label you with it, but it fits nonetheless. 

Speaking of which.  I bet you could spend a lot of time preaching to the choir here about how I am a dissident and totally wrong because I have not been accepted into the unholy graces of your "community."  you, or any of your analogues, could try but won't because:

  1. even you know you would be wrong.
  2. you know just how easily I could break those things.

I'm not going to waste more of my time here, so don't worry about me refuting you more than I already have in previous posts, I think I covered every possible vector of attack as is.  I WAS considering coming back, but the game makes me sick to my stomach because of all the unfulfilling grinds that not only await me but what I already had to do years ago; the only thing that could have saved the experience is the community and that's not going to happen.

I find the game inaccessible and opaque with the community hostile, smug, and hateful because that's exactly what the game is.  I am not the only one who notices this, you're just in a bubble and shout down (as you are doing to make my point right here) anyone who deviates from the "correct observations" of not noticing the elephant in every room.  There's a reason every guild is either a cult of personality or a clique here, for the same reason governments (who view people like a chicken farmer views chickens) use social media and social pressure so more direct cages aren't needed.

This serves anet just fine, keeps the bloodlines pure from dissent if the playerbase is conditioned to do it for the ones in charge, while giving the illusion that their hands are clean; and with all dissent and noticing snuffed out, there is no possible accountability or standards that can be held over management because those same mechanisms are in total use to keep dissidents liquidated.

It's just so tiresome.  Grind after grind, nothing to show for it as even exotic gear has you feeling weaker than boost gear in any other game.  All new player guides assume you have accounts like the guide makers who already have everything.  I have some sympathy in that area, the game has no sense of progression and so people can just as easily forget how long things took once it's already done because you are ultimately in the same place you started once it's over.  A new player cannot escape the mountain of grind before them, and there is nothing to help them along the way to do it.  The common trope of "I spent 10 years grinding this, so now you get to spend 10 years grinding this too!" (with the unspoken implication that one will therefore always be playing catch up no matter what) is not attractive to say the least.

To conclude my point, while the community is terrible, they are only terrible because anet left psychological traps for exactly that kind of person to stick around and be guard dogs for them.  Some people like that kind of thing and so they put up with the rest just to fill that role.

"horizontal progression" is just a bandaid for not being able to make compelling content on a reasonable scale or timeframe.  collections and grinds are just there to hide there is nothing meaningful to do.   it takes all the narrative wrapping that makes quests in other games desirable, but keeps the "collect 10 x" or "kill 10 y."

"artistic vision" is just there to cover up the basic inadequacies of the menus and ui.  why does escape not close windows?  why is everything three menus deep just to keep all important windows on the "h" key?  why can I not rearrange abilities?  it's clear this was an intended console game at one point because of that, but due to coding inadequacies and designing themselves in a corner with the hotbar not only would it not run on consoles it would not play with a controller.

everything you could work for in game is left to the shop, leaving no rewards besides grinding money to buy shop items.

"buy to play" is just there so they could monetize inconvenience.

ideas are introduced and left to rot.  similar ideas are then piled on separate to the old, without just revamping the old.

removal of roles just made the need of dedicated healing and dedicated tanking that much more strict.

in no other game is playing a non-meta build so easily perceived as griefing both yourself and others.

it took me over a year to find out raids, strikes, and fractals even existed, and I still don't even know how to join two of them to this day.

it took me until just last week to realize most of your damage happens by just holding down the 1 key instead of sticking to a rotation like in every other tab-target mmo.  past that point every class and weapon plays the same: dump all abilities in a specific order, switch weapons and repeat, or you are trolling.

It's just so tiresome.

Edited by MisterMagician.8614
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22 minutes ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

All the content in this game requires you to repeat the same metas over and over again for currency or grind the same nodes over and over again for gear.  In no other game have I seen things where gathering and timed events are key for character power and progression, whereas doing actual content gives nothing.  This is not even mentioning how every achievement (which also give key character progression) is "do this meta 100 times" or "gather this node 100 times" or "do this one turn-in every day for 100 days."

I have seen the deaths of countless mmos (I probably could count, but who cares), and THIS is the old argument I hear every time: "you don't have to do it!"  That's like saying "you don't have to eat," ignoring the consequences of not eating.

These bad faith attacks are bordering on gaslighting and emotional abuse just so you don't have to address the actual issue: you and how you treat others.

Speaking of which.  I bet you could spend a lot of time preaching to the choir here about how I am a dissident and totally wrong because I have not been accepted into the unholy graces of your "community."  you, or any of your analogues, could try but won't because:

  1. even you know you would be wrong.
  2. you know just how easily I could break those things.

I'm not going to waste more of my time here, so don't worry about me refuting you more than I already have in previous posts, I think I covered every possible vector of attack as is.  I WAS considering coming back, but the game makes me sick to my stomach because of all the unfulfilling grinds that not only await me but what I already had to do years ago; the only thing that could have saved the experience is the community and that's not going to happen.

I find the game inaccessible and opaque with the community hostile, smug, and hateful because that's exactly what the game is.  I am not the only one who notices this, you're just in a bubble and shout down (as you are doing to make my point right here) anyone who deviates from the "correct observations" of not noticing the elephant in every room.  There's a reason every guild is either a cult of personality or a clique here, for the same reason governments (who view people like a chicken farmer views chickens) use social media and social pressure so more direct cages aren't needed.

This serves anet just fine, keeps the bloodlines pure from dissent if the playerbase is conditioned to do it for the ones in charge, while giving the illusion that their hands are clean; and with all dissent and noticing snuffed out, there is no possible accountability or standards that can be held over management because those same mechanisms are in total use to keep dissidents liquidated.

It's just so tiresome.  Grind after grind, nothing to show for it as even exotic gear has you feeling weaker than boost gear in any other game.  All new player guides assume you have accounts like the guide makers who already have everything.  I have some sympathy in that area, the game has no sense of progression and so people can just as easily forget how long things took once it's already done because you are ultimately in the same place you started once it's over.  A new player cannot escape the mountain of grind before them, and there is nothing to help them along the way to do it.  The common trope of "I spent 10 years grinding this, so now you get to spend 10 years grinding this too!" (with the unspoken implication that one will therefore always be playing catch up no matter what) is not attractive to say the least.

To conclude my point, while the community is terrible, they are only terrible because anet left psychological traps for exactly that kind of person to stick around and be guard dogs for them.  Some people like that kind of thing and so they put up with the rest just to fill that role.

"horizontal progression" is just a bandaid for not being able to make compelling content on a reasonable scale or timeframe.  collections and grinds are just there to hide there is nothing meaningful to do.   it takes all the narrative wrapping that makes quests in other games desirable, but keeps the "collect 10 x" or "kill 10 y."

"artistic vision" is just there to cover up the basic inadequacies of the menus and ui.  why does escape not close windows?  why is everything three menus deep just to keep all important windows on the "h" key?  why can I not rearrange abilities?  it's clear this was an intended console game at one point because of that, but due to coding inadequacies and designing themselves in a corner with the hotbar not only would it not run on consoles it would not play with a controller.

everything you could work for in game is left to the shop, leaving no rewards besides grinding money to buy shop items.

"buy to play" is just there so they could monetize inconvenience.

ideas are introduced and left to rot.  similar ideas are then piled on separate to the old, without just revamping the old.

removal of roles just made the need of dedicated healing and dedicated tanking that much more strict.

in no other game is playing a non-meta build so easily perceived as griefing both yourself and others.

it took me over a year to find out raids, strikes, and fractals even existed, and I still don't even know how to join two of them to this day.

it took me until just last week to realize most of your damage happens by just holding down the 1 key instead of sticking to a rotation like in every other tab-target mmo.  past that point every class and weapon plays the same: dump all abilities in a specific order, switch weapons and repeat, or you are trolling.

It's just so tiresome.

❄️ People disagreeing with you does not constitute "emotional abuse".  As difficult as it may be for you to conceive, people can genuinely disagree with you without being part of a shadowy cult of the anti-you.

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The whole thread premise of GW2 is a grind so it's not accessible is a big "LAWLWUT" from me. Can't even begin identifying all the alternate facts the OP presents that are just nonsense. 

But hey, if OP can't handle the massive GW2 grind, that's OK. GW2 will do just fine without them. I think Farmville is looking for players. 

If this thread is indicative of a problem GW2 has, it's that it attracts the kinds of players that have SOMEHOW concluded that playing casually means being handed loot to compete at the top end of the spectrum.  

Edited by Obtena.7952
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3 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I'm not going to waste more of my time here, so don't worry about me refuting you more than I already have in previous posts, I think I covered every possible vector of attack as is.  I WAS considering coming back, but the game makes me sick to my stomach because of all the unfulfilling grinds that not only await me but what I already had to do years ago; the only thing that could have saved the experience is the community and that's not going to happen.

I find the game inaccessible and opaque with the community hostile, smug, and hateful because that's exactly what the game is.

"This game makes me sick to my stomach! Let me spend hours on end on its forums"

You find the game inaccessible because you think the forums are the launcher.

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10 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

All the content in this game requires you to repeat the same metas over and over again for currency or grind the same nodes over and over again for gear. 

It definitely does not, there are other avenues to get decent gear with next to no grinding. Especially for vanilla stats.

10 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

  In no other game have I seen things where gathering and timed events are key for character power and progression, whereas doing actual content gives nothing.

So exactly what is content by your definition? Because to some, gathering and doing timed events is considered actual content. Along with role playing, mount races, PvP, festival games, etc.

10 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I have seen the deaths of countless mmos (I probably could count, but who cares), and THIS is the old argument I hear every time: "you don't have to do it!"  That's like saying "you don't have to eat," ignoring the consequences of not eating

Not even close, its more like me saying that you don't need to burn yourself out trying to get the Porsche GT3 when the majority of the races puts you up against stock Honda Civics.

10 hours ago, MisterMagician.8614 said:

These bad faith attacks are bordering on gaslighting and emotional abuse just so you don't have to address the actual issue: you and how you treat others

Don't get it twisted. I, hp train commanders, and many mentors do legit help new players out. If someone needed help in learning how X class/mechanic works, I give them pointers and light sparring to get them up to speed. If someone needed gear or materials, I'm willing to use my own resources to craft for them. If someone is struggling with a jp, I offer a port when able. If someone is new to WvW and needs the warclaw, I tag up to help them get it with minimum hassle. At the same time I'm not gonna insult their intelligence by assuming they're not as capable as I am.

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7 hours ago, Reverend Coinflipper.3257 said:

Just sneaking in to answer this because I'm trying out GW2 coming from XIV Savage raiding. In short, yes. In long, no, but you have easy and ready access to every bit of gear you could want. You can start gearing up for $currentTier by buying $previousTier quality gear with ungated, earned currency or buying crafted sets off the player marketboard. The endgame is about 90% just getting the rush of completing the challenge (minimum item level / no echo buff, extreme trials, savage raids, ultimate trials), and about 9% fashion. That last 1% is getting a head start on the next tier before it's out. You can also buy BiS $currentTier equipment with a weekly time gated currency; my current build's BiS is about 50/50 raid gear and upgraded vender gear.

Now, one thing to mention is that it is (like you said) a weekly-timegated currency. You'd still need some grinding and more than one week to gear even one class. And that's for poetics, the "previous tier quality" currency, because mid-expansion "current top tier quality" tomestone acquisition is capped to a much bigger degree.

If you compare getting poetics tier gear in FF XIV to acquiring full exotic set in GW2, you'd realize that GW2 way is actually a bit faster and easier.

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On 12/2/2023 at 6:00 PM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

No, someone has marked every post of mine, going back a half decade with the reaction.

that happens here. Most don't seem to be genuinely confused it's essentially a downvote. But, people still use it for genuine confusion too.

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in some of the replies there's an assumption that any player can be equally efficient.

some people, often due to diagnosed conditions (or undiagnosed conditions), just aren't efficient. Gaming communities include more of these people than average. 

Edited by willow.8209
clarity, edit in italics
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It's funny. I have full legendary gear, at least the gear that's out to date, and yeah, it took a long time to get it. But if I were playing most other games, I'd never stop getting gear ever. That's something some people seem to be missing. Getting legendary gear is meant to be a very long term goal because A) it's not necessary and B) it's something to do.

The OP says it's grind, but it's not required grind. You don't need it to do anything in the game. You don't even need ascended to do most stuff in the game. But you can get it if you want it. 

The real point is, every other game makes you grind every three months forever and here there's an end to the grind at some point. Every MMO is giving you something to grind for. It's just that here it's a long term goal for something that doesn't give you better stats than ascended. Optional grind is absolutely different from required grind. 

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On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

I think the game's community being so "insulated" means that absurd time sinks like legendaries are not only offered as "content" by the community but are accepted as normal things to have.  In a more populous mmo, such things would be seen as novelties only a few people have and something that no one really needs.  Since there is just about zero new blood in this game (and consistent content droughts mean people stocked up legendaries just to have something to do) it seems that every regular has these just laying around now.

OK, I agree with this sentiment, not 100% but I see a few points you make sure.

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

"Oh, just use the legendary wardrobe and all your alts are instantly geared in any affix you want!" is something I have heard far too often in discussions with new and returning players, even in guides for casual "open world" builds.  As a player who is considering a return, I can't tell you how repulsive it is to hear "getting exotic gear in this 'open world build' affix can take serious time, so just spend the weeks to grind the ascended instead!" and then someone chiming in with "just spend 2-3 months to get the legendary instead, as it's faster than getting a full set of ascended for multiple characters."

I don't...What? I'm going to assume I just dropped into Tyria as a fresh player.

Just taking a quick glance at the wiki, getting the recipe for (I'm going to use Celestial as that is your main example) is playing through the main story, no DLC needed. The hardest ingredient in Celestial gear is 2 Charged Quartz Crystals. It's pretty easy to play through the story, unlock waypoints and gather mats as you go. You learn more about the maps in the main story.

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

This game may be "casual friendly" for people who have played 10+ years straight, but there's a reason people bolt out the door faster than they can come in.  Even the "uber casual" hizen builds can take a while to get (if you don't want to spend real money for overpriced exotics) since he abuses celestial and other rare affixes to augment boons.  Sure, the game becomes easy enough that anyone can play it once you have an entire bank full of legendaries and ascended in every affix, but no actual person looking for these builds will be in those situations.

Dude, I never had Twilight, my first legendary until last year and I have been playing since 2013. The legendary gear was something hardcore players were aiming for and I thought the skin was slick!. I didn't even start making Ascended gear until I got interested in Fractals. By that time I had explored Dungeons, WvW  and PvP. After getting my butt kicked inPvP (i'm not the hardcore kind of player, I don't keep up with builds etc...) eventually the Fractals was something I wanted to try. I had to make the time to get those mats and I consider myself a casual player. When I made Eternity it was my prize possession and is to this day.

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Why do people want "open world builds?"  Because the overworld content is actually quite hard for a new player.  Frustratingly so.

We were all new players at one point. Also, no I think open world content is pretty easy compared to the types I mentioned above. Roam, stay away from champs and grab some materials on the way. Complete renown hearts (yes they can be pretty repetitive I will agree with that) jumping puzzles were a challenge for me but I actually really enjoy them to this day. And the main overworld content is the story mode to help with all of this.

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

For example, I have the skyscale.  It takes me less than a second to summon it.  I can trivialize gathering grinds that can get me gear in any affix I want with it.  Therefore, its "easy" to get around and so new players should just suck it up and summon their skyscale too.  I also have enough of a memory to remember that it took me 26 straight days of grinding 5-6 hours over 8 characters to get and would have been longer (and cost real-life money) if I didn't have the gold and everything unlocked before I started.  This was only after leveling up and gearing those 8 max level characters, reading dozens of guides (because less than nothing is explained in game), completing weeks' worth of story and side quests, and farming over a hundred mastery points just to get quality of life stuff.

Real-life money for materials? No i don't remember that. Real life money for silly skins is dumb I will agree with you there, as for the upgrade components and utilities then yes, I don't mind paying £8 to support ANet for offering a free to play game.

Leveling up was fun! Watching the XP bar fill up made me want to push through. It's a common tactic across nearly all game types (remember CoD and Halo?) And I remember far enough back where the main story chapters didn't require ten levels to level up. Wandering into  Diessa Plateau from Wayfarer Foothills was a big smack in the face for my first character lol. At the time I remember that level caps were going to ruin the influx of players. My housemate couldn't get into the game after that (he was a newbie after that mechanic was introduced) If he didn't enjoy the game, well he went back to ESO. Mostly because of the lore, he is a massive Elder Scrolls fan.

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Tell that a new player might be able to finally enjoy playing the game after MONTHS of suffering, and that they basically have to do everything the hard way a dozen times over before they can do things in a way that isn't soul-crushing, and they leave.  Tell them that they have to go through hardcore, miserable grinds just so they can go through more lighthearted grinds, which only then rewards the ability to just sit back and casually play the game (which means just more grinding but slower), and they might punch you before leaving.

Sorry, but if you tell a new player the game is trash and horrible and you need to finish the game to play the game. Then yes. Of course they are getting discouraged and leave.Again, that works in any game of any genre. In that case you are the problem, instead of giving advice and helping out. I had to show a player how to get from the Fire Elemental to The Shatterer. He hadn't unlocked the Ascalon maps, so me and other player showed him the way to teleport to LA, go through the gate with the Charr, go east to the next map, go east again, run until you get this far, go north then run immediately to the east. You've got ten minutes until the main event begins. He made it! Either he was lying about not having the map or me and another player  giving directions. That helps players.


(I had to repost this one below because lets face it the forums interface is worse than the game itself lol)

So. You're right the game, isn't as hard for me anymore but I still have areas that I don't enjoy.

Let's say you don't have any mounts and lets make it even harder, you're new player doesn't have a glider. Now that would definitely dis-hearten you to play the game. Heart of Thorns vanilla? No thank you, but I had to do it.

I play RuneScape very casually and that's only when I get a bit burnt out of Guild Wars. I'm not going to aim for all the new currencies, maps, raids etc, whatever they have introduced since I logged in over a year ago. Yes, I realise I'm comparing RuneScape to GW2 but I keep seeing the MMO argument that if you didn't join the first day you're going to fall behind and everything is going to be harder for you, which makes sense, even in real life.

What was the last thing I wanted to address? Oh right. If you have a legendary, have completed the story, mastery levels, teleport scrolls,... Basically played the game. Well done, you get a cookie.

Well I think I've spent enough time on this rant of mine so that's my two cents. Put in the graft, work hard, play the game as though it was your real lie job and the gold is in your real life bank. Don't expect life to be easy and if it is, someone is going to be jealous. Go look for more things to explore. Or retire if you are that old enough to talk about "the good old days" or " kids these days dont know..."

Now excuse me while I go and play the game.

On 12/3/2023 at 12:47 AM, MisterMagician.8614 said:

Sure. it's not hard for YOU because you have everything already, but it's not for someone just starting out.  There is a reason anet gives full celestial with boosts now, as it would take weeks of endgame grinding to get it.  If you take offense to that, saying it takes "weeks" to get these non-named affixes, you are not doing the math properly.  YOU can get them easy because you are 540 mastery level, have multiple legendaries, all story complete, all teleport scrolls, gold flying out the ears, all reward tracks maxed out, all mounts unlocked, friends in game, and years upon years of game knowledge.  Get rid of your friends and game knowledge, boost a fresh character and see how long it would take you to get the stuff to make the overworld "fun" instead of a crushing slog.

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