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23 hours ago, Leaa.2943 said:

And Gandara was in WSR position for over a year. And people keep on saying we have so many people back then which was utterly kitten, because if we really did there would be ques. There was none. On reset there was many 1 border with maybe 7-10 in que the first hour after that nothing. Mostly we had outnumberd on most borders. 


How ever we did have deciated players who did show up because all of us knew that if we didn't the server would crash down. We burned out. 


Also you somehow feel WSR is different is utterly kitten. It is the same thing. and it is not about servers at all. It is about Arena Net making difference between NA and EU and also difference between servers. For years and years and years there was 4-5 servers who was always without a link. It was insanely unfair, and yet posts like yours saying it is ok that Gandara and Deso and SFR take this as long as it is not any other servers. Again calling kitten. It is NOT ok for any server being Gandara or WSR or FoW or Vabbi or FSP or Deso an everybody else to get this treatment. It destroy every server in the end. We had to deal with it for over a year, you are already annoyed after half a year. You know how bad this is. You should tell Anet that this is unfair, we all should. Because look at our wvw on GW2 mist, there is only one server that is high. Look at NA it looks like EU did about half a year or so back. 

Looks like Anet is listening to your complaints and made Gandara  'very high' population.

Transferring never was always, 'the grass, is greener', like 10-11 years ago, when servers were several times more populated, with stupid queues, especially compared to nowadays though.

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I've written many times that we should update our points system to make it more transparent, unlinked WRS has a flex at this very moment of 58,000 k+d is the highest of them all. also of all other servers+link.  Truth be told, there's only one link that just tops them by just 61,000 K+D Fort Ranik + Gunnars Hold is the only one.

This gives us an idea of how many players and especially hours of gameplay WRS has available. 

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27 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I've written many times that we should update our points system to make it more transparent, unlinked WRS has a flex at this very moment of 58,000 k+d is the highest of them all. also of all other servers+link.  Truth be told, there's only one link that just tops them by just 61,000 K+D Fort Ranik + Gunnars Hold is the only one.

This gives us an idea of how many players and especially hours of gameplay WRS has available. 

Fort Ranik has also alot strong players. But i think they play less than the ppl on WSR.

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31 minutes ago, Phobos.9736 said:

Fort Ranik has also alot strong players. But i think they play less than the ppl on WSR.

Mind you, we're not talking about quality here, or at least I'm not talking about quality, I'm just reading the numbers to measure quantity. and wrs without links, it has the largest amount of all teams + link with only 1 exception.

That should tell us a lot about it. For sure that Anet at the moment does not have a great control over the servers and their complete status, when it is defined as complete it is already too late because evidently that threshold has been exceeded by quite a bit, or you would not see these numbers. Secondly, that the room for improvement is huge for Anet. So it should take action, not sit on WR. 

Third, that Gashem is right to complain but he is wrong when he wants to punish a larger team. Why do you have to punish players just for playing together? Are there so many more than you? Are they twice as many as you? Then we ask Anet to better manage the servers and their thresholds please. We don't invent weird and stupid things.

In the end I wonder if WRS players are also good players? I don't know. The current scoring system only tells me that they are always very numerous. If they're also good, I'll tell you when we have a flow coefficient that purifies our victory points unequivocally. 

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On 4/2/2024 at 12:29 PM, Vainture.4678 said:

Hey, just a friendly idea. How about instead of crying about the current state, you take the time you did spend on typing this, to improve and become a better player? WSR people play with each other since years by now. You think that is a coincidence? They are friends and friends play together. So how about you take your a** onto the BL and become a better player. If not stop being a whiney b!tch. Affraid?

Sadly it's not 2012-18 anymore, especially when there were, so many guilds in wvw to choose from like EXG and many more good leads, that quit who are probably better and more patient, than most leads nowadays.

Even then knowing ppl in this gamemode, they transfer off, without the population of players to replace those who left, to make a server 'strong' and organized again, like how server communities rebuilt back then.

All this before this whole Server Linking system begun, but drama between guilds happened, in the early years alot too, if you remember.

Alot of friends or more like acquitances quit, or transferred on my main account from 2012. So calling them my friends is subjective.

You can just switch servers like that, with alts and transfer away, so you end up with different leads, cliques, guilds, players, clouders and roamers, if you aren't a part of a wvw guild, who stayed active for more than 3 years. Not even EXG lasted that long.


Edited by RisingDawn.5796
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On 4/1/2024 at 2:05 PM, Hellbound.5610 said:

6 months with no link while being stuck in T5 as an artificially "full" server because of alt accounts when there were no queues during prime time got me to leave FSP after 11.5 years!

Let us be honest though, during these periods as a "full" server with no link, Gandara was still popular enough to have plenty of players to cover EBG and HBL, not too far off from where WSR is now.

We will see if WSR is able to rise to T1 over the next 4 weeks, something Gandara was able to achieve nearly every time with no link.

By artificially full you mean "being full while we played our alt accounts on other servers to tank and get the server open again".

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While I wouldn't claim WSR is the optimal server because their scoring potential is quite weak, the combat strength of WSR is direct consequence of introducing linking system. They're all united and in average more experienced by being transfers. And most of them paid 500 or 1000 gems for it. All other servers are divided by differing values, languages or being connected to other servers.

What you should take from this is that state of WvW is the developers fault. Bad infrastucture leads to destructive player behaviour.

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31 minutes ago, Riba.3271 said:

While I wouldn't claim WSR is the optimal server because their scoring potential is quite weak, the combat strength of WSR is direct consequence of introducing linking system. They're all united and in average more experienced by being transfers. And most of them paid 500 or 1000 gems for it. All other servers are divided by differing values, languages or being connected to other servers.

What you should take from this is that state of WvW is the developers fault. Bad infrastucture leads to destructive player behaviour.


On 4/2/2024 at 1:28 PM, Mabi black.1824 said:

I'm just reading the numbers to measure quantity. and wrs without links, it has the largest amount of all teams + link with only 1 exception.

I repeat what I wrote above, because that is what we should be responding to. I don't care if you choose to transfer or if you don't choose to transfer, if you spend 500 gems or if you spend 1000 gems. I want to understand how this is possible in a team game, where the teams are controlled by Anet where Anet has set 4 different thresholds to monitor them better, get the numbers I mentioned.  It's clearly something that's not working properly, and Anet should fix it with a certain priority. or not?

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1 hour ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

I want to understand how this is possible in a team game, where the teams are controlled by Anet

Because it isn't controlled. Servers are open through links, full population is reached earlier, transfers to places are cheaper than it should be.

Only reason Whiteside Ridge grew as populous as they are, is because They were full but open through link. So they had hundreds of players transfer to their next link despite being full. So they outnumbered opponents for years and result is that they grew bigger and bigger. Proof of this is that they had several Full+Full link combinations... Something that no other server has reached before (maybe Gandara?). Now of course, there are other servers that have done the same stacking, but there are only 2 other servers that are empty of PvE pugs pushing population up everytime there is activity. You also cant find infinite amount of players that are content with always winning and no challenge.

If all other servers had no links, they could organise and build extremely strong timezones even without incoming transfers. But then relinks come along bringing worse queues, new trolls, language issues, low discord server ratio and overlapping commanders. Now Whiteside Ridge had problems with same things, but they had no native population and they were always outnumbering opponents, so those problems became minor thing. After all, having 50% discord ratio is a minor thing if you have 100% more players in a fight.

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1 hour ago, Fruit.7624 said:

Wsr full with toxic cele gankers cheaters noobs only sad trash who are affraid of 1v1 only win numbers

I was chasing today a willbender, i've managed to downed him and before i kill him his friends came and killed me!
When he get up he laughed and throw a ballista on my dead body 😄 
Many have logout on macro and click it when they are on downstate 😄


Edited by alteriel valie.4751
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2 hours ago, Fruit.7624 said:

Wsr full with toxic cele gankers cheaters noobs only sad trash who are affraid of 1v1 only win numbers

Hi, i'm on WSR, and WSR people throw toilet paper towards me, instead of enemies, I don't understand why? Other servers don't throw toilet paper like this.

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9 hours ago, Riba.3271 said:

While I wouldn't claim WSR is the optimal server because their scoring potential is quite weak, the combat strength of WSR is direct consequence of introducing linking system. They're all united and in average more experienced by being transfers. And most of them paid 500 or 1000 gems for it. All other servers are divided by differing values, languages or being connected to other servers.

What you should take from this is that state of WvW is the developers fault. Bad infrastucture leads to destructive player behaviour.

Bad player behaviour isn't tied to the developers.

I'm not playing that long, but as I started playing everyone with a brain cell told players, and especially WSR players, that they should stop hugging their 100 friends and start spreading out or having no content in the near future. So, yes, the developers made mistakes, transfers without locking players out from loot and rank for a while, but the major issue is players wanting to gloat and farm instead of having a balanced game.

Edited by urd.8306
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4 hours ago, urd.8306 said:

Bad player behaviour isn't tied to the developers.

It is. If there is no way to have fair fights or stable community, then people seek unfair fights and environment that doesn't require dealing with people to succeed. Some people are just not smart enough to see part illogical systems and truly believe it is fine: Just look at some systems in certain country at west side of atlantic, and compare them to any civilized country. They aren't being bad, but just unaware: "Me transfer, me have better time" is all they need. Being on balanced server is just not most fun way in current balance: which is something that developers can change.

4 hours ago, urd.8306 said:


I'm not playing that long, but as I started playing everyone with a brain cell told players, and especially WSR players, that they should stop hugging their 100 friends and start spreading out or having no content in the near future.

Issue is, if they leave and seek fair environment then they cannot take objectives anymore. The casual playerbase becomes completely useless when attacking due to suboptimal builds and inability to make decisions that allow you to survive multiple enemy respawns. Statwise combat is also completely skewed towards defenders up to a point where there is no guild that can take objective from equally strong guild.

So if you want to log in and play the game whenever you want, you have to be on stacked server that is stronger than opponent. After all nobody will want to log in 5 days to see opponent come outside their towers only 1 of those. WvW Infrastructure being at so much worse state than at release of the game, or for 5 years after that, is obvious to anyone.

Also people have been saying they will run out of content for past couple years. They won't. They will farm PvE Rangers and 5 signet builds for foreseeable future.

Edited by Riba.3271
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"Issue is, if they leave and seek fair environment then they cannot take objectives anymore. The casual playerbase becomes completely useless when attacking due to suboptimal builds and inability to make decisions that allow you to survive multiple enemy respawns. " is a really bad excuse for stacking a server. Everyone can take objectives, doesn't take you more than 3 people after siege has been nerfed. The issue that Anet is thinking blobbing with boons is the way to go has really nothing to do with stacking.
I've never left Vabbi in those 6 years I'm playing right now and there was neither a lack of content nor of options to take objectives and Vabbi was pretty much empty before the recent transfers.
Blaming Anet for balancing of classes and the idea of the game mode is one thing, but they are not responsible for players having such a huge ego so they quit when they can't steamroll pugs anymore.

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22 hours ago, RisingDawn.5796 said:

I wouldn't even say that, WSR is stacked as they used to be 3+ years ago.

100+ transfers in, it isn't all their fault at least, also FoW players spread between WSR and FR.

You mean a server that was full and has gotten 100 additional players isn't stacked? Wyld.

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They aren't stacked with their 'friends', as you called it, because it was 100+ transfers from FoW players, paying 1800 gems.

It's not like 2014, where you see so server leaders send gold, to convert to gems for guilds and players to servers, especially, when we had the WvW seasons.

Even as far as 2017, when the original link bandwagoning, was a thing.

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:28 PM, Mabi black.1824 said:

Mind you, we're not talking about quality here, or at least I'm not talking about quality, I'm just reading the numbers to measure quantity. and wrs without links, it has the largest amount of all teams + link with only 1 exception.

How are you more? there is a map cap. its clearly not WSR's fault if the enemy dont have 50+ and even if they have (talking about Augury Rock) you can kill those 50 with 30 ppl. not gonna lie i watched vods from french streamer skill clicking and looking at the icons 5seconds and thinking what icon does what. honestly im not even surprised. On top of that there are tags that have 45+ in their squad and dodge to other borders after that they getting chased no matter wich map their go.

Edited by Phobos.9736
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On 4/3/2024 at 1:25 PM, Riba.3271 said:

What you should take from this is that state of WvW is the developers fault. Bad infrastucture leads to destructive player behaviour.

u better go back cooking your builds and stop bullying our hard working developers 

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