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Is this the current state of raiding?

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1 hour ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

If you were actually honest you would put together a list of 10-20 reasons why raids have with failed highest-lowest impact. We are all free to speculate. It's a nice way to check if one's beliefs are grounded in reality. 

So I'm not honest if I don't compile a comprehensive list of reasons and rank them ... based on what? ... my own personal biases? That makes no sense. That's actually absurd. As I already told you, no one has data to suggest what that ranking would be so I'm not being baited into playing some speculation game with you so you can control some argument you want to have. 

Meanwhile, we don't need to 'check' the reality of the point I'm making here. There simply isn't a question if how players interact impacts how the community forms and that the community contributes to the success or failure of content. I don't get why anyone would have an issue with the truth of that, unless they have some strong personal reasons to suppress or ignore it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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If you dislike "the state of lfg", start making and advertising your own groups. If you don't want to do that, don't be surprised you don't have a group you'd want to see. The actual issue isn't really that someone made a group that you disliked, the issue is that you never want to make a group anyways. If you want to latch onto some singular issue with lfg as hard as it seems like you do, that's probably the one to go for, not that nonsense about someone "gatekeeping" lfg or content.

1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Meanwhile, we don't need to 'check' the reality of the point I'm making here.

Keeps trying to talk about lfg while actively admitting he made sure to avoid it for a LONG time now.
"I don't need to check the reality of the point"

Of course you don't, you can keep making bad guesses instead. Lets make sure it's clear that's exactly what it is though.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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As far as the original post, this isn't that bad considering what happens in other games.

I remember during my Destiny days how often I saw people selling carries on Trials of Osiris (basically a different kind of top level pvp). Which was ridiculous as it's a 3v3 elimination mode. It takes some brass to both sell and buy those. I bet there were a lot of unhappy customers.

It's still bad, don't get me wrong. Just because it happens elsewhere doesn't make it good, but it's one of those things any game with any sort of multiplayer will have.

I understand where OP comes from as I tended to avoid making LFGs for most games I played (GW2 included), and it took a bit to get over that. Sometimes you have to create some runs to get some runs. My recent personal experience compromises of a small sample size but it went mostly well; only one group didn't actually read the LFG and we ran a story mode for no reason at all (I should have said something); and one group of rushers that I joined (would have helped if they had said they were speedrunning it on the LFG, cause it went poorly and I almost quit).

Raids, and any other similar type of end-game content, are better done with guilds. There's more transparency, and the run's goals and "vibe" are known ahead of time. If I ever get into doing GW2 raids (which I doubt I'll ever do cause I'm more interested in other parts of the game) it'll be with a guild. Too many egos getting together in time consuming, challenging content is always something that will create silly drama.

Just look at this thread.

Moral of the story: put yourself out there, maybe join a guild, have some patience, ignore bad actors, think about your endgame goals, and enjoy your time.

I don't know why raids are dead in GW2 (I've been away for close to a decade), but once I saw that Heart of Thorns was coming out and there seemed to be a focus on this newfangled "Living World" stuff, I pretty much believed raids were never going to be a big draw as in other mmos. GW2, to me, was always around pseudo dynamic open world content, pvp, and the exploration of a gorgeous "themepark" mmo world.

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The real problem with LFG and "toxic gatekeeping" is that the people who complain about it do not want to play with their peers either. What they want is for the players who know the mechanics to accept them with open arms and carry them on their shoulders to the promised land. Anything less than that and we get these entitled gentlemen making obnoxious claims using words that they think are striking. Good examples to this would be people calling any form of requirement in groups as "elitist". Or whenever a full celestial 2-button joe with traits that have absolutely no synergy gets kicked from a squad, you'll see the word "toxic" thrown around. Gatekeeping this, gatekeeping that... I'd humour the idea of there being gatekeeping if only commanders could make squads and the tag would require some actual achievements instead of just buying it with gold, but the fact is, you can make a squad without even the tag and use the LFG without limitation.

If you are interested in the content, either do progression or blind progression runs and get likeminded people to progress through any endgame content. Alternately join a guild or wait for the occasional training run to pop up (yes, they exist, I do some here and there myself). With the bare minimum level of desire to succeed, you'll have some KP in no time. The problem is, you don't want 9 other versions of you in your own squad, because deep down you know it isn't going to work out.
Just a while ago we had a guy complaining about UFE say something along the lines of "I don't have enough UFE to join experienced groups, but when I make my own no UFE run people die left and right" and he didn't even see the irony in his own statement.

For reference, I didn't like how fractals were run in pugs when I first started. Usually people would just run ahead and I wouldn't get to learn the mechanics. Instead of crying about LFG or pugs, I started making my own runs, me and 2 of my friends started doing fractals with the goal of learning the mechanics for each and 3-manned fractals all the way into early T4s, then started doing full parties and CMs. And to noone's surprise, we had a lot of fun and noone tried to gatekeep us, amazing that!

I've done quite a few training runs, as well as no KP requirement experienced runs of fractals, raids as well as strikes as I don't like to request KP. All I do is type "know mechanics" though that too should be unnecessary when I list it in the experienced tab but that's not even regarded as a mild suggestion these days. But guess what, even when I specifically ask for people to know the mechanics, I almost always get 1 or 2 people that have no business being in an experienced squad. If there was any amount of gatekeeping, I wouldn't be constantly getting these people in my runs. These people instead see no harm in ruining a run for 9 other people, and consider you "toxic" if you kick them instead. 

Btw, the game has not required any strict meta in the recent years, and it has only gotten easier to have the tools required for any given endgame content with the insane powercreep we have. So if anyone suggests the game forces meta builds etc., they have no clue what they are talking about. To prove my point, I've messed around with a bunch of weird compositions. We did slothasor with 7 healers for lulz just last week for instance. Similarly, we did a 10 mech run when mech wasn't blatantly OP. Other people have done raids with 10 firebrands only auto attacking as well. Somehow, noone stopped us or those people from doing any of the aforementioned runs. If anything, the lack of any drive some people have towards properly contributing to a squad they're in will likely be the reason I stop leading in the end. Because it is always someone else's fault that you do 3k dps, face tank every mechanic or worse yet, wipe the entire group. People need to wake up to the reality that it isn't ok to bring a celestial minion necro to raids and that they deserve to be kicked. Anyone past the age of 8 should be able to grasp that the world doesn't revolve around them.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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With the "toxicity" with lfg/group content we mainly see two sides of the coin: those who accuse others of "gatekeeping" and those who sturggle to get players who meet the requirements for the content they are advertising for. This then leads onto other more extremes of people asking for high kp and people joining groups above their experience level.

I for one think setting of requirements/reasonable kp when you want a certain level of performance is fair and in fact helpful for both sides as it helps to prevent unforseen expectations and animosity.

It's probably easier for people to form groups via guild/discord than with lfg where they can to some extent know what types of players they are getting and can set requirements more openly.

In regards to the people advertising for clears in lfg, this is a result of those wanting to get endgame rewards with little to no effort. Certain types of people will pay for this so some of the playerbase has capitalize on this, especially as its not banned by anet.

Edited by Dibit.6259
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Seems like Obtena has not changed through years lol.

Still sour 🤣

Instead of trying to disprove everything written by everyone other than you, why not start bringing in constructive feedback on the subject of this post which is : Is this the current state of raiding?


I remember writing about that back in 2020 saying that the hardest thing to get for raid is 10 players. 

Seems like it is still a problem haha!

Happy New Year

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1 hour ago, A R W E N.6895 said:

Instead of trying to disprove everything written by everyone other than you, why not start bringing in constructive feedback on the subject of this post which is : Is this the current state of raiding?

What constructive feedback do you think should be brought here (that mind you ... you didn't bring either)? This coming from someone that simply sat around on social media for hours an waited for raids to fall in their lap. 

The thread was most certainly made to be rhetorical. LFG is a cess pool and it always has been. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:


What constructive feedback do you think should be brought here (that mind you ... you didn't bring either)?

The thread was most certainly made to be rhetorical. LFG is a cess pool and it always has been. 

If you read what other people write instead of trying to write the complete opposite to make a point that only exist in your head, you would see what is being proposed (by me in that 2020 post that you were just looking at 5 minutes ago) (and by others in this post)

So, as a gesture of good will, here's a couple of suggestion. Now im simply waiting for you to get baited to answer and write your 12661 post 😁 


How to increase #of people playing the content (Raid) :

1. Increase Reward
2. Change reward structure
3. Bring in new content (Wing 8? - Based on EOD, SOTO, Previous Living World (Post POF))
4. Bring in progression (for new to experienced players) (Fractal does it well imo)

5. Enhance LFG system (Would clearly help instead of relying on discord servers for LFG)
6. New collections?

The consequence of these suggestion may (or may not) solve the issue pointed by OP. Who knows!

Again, Happy New Year!

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On 1/2/2024 at 4:04 PM, A R W E N.6895 said:

How to increase #of people playing the content (Raid) :

OK ... except the OP's post had nothing to do with increasing the people playing raids. In fact, he made NO indication he couldn't get a team or couldn't find people to raid with or more people were needed to do raids. The situation the OP points out has always been a problem with LFG, regardless of participation levels. Somehow you assumed his observations about LFG was some plea for solutions conveniently coincidental to a problem you had over 3 years ago.

But of course, your post makes sense from the perspective that your total post count is related to complaints about not being enough people to raid with and apparently the implication I live rent free in your head.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 1/2/2024 at 4:31 PM, A R W E N.6895 said:

For this specific case, OP is pointing something really specific that requires him to open LFG and then Open the Raid Tab. The question you could ask yourself is the following : Why would open the LFG to go and have a look at the raiding tab. The answer could be the following : I want to find a group to raid! And thus, from seeing that no one actually post anything on the LFG, his conclusion is : Is this the current state of raids?

Your interpretation that the OP's LFG observations having anything to do with a lack of raiders (whether that's true or not) ...

... has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING I said in this thread.

Therefore, there should be NO reason for you to be quoting me to try having some argument about it with me. We already did that over 3 years ago. I won. Please find new tenets for your headspace. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

The thread was most certainly made to be rhetorical. LFG is a cess pool and it always has been. 

It's not, but you obviously don't know anything about it, considering you literally said you made sure to not use it for a LONG time now. Why do you feel the need to keep making these nonsensical guesses?

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13 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

The real problem with LFG and "toxic gatekeeping" is that the people who complain about it do not want to play with their peers either. What they want is for the players who know the mechanics to accept them with open arms and carry them on their shoulders to the promised land. Anything less than that and we get these entitled gentlemen making obnoxious claims using words that they think are striking. Good examples to this would be people calling any form of requirement in groups as "elitist". Or whenever a full celestial 2-button joe with traits that have absolutely no synergy gets kicked from a squad, you'll see the word "toxic" thrown around. Gatekeeping this, gatekeeping that... I'd humour the idea of there being gatekeeping if only commanders could make squads and the tag would require some actual achievements instead of just buying it with gold, but the fact is, you can make a squad without even the tag and use the LFG without limitation.

This gets thrown out a lot, but this is how I managed to do some of the raids and strike CMs.  I didn't even try to attempt strike CMs, but I joined a group that had a few of my previous raid buddies on it, and they decided to upgrade it to a CM run just for the heck of it.  Similarly, my first Q2 run was the CM, because the guys knew i was good for it in spite of it being my first time.  The other side to everything you're saying is that there's a lot of people who do research and practice rotations, but can't get their foot in the door.  Experience is an excellent teacher, and for somebody who's competent it only takes a run or two to get all of the minutia or the small details down before they're ready to run it on repeat.  Those same progression and training runs are full of people who really aren't ready to raid, and can spend an entire day trying to beat a single boss.  If somebody is minimally competent, sometimes it is good to just let them tag along and see how things are done.  

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48 minutes ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

This gets thrown out a lot, but this is how I managed to do some of the raids and strike CMs.  I didn't even try to attempt strike CMs, but I joined a group that had a few of my previous raid buddies on it, and they decided to upgrade it to a CM run just for the heck of it.  Similarly, my first Q2 run was the CM, because the guys knew i was good for it in spite of it being my first time.  The other side to everything you're saying is that there's a lot of people who do research and practice rotations, but can't get their foot in the door.  Experience is an excellent teacher, and for somebody who's competent it only takes a run or two to get all of the minutia or the small details down before they're ready to run it on repeat.  Those same progression and training runs are full of people who really aren't ready to raid, and can spend an entire day trying to beat a single boss.  If somebody is minimally competent, sometimes it is good to just let them tag along and see how things are done.  

That's where the "know mechanics" part comes in. As I already said, I do no KP runs that just ask people to know the mechanics. If you join my group and do your job properly, I don't care what prior experience you have. But the attitude of "I learn quickly so I'll only cause a wipe once or twice" is the kind of thought process that pushes people towards asking for KP as well. In your case, you joined your friends so no problem there. That's why I suggested joining a guild for it. People who personally know you will likely not mind bringing you along to content since they'll have some idea as to whether you're ready. The problem arises when you bring that attitude to a pug however. causing 2x wipes for a single strike CM is 5-10 minutes lost for 9 people. Sometimes people just want to have a smooth run, and a person joining without proper knowledge of mechanics is a hindrance. This usually prompts 1 or 2 people to leave the group as well, leading to further loss of time. The squad may or may not be ok with this, but the fact of the matter is, you have no right to impose this on them, which is why you should inform the squad of your situation when you join. When this happens in my runs, I'll often let the guy stick around, as it is a no KP run after all.

The other problem with what you suggested by saying that there are also people who are good enough to actually be in the content is that that should already be the case for 100% of the group. The norm should be people knowing what to do in any run listed in the experienced section. But we're so accustomed to the exceptions that the norm is shifting towards a more neutral position. At this point, it is akin to applauding the pilot for landing a plane (some people do this btw *facepalm*). That's literally the bare minimum of what your job requires in that situation. I don't think we need to congratulate people for not wiping a squad or learning fast when they are in a group where the bare minimum requirement is doing the mechanics properly.

Another issue is, and this is not meant to be directed at you personally, I have no way of knowing your skill level or what you can achieve, but I've also met a lot of people who were very confident in their skill level, and couldn't manage to walk out of boneskinner aoes or simply stack on the tag. The fact of the matter is, in LFG groups, we have no perfect way of filtering this. The closest we have is KP requirements, but I don't like running those kind of squads personally, so I'm stuck with relying on people having some common decency to have decent runs. This obviously changes when you are acquainted with them, but again that brings us outside of the LFG discussion.

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1 hour ago, Passerbye.6291 said:
2 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:


That's where the "know mechanics" part comes in. As I already said, I do no KP runs that just ask people to know the mechanics. If you join my group and do your job properly, I don't care what prior experience you have.

The problem I have with "know mechanics" is that it's up to interpretation what this actually means. I know what you mean with "know mechanics" of course and most who raid know this too, but a new player might read up some guides and watch some videos and technically "know mechanics" and could even explain them to you, but when it comes to the fight he won't be able to deal with the mechanics despite knowing how it's supposed to work. When you've done the same boss many times you know what you have to focus your attention to whereas someone relatively new to the boss will be paying attention to everything, likely getting distracted and then dying or wiping the raid because their attention wasn't there where it was supposed to be.

1 hour ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Another issue is, and this is not meant to be directed at you personally, I have no way of knowing your skill level or what you can achieve, but I've also met a lot of people who were very confident in their skill level, and couldn't manage to walk out of boneskinner aoes or simply stack on the tag. The fact of the matter is, in LFG groups, we have no perfect way of filtering this.

The other issue with the LFG is that you only rarely get to see the same people again so you are only able to judge their skill level based on what you see in that run. In one of my training runs I remember tanking Deimos for 3 hours without dying a single time and the next day in an exp run I get yeeted off the platform, die to mind crush twice because of bad timing and dodge off the platform back to back. To the first group I was a good tank and for the second group I was a bad tank. I normally don't die on Deimos but people in the second group can't know that, they only got to experience my bad day.

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1 hour ago, devzero.4093 said:

I know what you mean with "know mechanics" of course and most who raid know this too, but a new player might read up some guides and watch some videos and technically "know mechanics" and could even explain them to you, but when it comes to the fight he won't be able to deal with the mechanics despite knowing how it's supposed to work.

At that point it comes down to how patient I'm feeling that day. I don't usually run tryhard squads so I don't mind a bit of chaos. But there are certain things that can't be messed up so long as you've read any guide. KO numbers comes to mind. I can understand failing to react in time or fat fingering a button etc. but if a person kills people with numbers on KO in an experienced run, I'd likely yeet the person. Same thing with boneskinner stacking, if a person consistently runs away from the stack, making positioning a nightmare, it clearly tells me they have no business being in there. I get people who can't dodge the jumps or avoid even the cone on boneskinner all the time in my squads, so much so that I just run heal scourge all the time when I do strikes. Now, I don't kick these people, because one can just have a bad day or mess up momentarily when it comes to these mechanics, but if their mess ups are clear indication of lack of knowledge and they remained silent the whole time in the hopes of going unnoticed, I have no sympathy for them. I even go out of my way to explain things to people when they are forthcoming, but the kind of people who can't be bothered to watch or read a super short guide before joining experienced run are absolute pests imo.


1 hour ago, devzero.4093 said:

The other issue with the LFG is that you only rarely get to see the same people again so you are only able to judge their skill level based on what you see in that run. In one of my training runs I remember tanking Deimos for 3 hours without dying a single time and the next day in an exp run I get yeeted off the platform, die to mind crush twice because of bad timing and dodge off the platform back to back. To the first group I was a good tank and for the second group I was a bad tank. I normally don't die on Deimos but people in the second group can't know that, they only got to experience my bad day.

This again comes down to excusable errors. We've all been there, you aegis right before a mind crush but something still lands right before and gets you downed sometimes. Sometimes you mess up and mistime a dodge for the knockback or roll off the platform, these happen. But for instance if I see a guy repeatedly walking on oil, once or twice can be considered mistakes but three?, or if they run away from the group with green unless it is a sacrifice, these immediately tell me that the person doesn't belong in the group. Communication also plays a big role in these btw. When I mess up, I own up to it, whether I'm leading or not. A while back I put the green kite in my own sub while I was green tanking on OLC CM training for instance, which often put the guy out of my healing range and he kept dying. When I realized, I apologized and moved him and told him it was my fault. I rarely see people who try to sneak into experienced runs while having put 0 effort into coming prepared even bother to communicate. 

The thing is, a lot of people make LFG groups out to be these "elitist" monsters, but in reality, that kind of people are far and few between. Meanwhile many people I encounter are a lot more understanding and helpful when you actually take the time to communicate instead of acting like a stowaway.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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1 hour ago, devzero.4093 said:

The problem I have with "know mechanics" is that it's up to interpretation what this actually means. I know what you mean with "know mechanics" of course and most who raid know this too, but a new player might read up some guides and watch some videos and technically "know mechanics" and could even explain them to you, but when it comes to the fight he won't be able to deal with the mechanics despite knowing how it's supposed to work. When you've done the same boss many times you know what you have to focus your attention to whereas someone relatively new to the boss will be paying attention to everything, likely getting distracted and then dying or wiping the raid because their attention wasn't there where it was supposed to be.

It isn't up to interpetation. If the Commander asks people joining their squad to know mechanics you can't interpet it as knowing how to do a headstand or how to do roast beef. If I need to know how to drive to drive a car I won't get in the car and say "I can ride a motorbike". 

Asking people to know mechanics isn't the same as asking them to be experienced, if you kill a boss once you'll know the mechanics. If you're experienced then you've done the fight multiple times.

1 hour ago, devzero.4093 said:

The other issue with the LFG is that you only rarely get to see the same people again so you are only able to judge their skill level based on what you see in that run. In one of my training runs I remember tanking Deimos for 3 hours without dying a single time and the next day in an exp run I get yeeted off the platform, die to mind crush twice because of bad timing and dodge off the platform back to back. To the first group I was a good tank and for the second group I was a bad tank. I normally don't die on Deimos but people in the second group can't know that, they only got to experience my bad day.

With the start of this part you've just given a reason as to why there are groups asking for LI or KP.  They don't know whether you're good or not, but seeing that the person has let's say 50 Deimos KP they can be sure that said person is experienced, because 50KP is atleast 10 kills, but it's mostly atleast double.

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26 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

The thing is, a lot of people make LFG groups out to be these "elitist" monsters, but in reality, that kind of people are far and few between. Meanwhile many people I encounter are a lot more understanding and helpful when you actually take the time to communicate instead of acting like a stowaway.

This has been my experience so far as well, I was mainly pointing out a disadvantage of using an LFG vs having a guild or static that get to know your skill level.  LFG can be a mixed bag for sure.

21 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

It isn't up to interpetation. If the Commander asks people joining their squad to know mechanics you can't interpet it as knowing how to do a headstand or how to do roast beef. If I need to know how to drive to drive a car I won't get in the car and say "I can ride a motorbike". 

Asking people to know mechanics isn't the same as asking them to be experienced, if you kill a boss once you'll know the mechanics. If you're experienced then you've done the fight multiple times.

Yes "know mechanics" it is up to interpretation. You're asking if the person knows the mechanics of the fight, not if they know and are able to execute the mechanics of the fight (slight but important difference). Someone who has never done raids might understand it to be the former and not the latter.

"Know mechanics" requires some degree of experience, so in fact you are asking for some experience when you ask "know mechanics", as you've just described in your post. I think it might be better to just ask for 1KP tbh.

38 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

With the start of this part you've just given a reason as to why there are groups asking for LI or KP.  They don't know whether you're good or not, but seeing that the person has let's say 50 Deimos KP they can be sure that said person is experienced, because 50KP is atleast 10 kills, but it's mostly atleast double.

I have no issues with KP, even though it's not a completely reliable way to determine skill it's better than nothing.

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On 12/28/2023 at 5:34 PM, firedragon.8953 said:

but I'm not completely surprised they stopped making them.

In theory strike cms are supposed to be the replacement. In practice, they don’t feel that competitive in terms of effort/reward compared to normal raids, in addition to the fact that normal raids gate the collections to legendaries that involve LI so anyone who wants them is forced to raid anyway. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/27/2023 at 12:01 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

(Unpopular opinion, perhaps) Raids should never have been implemented in GW2.  Resources would have better been spent on other content that appeals to a larger portion of the player base.

I don't believe your opinion isn't popular, people who play MMOs for group content refuse to play GW2 because of the lack of dedicated roles share your opinion. Who at Anet thought it was "innovative" to limit their group combat system dungeon and raid mechanics to self-heals and dodging. Still the most baffling decision to me 

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On 1/18/2024 at 8:32 PM, WinterBeats.1092 said:

I don't believe your opinion isn't popular, people who play MMOs for group content refuse to play GW2 because of the lack of dedicated roles share your opinion. Who at Anet thought it was "innovative" to limit their group combat system dungeon and raid mechanics to self-heals and dodging. Still the most baffling decision to me 

Wait, so you think there's no dedicated roles for raids and that only raid mechanics are self healing and dodging?

So gonna ignore special roles like kiting, Pylons, tanks, reflect, boonhealers and boondps?

Also ignore special actions keys, positioning, cc, reflect, player specific targeted aoes etc?

Am I understanding this right?


Dungeons also need some level of awareness of your skills and certain mechanics but yeah they don't require specific roles.

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On 1/18/2024 at 2:32 PM, WinterBeats.1092 said:

I don't believe your opinion isn't popular, people who play MMOs for group content refuse to play GW2 because of the lack of dedicated roles share your opinion. Who at Anet thought it was "innovative" to limit their group combat system dungeon and raid mechanics to self-heals and dodging. Still the most baffling decision to me 

i'm not sure what you mean by this, considering that you need two supports in every group of five (a healer and a opposing boon dps), four supports in a group of ten, and there are many specialised roles like the handkiter in deimos. even if you're doing the easiest content in the game, which would be dungeons and tier 1 fractals, its always likely that you're receiving at least some support from other players since its often present even in pure damage builds, not to mention combo fields.


the only difference to other mmos is that here, the healer and the tank are usually combined, and you can get through some content without a healer if you're very good, but most of the time your party will take a healer anyway since its not worth the effort not to, and 1-2 boon supports are always taken, no matter what.


here's an example: while arah can be done without healing, being able to ignore the mechanics lets you clear lupi in <15seconds.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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On 1/18/2024 at 9:32 PM, WinterBeats.1092 said:

I don't believe your opinion isn't popular, people who play MMOs for group content refuse to play GW2 because of the lack of dedicated roles share your opinion. Who at Anet thought it was "innovative" to limit their group combat system dungeon and raid mechanics to self-heals and dodging. Still the most baffling decision to me 

If you ignore the specific or dedicated roles in Raids then yes, there are no specific or dedicated roles.

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