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The Sacrifice - Path of Fire

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I am relativity new to the game, got to level 80, switched to the Path of Fire and I am questing along, perfectly, then I hit this scenario.

I believe you need to run up a small hill next to a mountain and turn right and then jump across a small canyon to the next ledge.

I have tried over and over and over, more times then I care to count and I cannot make the leap on my raptor.  I am level 2 or skill 2??  I don't have level 3 yet which is the ability to leap much much further. 

Is this jump even possible without that third skill level?  (the ability to leap much much further)


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My problem is that I cannot continue that story line, until I kill that Baltizar?? guy. So I will try again, if I can't do it, I am guessing I am stuck just doing little quests and events in and around the area until I can earn the three more mastery points. (I tried going back to my original storyline, which was fine, but because it's not the Path of Fire, I am not getting any credit to mastery points in the Path of Fire.  I think I am slowly getting it, but wow, it's a ton of info to take in and for the life of me I cannot find any book like, GW2 for Dummies.

Thanks for the replies, appreciate it!!

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You can do the instance with someone else who can make the jump.  If they're the instance owner they'll be able to progress the story which I think will teleport all party members past that jump as the instance area shrinks to just the top of the hill, or if you go with a mesmer they should be able to use a portal to get you past.

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6 hours ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

My problem is that I cannot continue that story line, until I kill that Baltizar?? guy. So I will try again, if I can't do it, I am guessing I am stuck just doing little quests and events in and around the area until I can earn the three more mastery points. (I tried going back to my original storyline, which was fine, but because it's not the Path of Fire, I am not getting any credit to mastery points in the Path of Fire.  I think I am slowly getting it, but wow, it's a ton of info to take in and for the life of me I cannot find any book like, GW2 for Dummies.

Thanks for the replies, appreciate it!!

When you use Raptor to cross a gap, keep holding down space bar (if that is your key bind for doing a leap) to get further on your leap, then only making a tap. Aim at where you are supposed to land with your reticular (dot in centre of screen).


Do Hearts (those have daily reset, so you can repeat Hearts when you have finished all in maps you have access to until you can get to next step in story to unlock more maps in PoF) and do Events in PoF maps and you will gain XP towards PoF mastery rather fast.

Check in your Hero Panel for which PoF Mastery Points you can do on PoF map that isn't related to PoF story, if you that is blocking your progressing until you will be able to upgrade your Raptor Mastery with that longer leap.

Here is all Mastery Insights which you can find on PoF maps that works the same way as Hero Challenges where you just need to get there and then channel to get that MP.


Remember to consume that Mastery (on screen the same place you will see chests waiting as reward - there will be your MP waiting until you make use of it to add it into your accounts MP for your Hero). That way you will see on map which MP you have completed as those turn from grey to that colour that PoF make use of for Mastery.

For fully upgrading Raptor Leap you only need 6 PoF Mastery points. Make sure to activate next step to fill up that bar when you have finished (unlocked) that Mastery, so all your XP will go there.

There are some PoF MP you also can get from having Raptor by doing some achievements which rewards you with MP.


As an example you have Crystal Oasis Bounty Tour where you have to complete Amnoon, Elona Reach and Destiny's Gorge Bounty Boards which will give you one MP.


So there are ways to get those MP to upgrade your Raptor, if you can not manage to complete story with the basic Raptor.

In Hero Panel look at Journal, there you can see how many possible MP you can get from completing story and achievement related to that part of story. You might need to jump to Achievements section in Hero Panel to see what you need to do to get those. In Achievement section there is two parts which is relevant:


(PoF is here in split in three Acts)

Scroll down and you will see MP related to map region in PoF.

There is collection (in Hero Panel) that also rewards PoF Mastery.

So if you look in Hero Panel>Achievement you will to check for different sub section there to see what can reward you PoF mastery. Don't forget that you can also continue or even start another story on another character as achievements are shared across your character as it is account wide. So if you want to progress HoT or work to unlock HoT Mastery, but don't want to jump to PoF every time just to gain PoF XP for PoF Mastery you can have two character and switch between those.

Don't forget that you can invite another player in story. 

Mesmer can create portals which also can help you to cross that gap in story, if that is the only reason why you can't progress in that story. There is also some Gizmo that teleports as far as I can recall, but I haven't used them much. You will probably find out what Gizmo that can give you a short timed teleportation or leap, if you search GW2 wiki.

I am not sure if will need to cross several gaps and make some jumps that seem impossible to get to floating islands, if it is that part of story you need Raptor to leap. Then Mesmer or Gizmo will not be enough as you need to make several jumps to catch up something (not to spoil things).

Good luck!

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12 minutes ago, Stitch.1794 said:

You can do the instance with someone else who can make the jump.  If they're the instance owner they'll be able to progress the story which I think will teleport all party members past that jump as the instance area shrinks to just the top of the hill, or if you go with a mesmer they should be able to use a portal to get you past.


You can also use LFG or ask in map chat for help with story. Invite player to group with you (aka create a Party) and start story, that will send a message to other grouped player to join your story instance.





  • The same rewards are received when going solo, but parties may complete tasks faster, enhance group play and social experience.
    • Less damage and attacks are required to tag an enemy for participation and rewards when members of the same party or squad group have attacked that enemy too.
  • When a member of a party is within the area of a renown heart, their completion progress of the heart will appear on their portrait.
  • Although mobs do scale with the number of people been around, it is usually beneficial to be in a group to complete content.
  • Entering an instance in a party will prompt other party members to join.
  • Party members will automatically attempt to join the same map as the first party member who enters.
    • If the map is full, players can attempt to join by right-clicking another party member's icon or name and select "Join In" while in the same zone.
  • Party members' overhead names are displayed as dark blue and compass icons are light blue.
  • Entering a Structured PvP queue for Unranked and Ranked arenas will queue the entire party and will use the party size and experience for match making.
  • You may not invite a player who is already in another party or join another party if you are already in a party.


Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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7 hours ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

My problem is that I cannot continue that story line, until I kill that Baltizar?? guy. So I will try again, if I can't do it, I am guessing I am stuck just doing little quests and events in and around the area until I can earn the three more mastery points. (I tried going back to my original storyline, which was fine, but because it's not the Path of Fire, I am not getting any credit to mastery points in the Path of Fire.  I think I am slowly getting it, but wow, it's a ton of info to take in and for the life of me I cannot find any book like, GW2 for Dummies.

Thanks for the replies, appreciate it!!

The official wiki, is as good as a GW2 for dummies. As you can see from other posts, there are a few wiki pages linked. In my opinion GW2 has one of the best, most comprehensive, and well curated wikis of any game I have ever played. If you're ever stuck, searching for the relevant quest, item, NPC, event, skill, etc. on the wiki will often answer your question. You can of course still come to the forum, but I can highly recommend having the wiki up on a second monitor while playing.

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1 minute ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

The official wiki, is as good as a GW2 for dummies. As you can see from other posts, there are a few wiki pages linked. In my opinion GW2 has one of the best, most comprehensive, and well curated wikis of any game I have ever played. If you're ever stuck, searching for the relevant quest, item, NPC, event, skill, etc. on the wiki will often answer your question. You can of course still come to the forum, but I can highly recommend having the wiki up on a second monitor while playing.

As the OP is new, it's probably worth mentioning that you can open the wiki from in game using in the chat window.  Just type /wiki followed by a subject you want to search for, and it'll open the wiki in your browser.

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I am confused. The Balthazar fight is before the ledge and does not require canyon jumping. The bit after does

The instance begins when you enter Desert Highlands. You do some bits, then you have to ascend a hill and jump a couple of small gaps. At the top will be a couple of boss fights incl Balthazar. The raptor long jump is never required

After that, you leave the instance and will need to collect crystals and get the springer as a sep part of the story. That’s when you need the long jump, but it’s after the Balthazar fight

So,  can you clarify where you are at?

Edited by Randulf.7614
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39 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I am confused. The Balthazar fight is before the ledge and does not require canyon jumping. The bit after does

The instance begins when you enter Desert Highlands. You do some bits, then you have to ascend a hill and jump a couple of small gaps. At the top will be a couple of boss fights incl Balthazar. The raptor long jump is never required

After that, you leave the instance and will need to collect crystals and get the springer as a sep part of the story. That’s when you need the long jump, but it’s after the Balthazar fight

So,  can you clarify where you are at?

There's a couple of jumps on the ascent that fit the OPs description, immediately north from marker for the Cavalier Parcel Express Run adventure.  They certainly need a mount to get across, although having long-since trained canyon jumping, I can't tell if they're too long for a basic raptor jump. 

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1 minute ago, Stitch.1794 said:

There's a couple of jumps on the ascent that fit the OPs description, immediately north from marker for the Cavalier Parcel Express Run adventure.  They certainly need a mount to get across, although having long-since trained canyon jumping, I can't tell if they're too long for a basic raptor jump. 

I'm pretty certain I didn't get canyon jump until after that instance. I only got it because I needed to get to the Springer

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Lots of answers already. I also don't remember having issues.

Just adding, if this is still a problem, help from another player is also a way to go. You can get mesmer ported across or the turtle can do it too. If you are on an NA server and you see me on, I can help. And if not me, you can always try map chat, either next to the story marker or one of the city/hub chats. There's almost always some players willing to help out.

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7 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I am confused. The Balthazar fight is before the ledge and does not require canyon jumping. The bit after does

The instance begins when you enter Desert Highlands. You do some bits, then you have to ascend a hill and jump a couple of small gaps. At the top will be a couple of boss fights incl Balthazar. The raptor long jump is never required

After that, you leave the instance and will need to collect crystals and get the springer as a sep part of the story. That’s when you need the long jump, but it’s after the Balthazar fight

So,  can you clarify where you are at?

I find myself in an fenced area, walled city, listen to a dude carrying a long gun, he is escorting the peeps to the temple. Then is says, get your butt out of that walled town?  so I do, start killing everything that moves, I have cleaned the entire place a few times, I can only figure that I need to go up that small hill and jump a couple of gaps and do a couple of bosses.  The end result is to continue the story, and eventually get the jackal mount which I know, it's quite a far ways down the road for this rookie.

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44 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

I find myself in an fenced area, walled city, listen to a dude carrying a long gun, he is escorting the peeps to the temple. Then is says, get your butt out of that walled town?  so I do, start killing everything that moves, I have cleaned the entire place a few times, I can only figure that I need to go up that small hill and jump a couple of gaps and do a couple of bosses.  The end result is to continue the story, and eventually get the jackal mount which I know, it's quite a far ways down the road for this rookie.

That's right. There's a central hill topped with several towering pillars on top with a path that winds round. A couple of gaps to jump along the path and then onto the fights. The first gap starts with some trees on the path.

I've just tested it and a normal jump seems sufficient (replicated by a quick button tap and not holding the jump button for the long leap). You should be good to go

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1 hour ago, Randulf.7614 said:

That's right. There's a central hill topped with several towering pillars on top with a path that winds round. A couple of gaps to jump along the path and then onto the fights. The first gap starts with some trees on the path.

I've just tested it and a normal jump seems sufficient (replicated by a quick button tap and not holding the jump button for the long leap). You should be good to go

Done!! and onwards to collect crystals and learn the bunny mount, maybe let's see. Always had issues leaping with the raptor, just had to stay at it I guess. Although a while ago I read that GW2 was the closest game to WOW.   After playing WOW for twenty years and GW2 for just a couple months, I can safely say they are definitely two different games and anyone thinking they are just gonna hop in and play like WOW is in for a bit of a surprise 🙂  Thanks all for the tips and tricks, I have watched a few beginner videos on Youtube but wow, after watching them I am more confused then ever, they dumped a bunch of info into those videos.  And I have to say a special thanks to you Randulf, going to the extent you did to go back and try it again to confirm is above and beyond.  I will confess you all are making this 55 yr olds eyes water a bit.  I already know the WOW community, for the most part is awesome and always found it hard to believe any community could match, let alone beat it.  With all your help, advice, clearly a passion for the game, you've beaten it.  You should all be proud, it's an amazing game, and I am honored to be a very small, new part of it.

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24 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Done!! and onwards to collect crystals and learn the bunny mount, maybe let's see. Always had issues leaping with the raptor, just had to stay at it I guess. Although a while ago I read that GW2 was the closest game to WOW.   After playing WOW for twenty years and GW2 for just a couple months, I can safely say they are definitely two different games and anyone thinking they are just gonna hop in and play like WOW is in for a bit of a surprise 🙂  Thanks all for the tips and tricks, I have watched a few beginner videos on Youtube but wow, after watching them I am more confused then ever, they dumped a bunch of info into those videos.  And I have to say a special thanks to you Randulf, going to the extent you did to go back and try it again to confirm is above and beyond.  I will confess you all are making this 55 yr olds eyes water a bit.  I already know the WOW community, for the most part is awesome and always found it hard to believe any community could match, let alone beat it.  With all your help, advice, clearly a passion for the game, you've beaten it.  You should all be proud, it's an amazing game, and I am honored to be a very small, new part of it.

Whats close to wow is ff14 gw2 is another kind of beast entiererly.

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31 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Done!! and onwards to collect crystals and learn the bunny mount, maybe let's see. Always had issues leaping with the raptor, just had to stay at it I guess. Although a while ago I read that GW2 was the closest game to WOW.   After playing WOW for twenty years and GW2 for just a couple months, I can safely say they are definitely two different games and anyone thinking they are just gonna hop in and play like WOW is in for a bit of a surprise 🙂  Thanks all for the tips and tricks, I have watched a few beginner videos on Youtube but wow, after watching them I am more confused then ever, they dumped a bunch of info into those videos.  And I have to say a special thanks to you Randulf, going to the extent you did to go back and try it again to confirm is above and beyond.  I will confess you all are making this 55 yr olds eyes water a bit.  I already know the WOW community, for the most part is awesome and always found it hard to believe any community could match, let alone beat it.  With all your help, advice, clearly a passion for the game, you've beaten it.  You should all be proud, it's an amazing game, and I am honored to be a very small, new part of it.

Good stuff. Only advice anyone can really give is to take it slow and not to worry too much about info dumps. Those of us here from day one learnt everything bit by bit and it helped to having everything unfold naturally and let the game teach you.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the journey

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On 1/11/2024 at 7:02 PM, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Done!! and onwards to collect crystals and learn the bunny mount, maybe let's see. Always had issues leaping with the raptor, just had to stay at it I guess. Although a while ago I read that GW2 was the closest game to WOW.   After playing WOW for twenty years and GW2 for just a couple months, I can safely say they are definitely two different games and anyone thinking they are just gonna hop in and play like WOW is in for a bit of a surprise 🙂  Thanks all for the tips and tricks, I have watched a few beginner videos on Youtube but wow, after watching them I am more confused then ever, they dumped a bunch of info into those videos.  And I have to say a special thanks to you Randulf, going to the extent you did to go back and try it again to confirm is above and beyond.  I will confess you all are making this 55 yr olds eyes water a bit.  I already know the WOW community, for the most part is awesome and always found it hard to believe any community could match, let alone beat it.  With all your help, advice, clearly a passion for the game, you've beaten it.  You should all be proud, it's an amazing game, and I am honored to be a very small, new part of it.

A couple of tips to help with mount controls:  Go into Options, scroll down to the very bottom of the General tab.  Toggle on the "Disable Conditional Mount Movement."  This will remove space bar as a control for your raptor leap.  Then go to the Control Options tab (keybinds) and scroll about halfway down to Mounts.  Bind Mount Ability 1 and 2 to keys near each other and near the space bar (or if you've remapped Jump, to near your Jump key).  For example, I have 1 on B and 2 on V; B is also my Dodge hotkey, because you don't Dodge while mounted so they can share a key and so can your muscle memory.  (If you don't have Mount 2 available yet because it unlocks once you have a mount that has a second skill, then just remember to do it when you can).

Now with this setup you will be able to jump in place or over an obstacle as you run on a mount, very useful on raptor for hopping up a short step.  You will not fire off your energy-needing special skill without meaning to.  Once you have the beetle, this will be super important because hitting rocket boost at the wrong time can wreck a lot of things for you.

Then as others mentioned above, hold the 1 key (eg B ) down for the full amount of Leap you want.  When you have springer, you hold it down until fully charged to get the highest leap.; skimmer hovers as long as you hold the key, etc.  If you hold it down for less than the full amount, you get a shorter leap, which sometimes you want for precision jumping or getting up to something not that high above you on springer.

The reason I say to have it near the space bar is that jumping is a natural part of controlling a mount.  And if you get a griffon, you need to very rapidly tap all three of the keys in the correct order for diving, accelerating, and swooping up.  So you might as well have that muscle memory built up.

Enjoy the story, the game, and all the fun little surprises you're going to discover as you go 🙂

Edited by Donari.5237
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On 1/13/2024 at 9:10 AM, Infinity.2876 said:

You can consume casino coins for PoF mastery xp if you need to train a mastery.

I will have to look into that, have no idea what those are  lol    right now right after killing that Bathazar the two next quests in the line both require the springer and I can't get to the ranch, as I need three more mastery to get the super leap.  I have been doing events and "hearts" all in the immediate area, and I can see I am getting XP but that bottom bar on my screen hasn't moved an inch in days!!  So these coins maybe worth me looking into. Thanks.

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1 minute ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

I will have to look into that, have no idea what those are  lol    right now right after killing that Bathazar the two next quests in the line both require the springer and I can't get to the ranch, as I need three more mastery to get the super leap.  I have been doing events and "hearts" all in the immediate area, and I can see I am getting XP but that bottom bar on my screen hasn't moved an inch in days!!  So these coins maybe worth me looking into. Thanks.

Casino coins come from the event in Amnoon City before the Pinata boss spawns. On the wiki event timer it is listed as "Rounds 1-3"

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So as I venture along with the story, I took a closer look at the map and I see that mastery points are actually on the map!! I didn't realize that, so I got another one, but still two short.

So maybe this isn't a good idea and correct me if I am wrong, I paused the Path of Fire storyline, started the next one, I think it's Heart of Thorns??  What I am hoping to see as I start along the Path of Thorns are mastery locations appear as I expose more of the map.  Once I have obtained two more, pause the Heart of Thorns storyline, and continue with the Path of Fire storyline line (with the three additional mastery points I will be able to super leap to the ranch and eventually the Springer mount) 

Wow all this to get the jacket mount, but the story is quite interesting, hence I want to complete the Path of Fire.

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31 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

So as I venture along with the story, I took a closer look at the map and I see that mastery points are actually on the map!! I didn't realize that, so I got another one, but still two short.

So maybe this isn't a good idea and correct me if I am wrong, I paused the Path of Fire storyline, started the next one, I think it's Heart of Thorns??  What I am hoping to see as I start along the Path of Thorns are mastery locations appear as I expose more of the map.  Once I have obtained two more, pause the Heart of Thorns storyline, and continue with the Path of Fire storyline line (with the three additional mastery points I will be able to super leap to the ranch and eventually the Springer mount) 

Wow all this to get the jacket mount, but the story is quite interesting, hence I want to complete the Path of Fire.

PoF masteries need PoF mastery points. HoT maps have HoT mastery points (they have different colors and can't be used interchangably).

Open path of fire achievements, click on "mastery insights" or check this list https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_Insights_(Path_of_Fire)
Also check ingame achievement categories with pof mastery symbols to see what you can do to get more.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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13 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

PoF masteries need PoF mastery points. HoT maps have HoT mastery points (they have different colors and can't be used interchangably).

Open path of fire achievements, click on "mastery insights" or check this list https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery_Insights_(Path_of_Fire)
Also check ingame achievement categories with pof mastery symbols to see what you can do to get more.

Thank you for that appreciate it, just noticed that now, got a mastery but of course it's a different colour and not related to the Path of Fire. Thanks for the link, ugh, still lots to learn 🙂

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