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Disable Emotes in WVW

Glass Hand.7306

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On 12/18/2023 at 4:16 AM, Kate.3679 said:

The real ones know the best taunts aren't even emotes. Personally, I like just standing over their downstate body.

Funny thing. A few weeks ago i killed a guy. I then stopped where i killed the guy and open the map to check what was going on. Meanwhile i was also talking on ts with my friend about where to move next. Suddenly a get a whisper from someone asking if i wanted something. I am super confused and dont know who the guy is so i ask what do you mean. And then i realise the guy i killed is still on the ground and the one that whisper me. So i just said no i am checking the map and the guy then say oh never mind then. 

Sometimes things are not what they look like 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know sensitive people are always mocked, especially in PvP but I am too old to give a kitten anymore so here goes:

Sensitive people exist. People are sensitive for all sorts of reasons. And sensitive people are allowed to play games, including PvP modes.

There is no valid need to create a toxic environment, yet people who enjoy being toxic exist as well and they tend to exist more in PvP game modes.

I can only advise people who struggle with this sort of stuff to find ways to cope, and I mean this genuinely. Because you will NEVER stop people from BMing in PvP environements. Even if there's no official way, even if certain things get regulated by the game itself (like not showing names in wvw), players will ALWAYS find their own creative ways to BM others. So while it would be great to rid all environments of toxic people, it's never going to happen - so all you can do, is either avoid the environment or find ways to cope that work for you.

Think about it this way:

If people BM you undeservedly (e.g. you didn't spend 1hr stealth-ganking noobs in front of spawn and they finally got fed up) after they chased you down with X people, let alone a zerg just shrug it off. Like...what do they think they are telling you? They celebrating you dying to X people? That doesn't make them look good, just makes them look pathetic IMO -shrug- If you loose a fair fight and someone thinks you loosing isn't enough, they need to BM you, just take it as them being immature, toxic, whatever. Rise above it and shrug it off as the pointless toxic behavior it is.

And my best advice: find non-toxic people to play with!!! It seriously balances out the occasional douchebag you encounter 🙂

PS: Some players absolutely deserve to be BMed, not talking about that here.

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17 hours ago, Uthrax.4975 said:

Why are you dead on the ground long enough to even see emotes? Open map, WP and get back into the fight ASAP. 

Kind of this. I guess outside of dueling is there really any reason to them? If you then expand them and let dead people use them I guess. You couldn't see it since they are downed but it could still translate on the text frame.


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On 1/2/2024 at 1:24 PM, Firefly.5982 said:

I know sensitive people are always mocked, especially in PvP but I am too old to give a kitten anymore so here goes:

Sensitive people exist. People are sensitive for all sorts of reasons. And sensitive people are allowed to play games, including PvP modes.

There is no valid need to create a toxic environment, yet people who enjoy being toxic exist as well and they tend to exist more in PvP game modes.

I can only advise people who struggle with this sort of stuff to find ways to cope, and I mean this genuinely. Because you will NEVER stop people from BMing in PvP environements. Even if there's no official way, even if certain things get regulated by the game itself (like not showing names in wvw), players will ALWAYS find their own creative ways to BM others. So while it would be great to rid all environments of toxic people, it's never going to happen - so all you can do, is either avoid the environment or find ways to cope that work for you.

Think about it this way:

If people BM you undeservedly (e.g. you didn't spend 1hr stealth-ganking noobs in front of spawn and they finally got fed up) after they chased you down with X people, let alone a zerg just shrug it off. Like...what do they think they are telling you? They celebrating you dying to X people? That doesn't make them look good, just makes them look pathetic IMO -shrug- If you loose a fair fight and someone thinks you loosing isn't enough, they need to BM you, just take it as them being immature, toxic, whatever. Rise above it and shrug it off as the pointless toxic behavior it is.

And my best advice: find non-toxic people to play with!!! It seriously balances out the occasional douchebag you encounter 🙂

PS: Some players absolutely deserve to be BMed, not talking about that here.

Ppl who BM absolutely deserve to get BM'd back, agreed.
But like the post above you said, some peeps are just tryhard enuf to not have time for this ****, we just WP and go back to "The Mission", sensitive or not.

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23 hours ago, elin.2407 said:

/sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit /sit

I admit if a player wasted that much time to repeat an emote, I let them, since I know they are out of the fight that whole time which would make me just stay there to waste more of their time as I laughed and grabbed another drink to see they were still fixated on thinking it had an effect. I would also be careful to clear my bags but not sell stuff so they thought I was raging versus using the time constructively to clean my bags and get my dogs some water or chat in voice and laugh as I explained the other player's actions and what they might think its impact was having so others could enjoy. Even better when this same tactic works on larger groups. The games within the games, quite fun. So in that sense, no I wouldn't want to disable emotes since they work both ways and adds a level to the gameplay.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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