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Every Class Got a New Weapon But Ele Just Got a New Thing To Complain About


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This seriously cannot be the new weapon we all waited 2 years for...

I play mostly competitive game modes (PvP/Wvw) and I am not sure how well it performs in PvE, but I hear it is also currently among the worst performers.

In terms of viability, I looked through each of the base 3 skills (with no bullets) and all the dual attuned skills and it seems like each dual attuned skill is simply worse than either (and both) of its component base 3 skills. 

Fire 3: up to 3 burn, insignificant base dmg Water 3: 1.5 seconds of chill and a frost field, insignificant dmg Fire/Water: ...1 burn and 2 seconds of bleed

Air 3: 3 seconds of weakness and 2 seconds of blind Fire/Air: 5 vuln and 2 seconds of blind?

Earth 3: 5 bleed and 1 second of immob Fire/Earth: 1 burn 2 bleed...

Earth/Water: up to 2 bleed

Air/Water: Regeneration and an evade

Earth/Air: Weakness and cripple...


For comparison... scepter air 3 blinds and gives weakness (longer duration than pistol air 3 for both with a shorter cooldown and is NOT a projectile, can be facing any direction) scepter earth 3 blinds for 6 seconds and applies 1.5 seconds of cripple each pulse (and is aoe). Earth/air scepter: 1,5 seconds of stun and two hits. See how it is transformed and adds utility?


The damage is quite bad. I haven't seen or heard of a good build yet for pistol elementalist on any game mode. It cannot heal, it cannot do power damage, and it doesn't provide a single new condition, boon, affect, UI change, or anything else to differentiate it from any other weapon, in competitive modes it does NOT synergize with any established build (i.e. fresh air, sage, lightning rod, signets, etc) and it does not open the possibility for any new build. Can a dev please take the time to explain how this weapon is supposed to work or what the design philosophy was? I'm lost for words and deeply disappointed. 

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Yes, if you're bent on complaining about anything and claiming "your class always gets the worst" then no matter what you get, it will be just another reason to complain about.
Swap classes or games, if you're truly suffering so much all the time. If you have any reasonable feedback about the weapon itself, maybe try using dedicated feedback threads in the relevant class subforums?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yes, if you're bent on complaining about anything and claiming "your class always gets the worst" then no matter what you get, it will be just another reason to complain about.
Swap classes or games, if you're truly suffering so much all the time. If you have any reasonable feedback about the weapon itself, maybe try using deticated feedback threads in the relevant class subforum?

See this is the problem, us elementalists are like trauma-bonded victims. We know the class is bad for us, but we still stay by its side, hoping that one day it would be good.

Edited by MoonRaiden.7423
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Its just not an raw dmg weapon that the ele player base wants it seems. Think of pistol as more of an in-btween dagger and scpter it has the ranged of an scpter but the utility of the dagger. 2 leaps 1 blast/aura and 1 forst field with a few soft and hard cc. The UI for the ammo is VERY bad i mean it "looks cool" but in no way will you be able to see it in an real fight at any point of the game lol. The lack of cleave even the 3 target cleave is an real issues too.

The new weapon for the ele class maybe one of the stronger ones they added in its just not an all in weapon but non of ele weapons are all in for an roll the main complains that the ele players have.

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20 minutes ago, Elden Arnaas.4870 said:

+1 to in combat weapon swap for elementalists and engineers, instead of the new weapon.  

Right after every other class gets 4 weapon skillbars per weapon -like ele does- and/or have the equivalent of toolbelt which makes every heal/utility/elite skills into two. 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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That's a different issue, which Anet tried to solve by severely limiting elementalist and engineer access to different weapons.  Like many of their 'solutions' this is a partly effective kluge.

Locking a class into one weapon for a combat encounter is limiting in ways that 'more skills per weapon' can't compensate for.   Weapon swap out of combat is helpful in other ways, but  not resolve this issue.

It would be interesting for all of the classes to have as many skills as elementalist does, with all the filler skills that go along with that.  More skills does not necessarily mean more useful skills.  But definitely means more to keep track of and more options to run through to get to the one you want.

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28 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Right after every other class gets 4 weapon skillbars per weapon -like ele does- and/or have the equivalent of toolbelt which makes every heal/utility/elite skills into two. 🤦‍♂️

They could also lock the elementalist to 1 element per weapon swap.

Unsure about the engi kits/toolbelt tho.

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Just now, Elden Arnaas.4870 said:

So for example, staff would be fire, scepter would be water, focus would be earth, etc...  Or you'd have a fire staff, water staff, earth staff, etc...  Or am I totally misunderstanding?

So if your staff and scepter/focus

You chose staff fire you only got fire skills on that one then you chose water on second set your scepter/focus would be water.

Nothing else.

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5 minutes ago, Elden Arnaas.4870 said:

So the attunement is tied to weapon type?  Or to a specific weapon of each type?  i.e., I'd have to change to a different staff to get air on staff, or all staves would be fire, all wands would be water, etc... ?

Nope its tied to what you lock in per weapon so if you want to switch go out of combat and click earth on staff now when your in combat you cant go out of earth on staff until you leave combat again.

Unsure how hard it would be to implement but it would give you the same limited weaponskills as everyone else that got weapon swap in combat.

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