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Pssst, can we update the UI?

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As someone who likes to do other things while waiting for queue pop, I would sincerely appreciate the UI not locking out my mouse clicks...

It's been the same way since HoT... It's definitely overdue for a revamp. Give PvP some QoL, just a few sprinkles of sugar.

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1 hour ago, Vinny.7260 said:

As someone who likes to do other things while waiting for queue pop, I would sincerely appreciate the UI not locking out my mouse clicks...

It's been the same way since HoT... It's definitely overdue for a revamp. Give PvP some QoL, just a few sprinkles of sugar.

Dear god please let me disable the roulette and the stage vote window

I don't care what stage we get

The window being uncloseable and yet taking up 80% of the screen directly over your character seems tied with the design of the arena console for tourney winners to annoy pit fighters for "most likely to have been designed by someone with a psychology degree for the express purpose of making pvpers generally more angry"

I wouldn't be surprised if the dev for that had a hand in tribulation mode for SaB

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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19 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Dear god please let me disable the roulette and the stage vote window

I don't care what stage we get

The window being uncloseable and yet taking up 80% of the screen directly over your character seems tied with the design of the arena console for tourney winners to annoy pit fighters for "most likely to have been designed by someone with a psychology degree for the express purpose of making pvpers generally more angry"

I wouldn't be surprised if the dev for that had a hand in tribulation mode for SaB

You can close the window with Dismiss. It will still keep you in queue, it's not a "cancel".

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52 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

You can close the window with Dismiss. It will still keep you in queue, it's not a "cancel".

That's a niche thing to point out imo.

The only way you can get the roulette to go away is legit ignoring it and letting it time out. 💀

The ready up portion is the only portion you can dismiss.

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