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Mouse cursor on salvage bugged after patch? [Merged]

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Not sure if this always behaved this way - I think it got bugged a bit for me after the patch. On using a salvage tool the first time (after starting the game or logging in - not tried if it resets after map changes or going back to the char select) it seems to correctly go into salvage mode ...

except that the cursor stays "normal".  The two arrows (being red or green depending on whether you can salvage an item or not) do not appear. They appear after the first item with a tool is salvaged or if I double click the salvage tool again. (Then it stays working correctly on later uses.)

Edit: It seems to reappear once you close (and then open again) the inventory. Salvaging multiple times does not fix it. Only if you go out of salvage mode (right click or clicking on something empty or something that cant be salvaged) with the cursor having been moved a bit (away from the salvage tool) before using the salage tool again it fixes for that tool until you re-open the inventory. Right-clicking above the salvage tool while not having moved (while inside salvage mode or before trying to use the tool the next time) the mouse does still give the bug the next time you access the salvage tool again.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Whenever you try to use an endless salvage kit, after opening inventory, the recycle symbol on the mouse icon doesn't show. But then if you use the kits again, it does show correctly.

This seems to be reset every time you open the inventory and use the kits again.

I was able to replicate this 100% percent. It also does it either in the shared slot or in the normal inventory.

As per this video.

Edit. I went and tried it on normal kits you buy from vendor, and it did it on these as well.

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I was looking to see if anyone else had noticed this. I think it started after Tuesday's patch (3/19).

If it's not fixed it's a just matter of time until I salvage something by mistake because I lose track of whether I'm salvaging or not.

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To the two people "confused" by my post above asking about a bug, I wanted to make sure there was an issue open in arenanet's bug database, and not just this thread. But I didn't want to open a duplicate, so I asked first. They don't need a bunch of extra work closing a hundred bugs as dups of one already entered and being looked at. I don't know why that's confusing. Then tattycakes said she reported a bug, so now I don't have to (and won't).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've reported that issue ingame weeks ago, but might as well throw my hat in, too. Every infinite kit has a separate instance of the bug, closing and reopening the inventory or changing map resets the bug. It's so easily reproducable that I do it several times per day just by clearing out my inventory.

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