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January 30 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Yeah nah, if hammer is a bit higher than expected don't bloody butcher the durations, reduce them by a bit then, wow....balance devs really don't know how to do anything in moderation do they?


Edit: literally the only changes for ele....

Edited by Serephen.3420
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9 hours ago, Mypinkbunny.4513 said:

can staff 2 on theif not be a lock please

I always feel little scared writing on the forums as people got their nerves tight over the balance changes or the lack of them
But please consider doing something about Staff and Daredevil, I genuinely feel demotivated to play the class as it is for the longest while
Being animation locked on a squishy, rather low utility class in the current state of the game has had me play other classes for few years now
Making ''Staff Master'' viable alternative would be an Amazing Start!

Thank you for your attempts to balance the game, I am sure most of us acknowledge you're trying your best =^ ^=

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On 1/12/2024 at 12:26 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Illusionary Membrane: Reduced the condition damage bonus from 10% to 7% in PvE only.
  • Chaotic Persistence: Reduced the expertise from 250 to 150 in PvE only.

This also affects the condi-virtuoso builds. Please Look for an alternative way to nerf the damage of mirage.

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On 1/12/2024 at 12:26 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Your function gyro has two ammunition


Make this Default in PvE without any traits required.

If a scrapper wants to provide quickness he actually has two use it to blast fields. Hence the "Utility" of revive, Superspeed, stability or CC from the traits in first column of Scrapper are never reactional. It currently has to be part of your Rotation.

An additional ammunition would free up the Slot, to use the "Function" of the Function Gyro on demand.

It is a skill so fullpacked with many useful things, but has to be spammed for either damage or quickness currently.

Edited by FreshF.5793
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Can guard finally get boon strip? its one of 3 classes which cant provide this basic function.

Skills like "sword of justice" or "purging flames" would be ideal for this, if core access sounds too good just put it on "mantra of truth" bcs that one is basically pointless in pve. (i take even oh pistol 5)  thx!


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It seems strange to see blowtorch be the target of a condi holo nerf, as it also hits condi core and mech, which was already weaker than holosmith - why not adjust solar focusing lens, photonic blasting module or one of the holoforge skills?

Edited by Kastorex.6483
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On 1/11/2024 at 4:26 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

We've also reworked the Radiant Fire trait to be less dependent on always having a torch equipped to make room for condition builds to swap between off-hand torches and pistols.

On 1/11/2024 at 4:26 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Radiant Fire: This trait no longer grants Zealot's Flame when critically striking an enemy, and instead it grants an additional ammunition to Zealot's Flame. This trait also causes Zealot's Flame to inflict additional burning to enemies in PvE only.

So it is still dependent on always having a torch equipped.

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11 hours ago, JDub.1530 said:

Am I misreading something? The changes to Radiant Fire are stated to enabled off hands other than Torch, but it seems like it's packing all the benefits into Torch instead.

The intent is to fix the lost damage from getting zealot's flame from the passive while not wielding torch actively but still having it in your weapon sets. For instance, previously if you swapped off of sword/torch to pistol/pistol and critically hit, you'd have a chance to get zealot's flame when you weren't able to throw it for more damage. With this change, you'd have that passive packaged properly into an active torch skill, making it easier to rotate and optimize multiple weapon sets as a burn guardian. It's meant to allow you to use another offhander alongside torch without disrupting your zealot's flame procs, not to make your torch weaker. 

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On 1/11/2024 at 5:26 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Adaptive Armor: This trait has been reworked. Your function gyro has two ammunition and grants barrier to allies when cast. Function Gyro no longer has an increased recharge when creating additional gyros but has a higher base recharge.

A great addition to the list of highly practical traits that fix key issues for certain flawed support builds... but can't be used because they conflict with quickness/alacrity traits. If you're going to take advice from players about mechanical issues regarding support builds, what's the point if you bar the solutions from those builds by making it conflict with quickness/alacrity? 

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SO we gonna get fixed for like ALL OF THE MAJOR WARRIOR CHANGES that were "put through" in the last patch that just plain... DON'T WORK?

[Heightened Focus] -- Still refreshes Berserk Mode and Dragon Trigger skills instead of Primal Bursts and Dragon Slash F2.

[Furious Burst] -- Patch notes showed that it has a 4s icd but in-game and tooltip is 15s icd.

+ All existing Warrior Bugs, Weapons being more outdated than 24fps video, etc.

Not to mention Alacrity Willbenders being completely immortal in WvW and Bladesworn being an actual pile of unplayable dogkitten.


Warrior still needs SO much help tho. I can't wait for Staff to completely invalidate literally every other Warrior weapon forever because they're all so bad. TY for the preview tho appreciate the effort.


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Also, I just noticed:

"Condition-based quickness untamed is another build that's overperforming in terms of damage and is getting a few adjustments to bring it more in line"

More in line to what? It's already in line with most of the other quickness builds with ~2k difference to power quickness untamed, and also harb/herald builds.  The GS changes are just going to buff power quickness untamed to be around what power quickness berserker is...so what is the actual point here?

Would also seem power soulbeast is going to go to at least the ~45-~46k mark with those GS changes--so in March are we going to see nerfs to soulbeast to 'bring it in line'...of course we are 😂.

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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2 hours ago, FalsePromises.6398 said:

The intent is to fix the lost damage from getting zealot's flame from the passive while not wielding torch actively but still having it in your weapon sets. For instance, previously if you swapped off of sword/torch to pistol/pistol and critically hit, you'd have a chance to get zealot's flame when you weren't able to throw it for more damage. With this change, you'd have that passive packaged properly into an active torch skill, making it easier to rotate and optimize multiple weapon sets as a burn guardian. It's meant to allow you to use another offhander alongside torch without disrupting your zealot's flame procs, not to make your torch weaker. 

No, it makes NON-torch weaker, because they don't gain any benefit from the trait.

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instead of nerfing stuff why don't they just boost other stuff that has fallen off, this Teter-toter balancing is BS stop touching scourge, stop touching mirage I don't even play mirage and know that's too harsh of a nerf. 

relic of karakosa doesn't need a nerf.


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7 minutes ago, JDub.1530 said:

No, it makes NON-torch weaker, because they don't gain any benefit from the trait.

Sure, it shaves off a small damage increase if you're NEVER using torch as a burnguard, but if you wanted to forgo an optimal condi damage weapon on a condi build, you've picked your battle already, to say the least. Anyway, it's a great quality of life rework that cleans up an otherwise disruptive passive effect in dps rotations for the majority of burnguards who DO use torch, and greatly benefits those who want to use other weapon sets alongside torch. It cleans up using other weapons alongside torch, and that's what matters. 

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Yeah the Radiant Fire change is terrible. I run condi builds without torch and there is no alternative to this trait. You have pigeon holed every condi build on guard to run torch. Also with it being an ammo skill you'll be throwing out half as many fire balls. This is due to the fact that the trait and the skill before had separate cool downs. Now they will share one cool down. 

Before if you had a proc you could throw the fireball and then press the skill #4 and throw it again for a huge burst. After about 10seconds you could do this again. Now with the change. You throw the fireball and then the next but you'll have to wait twice as long due to the fact that ammo skills don't recharge both at once.  So now condi guard is even less viable. 

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1 hour ago, JDub.1530 said:

No, it makes NON-torch weaker, because they don't gain any benefit from the trait.

Also it makes torch weaker. You'll be doing half the damage as you were before. The cool down of the traits proc and the cool down of the torch skill weren't shared before... Now the ammo skill will share a cooldown. It's actually going to make you do about %50 less burning... It's a terrible change and TBH it was actually fun to swap to your torch when you got the proc.

The right solution is make the zealots flame last longer and pulse less burn or duration. That way anyone would have time to actually swap over to their torch and throw the fireball.

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19 minutes ago, FalsePromises.6398 said:

u wanted to forgo an optimal condi damage weapon on a condi build, you've picked your battle already, to say the least. Anyway, it's a great quality of life rework that cleans up an otherwise disruptive passive effect in dps rotations for

Yeah most people playing pvp or wvw won't run torch even if they are condi it's sort of terrible for that.

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On 1/11/2024 at 8:26 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Transfusion is a trait that overperforms in support scourge builds in WvW

Only WvW? You completelly removed Specter's ability to res one downed person at distance, yet you allow necro to do the same with 5 ppl while also teleporting them

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I totally dont understand these mesmer changes. If mirage was outperforming other classes why did i never see anyone playing it?
Let alone outperforming someone else. It might be ok vs a training dummy , but wtf , are you really balancing around dummy?

If chrono healing was so overpowered in wvw , why nerf it in pve? 

So here are my 3 questions directly for CMC

  1. What metrics do you use to see what class is outperforming in pve?
    is it clears of raids/strikes/fractals/...? dummy dps? dps in open world?
    you have a very diverse and complex game. Do you factor in all game modes when doing this balance?
  2. Does complexity factor into this overperforming status?
    Elementalist has been notorious for being the most complex class to pilot correctly but gets no advantages of playing it correctly! 
  3. When you do changes to things like karakosa, do you take a look at what classes use them to remain viable?
    This change completely broke Heal alacrity willbender. Was this intended?

It feels to me that the goal of your rebalancing is not the same as the community. 

Anyway , im just shouting into the void , as cmc doesnt even read these forums apparantly.

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So we're going hard on nerfing Mirage once again? Almost like it's a sport for the balance team to keep pissing off their very small Mirage playerbase in every single way possible.

EoD isnt the newest expansion anymore, so you dont need to keep nerfing Mirage for the benefit of Virtuoso all the time.

Maybe consider to let chrono be the support spec, Mirage the condi spec and Virt the pure power spec, as it was intended to begin with?

Its outrageous that Mirage that's considered to be a condi spec is in a much worse state than cVirt... seriously... mind numbing...

Id ask you guys to reconsider this, but I know that you wont... this balance preview threads you create is mostly for show and nothing else... not a great way to treat your playerbase though...

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