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Please make more engaging story boss encounters

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4 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general.

You clearly do have a problem with the combat system though. Namely your lack of understanding it.

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6 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general. But the formula that Anet uses for several expansions now has become predictable and repetitive, things often done in 3's, samey boss mechanics, and fighting hordes of reskinned trash mobs. I understand it's an MMO and there's an expectation of quantity of content. But I would honestly prefer 50% less content for 50% more quality. That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, because from what I understand most people complain that GW2 doesn't have enough content.

SoTo is guilty of this. The re-used assets is bad this time. I'd rather the story be cut into 2 parts if it meant I don't have to see a Path of Fire mob reskinned into a Kryptis, but it is what it is.

Moving the goalpost eh? 

First it was bosses having to much HP. 

Now it's trash mobs and downtime between fights. 

I getting a hinge that this all is about the isgarren fight. If so, why not say that from the start. 

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8 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Moving the goalpost eh? 

First it was bosses having to much HP. 

Now it's trash mobs and downtime between fights. 

I getting a hinge that this all is about the isgarren fight. If so, why not say that from the start. 

Don't forget the reused assets, clearly been a problem from the beginning, oh wait, it was newly brought up as well! *shocked pikachu*

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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19 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general. But the formula that Anet uses for several expansions now has become predictable and repetitive.

That part is what many seem to focus on and disagree with. Most boss encounters, especially in the story are not drawn out if compared to what is possible within this combat system. Even most raid bosses or challenging fights take less than a few minutes.

That's something which was focused on because you decided to focus on this aspect, instead of focusing on maybe other areas which are an issue.



The other part of the formula is that things often done in 3's, samey boss mechanics, and fighting hordes of reskinned trash mobs. I understand it's an MMO and there's an expectation of quantity of content. But I would honestly prefer 50% less content for 50% more quality. That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, because from what I understand most people complain that GW2 doesn't have enough content. But look at the big picture, the game already has 10 years of content behind it. Would it really hurt the game in the long term if we went with a quality over quantity approach from here on?

SoTo is guilty of this. The re-used assets is bad this time. I'd rather the story be cut into 2 parts if it meant I don't have to see a Path of Fire mob reskinned into a Kryptis, but it is what it is.


This is closer to where I personally agree. Yes, there is repetition and for example limited phases. Some more creativity here would be welcomed and should be the goal of the developers.

Unfortunately one of the reasons why we see so little deviation from this formula is because some players are challenged with bosses already. Extending a fight, for example to have more phases, can be done in multiple ways. Up the boss hit points is one way, introducing unskippable phases another. Both approaches bring issues with them. Increasing the boss hp makes them spongy to some players (as seen in the first complaint), introducing mandatory phases or interactions makes the encounter artificially longer for players that burst down the hit points.

I'm pretty sure most here would agree that a more diverse and interesting boss design would be great. What most here would not want, I assume, is more "interesting" boss fights at the expense of just having to sit through stuff.

I also mentioned repetition or padding of story content via interludes of events and "fill up this bar to proceed" things. That's where I see the largest issues of filler content. I'm not sure we are going to see these go away, given the nature of content design, but one can hope for a reduction of these elements.


Also, fighting the big bad ominous boss who towers over you and you have to combine powers with your Allies etc etc is quite frankly old and played out. I'm not a writer. But maybe Anet needs a new one. Or fresh look at encounter design.

That's personal preference and there is no right or wrong here. On the one hand, better writing of both villains and allies would obviously be great. At the same time deviating to much from the established story telling might alienate players. It also makes for bad story telling to have the main character "bulldoze" over every obstacle. The reality is:: if you are faced with overwhelming odds or opponents, most often the most realistic approach is to band together.

The player character is already a near god entity and had to get scaled down a bit. I personally enjoy actually having allies which are not just there to praise my character, but as mentioned: this is personal preference.

Let's summarize this as: we all want better writing and let's hope we get that.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Please OP, tell us which story boss took you approximately 30 minutes. Of course, the SoTo bosses are repetitive. In my case, Balthazar/Joko/Mordremoth seem like a lot of fun to fight against.

Tell us the boss that took you so long, seriously, I want to know and maybe I can give you the reason that it is a bad design.

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26 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general. But the formula that Anet uses for several expansions now has become predictable and repetitive.  And things are often done in 3's, samey boss mechanics, and fighting hordes of reskinned trash mobs. I understand it's an MMO and there's an expectation of quantity of content. But I would honestly prefer 50% less content for 50% more quality. That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, because from what I understand most people complain that GW2 doesn't have enough content. But look at the big picture; the game already has 10 years of content behind it. Would it really hurt the game in the long term if we went with a quality over quantity approach from here on?

SoTo is guilty of this. The re-used assets is bad this time. I'd rather the story be cut into 2 parts if it meant I don't have to see a Path of Fire mob reskinned into a Kryptis. It's very disappointing when I see it. I want to see GW2 be the best it can be. But these kinds of shortcuts are not it.

The other part that needs improvement is on the story front. Fighting the big bad ominous boss who towers over you and you have to combine powers with your Allies etc etc is quite frankly old and played out. I'm not a writer. But maybe Anet needs a new one. Or fresh look at encounter design.

I thought the beginning portion of IBS was really cool. The politics of the Charr factions and the rivalry's between more grounded characters. It felt fresh when contrasted with much of the rest of the story where my character and my allies are at the center of it all as we are always trying to fight some big bad threat that's going to destroy the world. I'd rather have stories that make the world feel more believable. We just got done with the Dragon Cycle yet here we are in SoTo saving the whole world again and having the same type of encounters again.

So suddenly nothing here is about hp pool of bosses which take 30 minutes to blow through, which was basically the complaint of your thread. On the bright side, this gives more details than anything else you wrote in this thread combined so at least there's that.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

So suddenly nothing here is about hp pool of bosses which take 30 minutes to blow through, which was basically the complaint of your thread. On the bright side, this is more details than anything else you wrote in this thread combined so at least there's that.

It was my first complaint among others I mentioned on the first page. And the thread title was about making content more engaging, not easier.


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Tbh I have no issue with the reuse of skins/boss mechanics if they made it relatable to lore. Take budget deimos for example, they're brothers so makes sense they look alike. Their fight mechanics are different though and interesting to me ( double laser one first blind run of the strike was fun and hilarious as my guildmates were hearing me screaming as I try to outrun that thing xD). If they said that demons were like parallel versions of stuff already in tyria that would make sense.

Also it's kind of understandable that they may not have been able to deliver to the same standards as previous expansions as they are trying to do the one exp a year thing.


I was psyched when they finally did something with that wizards tower that's been around for years!!!

Edited by Dibit.6259
Wrong psych
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Dibit.6259 said:

Tbh I have no issue with the reuse of skins/boss mechanics if they made it relatable to lore.

Some of the reskins blend in fine. But some are so incredibly blatant. Like the Forged Vanguard from PoF reskinned into a Kryptis that still hovers around like it's on a hoverboard. I can't believe that got greenlit.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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10 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

It was my first complaint among others I mentioned on the first page. And the thread title was about making content more engaging, not easier.

I didn't write anything about you wanting it easier, I wrote that you were talking about hp pools because that's what you did. I don't know why you think this is a relevant response to what you quoted. Am I missing something here?

And yes, I know you wanted the content to be "more engaging", I repeatedly asked you what exactly you mean by that and you refused to answer. This is really not anything I don't understand. As for "charr politics" -as long as the talking heads parts are skippable, especially when the multiple playthroughs are involved. I don't really care that much about reused assets as long as they make sense and aren't just terrible copy-paste jobs.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I didn't write anything about you wanting it easier, I wrote that you were talking about hp pools because that's what you did. I don't know why you think this is a relevant response to what you quoted. Am I missing something here?

And yes, I know you wanted the content to be "more engaging", I repeatedly aske you what exactly you mean by that and you refused to answer.

OP is at the goal post moving stage. 

Now we wait for them to edit the original post(s) to include their new ideas. 

Crazy that it took now 5 pages to get something even remotely workable out of OP. 

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3 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I'm pointing out that the content is repetitive for 2 reasons. One is the overemphasis on drawn out combat encounters with trash mobs and bosses. I have no problem with the combat system in the game, and I have no problem fighting trash mobs and bosses in general. But the formula that Anet uses for several expansions now has become predictable and repetitive.  And things are often done in 3's, samey boss mechanics, and fighting hordes of reskinned trash mobs. I understand it's an MMO and there's an expectation of quantity of content. But I would honestly prefer 50% less content for 50% more quality. That's probably going to be an unpopular opinion, because from what I understand most people complain that GW2 doesn't have enough content. But look at the big picture; the game already has 10 years of content behind it. Would it really hurt the game in the long term if we went with a quality over quantity approach from here on?

SoTo is guilty of this. The re-used assets is bad this time. I'd rather the story be cut into 2 parts if it meant I don't have to see a Path of Fire mob reskinned into a Kryptis. It's very disappointing when I see it. I want to see GW2 be the best it can be. But these kinds of shortcuts are not it.

The other part that needs improvement is on the story front. Fighting the big bad ominous boss who towers over you and you have to combine powers with your Allies etc etc is quite frankly old and played out. I'm not a writer. But maybe Anet needs a new one. Or fresh look at encounter design.

I thought the beginning portion of IBS was really cool. The politics of the Charr factions and the rivalry's between more grounded characters. It felt fresh when contrasted with much of the rest of the story where my character and my allies are at the center of it all as we are always trying to fight some big bad threat that's going to destroy the world. I'd rather have stories that make the world feel more believable. We just got done with the Dragon Cycle yet here we are in SoTo saving the whole world again and having the same type of encounters again.

I can agree with most of this.  See that?  It's what happens when you stop ranting, trolling, hurling insults, and playing the victim, calm down and explain your position rationally instead.  Magical!

I'm not a huge fan of SotO.  I agree it's lacking in quality.  Unfortunately, it's also lacking in quantity.  The latest addition to the story was pathetically short.  They also seem to have developed a habit of padding these too-short story episodes with boring sequences of killing the same enemies over and over.  "Oh, look!  More Kryptis..."  I do like the way they try to integrate the events of the story with what's going on in the open world map, but I liked it better when there was more of both, such as it was during HoT.  The new map has a rushed feel to it, with a handful of one-off events that rapidly repeat and then a meta boss that just does the same thing over and over.

On your second point, I also understand where you're coming from.  Sometimes the way they work your allies into the fight can feel contrived, like they're forcing you to jump through hoops just to include your NPC allies.

Also agree on IBS.  I loved everything they did with the Charr.  I've also always felt that it was a mistake to have story focused on immortals, gods, and dragons.  The best parts of the story tend to be when we're dealing with enemies like Bangar and Caudecus, and not chasing our tails trying to figure out a way to make sense out of fighting a skyscraper-sized immortal god dragon (only to have Taimi pull another brilliant invention out of nowhere to save the day!).


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