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Burning homes in WvW and nobody puts them out


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Today I saw something I have never seen before. Burning houses in the fortress area on the red side on the EBG. They even have a "life bar".
They burn away and nobody puts them out. They are houses of people with names. That's cruel.

Please put some buckets of water or a bell to get some firefighter-skritts to put them out.


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8 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

I know some people used to specifically build catas to hit those houses cos they didn't like Fergie's House

Typical. The emotionally cold blues can't even understand why red is attacking their position.
Their ugly fortress surroundings are in ruins anyway.

3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.

Pfft haha. I mean... that's good.

But only one?

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9 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

Pfft haha. I mean... that's good.

But only one?

Have you ever thought about all those Yaks? Now mind you a good YLT is out of this world and to die for. But man when 50 players all jump that one Yak. I think we need an event were the Yak has a 5% chance to fight back, give it Leggo Boss damage if it triggers. Could be amazing, just saying. 'Revenge of the Yak' week.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Have you ever thought about all those Yaks? Now mind you a good YLT is out of this world and to die for. But man when 50 players all jump that one Yak. I think we need an event were the Yak has a 5% chance to fight back, give it Leggo Boss damage if it triggers. Could be amazing, just saying. 'Revenge of the Yak' week.

Give it the floor nuke from Tarnished Traitor to make sure people are paying attention.

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This reminds me of Age of Empires where burning buildings and farms (?) were perfectly usable. And supposedly the game takes place over the course of hundreds of years so this means people were using it while it was on fire for centuries and nobody cared to put it out. But given the blatant disregard for safety in games, it's not surprising. Of course this was the same game where you could use a ram to set a farm on fire.


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