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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Anet recently introduced the ability to Hide Ally Visual Effects and I think that's a great decision.

Is it possible to introduce the same option for our created characters as well?
I play Mechanist Flamethrower most of the time (cos i like to have perma stability ^^) and quite often when using the flamethrower there is a stroboscope effect and excessive glare that negatively affects the gaming experience and is not at all pleasing to the eyes.
It would be great if we have an option to reduce or completely cancel such visual effects not only for ally but also for our characters as well.
I think it would be a full hit in improving the game so, Anet,  please consider that.

ps - also consider to introduce toggle on/off footsteps from legendary weapons.

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In social hubs or during combat the screen is filled with these huge green mechs, they all look alike, take 4 times more space than regular players and I can't even see what enemies I'm fighting behind their models.  Is there a way to somehow hide these mechs? As I understand they're like player pets. Diablo 4 for example fades pets of other players to solve this very screen clutter problem.

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It would help if the mech was stowed by default when you join a map. People wouldn't bother to have the mech out when using something like a hub or capital then you wouldn't have the mech going over the top of people standing at the bank etc.

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ArenaNet, Can you please add achivments to steam please? For sure not all the in game ones... but may be 100 of the most mid-hard to get, please...

I would like to showcase GW2 in my complitionist collection and i can't because there are no achivments...

+ additionaly some friends of mine decide to star playing other MMOs, because there are no Steam achivments in GW2 😞

I think giving achivments through steam will be beneficial for the game, it will add players 🙂 

Ty Ty

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+1 on moar dinosaurs

I have a suggestion. Could we have an intermediate tag? There's a lot of difference between having a group capped at 5 and having a group capped at 50. Maybe we could have one that was capped at 20 players. 

In addition, could this intermediate tag be used as a sub-tag. Say your group needs to split up: the lieutenants can use this intermediate tag and still stay in the group with the commander. 

Edited by willow.8209
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On 1/2/2024 at 4:24 AM, willow.8209 said:

I would add:

• Account-available things that are bound to the character.

Actually I thought of a potentially better way to do this part (maybe just a symbol on the character select screen notifying that something like this exists on this toon)

There could be a new tab in the hero panel and it would show:

  • Story progression
  • Hero point count, earned/available, for each map or aggregated by expansion
  • Items held by the character instead of the account (for instance, some gem store purchases of account things come with a warning to not delete the character who opened them, and some cosmetics might be bound to a character like the selections from character creation perhaps)
  • any other progression that's relevant to a specific character

Then if you're wondering something like, which character was doing Icebrood Saga before they quit to do the new content because AA? Or if you've been buying HP with WvW tokens, are there even any left for this character to get from HoT or should I pick the PoF version? Those kinds of things would have answers that were simple to find. 

Edited by willow.8209
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  1. A way for users to prioritise/favourite/organise LFG categories that we use often to the top of the list
  2. Raid LFG being automatic/having a queue like the map full queue; for example if commander is looking for dps/support/mechanics then they can just put themselves in queue or look at a queue of players, if we're looking for a raid group we can just queue up.  This way it saves us from having to check LFG every 5 minutes to see if there's a raid group or not.
  3. People shouldn't be able to rejoin a raid group after being kicked unless invited back into the squad, there are some trolls who keep coming back in the group via lfg after they've been kicked 

4. Mechanic's jade bot pet should follow the player all the time.

Edited by Samnang.1879
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A request/suggestion:

Dear devs, isn't it about time you make it possible for any class to use any armour piece?

Since we're at a stage now where every class can do just about anything all others do.

All is left is let us change our character's appearance as we see fit.

 Rangers with hammers and Maces, warriors and guardians with pistols, necros with great swords.

Might aswel go full metal jacket.

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12 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Rangers with hammers and Maces

that's normal in other MMO. Ranger means someone who spends a lot of time on the range (a large area where animals live or are taken to graze, a large ecosystem, a wilderness, etc.). That's why they have nature skills. It doesn't imply much about what weapons they would use. Even tho the word can take that meaning, it's not the use in the name of Ranger class. 

Using other armor types would be weird for DnD based games but GW2 already breaks up a lot of expectations for RPG. So I agree that would be reasonable just based on how GW2 is. 

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Can invisable boots become accessable?

Even now afther years of it's release the invisable boots are extreemly overpriced or not even available on the TP.

To make it worse if you pay like 4000g-5000g it does not even unlock for all professions.

I think this item is very bad implented in the game.

Or allowing us to hide footwear which also is an option ingame with headwear, shoulderskin and gloves skins.

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Further, I'd love to be able to hide a toon's shoulders/headwear/gloves and have it only apply to that particular equipment template rather than applying to all of them. I'm here for the fashion wars and constantly clicking hide toggles on/off between equipment tabs is frustrating.

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Can we get a fitting room?

I know we can preview skins and such, but could there be like a "virtual space" (could be good use of SAB outside of holiday) where all skins, infusions, etc. for the currently played armor class and race be available? Something that would allow a true preview of how things interact with each other before one dedicates the time/gems/gold only to find out it doesn't quite work as expected or how it shows in previews. It should allow a small number of friends to join, think home instance, and anything done in this space is erased upon exit. Maybe even be able to change which scenery is loaded and at what time of day so that special skins and such can be previewed under various circumstances and different lighting. Would do wonders to help strategize and plan the Fashion Wars meta

Edited by Cpt Crunch.7058
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Hi all

I know that there is a topic about unbreakable gathering tools, but that one is more on the use of them. I wanted to start a plea to the GMs and devs, if it would be possible to have not only 1 set / account, but to just give one set to each character on the account. Yes, I know that I can switch them over, yes I know that I can use bank or shared inventary slot, but this is just a hassle (after paying that many Gems for this). The Gem Store description isn't actually clear on this either: replaces the tools on any character. Should say is "account bound and replaces the tools on ONE character on an account". 

This is just a plea and I hope there are people who would like to support this plea (and please not flame, since I know the arguments and yes, I should be happy with what we got, but the change to giving it to each character isn't a huge deal). If Dev decide against it, the only reason I would see for that is, they make it a hassle on purpose so you spend the money for it on all your chars.

BTW: Love what you do with GW2, where it is headed and everything you do is really great!

Kind regards

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4 hours ago, Monkeydriver.7532 said:

Hi all

I know that there is a topic about unbreakable gathering tools, but that one is more on the use of them. I wanted to start a plea to the GMs and devs, if it would be possible to have not only 1 set / account, but to just give one set to each character on the account. Yes, I know that I can switch them over, yes I know that I can use bank or shared inventary slot, but this is just a hassle (after paying that many Gems for this). The Gem Store description isn't actually clear on this either: replaces the tools on any character. Should say is "account bound and replaces the tools on ONE character on an account". 

This is just a plea and I hope there are people who would like to support this plea (and please not flame, since I know the arguments and yes, I should be happy with what we got, but the change to giving it to each character isn't a huge deal). If Dev decide against it, the only reason I would see for that is, they make it a hassle on purpose so you spend the money for it on all your chars.

BTW: Love what you do with GW2, where it is headed and everything you do is really great!

Kind regards

The shareholders want you to buy 1 set per character.

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7 hours ago, Monkeydriver.7532 said:

Hi all

I know that there is a topic about unbreakable gathering tools, but that one is more on the use of them. I wanted to start a plea to the GMs and devs, if it would be possible to have not only 1 set / account, but to just give one set to each character on the account. Yes, I know that I can switch them over, yes I know that I can use bank or shared inventary slot, but this is just a hassle (after paying that many Gems for this). The Gem Store description isn't actually clear on this either: replaces the tools on any character. Should say is "account bound and replaces the tools on ONE character on an account". 

This is just a plea and I hope there are people who would like to support this plea (and please not flame, since I know the arguments and yes, I should be happy with what we got, but the change to giving it to each character isn't a huge deal). If Dev decide against it, the only reason I would see for that is, they make it a hassle on purpose so you spend the money for it on all your chars.

BTW: Love what you do with GW2, where it is headed and everything you do is really great!

Kind regards

Some form of option for this should be added to the game.

3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

The shareholders want you to buy 1 set per character.

Yeah... that explanation does not really hold water. Seeing as you can get a complete set for 135 Black Lion Statuettes, which can be acquired by key farming, you can get sets of unbreakable harvesting tools for zero gems. You can even do it this way multiple times.

I would like to see some form of legendary tool quest or collection (a la gen 1 weapons), where the final steps require using one of the existing unbreakable tools as the "precursor" for the legendary crafting final step at the mystic toilet.....

They could then still sell all the tools in the gem store as skins that can be used on your tools, in a similar fashion as to how gen 3 weapons all start out as Aurene themed and there are six variants. 

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