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24 hr later because still waiting on customer support to answer real tired


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While you cannot change the order of weapon skills, you can change the keybinds in the gameplay options menu.  That has worked for me.  For example my weapon skill 1 is set to the E key.  My mouse has several number keys, and I have assigned my weapon skills baised on which buttons are easiest to reach with my thumb, rather than the number listed on the buttons.  My healing skill is bound to my mouse's scroll wheel.

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... this kid would rather type out a grammatically toxic letter for the GM's to read instead of spending 30 seconds of his time Googling the answer. All you had to do is Google search: "gw2 can I customize weapon skills?".

This generation not only has an incomprehensible amount of knowledge instantly accessible from an over-paid smartphone tablet, but ALSO have readily available A.I Search Engines that delivers near-instant responses in human-like clarity. Yet, he's frustrated for not getting a clear answer... from a tech support guy named Saanvi who says he's from Ohio.

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As a game dev myself, Guild wars 2's tutorial is pretty clean. Even without reading the tutorial text you can get very far by just being curious about the stuff you get. Yes, there are some pattern breakers every now and then (I thought I had to drag and drop my skills on my bar) but just go with the flow and you'll catch on fairly fast.

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On 12/23/2023 at 4:38 PM, Extramilions.4268 said:

You know the shortest clearest answer would have simply saying yes the weapon skills window is to be thought of as just a reference - whatever weapon you're using your main abilities 1-3 change to that automatically.  thats all I was looking for a short and sweet confirmation. the fact is no one is simply saying just that, the game isn't saying that anywhere obviously for me to be asking this.  & Still no answer oh hey your actually just unable to move/rearrange the main 1-5 whatever abilities at all ?


This guide doesn't say. I can't just play a game when thrown off by an overwhelming interface combined with some action slots you can customize & others you can't, just seems like poor design.

 I can't be the only one stressing about this. There must be plenty of players not playing gw2 because of this little thing.



The problem is not the interface, it's that you're very clearly rushing the process. The UI is not complicated if you let the game teach you how it works instead of jumping into the PvP lobby at level 1 and trying to learn everything all at once. You set yourself up for failure.

Weapon skills are universally locked to their slots *unique to each weapon,* while all of the slots to the right of your health bar are customisable. The game teaches you this as you level up and unlock more abilities.

Honestly, the reason nobody is *just* outwardly saying this is because you didn't *just* ask an honest question. You decided to throw an adult fit and blame the game when you haven't even taken the time to learn how the game even works before deciding to jump straight into a competitive game mode. The only advice I can give you is to *slow down.*

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On 12/25/2023 at 5:43 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

... this kid would rather type out a grammatically toxic letter for the GM's to read instead of spending 30 seconds of his time Googling the answer. All you had to do is Google search: "gw2 can I customize weapon skills?".

This generation not only has an incomprehensible amount of knowledge instantly accessible from an over-paid smartphone tablet, but ALSO have readily available A.I Search Engines that delivers near-instant responses in human-like clarity. Yet, he's frustrated for not getting a clear answer... from a tech support guy named Saanvi who says he's from Ohio.

10-15 years ago games still came with thicc manuals that people complained about and cheered for online sites explaining game mechanics instead of manuals and in game tutorials, tips clogging up the game and now people complain that the game doesn't nanny them around explaining everything in game, because looking up a wikipedia is difficult now.

All that while not paying attention to the game's explanation, like this thread.

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On 12/23/2023 at 4:12 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

All you had to do is play the game a little

*sitting in the dark, watching with the knowledge that some of the posts that demand balancing changes for specific classes are not that far removed from OP's sentiment, and that is the truest joke in the thread*

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 12/23/2023 at 9:30 PM, Extramilions.4268 said:


Like how much people got to be in defensive hostile mode.FF ppl just too quick to jump down throats. Advertise like sure jump into pvp right away , long before lvl 6 for that info to be revealed.  Not everyone plays games the same way. Developers should take this as a hint to make it less confusing when - Extramillions - is all top google results and I'm telling you it's literally the only game with a little misleading confusing ui. It's called just have a less confusing ui ' if you just take a look at it' vses everything else there's no reason for it.There's a lot of games out there. I'm actively learning game design too 10 hrs+ a week w/ a teacher, not just some random player of games telling you this, I could blame the game, it's a very minor thing not a big deal with the shape other games are in lately. - Expect a better rocket league in the making and more.

So those that were actually helpful thanks I could've done without the rest and the tedious sifting thru the unnecessary comments


omg this is beautiful it has to be a troll post.

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New player - Long time experienced gamer -

That entitlement will make you the subject of ridicule. Experienced gamer, but cannot read a tooltip or find a single build site

Hardstuck, Snowcrow, Metabattles, GuildJen and I feel like I'm missing a major one here that'll come to me later. All except Guildjen no1 told me about I simply found them. The weapon system is one of the first things detailed in the manual, which I never read and neither do 99% of experienced gamers because MMOs are very self explanatory.

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On 12/23/2023 at 7:31 PM, Extramilions.4268 said:

I'm trying to get into this but I'm losing patience. I need the pvp build or general build explained because if you look at literally any other game, you open up the build its not a confusing mess. I'd post a picture of elder scrolls online talent spec build thing vses this one if I could upload pictures.  But here only the utility bar is changable, on far left side you have all these different weapon skills looking like actual different abilities that may be slotted. So tired of this never ending migraine over it, I purchased the game and all, & I'm this flustered over this, can't seem to find an answer anywhere via google or youtube video. 1st customer support replies with a link referencing all these different builds - O K. Weapon skills interface really throws me off, and not being able to rearrange the main 1-3 abilities, + where is 4 and 5. I really feel like there should be a page or little thing simply saying oh weapon skills tab - reference how your main abilities change with different weapons if that's basically all there is to it and if you can't change 1-3, wondering where 4 and 5 come into play. ..... IDK where's the guide or note about this basic thing. I understand if you change your attunement or main talent spec..... only then do the 1-3 abilities change.

Sounds like a skill issue.

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