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WvW World Restructuring Beta Feedback and Future

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9 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

It is quite ironic that in the absolute glory days of WvW when the population was much larger... Discord didnt exist and guilds ran their own TS/Mumble/etc.

You had forums and a public TS for the server...

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40 minutes ago, Fizzee.1762 said:

You had forums and a public TS for the server...

You still have forums last I checked and there was no such thing as a "public TS for the server", it was all owned and paid for by individuals or guilds. Also isnt there a public alliance Discord created by the community for WR that's been posted to this forum? According to Discord the EU alliance server currently has 2664 members online out of 7116 members total.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Also isnt there a public alliance Discord created by the community for WR that's been posted to this forum? According to Discord the EU alliance server currently has 2664 members online out of 7116 members total.

That doesn't work in any shape or form like the previous server discords. Voice tags are exclusively guild discords, the "team"-section of the alliance discord has been dead for both teams I have been on so far.

Edited by Sonderm.4639
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4 hours ago, Sonderm.4639 said:

Voice tags are exclusively guild discords, the "team"-section of the alliance discord has been dead for both teams I have been on so far.

Sounds to me like players have made a choice not to use a public Discord where they can just choose their monthly team and have multiple channels for easy voice tags.

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29 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Sounds to me like players have made a choice not to use a public Discord where they can just choose their monthly team and have multiple channels for easy voice tags.

Sounds to me that is a fundamental problem of WR - teams are just "names", it's only guilds, temporarily coexisting in an artificial team, that matter now

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7 hours ago, Sonderm.4639 said:

Sounds to me that is a fundamental problem of WR - teams are just "names", it's only guilds, temporarily coexisting in an artificial team, that matter now

Ok but what does that have to do with Discord and how does that prevent people joining voice tags?

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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Ok but what does that have to do with Discord and how does that prevent people joining voice tags?

The discussion was about open tags and an easy way to join them on discord. You said - "go alliance server", I told you why the "alliance server" doesn't work. The server discords worked because there was permanence in the bigger structure guilds were a part of. Now guilds are for all that matters the biggest structure.

Edited by Sonderm.4639
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1 hour ago, Sonderm.4639 said:

The discussion was about open tags and an easy way to join them on discord. You said - "go alliance server", I told you why the "alliance server" doesn't work. The server discords worked because there was permanence in the bigger structure guilds were a part of. Now guilds are for all that matters the biggest structure.

You never really explained why the alliance Discord doesn’t work, just that no one seem to want to use it. It’s literally one extra step you have to do once a month, select your team. Other than that it’s identical to a community Discord for the purpose of open voice tags. It’s the same Discord month after month.

But I suppose deep down both you and I already know the answer. People are lazy.

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50 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You never really explained why the alliance Discord doesn’t work, just that no one seem to want to use it. It’s literally one extra step you have to do once a month, select your team. Other than that it’s identical to a community Discord for the purpose of open voice tags. It’s the same Discord month after month.

But I suppose deep down both you and I already know the answer. People are lazy.

No, we don't agree on the answer - if people are lazy they were lazy before, that did not magically change overnight. Voice on server discords worked because a) you could be sufficiently sure that most people were a member of the discord server and b) people on your server expected commanders from their server to use the server discord for open tags.
I don't know about a) (though I suspect the number now is lower) and there is no b) anymore so the com takes the most convenient server  - their own guild discord.

You might compare it to the server linkings under the old system - no one created a hub discord server for links. There was some expectation that an open tag should be on the host server's discord but often commanders from linked servers used their own server discords - or ts, lol.

And WR kind of is like that - only now you don't have only two servers temporarily linked but several guilds.


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Not using the "the" alliance Discord has a lot to do about permissions and roles. When you use a guild Discord, you have full control and can do what you want with it, and have more permissions/better role management, and things can be changed faster. Guild Discords were used during servers as well, even if we also had server Discords, but now the alliance Discord is supposed to cover the entire player base and all the teams in the mode instead of just one team/server. It's a good place for recruiting and advertising, figuring out who's on what team after reshuffle, asking questions and things like that, but otherwise it's a mix of things like felt distance between mod/admin team, ease of communication, speed of adjustment, etc to feel "at home" or that it is the best option during actual game play. In less words: it's just too big. It's easier and more convenient to use guild or alliance guild Discords.

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On 8/10/2024 at 10:16 AM, Kelly.7019 said:

failed to enter wvw reset night yet again insta q1 (bug who knows - probably) 1 min later travel popped hit travel insta reque to last in line 😠 q32

Same old bug still there.

On 8/18/2024 at 9:46 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

You never really explained why the alliance Discord doesn’t work, just that no one seem to want to use it. It’s literally one extra step you have to do once a month, select your team. Other than that it’s identical to a community Discord for the purpose of open voice tags. It’s the same Discord month after month.

But I suppose deep down both you and I already know the answer. People are lazy.

News to you, I don't feel like RE-verifying to a new discord server every night where it automatically forgets me as a guest in 90 mins.... to much BS

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ugh.. please fix the teams bug, waiting weeks to play with our 3 person guild and no matter what, whenever we select set as wvw guild, we get placed on different teams. Tried to open a ticket but they say nope, not moving people who get on wrong teams. This is getting annoying. Why is it so hard to for 3 people to be on the same server? 

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What I Like of the new System:
Guildies can play together.

What I don't Like:
The New System destroyed Server communities, this is bad for the game.
No Server identity, like a place to "live" and to "defend" or a group of people with the same background.
To play in a "new server" you must be necessarily in a Guild this means Guild dictate the laws, this potentially create more toxicity and discrimination.
If for any reason You are kicked from the "Meta Guild" or You left it You cannot play with your friends
The new system destroyed casual play, so everything is shifting to hard core competitive style, in the past WvW was intended to be played in many different way, now most of the time it's just a big GvG style Hellzapoppin, good for them but bad for anyone else.
If You want to Join a specific Guild or group and You are in another "new server" You can't, in the past You could go to a specific server or wait for a link to understand if they can be a good choice and maybe ask to join, there is no way to be sure where they will be also since Drama happens Alliances come and go so You don't know where a specific commander or guild will be to reach them.
If You like to join open tag in the past you could put a commander in your friend list to know when he will be active, now it's impossible to know where the hell he will be.
If You want to play in a different country shard You must first change old server and then choose a new server hoping that in that MU the group You want to join is in that "new server" and in any case it's really difficult to play with your friends if you are not in the same alliance/guild, they will change every time and you will stay in the same "server" all the time. also until now every MU have issues assigning people so many are scattered among the other servers randomly.


Edited by rezzonico.8046
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Its in the name Guild Wars 
Guild identity > server identity. Always. IMHO.

Server communities wasn't destroyed, they renamed and we got a 6th guild slot.

You fall out with your friends IRL? don't play with them or both can make compromises and stay, if not - You move on, you try make new friends or stay lonely.  
....Dont like the guild you're in? don't play with them....

GvG is Not WvW. There is NO GvG in GW2, only what the community makes in OS, EOTM or GHs. I would recommend asking Anet to make GvG a real thing and not an addon 0.1% of the playerbase are dedicated to. I have written this before - no rewards for GvG = no one will play. I played GvG for 2 months and then realised all this effort for no pips, no rewards. Plus nearly impossible to get Community Warlord title (albeit any Communtiy titles). Only 1 person has all the Community titles i heard?

BUT, if youre now saying GvG has spilled into WvW so they get the pips, and all you see is GvG, well then, I guess this means proper WvW is a dead gamemode. This maybe because NO REWARDS for WINNING WVW MATCHUP. I do hear devs are going to deal with this. I have great faith they will do what is needed.

Plenty of guild recruitment messages on wvw Discord servers. 

.....You move on, you try make new friends or stay lonely.....

I hope you find fun in this amazing game rezzonico, and others struggling, but just like in real life. you need to apply yourself.

Much Love!

Edited by asha.4159
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I came back to wvw about a month ago, after playing for many hours on servers. Joined my friends alliance world which was dedicated towards zerging and basically only at prime time NA from 8pm-11pm at most.

During the last link, the alliance I nearly always had a the outnumbered buff except the aforementioned prime times. I was hoping that with the newest link they would have been able to better figure out the balance, but this time it feels like the world has 0 dedicated zergs and are constantly getting rolled by massive 50 man zergs, even during prime time. Since pugs are next to useless against the boonball meta, there's not much to do except log off and come back in a few hours when they're done zerging, which can happen on worlds as well obviously. (this is more of a complaint about how pugs have to be fully comped and running strip builds to be effective, when most aren't)

While I understand the point of alliances, being guild wars and all that. How is this even going to be able to be balanced when there are 500man guilds that play 24/7 getting matched up against a rag tag group of randos. Unless I'm misunderstanding, it's not like we can follow this groups/switch worlds as a small guild or solo player since the relink throws people to the wolves every 4 weeks. With worlds at least you could transfer to be on the same world as active players or known pugmanders/zergs.

Either the matchmaking algorithm needs a massive overhaul, or there needs to be a more static way to be around populated worlds.

TLDR; Alliances experience so far has been terrible, hoping for a complete overhaul soon or a revert to a more static matchmaking. Even zergs arent enjoying it when they get matched up against a world that has nearly 0 guilds large enough or competent enough to be able to fight.

Also, it has definitely killed the pugmander identities, any commander I see open rarely gets more than 10-15 people joining them. I'm usually not one to browse forums or participate, but man....This matchmaking is killing my will to play the game.

Edited by Razzmatazz.6820
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My feedback so far:

I miss my old server, it felt like a community within the game.

What we have instead is a weak unworkable half-baked idea with an unwelcome discord tie-in.

You had 12 years to add voice channels into the game and you didn't bother.

Improve the game rather than trying to sub-contract functionality.

Fix the exploits and remove the backdoor that allows hacking tools to function.

Fix the gate collision (why doesn't the gate fill the gateway?) rather than gimping warclaw jump to less than an asura can jump.

Break up the band that "develops" wvw, they're going nowhere and will never have a hit. 


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On 8/17/2024 at 5:04 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:
On 8/17/2024 at 1:45 PM, Fizzee.1762 said:


It is quite ironic that in the absolute glory days of WvW when the population was much larger... Discord didnt exist and guilds ran their own TS/Mumble/etc.

Teamspeak was excellent because people checked it only for voice communications. It didn't feel like there were lot of people with very small portion actually playing, like on discord. It was also harder for multiaccounters to exist since you could only connect to one teamspeak server at once, while on discord you just hover over each server and see which group already has group going. What I mean is Teamspeak ensured that every side had similar numbers logging in to check for action, whereas discord promotes only logging into server which already has people/announced a tag. Discord is like a smartphone which you can play games and use calculator fine with it, but actual game console or calculator are better for their purpose.

What newcomers don't understand is that since leading on teamspeak was nonintrusive way of tagging up (no announcement), people did it more willingly and there were more voice tags. On discord for people to join, you have to announce and disturb everyone, even those who are playing different games.

This wasn't really relevant as this is not something developers can do something about, other than add ingame voice communications. Which come with plenty of problems, especially for PvE.

Edited by Riba.3271
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2 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:


What newcomers don't understand is that since leading on teamspeak was nonintrusive way of tagging up (no announcement), people did it more willingly and there were more voice tags. On discord for people to join, you have to announce and disturb everyone, even those who are playing different games.

I hope you know that you can adjust notifications on discord. For each server, even each channel on each server. No reason to be disturbed when you are not able to or interested in playing or joining those particular tags.

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2 hours ago, One more for the road.8950 said:
5 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:


I hope you know that you can adjust notifications on discord. For each server, even each channel on each server. No reason to be disturbed when you are not able to or interested in playing or joining those particular tags.

I did, but it doesn't change the fact that announcing you are tagging up is only way to get people who are willing to play on voice log in these days. It is a bit hypocritical to be annoyed by something and then do it yourself. Overall tagging up to just play 30 min or with just 5 people should be an option, but instead you have to announce which is basically 1h+ commitment and reaches out to 95% not even online. Why do you think new voice commanders get not support these days?

Edited by Riba.3271
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I'm really not liking this reconstruction process. I have had a friend recently purchase the game and of course we cannot get into wvw together.. I have had to unlink wvw with a guild i was with etc. etc. etc. just to get the message that we wont be in wvw for another 18 days... it seems this game just keeps diving further and further into the slums.

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