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Inventory management

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Hello everyone,

I can't be alone with troubles with the inventory. I am just wondering am I missing something or is it really so annoying.

I am using the combined bags to big bag that helps but are there any other neat tricks?

I was also wondering:

1. Is there a sort button or something?

2. Is there a way to insert one slot? As in pushing every item one to the right?

If not, devs please. I don't ask for much. And as you already have the "compact" option I assume the insert option shouldn't be too hard to implement.

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I (probably) have anancastic personality disorder. I always need to plan stuff - in real life and even when gaming. Always manually sorting my bags and keeping separate bags with stuff at the bottom and the top. (The empty space in the middle.) When I sell stacks of stuff that has gathered up (like 250 ectos) I delibereately keep 1 - so it will gather up again in that same place (not having empty spaces in between where other loot might go into). Not really using the special bags with functions (gathering certain stuff first).

Insert slot? I think there is no function. That is why I rarely do bigger changes to my setup. My main char (all except the latest 2 new bag slots unlocked) has most of the "trash" for all game modes (one of each WvW blueprint at least - so they will stack there) while the alt chars only have the basic stuff.

It takes me hours to fully re-arrange the inventory - when I first put all items in a text file (the names) where I can play around easily with copy/past (inserting in between) and trying to group the stuff logically. (I do that ... once every few years lol. :D)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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5 minutes ago, Ratchet.9732 said:

Hello everyone,

I can't be alone with troubles with the inventory. I am just wondering am I missing something or is it really so annoying.

I am using the combined bags to big bag that helps but are there any other neat tricks?

I was also wondering:

1. Is there a sort button or something?

2. Is there a way to insert one slot? As in pushing every item one to the right?

If not, devs please. I don't ask for much. And as you already have the "compact" option I assume the insert option shouldn't be too hard to implement.

You can find more niche inventory management solutions by buying/making different types of bags with special traits, some bags favor certain types of items over others, some don't appear in merchant windows and some ignore the compact button. But Imo if you've set your inventory with embed bags, these types of bags will just be a confusing mess.

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23 minutes ago, Ratchet.9732 said:

I am using the combined bags to big bag that helps but are there any other neat tricks?

I find this to make it even harder to sort your inventory properly. I have my bags displayed separately, and certain bags assigned to certain items -- I find this to make it a lot easier to navigate your inventory.

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My only problem is I am too lazy to clean out all the random collection items I don't really need to hold onto like half-finished Mawdrey and IG-whatever and various other odds and ends that I really don't need to keep in my inventory at all.  But even with half my bags taken up with junk, clearing things out is easy.  I just keep a stack building of each type blue/green/yellow unIDs in an invisible bag, sell anything worth more than say 35 silver, salvage and bank the rest.  It does help that I have a portable vendor due to a night's ill-advised ecto gambling long ago, so at least I can sell the gray vendor junk and stuff not worth putting on TP without having to find a vendor.

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I have all the items in neat little order but use a lot the "compact" button. Now I had the accident that I had used a Pile of Bloodstone Dust and then pressed compact and the order was all messed. I had to manually switch item by item to get my nice little order I like (so like 50 individual item swaps). Hence the desire for insert. I also don't like the random empty slots in the middle and my brain just needs to fill it from left to right and up to down... =D
I do have one weird bag that collects something specific but I dislike it greatly. When using the imbedded option they just leave annoying empty slots in between. And to switch the bag to first places would be such an hassle. 

I don't know much about coding, especially on this level but I am guessing there would be an easyish fix if devs had the time to give some love to inventory management. But I guess there is no huge demand for it. Not sure if people are happy with the system or just kinda lives with it. =D

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13 minutes ago, Ratchet.9732 said:

[...] use a lot the "compact" button. Now I had the accident that I had used a Pile of Bloodstone Dust and then pressed compact and the order was all messed.

Which is why I never use "Compact" and actually have the button disabled. 😁

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Keeping my inventory neatly organized is a constant struggle and in my opinion there is no other way around this other than manually keeping things sorted daily and maybe having larger bags and bank space. If you sort ever day, you generally don't end up in the situation that it becomes an unorganized mess that takes hours to clean up. I personally like having different "sections" (archipelagos) in my bag where I store related items, it works out well enough for me.

3 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

My only problem is I am too lazy to clean out all the random collection items

Me too. I had this happen with Envoy I where I held onto everything until I completed it because I didn't want to spend the time to research which items I can keep, sell or delete.

Edited by devzero.4093
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I'm playing with one big inventory instead of the separated boxes. Setup is the same for every character:
1. Slot - Invisible Bag: 10-20 slots
In this bag I have everything I constantly need but do not want to accidentally sell/destroy. Salvage kits, portal scrolls, food, banners, gizmos (like the bonfire treat or waystations), as well as spare-gear that does not fit into the equipment-templates. In addition the last three slots are always unidentified gear: blue, green and yellow. So I can freely use the 'salvage all' function in my inventory, without ruining unidentified gear loot. I usually hoard unidentified gear in my bank until I have full 250 stacks, multiple of each rarity. Then I do an extended identify&salvage session.
2. Slot - last slot: All bags but invisible. I do not really care about sorting, because it does not really matter.

When I play for a while (e. g. meta event) and I notice my inventory fills up, I frequently click on the box icon with the arrow, which deposits your stuff to the material storage. In addition, I do 'salvage all' once in a while and do the deposit again right after that. This cleans up most of the inventory.

For trash-items you have two options:
a.) You talk to any vendor, go to the 'sell' tab and click on the button at the bottom 'sell all trash items'.
b.) If you own EoD, you can equip a Jade Bot Recycler in your Sensory Array slot. You have four options here to convert your junk-items automatically into: Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, Empyreal Fragments or Jade Silvers.

Most people I have met consider the recyclers a waste of money and loot, rather equip a Scavenger Protocol instead and use option a.).

If you have any gemstore-items, which are useful to all of your characters, try using shared-inventory slots for those. Most people have at least their copper-fed recycler in there and maybe a portal scroll. What you put in there is up to you. You can also define where the shared inventory-slots are positioned. I have them at the top, where they are chained to my invisible slots. But you are also free to let them show on the bottom, behind the last regular slots. There is also an option (sprocket), where you can make the shared-slots visibly separated from the rest of the inventory. 


How to salvage large quantities of unidentified gear/bags:
You need a character with as many invisible slots as you have stacks.
1.) manually doubleclick on ~ 10-15 bags/unidentified gear.
2.) use salvage all with following priority
white & blue = copper-fed salvage-o-matic, crude salvage kit, basic salvage kit (same as copper-fed)
green = runecrafter salvage kit or fine salvage-kit
yellow = mystic salvage kit, Master's Salvage kit or silver-fed salvage-o-matic
exotic = mystic salvage kit, Master's Salvage kit or silver-fed salvage-o-matic OR if the upgrades are valuable, BL salvage kit
3.) do not press deposit!
4.) right-click on a stack in your invisible bag and open/identify-all until your inventory clogs up
5.) now click on deposit. This will give you a couple of new inventory slots and auto-fills them with the remaining items from the error message.
6.) repeat from 2.) until you are finished

The character I am using for this method has ~ 120 free inventory slots + the invisible slots. With that method I can salvage 15-20 stacks in very short time. It does look a little weird when you first try it, but it works quite well. 

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1 hour ago, Ratchet.9732 said:

I don't know much about coding, especially on this level but I am guessing there would be an easyish fix if devs had the time to give some love to inventory management. But I guess there is no huge demand for it. Not sure if people are happy with the system or just kinda lives with it. =D

I can't speak for anyone else of course, but I certainly wouldn't want anything like you're suggesting, and I don't think I'd ever use it if it existed. (I don't use the compact button either.) Maybe a sort option, but I suspect Anet think the different bag types are doing that job (with the added benefit that it sorts stuff as you get it instead of starting off all jumbled together).

I do have some stuff which my characters always hold onto, but only about 10-20 items and they're mostly at the bottom in invisible bags (to make sure they don't get moved, sold, salvaged etc.). The only things I keep in the top bag are Boosters, food, banners etc. to make sure I remember to use them, and those get changed out regularly based on what I'm doing.

Like a lot of people I have the compact button disabled because I'd never want to click it, the best case scenario is it does nothing, more likely it would mess up my inventory. So I'd never need an option to move everything over after compacting, and I wouldn't use it at any other time. I put things  where I want them and then they stay there until I choose to move them.

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I unload my character inventory regularly by selling/depositing/banking stuff when returning to town, a habit from Diablo days.

I use an Olmakhan Bandolier in the lowest slot to avoid searching for containers all over the inventory.

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7 hours ago, Ratchet.9732 said:

I have all the items in neat little order but use a lot the "compact" button. Now I had the accident that I had used a Pile of Bloodstone Dust and then pressed compact and the order was all messed. I had to manually switch item by item to get my nice little order I like (so like 50 individual item swaps). Hence the desire for insert. I also don't like the random empty slots in the middle and my brain just needs to fill it from left to right and up to down... =D
I do have one weird bag that collects something specific but I dislike it greatly. When using the imbedded option they just leave annoying empty slots in between. And to switch the bag to first places would be such an hassle. 

I don't know much about coding, especially on this level but I am guessing there would be an easyish fix if devs had the time to give some love to inventory management. But I guess there is no huge demand for it. Not sure if people are happy with the system or just kinda lives with it. =D

For me personally I've found that the best way to keep my inventory organized is to use embed bags option. Keep all the items I know I'll always hold onto in the top row(expect items that find use account wide, those go in shared slots. Never use any special kind of bag, just normal bags are good enough. And basically deal with junk often, it helps if you put a barrier between those and your things you'll always keep on you, for me that barrier is Unidentified gear pieces. 

That way you can keep the compact button to close gaps in your inventory but also not mess up the order in the process. 

Edited by jason.1083
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