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reaper needs a 4 second stun

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2 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

slow classes need snares. class design 101

Reaper is not a slow class anymore. With the addition to sword 3 that has two 1000 range leapers and shroud skill 2 that can be traited with 10+ second swiftness. It is indeed fact that the reaper class spec is no longer slow.

Also, reaper kit is mostly 900ranged weapons, with the addition to sword why would u be in melee range other then shroud mode?

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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dont need a stun when u can just run away like a high t alpha male gamer and hide and ooc heal and just do whatever you want,  bro i love this build bc u out number ppl and take fights that shouldnt be won bc u kitten up that inherit cringe-ness when ppl run on terrain and just about face back and forth bc they are cringe and u just grab them with great sword five and hit them over and over until they die and ur side noder just types furiously bc hes cringe and french and he speaks bad english, but ur high t and u play reaper and take rune of speed and u know what ur doing bc you +1 every fight on the map and unlike thief u actually murder people bc they never expect u to los and spinal shiver them in like a fraction of a second. bitches love spinal shiver, dont use sword its cringe use gs bc real gamers know that everything past hot is bad

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3 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

With the addition to sword 3 that has two 1000 range leapers

This is false, the leaps are under the shroud 2 leap range(600) and slightly over 450. Do not spread misinformation, they are not a 1000 range leaps at all

Edited by NecroSummonsMors.7816
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Golden post

A timeless classic

Beat them up if they don't dodge deep freeze.


Reaper is not a slow class anymore.

Theatrics below:

I 👏 don't 👏 care 👏 

If you're getting hit by Chilled to the bone or its derivative spectral walk - > Chilled to the bone, and you're NOT sitting on a stunbreak button, you should be sent back to spawn. When you get bonked by the big skill, you must eat damage. That is the rule of competitive fighting games. Anet even gives you room to react AFTER the skill goes off if you have the button for it. If you fail both vibe checks you must perish. 

I hope they never change it, and I am glad they figured out Prime Light Beam shouldn't hit for 10 damage. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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8 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

if you're getting hit by Chilled to the bone or its derivative spectral walk - > Chilled to the bone,

Chilled to the bone is not really a problem. The problem is Chillblains with 1400 range 4s unblockable chilled, and if you dodge that there's spinal shivers with 900 range 5s chilled, and if you block that there's executioner's scythe with pulsing unblockable chilled for 4s, and if you block that there's well of darkness with pulsing chilled for 5s, and if you block that there's two traits in necromancer passively proccing chilled, and if you get hit by any of that there's chilling nova to give you 2s more chilled, and then there's a shout to make all of that unblockable and LISTEN I know you probably can't run all of these together, but for a laugh I tried running both Chronomancer and Rune of the Svanir, reapers were still able to stack chilled even with 25% of its intended duration, I think it's slightly excessive.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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2 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Chilled to the bone is not really a problem. The problem is Chillblains with 1400 range 4s unblockable chilled, and if you dodge that there's spinal shivers with 900 range 5s chilled, and if you block that there's executioner's scythe with pulsing unblockable chilled for 4s, and if you block that there's well of darkness with pulsing chilled for 5s, and if you block that there's two traits in necromancer passively proccing chilled, and if you get hit by any of that there's chilling nova to give you 2s more chilled, and then there's a shout to make all of that unblockable and LISTEN I know you probably can't run all of these together, but for a laugh I tried running both Chronomancer and Rune of the Svanir, reapers were still able to stack chilled even with 25% of its intended duration, I think it's slightly excessive.

Take a chill pill.

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8 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Chilled to the bone is not really a problem. The problem is Chillblains with 1400 range 4s unblockable chilled, and if you dodge that there's spinal shivers with 900 range 5s chilled, and if you block that there's executioner's scythe with pulsing unblockable chilled for 4s, and if you block that there's well of darkness with pulsing chilled for 5s, and if you block that there's two traits in necromancer passively proccing chilled, and if you get hit by any of that there's chilling nova to give you 2s more chilled, and then there's a shout to make all of that unblockable and LISTEN I know you probably can't run all of these together, but for a laugh I tried running both Chronomancer and Rune of the Svanir, reapers were still able to stack chilled even with 25% of its intended duration, I think it's slightly excessive.

☃️ idk, I like that their aesthetic is slowing down people that stand in their skills. As long as you can reliably put them in downstate if you mitigate what must be mitigated, ruining your cds over time with chill sounds like a fulfillment of the original design philosophy reaper has been chasing.

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