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New pvp mode?

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1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Trust me, that would be more boring in this game 😅. I played enough WoW to see tanks with healers doing this 🫤

They better have something else and ofcourse different then strongholds, deathmatches, node capping

Warsong was the best pvp ever cmon.. everybody had a role to play, and the most coordinated teamwork always won. It was perfect.

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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Warsong was the best pvp ever cmon.. everybody had a role to play, and the most coordinated teamwork always won. It was perfect.

... you do understand wow specs is not gw2 specs right? Drastically different games. For starters there's a War build that just doesn't die even if you have 4 people against him lol.

CTF in GW2 will be toxic af. No one will play it.

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2 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Warsong was the best pvp ever cmon.. everybody had a role to play, and the most coordinated teamwork always won. It was perfect.

But gw2 is also little different how combat goes, so this would go different too.

But I really hope it's something else, we already have carry the orb (flag) and you can see how that turns out 

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3 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

ut I really hope it's something else, we already have carry the orb (flag) and you can see how that turns out 

The mode itself isnt bad.  

What makes it bad is that the guy holding the orb cant atk back, and that you can easily win by simply ignoring the orb alltogether, and rather farming the enemy when they carry it.

If orb was the main way to win, and you could actually do something while holding it, the mode would be alot better.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

... you do understand wow specs is not gw2 specs right? Drastically different games. For starters there's a War build that just doesn't die even if you have 4 people against him lol.

CTF in GW2 will be toxic af. No one will play it.

Any mode in gw2 is toxic af becuase every class is rammed with AOE cc, dmg, or healing, and single buttons that do 3+ things, so it is the pot calling the kettle. The current sPVP 3 point system, do you really think it is a coincidence that power+mobility is now crept beyound beleif, and team work has never been lower, I say that with certainty as support-hyrbid is 70% of what I have played, which depends on team work. This playerbase (whats left of it) is now a power roam echo chamber, completely unaware how crept it is, even crept in how casual it has become, and that those specs are mechanically selfish by nature, fostering the opposite of team work. Play support for a month, and you'll see the abysmell level of team work even from plat players, they make 0 effort to encorperate your presense into their playstyle, let alone peel for you, unless it is indirect becuase they were killing that target anyway.


Something like CTF would encourage bunkers, ofc it would, but at-least it would also encourage team work to break those bunkers or else /loss. If they introduce complex pvp maps with multiple objectives I absolutely garuntee you it is just sPVP power roaming with more players, and still very little team work. Whos team has the best Wm1 zerg?, and then call it rotating. I also say that with certainty becuase I have seen countless plat players in my games bursting people down, then zerging off to the next point and not even stomping or sticking around to ensure it gets done (their support stacks stab and begin ranged res...). Its as if it is too above them to ensure stomps,  "l'm a carry.. leave the stomping to the low golds". Those are so called plat players, mechanical dps skill sure, but team work wise most of them are bronze, becuase thats what the current sPVP mode promotes from the game mechanics.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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CTF is really good with organised teams and not so good with randoms. Im not sure Anet wants to go into such competitive team mode.

You can always solve unkillable or super mobile carriers with disadvantages for flag carrier.

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11 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Something like CTF would encourage bunkers, ofc it would, but at-least it would also encourage team work to break those bunkers or else /loss. If they introduce complex pvp maps with multiple objectives I absolutely garuntee you it is just sPVP power roaming with more players, and still very little team work. 

CTF would not at all encourage teamwork. If you never played Spirit Watch when that map first released then there's no point continuing this conversation because you have 0 experience on what CTF was like in GW2.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

CTF would not at all encourage teamwork. If you never played Spirit Watch when that map first released then there's no point continuing this conversation because you have 0 experience on what CTF was like in GW2.

I don't base my opinions of a game mode entirely on one companies bad implimentation of it, and years ago at that. I have played a few games, even FPS, where CTF was enjoyable, and fostered team work. There are similar modes, like the cart in TF2, which focused on 1 objective, and very much encouraged team work. 1 objective simply works better in solo q settings, multiple objective modes will always suffer in teamwork unless it is premade, as their are too many captains not enough sailors. Its not hard to see in sPVP now, nion every game 1 person goes far at the start to live out their boyce 1v1 dream, leaving those at mid in a +1, or ping the map for all to go far and avoid mid +1, and that 1 DH ignores it coz he got big trap plans for the 4v1 on mid.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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12 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I don't base my opinions of a game mode entirely on one companies bad implementation of it

So what should GW2 have done differently for the CTF objective on Spirit Watch? What gamemode do you want?

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Yeah, CTF was (mostly) a joke due to how absolutely whack Spirit Watch is.  Though, some of that is because the map itself is terrible--they could go a long way to fix that to make it actually fun.

But, with GW2 it almost seems if the constraints have to be around capture mechanics of some sort.  Maybe something like third team added (5v5v5) or having to simultaneously hold nodes to score points (not additive like now but all or nothing). 

If nothing else, they could look to old games for ideas.  Specifically, FPS like Unreal Tournament, some of those modes could be pretty fun in GW2 context, and also stick to the 'arena' nature of sPvP.  

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Spirit watch is  not CTF.  At least not classic CTF as most games have it. Here I mostly think about fps games.

2 flags, one for each team, you can only cap if your flag is at home. Wow WSG is what I would say a classic CTF.

Spirit watch is more of a mix of bombing run and 3 point king of the hill. I dont  know how Spirit watch played at competitive level but it seems a bit  of all over the place, very dispersed.

UT2k4 (and other iterations) had great game modes.  Its definitely a game I compare others often. A good Assault map could fit any  game but than its really about the map itself.

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