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Catalyst and Dead Eye Needs a Nerf

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Im finding that no matter which character I use if its not catalyst its dead eye doing the most kitten. Right now theyre easily ruining pvp its absolute kitten to just get 1 shot out of nowhere yeah I know I already made a post talking about the meta, but outside infinite stun wars these 2 specializations are the absolute most broken out of them all. I can deal with mesmers and everything else, but I only say kitten this kitten when i have to deal with these 2. One stuns you into the ground while taking chunks of your health in the blink of an eye and the other gets too practically 1 shot you from dh ranges and targeting them does you no good all theyre going to do is go invisible, teleport away, and then hit you again, the fact that they can even daze and fear is just extra kitten icing on the cake. They get to kite you while retaining their damage. The only ones ive been able to handle between them both are the bad ones. It really says alot when I see more of them in plat than any other specialization. 


Not going to type a wall of text, but im officially hanging it up at this point. All of my ranked matches tonight if the other team had a dead eye they'd just keep targeting me and I'd just get more pissed off when I would pressure them, almost kill them and theyd just invi port away and down me. Its the cheapest kitten ever and catalyst just feels pointless to even try and fight without help. This was my go to game for pvp, but after tonight im good man imma just go find something else to play cause this is just too toxic, annoying, and unbearable. Im getting defeated by literally 3 professions and to me it says everything. 



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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I am not able to beat good elementalist players.  Ergo.... it needs a nerf.

98% of this place.
"Yeah, yeah, and what if I can reliably kill 19 out of 20 players on ___ class? That one player with over a thousand hours of experience still killed me and made me feel bad! That class is clearly still far too strong, it needs to be looked at again! I want skill ceilings lowered to the ground. I want the skill cap to be zero."

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Is every player you beat bad, and every player that beats you ruining the game?

If you can beat bad players of x class, finish the train of thought.  What do you need to do to beat good players of x class?

Bonus: getting countered by 3/27 specs isn't bad, especially if the players of those 3 specs need to be veterans to not cave to your build.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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15 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

The only ones ive been able to handle between them both are the bad ones.

15 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I am not able to beat good elementalist players.  Ergo.... it needs a nerf.

13 hours ago, Sereath.1428 said:

98% of this place.

@Sahne.6950 @Sereath.1428 🤣🤣 🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣  🤣🤣 

Oh man... and the best part is the confused reacts. This is the entire forum in 3 quotes. 


Edited by jdawgie.1835
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the reactions here says alot

ignore the rest of my points and focus on one part. It's consistent and not a one off. No I dont expect to just beat everyone I lose fights and die just like everyone at no point did I  just make it seem like Im god tier and just want a one sided fight. I want a fun fight win or lose. I stated the issues Ive noticed and gave it a basis so it's not like im just bitching about it.

The fact that everyones acting like its not a problem is literally the problem yet I remember when necros was the same way and everyone begged anet to fix it. There is indeed a problem when I constantly lose fights I shouldnt only to 3 classes. It says alot when I can put the problem to the fore front and explain it and yet I'm getting laughed at. We dead kitten rn.

Theres an out cry for guardian to be nerfed back down, especially dh, so I guess we're going to act like those cries arent unwarranted. I remember when guardian was laughed at the phrase "why didnt you just make a revenant" was a thing. Yall are ergoing my point that I notated thats theres 3 classes doing far more than the others are capable of. Yall ignored my point in that these main 3 classes are becoming the most played. 


What I call bad are people that smash their keyboards expecting it to work, its not just because I can beat them its because Ive faced good ones so I know what a bad one looks like. Ive been practically one shot and kited by enough dead eyes to where I can tell if one is using it right or not. Yall making it seem like this is ego driven when that couldnt be further from the truth. Im the same person that will tell you gf if you beat me, one of the few that still type glhf and mean it. 


No I dont want to just be god in pvp and everyone to bow before me, I want fun fair fights across the board like tf

No eles shouldnt be able to do literally everything. Yall ignored my point that most of plat is filled with these 3, ignored the fact that more people are making characters under these classes due to how powerful they are, when I first came back it wasnt this many spellbreakers, dead eyes, and catalysts now you cant join a match without one being there. Yall attitude is how the meta is as broken as it is because when someone comes with valid points and speak up this is the reaction. Yall nitpick what you want to hear and laugh about it. I havent been wrong yet and it wont be until what I'm saying is my frequent across the board. 


Whats bad is anet already announced that they plan on doing something about dead eye even, Proving my point that they are over the top. Youre not catching a good dead eye and you will always be one shot. Youre not meleeing a catalyst that knows what theyre doing and not getting stunned and one shot, youre not facing a spellbreaker that knows how to stun chain and winning.


It's always fun, games, and laughs until it becomes everyones problem, but like I said Im done with this game until its back to being balanced so I guess my opinion dont mean kitten anyway, but this comment section indeed show cases a problem. Yall are perfectly fine with the way things are and even defending it. Yet pvp is only dying more and more and its becoming harder to retain players and especially new players. 


DH is oh so horrible yet dh has obvious counters, the 3 i mention are the hardest to deal with and counter due to how much utility they have. Like dead kitten yall took one part out of all I said and trying to make me look like I have an ego when thats the furthest from the truth. Like I said I like a good fight win or lose, it says something when I always lose to the same kitten. 


Imma take my kitten on somewhere tho yall got it. This kitten fr sad

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10 hours ago, LordDino.3761 said:

the reactions here says alot

ignore the rest of my points and focus on one part. It's consistent and not a one off. No I dont expect to just beat everyone I lose fights and die just like everyone at no point did I  just make it seem like Im god tier and just want a one sided fight. I want a fun fight win or lose. I stated the issues Ive noticed and gave it a basis so it's not like im just bitching about it.

The fact that everyones acting like its not a problem is literally the problem yet I remember when necros was the same way and everyone begged anet to fix it. There is indeed a problem when I constantly lose fights I shouldnt only to 3 classes. It says alot when I can put the problem to the fore front and explain it and yet I'm getting laughed at. We dead kitten rn.

Theres an out cry for guardian to be nerfed back down, especially dh, so I guess we're going to act like those cries arent unwarranted. I remember when guardian was laughed at the phrase "why didnt you just make a revenant" was a thing. Yall are ergoing my point that I notated thats theres 3 classes doing far more than the others are capable of. Yall ignored my point in that these main 3 classes are becoming the most played. 


What I call bad are people that smash their keyboards expecting it to work, its not just because I can beat them its because Ive faced good ones so I know what a bad one looks like. Ive been practically one shot and kited by enough dead eyes to where I can tell if one is using it right or not. Yall making it seem like this is ego driven when that couldnt be further from the truth. Im the same person that will tell you gf if you beat me, one of the few that still type glhf and mean it. 


No I dont want to just be god in pvp and everyone to bow before me, I want fun fair fights across the board like tf

No eles shouldnt be able to do literally everything. Yall ignored my point that most of plat is filled with these 3, ignored the fact that more people are making characters under these classes due to how powerful they are, when I first came back it wasnt this many spellbreakers, dead eyes, and catalysts now you cant join a match without one being there. Yall attitude is how the meta is as broken as it is because when someone comes with valid points and speak up this is the reaction. Yall nitpick what you want to hear and laugh about it. I havent been wrong yet and it wont be until what I'm saying is my frequent across the board. 


Whats bad is anet already announced that they plan on doing something about dead eye even, Proving my point that they are over the top. Youre not catching a good dead eye and you will always be one shot. Youre not meleeing a catalyst that knows what theyre doing and not getting stunned and one shot, youre not facing a spellbreaker that knows how to stun chain and winning.


It's always fun, games, and laughs until it becomes everyones problem, but like I said Im done with this game until its back to being balanced so I guess my opinion dont mean kitten anyway, but this comment section indeed show cases a problem. Yall are perfectly fine with the way things are and even defending it. Yet pvp is only dying more and more and its becoming harder to retain players and especially new players. 


DH is oh so horrible yet dh has obvious counters, the 3 i mention are the hardest to deal with and counter due to how much utility they have. Like dead kitten yall took one part out of all I said and trying to make me look like I have an ego when thats the furthest from the truth. Like I said I like a good fight win or lose, it says something when I always lose to the same kitten. 


Imma take my kitten on somewhere tho yall got it. This kitten fr sad

You clearly do not get past gold because I play dead eye and I can tell you the class is useless past gold so it is just a matter of learning how to deal with them. Its very easy. Any amount of reveal will cripple them. The good ones will run yes but that means you win and you take your point.

All of these commenters suggesting that deadeye is not a huge problem are right. It's just your perception.

I'll give you some tips: play a class that has a high amount of reflects or aegis or blinds, or most of all reveals. All of those things counter deadeye.

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8 hours ago, Hiro.2573 said:

You clearly do not get past gold because I play dead eye and I can tell you the class is useless past gold so it is just a matter of learning how to deal with them. Its very easy. Any amount of reveal will cripple them. The good ones will run yes but that means you win and you take your point.

All of these commenters suggesting that deadeye is not a huge problem are right. It's just your perception.

I'll give you some tips: play a class that has a high amount of reflects or aegis or blinds, or most of all reveals. All of those things counter deadeye.

im gold tier 2-3.........

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@Hiro.2573 nah deadeye is a problem in the moment your on a build with melee dmg only. No real way to get a kill on a actually half good deadeye on a Full melee focused build. But its also realy hard as a ranged focused one (at least not as Impossible as it is as melee focused one tho). 


The only reason why deadeye is no Problem is because PvP is eather focused around cap and decaping Points or played on a relatively small map ^^

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Imagine complaining about DE in 2024 ? After the nerfs they got, and with the BILLION WAY to hardcounter it? Like seriously ? Get updated man, you're a bit to late for that.

If you struggle against DE, just play scrapper, play holo, play dh, play sic em soulbeast, play drood with billion sustain and projectile denial (so you're legit immortal against him), play any kind of elem, play bladesworn, play spell breacker, play any kind of mesmer with reflect, play daredevil critic with impairing daguers, play herald or even vindicator...
EVERY CLASS in this game has billions way to deal with deadeye and even hardcounter it to the point it completly negate him.

Idk man, play with your brain?

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So part of this is an issue with understanding their mechanics. For starters i'm assuming that's a rifle Dead eye. They can only do damage if they don't go stealth arts, otherwise their damage becomes more manageable and you can out kite it. Next Dead eye's rely on that first intial quickness proc from stealing, and trying to 3 spam or 2 spam 3 times with it. The counter there is to dodge, block, or block vision. Once you do that they become very manageable either because they ran low on initiative, or they lost the quickness. Yes they can kite around, and mildly stealth, but it's about what they trade to do their damage. They trade a lot of survivability, and as long as you don't play into the chase game on them, and know how to kite right against a thief, you can get them very easily or at least make them run. Overall a deadeye is far more telegraphed than your average Daredevil thief that has for more of a defensive kit and can harass a lot more consistently. Plus the damage on Dead  eye rifle is the same as most high rank burst builds, some examples being chronoshatter, Dragonhunter with a 12k arrow hit, vindicator/herald shiro builds, or soulbeast stomp melee builds. The difference is that Dead eye trades far more defenses compared to those other ones. 

Now for the catalyst, i'm assuming you are talking about scepter catalyst. For those your goal is to apply chills, dazes, or bury confusion since they are relying on chaining a whole variety of skills/procs all at once. So your goal is to disrupt, spread out, or apply damage to those rotations. The other step is to not get cc'd (Or to break the cc before the damage from something like a dragon tooth phoenix occurs),  and/or to not do your burst when they have chill aura. Most times they'll apply chill aura, protection, and sometimes weakness during this time and ball of those together reduce a lot of strike damage all at once. So if you chain a damage rotation during this you just effectively wasted your damage and got forced into a passive/defensive rotation while they go hard at you.

The reason why you can see these classes perform more frequently, is because of ease of access right now. chrono shatter, vindicator/herald, and even soulbeast trade less (catalyst is sorta there with them), but they take more knowledge and skill to play. So they tend not to be played as much unless you are a higher tier player (Right now more have fun with mesmer builds due to the low cd's right now making them fairly decent for once). they are very manageable though, and are very duelist heavy, so if they are an issue for you make sure your team is aware of their presence, and avoid being alone if your build isn't capable of handling them.

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On 2/19/2024 at 12:15 PM, whooot.5784 said:

Imagine complaining about DE in 2024 ? After the nerfs they got, and with the BILLION WAY to hardcounter it? Like seriously ? Get updated man, you're a bit to late for that.

If you struggle against DE, just play scrapper, play holo, play dh, play sic em soulbeast, play drood with billion sustain and projectile denial (so you're legit immortal against him), play any kind of elem, play bladesworn, play spell breacker, play any kind of mesmer with reflect, play daredevil critic with impairing daguers, play herald or even vindicator...
EVERY CLASS in this game has billions way to deal with deadeye and even hardcounter it to the point it completly negate him.

Idk man, play with your brain?

A Plat++ DE isn't losing to those specs what are you talking about??? We're not talking about Gold2 DE players dude and if you're a thief, then you have no idea what Guard/Engi/Mesmer/ has to put up with lol. DE literally teleports half way across the map before you can get them down to 20% health. Even IF you land F1 as a DH to pull into ToF, I've seen DE use a stunbreak right when you pull lol... Good DE's just doesn't die.

They are an absolute toxic spec.

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With all the ports thief has access to, I just don't see why DE needed yet more stealth access or even a way to remove revealed. It just makes fighting an obnoxious spec (ranged and has ports) even more obnoxious (plus stealth). I get anet wanted a class fantasy by pairing stealth with DE but they really should have considered what fighting a ranged dps spec with stealth and ports is like.  They should have made it so the DE can barely stealth at all by putting revealed debuff on almost everything they do, even if it doesn't do damage. Hell, ill even allow for giving deadeye more shadowsteps/teleports if it means they get no stealth at all.

Edited by Kuya.6495
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2 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

With all the ports thief has access to, I just don't see why DE needed yet more stealth access or even a way to remove revealed. It just makes fighting an obnoxious spec (ranged and has ports) even more obnoxious (plus stealth). I get anet wanted a class fantasy by pairing stealth with DE but they really should have considered what fighting a ranged dps spec with stealth and ports is like.  They should have made it so the DE can barely stealth at all by putting revealed debuff on almost everything they do, even if it doesn't do damage. Hell, ill even allow for giving deadeye more shadowsteps/teleports if it means they get no stealth at all.

Cant remove reveal anymore since a while ago

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35 minutes ago, remorseless.6352 said:

Cant remove reveal anymore since a while ago

Thank God for that then. Now just get rid of all the stealth on DE.


Or even better! Make it so stealth doesn't make you completely invisible in pvp on all professions. Make it look like that The Predator outline so you can see the shimmer of someone moving around in stealth. 

Edited by Kuya.6495
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On EU I have not faced a single plat level scepter cata this season, across 250+ games on and off peak. There is only the occasional good hammer cata like Zeus, and thats it. On the other hand, quite a few plat level power heralds, which is another difficult spec.

It speaks for itself, scepter cata (and hammer cata) are evidently not worth playing atm, which is the opposite of OP.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 2/24/2024 at 5:30 PM, Kuya.6495 said:

Thank God for that then. Now just get rid of all the stealth on DE.


Or even better! Make it so stealth doesn't make you completely invisible in pvp on all professions. Make it look like that The Predator outline so you can see the shimmer of someone moving around in stealth. 

Tears so delicious, buff thief. Buff deadeye

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Ele is kind of like ranger, if you see one they're probably good at the class.  Same kind of holds for non-mechnist engi too.

That's been the case for me at least.  Even if I see another ranger or two on other side, chances are high one is decent and the other probably won't throw the game.  That goes to 'hero ball' specs like spellbreaker, mes, or thief that just run far, spam chat how they are holding 2v1 all game and die over...and over...and over.  

Thieves in particular are everywhere (guard and necro without fail in any given game, and not far behind is thief) and most of them aren't great; but with DE, I do agree that projectile denial removes most of the threat there.  You aren't going to catch them and probably won't kill them but holding a node for more than 5 seconds is more points than a kill anyway (even less time if you have 2+ nodes). 

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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@Flowki.7194 nah there are many Streamer just playing catalyst realy often (aside the obv broken stuff like dh, deadeye, soulbeast, scrapper) i don't denie there are many builds that could 100-0 you in Seconds these days xd. While scrapper is the best out off all cause it does this in a big AoE xd

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