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Open world Chrono, surely its a thing...


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Ok, I have seen many builds in regards to open world Chrono and they all seem to be crap. Metabattle is way out of date (come on boys) and Hizen simply refuses to acknowledge any such beast. Now, while i do tend to follow Hizen's builds it doesnt mean its the that or nothing. Just because he doesnt find the spec doable for "what he does" doesnt mean that there aren't others out there that run Chrono in open just fine.

Now I know that a glass cannon berzerker build is what alot of folks run but I do tend to lend towards running cele beings that I have a asc set of it. But i am wondering if maybe a Dragon or marauder set wouldn't be stronger or more suited to the spec? Then again I am open to either condi or pwoer with Chrono, whatever seems to perform the best. I just really like the class and am keen to really give it a go! have played Virt in open as well as Mirage and just not a fan of those. Virt is fine if I want to do instanced stuff  and Mirage dodge just does my head in. Besides, Chron just looks fun, simples.

So, surely some of you (even just one!) have A Chrono build, pwr or condi, that you have success with and arent playing wannabe Ele  and constant downstate?! 

Like I said, I have seen several YouTubes and such but they all seem to have some issue, like being all berserker or whatever.

Thanks all!!!   ;)]

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This is my open world support Chrono, which uses Marshals gear. Some of the choices were inspired by Emi's great heal chrono video. It works great for metas and such, and while low DPS I still often use it for solo open world:


 This my open world power build, using Berserkers and Marauders. Mostly I use dagger/sword, with GS for tagging. Inspiration trait line certainly detracts from DPS, but adds to survivability, and its a tradeoff I'm comfortable with:


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20 minutes ago, TheAgedGnome.7520 said:

This is my open world support Chrono, which uses Marshals gear. Some of the choices were inspired by Emi's great heal chrono video. It works great for metas and such, and while low DPS I still often use it for solo open world:


 This my open world power build, using Berserkers and Marauders. Mostly I use dagger/sword, with GS for tagging. Inspiration trait line certainly detracts from DPS, but adds to survivability, and its a tradeoff I'm comfortable with:


yea i am fine with the sustain trade-off, i prefer it actually to dying...lol. Thanks for the info!! 😉


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Any berserker build will run fine with marauder's if you need a bit of extra survivability. It's a pretty small DPS loss for a significant amount of extra health. Inspiration is a good way of getting some extra healing if you need it, but if you don't, running Persistence of Memory, Phantasmal Haste, and Phantasmal Force along with Chronophantasma is an interesting way of self-buffing, although that build was hurt a bit when the pack rune 6-set bonus was removed (although there might be other ways to get some extra fury now?).

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I'm still running the (nearly) full Assassins build with Domination/Dueling/Chronophantasm.  The Jade Tech Overcharge Buffs make it so I don't have to worry about boons.  I can solo easier champions without much issue, and the harder ones usually require me to change strategies more my build.  I tend to play Chrono for the run speed boost more than any tactical reason, but the only thing I ever have to be wary of is soloing champions.  Everything else dies to the continuum split rotation.  

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The only thing to remember when building Chrono is that due to Improved Alacrity's effect, you want your crit chance to always be 100%. However, Chrono can't cap it naturally with full Berserker, so you want to use Assassin instead until you hit 75% then fill the rest with Berserker. I'd suggest you play around with the Build Editor to find the right balance. 

Marauder is a fine replacement, being a middle ground between the 2 with some Vitality added for less squishiness. Dragon is a poor choice since it has very low crit chance.  

Condi Chrono kinda works due to Chronophantasma + Staff phantasms, but it has very weak cleave and thus not very ideal in the open world. 

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17 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Have a look through this thread, it should give you some info to go on. It's the same one you posted a few months ago. I doubt much has changed since then.

lol, i thought I had posted this once before...silly me.  😉

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One thing you might want to keep in mind is that expecting to have "One Build To Clear Them All" is probably not the optimal approach. Use your build & equipment templates to give yourself other options; I might be running mainly Chrono but oh wait a minute this particular content would be easier/more fun on a Mirage or Virt so let me switch.

Also:  Options > Control Options > Templates. I have the equipment and spec slots matched up so that CTRL + 1, CTRL + SHIFT + 1 loads up the Chrono build & gear, CTRL + 2, CTRL + SHIFT + 2 loads up a Mirage kit, etc. The armors for each spec have totally different looks so I can easily tell which spec I'm on when I load into the game. A few quick keystrokes changes my loadout on the fly and then I'm good to go; the only requirement for the swap is being out of combat.

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I'm actively using Metabattle, Snowcrows and Hizen and I have no complaints about any of the builds.

I'm maining condi virtuoso from Snowcrows, whereas I constantly check Metabattle for other builds -- and I don't think they're outdated at all?
Just yesterday I set up my open world Chrono and having a lot of fun playing as one ^^ 

At the end of the day, when it comes to Open World, I think anything is viable as long as you enjoy it and really can't go wrong with Mesmer! 

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