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Druid needs nerf

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Druid is basically the side node virsion of scourge. If its on point, pray the player is not great, or its going to require a 2v1 to kill in a time frame that doesnt end with you being +1d or leave. That is a sad fact, and if the team also has a scourge+support, then you also need to +1 mid fights. The math doesnt add up, and scourge/druid/spb are not hard, or punishing enough to justify the requirement of a 2v1. I'd like to see anybody on those specs play hammer cata, and have their eyes opened wide at how much they are being carried by bad game design. Hammer cata, like it or not, is the bench mark of a well balanced, well skill indexed spec.. and many other specs fall far short.


Ive been saying this since day 1.. as soon as you lower the effectiveness of harder, more balanced specs, and/or increase the effectiveness of more forgiving specs, you will end up with nothing but forgiving specs, which is where the game is now. The result of that, is skill becomes less and less of a determining factor, and fights are litterallly won just on spec choice. You might aswell play a game or rock paper scissors at the start, and save the drama.


Look at all the most popular specs atm (aside from hollo), and you will see one thing in common, they are all forgiving for making multiple mistakes, becuase of face tank ability, or immunity/block spam while still being able to attack. You can't even jump certain specs becuse they go immune/high tank, and can instantly get off the back foot, and put you on it as they spam dps. Think about that, you catch somebody off gaurd, jump them, and then 2 seconds later you are the one ducking for cove, becuase one of their utility skills comes with 0 0 0 0. How casual can it get, what happened to be aware of surroundings? and get punished if not? Devolotion of skill/game sense. Not suprising at all, druid and spb are great offenders of that kind of bs, ofc they are so popular, and hammer cata not.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 2/3/2024 at 3:45 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

If it were that bad, I wouldn’t be seeing a druid in almost every match…

On 2/3/2024 at 6:18 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Think we see them now because of DH nerf

So this is the clown show that has been PvP for ages that no one seems to understand. Nerfing is removal. Certainly, the away Anet does it. Instead of taking time to adjust things with care and concern. Nothing is ever built up, or added, created, no new items are put into the game to account for things to create balance. Its possible to add to the game to create balance. Anets version of balance constantly creates power vacuums. Things not paid attention to once the FOTM thing is removed then fills its place. And so on and so fourth until we are left this nonsense we currently have. Itll never stop and the game mode will continue to devour itself until the community at large stops accepting BS from Anet. 

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2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

So this is the clown show that has been PvP for ages that no one seems to understand. Nerfing is removal. Certainly, the away Anet does it. Instead of taking time to adjust things with care and concern. Nothing is ever built up, or added, created, no new items are put into the game to account for things to create balance. Its possible to add to the game to create balance. Anets version of balance constantly creates power vacuums. Things not paid attention to once the FOTM thing is removed then fills its place. And so on and so fourth until we are left this nonsense we currently have. Itll never stop and the game mode will continue to devour itself until the community at large stops accepting BS from Anet. 

Well said, you're right they go too extreme. When I ask for nerfs I actually don't want for them to nerf something so extreme that nobody wants to play it anymore. Actually I think they tried to nerf DH recently but it really wasn't enough. The other problem is if something isn't OP, people won't bandwagon onto it because they want that power over other people in a match. They'll just move on to the next OP thing. I personally play the same things regardless of what happens to buffs or nerfs with my specs, but I rotate out based on team comp.

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17 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

By competitive do you mean sweaty? To me it seems like the higher rank you go the more abusing toxic specs there is, the less fun the game is overall. I also speculate that most people who climb any higher are duos, and its probably super rare for a soloq to be that high.


anyway taking a forum ban out of protest for how bad the balancing is so won’t reply for a while.

Gold 2-3 can be a fair bit of Solid players. It's a loaded division. Everyone in Gold 3 wants Plat and is trying pretty hard.

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6 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

So this is the clown show that has been PvP for ages that no one seems to understand. Nerfing is removal. Certainly, the away Anet does it. Instead of taking time to adjust things with care and concern. Nothing is ever built up, or added, created, no new items are put into the game to account for things to create balance. Its possible to add to the game to create balance. Anets version of balance constantly creates power vacuums. Things not paid attention to once the FOTM thing is removed then fills its place. And so on and so fourth until we are left this nonsense we currently have. Itll never stop and the game mode will continue to devour itself until the community at large stops accepting BS from Anet. 

Words of wisdom.

Not only some players here, but even the devs themselves seem to think that their imaginary scenario where everything is "balanced", can be achieved.
By perpetually nerfing and removing things and never touching them ever again:
Something nerfed/deleted in a 2020 patch? 2024 and it's still exactly the same.

It almost feels like they don't go back to older things and revert or change them because then it would make them look bad. As if they were admitting their mistakes.

No new maps, no new game modes?
Ok, so how about at least being creative and taking risks by undoing or reimplementing things that have been deleted.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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44 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

Words of wisdom.

Not only some players here, but even the devs themselves seem to think that their imaginary scenario where everything is "balanced", can be achieved.
By perpetually nerfing and removing things and never touching them ever again:
Something nerfed/deleted in a 2020 patch? 2024 and it's still exactly the same.

It almost feels like they don't go back to older things and revert or change them because then it would make them look bad. As if they were admitting their mistakes.

No new maps, no new game modes?
Ok, so how about at least being creative and taking risks by undoing or reimplementing things that have been deleted.

I don’t see how hard it is to just slowly scale things back that seem overpowered. There doesn’t need to be a fotm, wouldn’t it be nice if every spec was viable?

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@Flowki.7194 You actually do know that Spellbraker counters hammer cata....... by mechanics right? Hammer Catalyst just spams projectiles around them witch easily proc the full counter of the Spellbraker soooo yes the Spellbraker should win this Match ub.....  everything else would be stupid xD. 

Aside this ..... u might have noticed that ele itself got multiple Ressources of Immunity, Blocks and blinds themselfs plus they kind of fart boons out which classes like Warrior and necr or stuff doesn't. Also holo and ele both doing mid ranged and melee hard dmg in Comb with superspeed while most melee classes doesn't have too mutch stuff that gain them this (in my eyes broken) speedbuff. 

What i want to say is ....  your Argument of ele should be better than other classes. Is allready a thing. Its better in terms of self boon gain. It got nearly a skill for every Situation its in. It got melee and (kind of) ranged dmg pressure to enemys. Like the only real thing it holding Back is ..... that there are so many skills available.... u First need to know what they can do and witch are the best in what situations. But once you learned this its a kind of easy to Play class since you Just Press multiple skills as fast as you can Playstyle. While other classes are need to manage their CDs and timing their skills realy Well. Sooo in this case every class have their own pros and Cons xd

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I recently gave GW2 another chance after not playing for 11 years because I really liked the combat. Naturally after completing most of the open world stuff I started pvping but kitten arenanet do not care about this mode.

It feels like they balance the game only based on the top 1% of players meanwhile the casuals like me (Gold 1-3) are stuck getting destroyed by the same 4 professions every single game
Ranger(Druid, Soubeast), Dagger Shield/Hammer Spellbreaker, Guardian(Dragonhunter, Core Support and the ocassional Willbender which at least requires some brain cells because it can be countered), Necro and this has been going in for the last few months (also quite a lot of tempests recently but at least there is a barrier to play it well)
Its at a point where there are multiple guardians on every team or multiple rangers Soulbeast and Druid

With the outdated map designs where most points are organized in a linear fashion homeboys just camp the mid point and send out 2-3 ppl to decap their point closest to their base and if something goes wrong their job is to stall mid until the others arrive.
As a thief main I'm forced to play only deadeye to be remotely useful and If I want something more fun like a DD or Core well tough luck no way you manage to kill anyone of those guys with the amount of barriers blocks invurnabilities and aegises that are given out at an instant.
Yeah good luck with your 1 sec Daze from Steal and Pistol + 1 Sec Basilisc Poison
Even if you manage to down someone well no way you can finish him in time

Let me give you an example for me to kill a reaper as a Daredevil I need to do quite a lot of shenanigans to best him in a duel because If I get caught without a stun break I die from 100% to 0 in just one 3 sec stun. Meanwhile if I catch him without stun break what is the worst that can happen 1 sec basilisc poison stun 😄 

I know my role as a DD is to decap and gank but in the current meta there are not a lot of oppenings to gank because its quite difficult to beat any one of them 1 vs 1 in a meaningful amount of time and even for Druid and Spellbreaker we cannot kill them even in a 2vs1 and 3vs1 scenarios under 20-30 sec 😄 What about if 2 people of them rotate??? in my most recent game 4 people were unable to kill support guardian and a Druid that were defending a point
I know as a DD im not supposed to join heavy fights except when we have advantage but
When focusing on Decaping we might not lose 500 0 but we are always behind with 90-100 points just because for me to decap I need to travel from A -> C meanwhile they always travel from B->A or B->C which is 2x shorter distance

It feels like the people behind the PVP mode either do not play PVP at all
Or they make very slight changes only based on the top 1% and their preferences
The outcome is sadly the same you either play the meta specs and just stop playing the game because Dragonhunter is probably the most easy braindead spec ever and delete the game out of boredom
Or play whatever you want and get stomped 60% of the matches and delete the game.

  • Also quite a lot of botting in PVP
  • Questinable stealth mechanics where people regularly trace me with a channeling spells while im stealthed or pets that chase me down despite me being in stealth.
  • Or you are in stealth the pet stops like a bot you go outside of stealth behind cover and the pet starts to chase you automatically.
  • Also there is no point of juking in this game because as long as someone is targeted you always attack in his direction with spells and autos which is significant nerf especially for thief.
  • When you add the terrain buggs where if you stand on a small rock your Deaths Advance will be 10 range but if you stand below a huge wall you get ported on top 😄
  • out of 400 games in the last 2-3 months I've seen probably 2 or 3 useful Engineers in PVP



  • In general I would love to see guild wars 2 on top of twitch because there is so much potential especially in the combat department but I dont think Arenanet have what it takes because they just focus on micro transactions and half  baked expansions.
    Get good should  not be an excuse because I don't have the time to invest 1k hours to get to Plat or Legendary I want a balanced experience now at the level G1-3 where 80% of the playerbase is
    I want core engineer to be as viable as a Druid, Dragonhunter or Spellbreaker
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On 2/5/2024 at 12:10 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Well said, you're right they go too extreme. When I ask for nerfs I actually don't want for them to nerf something so extreme that nobody wants to play it anymore. Actually I think they tried to nerf DH recently but it really wasn't enough. The other problem is if something isn't OP, people won't bandwagon onto it because they want that power over other people in a match. They'll just move on to the next OP thing. I personally play the same things regardless of what happens to buffs or nerfs with my specs, but I rotate out based on team comp.


On 2/5/2024 at 4:10 PM, Sereath.1428 said:

Words of wisdom.

Not only some players here, but even the devs themselves seem to think that their imaginary scenario where everything is "balanced", can be achieved.
By perpetually nerfing and removing things and never touching them ever again:
Something nerfed/deleted in a 2020 patch? 2024 and it's still exactly the same.

It almost feels like they don't go back to older things and revert or change them because then it would make them look bad. As if they were admitting their mistakes.

No new maps, no new game modes?
Ok, so how about at least being creative and taking risks by undoing or reimplementing things that have been deleted.

Amen brothers - its nice to find common ground. Thank you for the replies and taking the time to type them out. 

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10 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

You lost my sympathy at thief main

Deadeye is quite good but counterable especially in the current block, aegis, protection, meta
DD and Core are absolutely useless vs the current meta of Druid, Spellbreaker, Dragon hunter and Core Guardian
Spectre is a mess of a specialization imo

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2 hours ago, Skary.8956 said:

Deadeye is quite good but counterable especially in the current block, aegis, protection, meta
DD and Core are absolutely useless vs the current meta of Druid, Spellbreaker, Dragon hunter and Core Guardian
Spectre is a mess of a specialization imo

Deadeye is weird because it's projectile heavy but great at moving between nodes.

DD probably can do work but the effort required is a little ruff into the current meta, doesn't mean it's weak though.

Core is reserved for the P/D Condi build currently.

Specter is stuck being a Sc/Pi pocket support, I'd love to see them give Specter the normal init amount already.

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1 hour ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Deadeye is weird because it's projectile heavy but great at moving between nodes.

DD probably can do work but the effort required is a little ruff into the current meta, doesn't mean it's weak though.

Core is reserved for the P/D Condi build currently.

Specter is stuck being a Sc/Pi pocket support, I'd love to see them give Specter the normal init amount already.

Deadeye and DD can do work, you just have to know when to flip between annoying the slow duelist into staying on far while you bully their friends, and dropping in on the duelist while they're fighting and pressuring them into downstate.

It's weak straight up, but you can't nerf annoying. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Rap Tiger.1257 said:


So you cry about the druid and I asked for a buff for reaper, Anet, please nerf all classes and buff only DeadMoose's reaper class, that is if he doesn't get beaten by his own class and complain that he is Op ahahaha 🤣


You forgot, Anet please buff chrono as well. Please nerf all classes except chrono and reaper. Amen. Even when I play against another reaper, I feel their pain as I watch them struggle to land hits in shroud. I don’t think I have the same hatred for other reaper players as I do for other mesmers when I’m playing chrono. Mesmers are the worst like that, they’ll go out of their way to try to kill the other mesmer, there’s some weird unspoken thing there

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32 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Mesmers are the worst like that, they’ll go out of their way to try to kill the other mesmer, there’s some weird unspoken thing there

It's because Mesmer & Theif are traditionally the classes with the most potential to carry a match.

You can win a team fight mid and still be losing on points because the thief backcapped you home and won the 1v1, now you have to split up, some of you go far, or stay mid, some of you go home. The thief/mes will out position and take the 1v1 mid or the free mid. Either to fully cap, or just decap as they trek back home for the ez 1v1 or +1, now it's back to mid again for the team fight and the thief/mes just repeats this and your team is 200 points behind and the your teammates are calling you bad and saying gg and one just afk's.

This is traditionally how mes/thief wins most pvp matches. It's one of the easiest strats to pull off (if u get your 1v1's and +1's right) because it feeds into the goblin brain of most pvpers that want ACTION ACTION ACTION ALWAYS AAAAAHHHH!!!!

So when you're a mes or a thief and you see another one on enemy team you shut all of that down, not only because it takes them off the map, but now you can do to them what they were going to to do you.

Edited by Waffles.5632
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I fought two condi soulsbeasts that were giving me lots of trouble yesterday meanwhile druids aren't an issue for me. Should I be asking for anet to nerf soulbeast then?

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13 hours ago, Waffles.5632 said:

You can win a team fight mid and still be losing on points because the thief backcapped you home and won the 1v1, now you have to split up, some of you go far, or stay mid, some of you go home. The thief/mes will out position and take the 1v1 mid or the free mid. Either to fully cap, or just decap as they trek back home for the ez 1v1 or +1, now it's back to mid again for the team fight and the thief/mes just repeats this and your team is 200 points behind and the your teammates are calling you bad and saying gg and one just afk's.

I love the smell of unraveling teams in the morning because they all wanna go zerg mid and the one person with any sense to check on home happens to be a squishy teamfighter




lmao even


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