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For the millionth time, please give us toggle for the cinematic camera!

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Anet, I implore you, please provide us with a toggle for the cinematic camera!  During meta events, there are numerous transitions, and I find myself constantly battling the zoomed-in camera.

I fail to comprehend your hesitance in addressing this issue.  It doesn't seem like a matter of artistic principle; rather, it appears to be sheer stubbornness from my perspective. Could you please offer some insight into why you're resistant to adding this feature?

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At this point that problem has persisted so long that I'm kinda sure ANet is unable to fix it. Unable would still be better than unwilling because the constant random zooming can't be working as intended.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

At this point that problem has persisted so long that I'm kind of sure ANet is unable to fix it. Unable would still be better than unwilling because the constant random zooming can't be working as intended.

Yeah, it makes no sense.  If people like to constantly zoom in during fights, then let them have that option.  But, for me, I am always having to zoom out several times a fight without fail.  I'm pretty sure others are doing this too.  

It has been requested so many times that you may be on to something about them not being able to stop it.  I'd at least like @Rubi Bayer.8493 to inquire about it.  


update - just did unlocking wizard's tower - every time I had to fly, when I would land my camera would be zoomed in.  I'm not sure if it is the champion doing it, the flying, or collision with the platform but this happens so often it is maddening.  I assumed it was the same code that zooms in when a boss fight starts, since the effect is similar, but it feels more like a bug than something intended. 

update2 - just did a convergence and I see what is going on - flying has a preprogrammed zoom level, which is about 30% closer in than the furthest zoom level.  When you land it does not restore your previous zoom level.  Additionally, certain bosses and terrain cause another zoom in of about 20% (but this doesn't always happen for every encounter so it is hit or miss when it will do it to you).   For heavy flying Metas the camera is auto zooming-in by 50% every time I land, then I'm manually zooming out while doing rotation/dodging, rinse and repeat.  Thus, the feeling that I'm constantly fighting the camera.  

Anet : please restore the player specified zoom level when needed!

Edited by illuminati.8453
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3 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

Yeah, it makes no sense.  If people like to constantly zoom in during fights, then let them have that option.  But, for me, I am always having to zoom out several times a fight without fail.  I'm pretty sure others are doing this too.  

It has been requested so many times that you may be on to something about them not being able to stop it.  I'd at least like @Rubi Bayer.8493 to inquire about it.  


update - just did unlocking wizard's tower - every time I had to fly when I would land my camera would be zoomed in.  I'm not sure if it is the champion doing it, the flying, or collision with the platform but this happens so often it is maddening.  I assumed it was the same code that zooms in when a boss fight starts, since the effect is similar, but it feels more like a bug than something intended. 

Its a lowest common denominator problem.   There are people so oblivious they don't know where to look when something important happens. So the camera is supposed to zoom in on it, so those players know a thing is happening and can see it and comprehend it.   Though I'd argue they don't comprehend anything.   If you had the option to disable it, someone would disable it, and then blame Anet for not high lighting important things happening during large battles.   yes, people are dumb enough to forget they toggled a setting.   

And we're not even at the bottom yet.  Players keep finding new dumb ways to be bad at the game, will blame the devs for it, and demand the devs make it so they're dumb actions stop causing them consequences that come with doing things in dumb ways that make you bad at the game.    And you can't just ignore it, because you get called incompetent for using bad design and not being accessible, and hostile to (insert X group name here).

I'm not exaggerating.  The threads that lead us here are created on the forums several times per day.  

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Currently, when game rezooms you, it also adjusts the settings you have set for yourself earlier, so when the previous enforced zoom situation ends, it just does not know what value it should get back to. The solution would be to separate the player-set zoom value from the one that is actually used for the camera. That way, when the enforced zoom situation would end, the game would always know what value should be restored.

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Very annoying. I usually unbind camera zoom from mouse wheel and use it for something else because you get 2 very handy binds. This game unfortunately requires you to fix the camera all the time. Completely unnecessary. 

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Very annoying. I usually unbind camera zoom from mouse wheel and use it for something else because you get 2 very handy binds. This game unfortunately requires you to fix the camera all the time. Completely unnecessary. 

Yeah, I agree.  Apart from being annoying, it is sometimes (always?) necessary for us to zoom out after they auto zoom our camera because we can't Tab Target as needed.  During the convergence, I'd land near Sorrow but couldn't target it until I zoomed out and let the camera see the enemy properly.   

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